Top 22 Apps Similar to Nama Binatang Bahasa Inggris

Cara mudah mengajarkan anak tentang bermacam-macam binatang.
Belajar Mengenal Binatang
endonesa Labs
Top Smart & Smart Kids Education Application Animal orVariousAnimal Edition
Belajar Nama Binatang 2.0
The best application for learning animal names
Dunia Binatang 0.0.1
Aplikasi DuniaBinatang untuk kanak-kanak tentang namabinatang,gambar hewan atau gambar binatang. Selain itu denganaplikasi ini,anak-anak anda bisa mengenal berbagai suara binatang.Fitur: *Tidak perlu internet * Bisa offline * 135+ gambar hewan *45+ suarabinatang * Nama binatang dalam bahasa Indonesia * AnimalNames inEnglish * Nama binatang diurutkan dari A-Z * Mudahdigunakan *Untuk semua umur
Marbel Dunia Hewan + Suara
Educa Studio
Marbel Dunia Hewan - Aplikasi pendidikanyangmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal nama-nama binatangyanghidup di sekitar kita. Binatang-binatang ini telahdikelompokkanberdasarkan habitatnya.Ada 3 habitat yaitu : Udara, Air dan Darat. Sehingga anak andabisabelajar mengenal nama-nama binatang sekaligus belajardimanakahbinatang tersebut hidup. Aplikasi ini juga dilengkapidengan voicependukung yang akan memudahkan anak anda belajarmengenal nama-namahewan. Tersedia dengan ilustrasi yang menarik,yang tentunya akanmenarik minat anak-anak untuk terus belajar.Semogabermanfaat.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadisatusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi denganGambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainanedukasi yang disediakan.FITUR BELAJAR ANAK INTERAKTIF- Belajar mengenal hewan darat- Belajar mengenal hewar air- Belajar mengenal hewan udaraFITUR GAME EDUKASI- Ketangkasan Tangkap Telur- Ketelitian Tangkap Capung- Ketepatan Tangkap Ikan- Seni Warna Ganti Baju Hewan- Asah Otak dan Ingatan Urutan Suara HewanKELEBIHAN APLIKASI MARBEL- Gambar dan animasi yang menarik.- Dilengkapi dengan Narasi untuk membantu anak-anak yangbelumlancar membaca.- Tersedia permainan menyenangkan untuk mengasahkemampuananak-anak- Permainan yang kreatif untuk anak yang kreatif...- Cocok juga untuk umur balita, anak usia dini, preschool, TKmaupunPAUDAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif, buku digital anak, ensiklopedia hewan,belajarhewan.TENTANG MARBELMarbel adalah aplikasi pendidikan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2s/d6 tahun (edugames). Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajarbanyakhal dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Tersedia materipembelajaranyang akan membantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenalsesuatumisalnya saja huruf, angka, buah, sayur, hewat,alat-alattransportasi, warna, dan masih banyak lainnya. Yang palingmenarikdari marbel adalah : Permainan edukasi yang menyenangkan.Adaberbagai macam permainan yang akan menguji kemampuanmereka.Permainan itu terdiri dari : tepat cepat, ketangkasan, dayaingat,kecerdikan, asah otak dan masih banyak lainnya. Marbeldilengkapidengan gambar dan animasi yang menarik, musik orisinil,sertanarasi panduan yang berguna bagi anak-anak yang belumlancarmembaca.BANTU PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI INIKami mengharapkan masukan dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke:# [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Marbel:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)Marbel World of Animals-educational application that helps children learn to recognizethenames of the animals that live around us. These animals groupedbyhabitat.There are three habitats are: Air, Water and Land. So thatyourchild can learn to recognize the names of the animals as wellaslearn where the animals live. The application also comes withvoicesupport that will allow your child to learn about animalnames.Available with interesting illustrations, which will attracttheinterest of children to continue learning. May be useful.Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into onethatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The materialwillbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image +SoundNarrative + animation to attract children's interest inlearning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educationalgamesprovided.FEATURES INTERACTIVE LEARNING CHILD- Learn to recognize the land animals- Learn to recognize Hewar water- Learn to recognize animals airFEATURE GAME EDUCATION- Agility Fish Eggs- Accuracy Capture Dragonflies- Accuracy Catch Fish- Art Animal Color Change Clothes- Brain and Memory Sequence Animal SoundsEXCESS APPLICATION Marbel- Graphics and animations are interesting.- Equipped with a narrative to help children who have notreadfluently.- There are fun games to hone the skills of children- The games are creative for creative child ...- Suitable for age, early childhood, preschool, kindergartenandearly childhoodThese applications can be classified into children's learningapps,educational apps, educational games, book learning,interactivelearning, digital children's books, encyclopediasanimals, animallearning.ON MarbelMarbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s /d6 years (Edugames). Together Marbel, children can learn a lotofthings in a fun way. There are teaching materials that willhelpchildren to learn about something, for example onlyletters,numbers, fruits, vegetables, Hewat, transportationequipment,colors, and many more. The most interesting of Marbel is:a funeducational game. There is a wide variety of games that willtesttheir skills. The game consists of: right quick, dexterity,memory,ingenuity, brain teasers and many more. Marbel equippedwithinteresting pictures and animations, original music, andnarrationuseful guide for children who have not readfluently.DEVELOPMENT AID APPLICATIONSWe expect your feedback and suggestions, please feel free to senditto:# [email protected] information about Marbel:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there'snoharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not onlygetpleasure in playing, but also useful knowledge. Learningwhileplaying .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children tolearn,along Marbel course .. :)
Animal Sounds 5.0
Sounds of Animals - Wild Animals, Birds
Belajar Membaca Binatang
Educational application that introduces and trains to readanimalnames.
Marbel Belajar Hewan + Suara 3.1.3
Educa Studio
Marbel Belajar Fauna - Aplikasi pendidikanyangmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal berbagai macam hewandiIndonesia dan dunia. Baik itu hewan peliharaan, hewan ternakataupunhewan buas. Setiap hewan dilengkapi dengan suara asli yangmembantuanak-anak mengenal suara hewan.Ayo bunda, kita ajak anak-anak untuk belajar mengenal hewansejakdini. Bersama Marbel Belajar Fauna, anak-anak akan dikenalkanpadadunia belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Selesai belajar, merekabisamemainkan beberapa permainan edukasi yang menarik untukmengujikemampuan mereka. Sejauh apakah kemampuan si buah hati..??Ayookita uji mereka lewat Marbel Belajar Fauna.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadisatusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi denganGambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainanedukasi yang disediakan.FITUR BELAJAR INTERAKTIF# Belajar mengenal hewan ternak# Belajar mengenal hewan di hutan# Belajar mengenal hewan jenis burung# Belajar mengenal hewan laut# Belajar mengenal hewan langka (baru)# Belajar mengenal hewan liar (baru)# Belajar mengenal Ikan Hias (baru)# Gambar dan animasi yang menarik.# Sound asli pada setiap hewan# Narasi untuk membantu anak yang belum lancar membaca.PLUS 8 PERMAINAN EDUKATIF# Bermain Tebak Gambar# Bermain Cepat Tepat# Bermain Dress Up# Bermain Tebak Angka# Bermain Match-3 (baru)# Bermain Ikan Super (baru)# Bermain Balap Lari (baru)# Bermain Save Orang Utan (baru)CARA MENGHAPUS IKLANAplikasi ini sekarang dilengkapi kemampuan untuk menghapusiklan.Jadi Ayah/Bunda tidak perlu khawatir, karena caramenghapusiklannya pun cukup mudah. Bisa melalui Potong Pulsa, GiftCardmaupun Kartu Kredit.Aplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif, belajar fauna, belajar hewan dan jenisnyaTENTANG MARBELMarbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d6tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancarayang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantuanak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka,buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyaklainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasiyang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan mengujikemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat,ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyaklainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik,musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anakyang belum lancar membaca.MARI KEMBANGKAN BERSAMA APLIKASI INIKami mengharapkan masukan dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Educa Studio:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)Marbel Learning Fauna-educational application that helps children to learn aboutavariety of animals in Indonesia and the world. Whether it'spets,farm animals or wild animals. Each animal comes withoriginalsounds that help children to know animal sounds.Ayo bunda, we take the kids to learn about animals from anearlyage. Together Marbel Learning Fauna, children will beintroduced tothe world of learning more enjoyable. Finish studying,they canplay some interesting educational games to test theirskills. Asfar as whether the ability of baby .. ?? Pligg we testthem throughMarbel Learning Fauna.Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into onethatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The materialwillbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image +SoundNarrative + animation to attract children's interest inlearning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educationalgamesprovided.INTERACTIVE LEARNING FEATURE# Learn to recognize animals# Learning about animals in the jungle# Learn to recognize animal species of birds# Learn to recognize marine animals# Learn to recognize the rare animals (new)# Learn to recognize wild animals (new)# Learn to recognize Ornamental Fish (new)# Image and an interesting animation.# Sound original on each animal# Narration to help children who are not fluent in reading.PLUS 8 GAME educative# Play Guess Pictures# Quick Play Right# Playing Dress Up# Play Guess the Score# Play Match-3 (new)# Playing Fish Super (new)# Playing Race Running (new)# Play Save Orangutans (new)HOW TO REMOVE ADSThis application now features the ability to remove ads. Sothefather / mother not to worry, because the way it was fairly easytodelete their ads. Can through Toll Cut, Gift Card andCreditCard.These applications can be classified into children's learningapps,educational apps, educational games, book learning,interactivelearning, learning fauna, study of animals andspeciesON MarbelMarbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s /d6 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things inafun way. There are teaching materials that will help childrentolearn about something for example letters, numbers,fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and manymore.The most interesting of marble is: a fun educational game.There isa wide variety of games that will test their skills. Thegameconsists of: right quick, dexterity, memory, ingenuity,brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interestingpicturesand animations, original music, and narration useful guideforchildren who do not yet know how to read.COME TOGETHER TO DEVELOP THIS APPLICATIONWe expect your feedback and suggestions, please feel free to senditto:# Email: [email protected] information on Educa Studio:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there isnoharm in trying the app Marbel. Children not only have fun intheplay, but also useful knowledge. Learning while playing .. ??Whynot..?? Pligg we accompany children to learn, along Marbelcourse.. :)
Animal Sounds 7.3
Meet many fascinating animals. Animal Sounds, wallpapersandringtones.
Indonesian English Translator 3.3.5
Pro Languages
Translator from Indonesian to English, and from EnglishtoIndonesian.
Pintar Bahasa Inggris 1.0
AZMedia Labs
★★★★★ Belajar Bahasa Inggris denganmudahmenggunakan aplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris Mulai TingkatDasarSampai Tingkat Advance ★★★★★Jika anda sedang mencari aplikasi untuk Belajar BahasaInggrissecara mudah, maka aplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris ini adalahyangpas untuk anda download. Beberapa fitur dalam aplikasi inidapatmemudahkan Anda dalam mempelajari berbagai materi yangtelahdisediakan.Aplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris ini terdiri dariberbagaitingkatan materi, mulai dari pemula (Materi tingkatdasar),intermediate sampai pada materi Tingkat lanjut (advance)yangsemuanya disajikan dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia sehinggadapatmemudahkan pengguna dalam memahami materi yang terdapatdalamaplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris.************************Keunggulan Aplikasi:************************► Materi disediakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia► Menu Bookmark (Favorite)► Menu pencarian untuk memudahkan pengguna mencari materiBahasaInggris yang ingin dipelajari► Tampilan aplikasi yang sederhana dan sangat mudah digunakan► Tingkatan Materi di bagi menjadi empat yaitu:★ Tingkat dasar I ★✔ English Alphabet✔ Colors✔ Numbers✔ How to tell the time✔ The names of days (Nama-nama hari)✔ The Months of the Year✔ The Seasons✔ Date✔ Part of Speech in English (Jenis-jenis kata dalambahasaInggris)✔ Nouns (kata benda)✔ Singular and Plural Nouns✔ Countable dan Uncountable nouns✔ Determiners✔ Artikel A, An dan The✔ personal Pronoun✔ Possessive adjectives✔ Object Pronouns✔ Adjectives✔ Verbs✔ Interjections★ Tingkat Dasar II ★✔ Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are)✔ Simple Present Tense Part II✔ Have and Has✔ Demonstrative✔ This dan These✔ That dan Those✔ "There is" and "There are"✔ Noun Phrase✔ Quantifier✔ Some and Any✔ Much and Many✔ A little/little dan A few/few✔ Adverbs of Frequency✔ Adverbs of Manner✔ Adverbs of Degree✔ Modal Verbs (can and could)✔ Prepositions of Time✔ Present Continuous Tense✔ Have Got and Has Got✔ Prepositions✔ Imperative Sentence✔ Conjunctions★ Intermediate ★✔ Simple Past Tense✔ Was and Were✔ Simple Future Tense✔ Past Future Tense✔ Present Perfect Tense✔ Since, For, Yet, and Already in Present Perfect Tense✔ Be Going To✔ Past Continuous Tense✔ The Correct Adjectives Order✔ Adjectives dengan -ed dan -ing✔ Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary✔ Kalimat Pasif : Simple Present Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Simple Past Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Simple Future Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Present Perfect Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Present Continuous Tense✔ Elliptical Sentence: So/Too✔ Either and Neither★ Advance ★✔ Gerunds✔ Gerunds VS Present Participle✔ Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor✔ Not Only ... But Also✔ Both .... And✔ Question Tag: is, am, are✔ Question Tag: Do, Does✔ Present Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Past Perfect Tense✔ Past Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Future Continuous Tense✔ Positive Degree: As ... As✔ Comparative Degree: -er / more ...✔ Superlative Degree✔ A lot of / lots of / a lot✔ Pemakaian Kata "enough"✔ Too✔ Relative Pronouns✔ Conditional Sentence Type I✔ Conditional Sentence: Type II✔ Conditional Sentence: Type III✔ Both - Either - Neither✔ Prefer✔ To invinitive atau -ing✔ a number of VS the number of✔ another, other, others✔ Article 'the'✔ because, because of✔ . . .so . . . that . . .✔ . . . such . . . that . . .Semua materi sengaja disajikan dalam bahasa Indonesiauntukmemudahkan anda yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris. Di sampingitujika di saat anda membaca materi apapun di dalam aplikasi inidananda menemukan kesalahan baik itu kesalah ketik atau yanglainnya,silahkan menginformasikan kepada kami di menu kontak yangtersediadalam Aplikasi. Kami juga mengharapkan feedback daripenggunadengan membantu kami dalam meningkatkan aplikasi PintarBahasaInggris ini dengan memberi rating serta saran dan kritikatasAplikasi ini. Selamat Belajar dan Terima kasih.★★★★★ Learn Englishwitheasy to use applications Smart English Start Basics Level UpLevelAdvance ★★★★★If you're looking for an application to learn Englisheasily,then the application of Smart English is fitting for youtodownload. Some features of this application can allow you tolearna variety of materials that have been provided.Applications Smart English is made up of various layersofmaterials, ranging from beginners (Material basiclevel),intermediate to the material Advanced (advance) of whicharepresented in the form of Indonesian so it can be easier forusersto understand the material contained within the applicationPintarEnglish ,************************Application advantages:************************► The material provided in Indonesian► The menu Bookmark (Favorites)► Search menu to allow users to search for material they wanttolearn English► Display application is simple and very easy to use► Depth of material is divided into four, namely:The base level I ★ ★✔ English Alphabet✔ Colors✔ Numbers✔ How to tell the time✔ The names of days (names of the)✔ The Months of the Year✔ The Seasons✔ Date✔ Part of Speech in English (types of words in theEnglishlanguage)✔ nouns (nouns)✔ Singular and Plural Nouns✔ countable and uncountable nouns✔ Determiners✔ Articles A, An, and The✔ Personal Pronoun✔ Possessive adjectives✔ Object pronouns✔ adjectives✔ Verbs✔ interjectionsBasic Level II ★ ★✔ Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are)✔ Simple Present Tense Part II✔ Have and Has✔ Demonstrative✔ This and Reviews TheseAnd Those That ✔✔ "There is" and "There are"✔ Noun Phrase✔ quantifier✔ Some and Any✔ Much and Many✔ A little / little and a few / few✔ Adverbs of Frequency✔ Adverbs of Manner✔ Adverbs of Degree✔ Modal Verbs (can and could)✔ Prepositions of Time✔ Present Continuous Tense✔ Have Got and Has Got✔ prepositions✔ Imperative Sentence✔ ConjunctionsIntermediate ★ ★✔ Simple Past Tense✔ Was and Were✔ Simple Future Tense✔ Past Future Tense✔ Present Perfect Tense✔ Since, For, Yet, and Already in the Present Perfect Tense✔ Be Going To✔ Past Continuous Tense✔ The adjectives Correct Order✔ adjectives with -ed and -ing✔ Use of Modal Auxiliary✔ Passive Sentences: Simple Present Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Simple Past Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Simple Future Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Present Perfect Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Present Continuous TenseElliptical ✔ Sentence: So / Too✔ Either and NeitherAdvance ★ ★✔ Gerunds✔ Gerunds VS Present participle✔ Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor✔ Not Only ... But Also✔ Both .... And✔ Question Tags: is, am, are✔ Tag Question: Do, Does✔ Present Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Past Perfect Tense✔ Past Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Future Continuous Tense✔ Positive Degree: As ... As✔ Comparative Degree: -er / more ...✔ Superlative Degree✔ A lot of / lots of / a lot✔ Use word "enough"✔ Too✔ Relative pronouns✔ Conditional Sentence Type I✔ Conditional Sentence: Type II✔ Conditional Sentence: Type III✔ Both - Either - NeitherPrefer ✔✔ To invinitive or -ing✔ a number of VS the number of✔ another, other, others✔ Article 'the'✔ Because, because of✔. , .so. , , that. , ,✔. , , such. , , that. , ,All material presented in Indonesian deliberately tofacilitateyou who are just learning English. In addition, if at thetime youread any material in this application and find fault eitherthetype or the other mistake, please inform us at the contact menuisavailable in the Application. We also expect feedback from userstohelp us to improve the application of Smart English is bygivingratings and comments and suggestions on this application.LearningCongratulations and thank you.
Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris 2.1
Grammar merupakan salah satu elemenpentingsaat kita belajar bahasa Inggris dan ingin bisa menguasainyadenganbaik. Kegunaan dalam keseharian grammar sangat terasa, baikuntukpraktik bahasa lisan maupun tulisan. Namun, betulkahbelajargrammar itu sulit? Memang butuh kegigihan, ketekunan, sertacarapraktis untuk belajar grammar.Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yangkerapdigunakan, dari bidang pendidikan sampai urusan pekerjaanataukarier. Masalahnya, banyak orang yang menganggap BahasaInggris,terutama tata bahasanya (English Grammar) sulit untukdipahami.Akibatnya, muncul keengganan untuk mempelajari.Sebenarnya,Mempelajari English Grammar tidaklah sulit, asal giatberlatih danmempratekkannya secara continue. Aplikasi ini mengulasdasar-dasartata Bahasa Inggris (Basic English Grammar) secarapraktis,sistematis, dan mudah dipahami karena dilengkapi denganberagamcontoh soal dan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris.Aplikasi ini tidak memerlukan koneksi internetuntukmenggunakannya. Satu lagi, aplikasi ini GRATIS! Ayo,tungguapalagi, segera download aplikasi ini di perangkatandroidmu.Fitur:- Aplikasi offline, tidak memerlukan koneksi internet.- Dalam belajar rumus kalimat kamu perlu mengenali verb(katakerja), subject (subjek), pelengkap, direct object, termasukkatadan frasa. Untuk mengetahui perbedaannya perlumelihatcontoh-contoh latihan. Misalnya frasa kata kerja (verbphrase) :The have to do it.- Pahami penggunaannya dan jangan mencoba menghafal.Melaluipemahaman yang baik dan banyak latihan otomatis praktikpenggunaantata bahasa yang tepat, kamu akan terbiasa tanpamencobamenghafal.- Belajar grammar membutuhkan buku panduan yang berisicontoh,penggunaan, dan latihan.Silahkan download dan menilai aplikasi kami, kami berharapkamumemberi rating 5 bintang.Terima kasih, semoga aplikasi kami bermanfaat untuk kamu :)Follow kami di Instagram: is one oftheimportant elements when we learn English and want to masteritwell. Usefulness in everyday grammar is very pronounced, bothforthe practice of oral and written language. However, it's truethatlearning grammar difficult? It takes persistence, persistence,aswell as a practical way to learn grammar.English is an international language that is often used,fromeducation to employment or career affairs. The problem is,manypeople who consider English, especially grammar (EnglishGrammar)difficult to understand. As a result, reluctance tolearn.Actually, Learn English Grammar is not difficult, as longasactively practicing and mempratekkannya continue. Thisapplicationreview the basics of English grammar (Basic EnglishGrammar) in apractical, systematic and easy to understand becauseit is equippedwith a variety of sample questions and conversationin English.This app does not require an internet connection to use it.Onemore, this app for FREE! Come on, what are you waiting,immediatelydownload this application on your android device.features:- Application offline, does not require aninternetconnection.- In studying the formula you need to recognize the verbphrase(verb), subject (subject), complementary, direct object,includingwords and phrases. To know the difference needs to seeexamples ofexercises. For example verb phrase (verb phrase): Thehave to doit.- Understand the user and do not try to memorize. Through agoodunderstanding and a lot of automatic exercise practice ofusingproper grammar, you will get used without trying tomemorize.- Learning grammar requires a manual containing samples, use,andexercise.Please download and rate our app, we hope you rate 5stars.Thank you, hopefully our application helpful for you :)Follow us on Instagram:
English conversation daily 1.1.7
English Conversation is helpful appforlearning to speak daily English. The program contains lessonsthatgive special attention to English pronunciation andeverydaylanguage. With 100 lessons based on a realworldconversation.FEATURES• 100 English conversation• Commonly-used English phrases & vocabularies• Easy to store and manage your favorite items• Pretty UI, simple and user-friendly,support multi language• Huge amount of audio content, video content• Remind learn words or phrases• Speaking English• Voice recording*Easy to use, easy to understand, easy to practice!*Improve quickly listening skills, gain more useful andpracticalEnglish*No internet connection requiredDeveloped by Awabe.
English Pronunciation - Awabe 1.4.1
Learn English pronunciation for everyone, especially for beginners.
English For Kids 1.0
***** English For Kids - Educate Your ChildInA Different Way *****Educating a child is the foremost responsibility of theparents.If proper learning does not happen, it might hamper thefutureprogress of the child. The world is highly competitive andhenceyou have to enable your children to compete successfullyamidst theprevailing competition. We all have heard that people saythat thebase education of the kid is very important. So, let’s doit in themost interesting way.English For Kids is a wonderful app, which will impartusefulinformation to all the kids. In the world of today, it isveryimportant for every individual to learn English. So, don’tyouthink that it is a great idea to start learning English as soonaspossible for a kid?The app has 25 lessons subdivided into popular categoriestakenfrom closing life’s children:+ Alphabet+ Bird+ Flower+ Fruit+ Insect+ Number+ Pet & Farm+ Playground+ Season & Weather+ Sea Animal+ Shape & Color+ Vegetable+ Fruit+ Wild Animal+ Occupation 1+ Occupation 2+ Occupation 3+ People and Relationship+ Bathroom+ Bedroom+ Dining room+ Kitchen+ Trucks**** MAIN FEATURES ***_ Study major English with illustration, clear andlovelypictures. Learning English with image corresponding withword’smeaning is the easiest and fastest way for children tounderstandand remember._ English For Kids will improve the vocabulary and pronunciationofthe children in Native American English. Practicepronunciationcorrectly as soon as possible for kids is reallyimportant inlearning English._By touching the screen, the audios can repeat various timebytouching once on screen_ After spending some time learning the new words, yourchildrenwill have some funny quizzes to revise the lesson: 4 photoswill bedisplayed on the screen and kids just need to find thecorrect oneby listening to the audio._Beside learning vocabulary, there are quizzes which helpchildrenreview the lesson. 4 photos will be displayed on thescreen, kidsonly need to find the correct picture which iscorrelative withaudio_Moreover, children will have fun with simple games. There isarange of letters with random arrangement, and the role ofyourchildren is ordering those into a meaning word followingthepronunciation. This game will help your child remember deeplynewwords.Get the app and let’s get started with the beautiful journeyofleaning something new each day for your child.If you thing this app is useful. Please help us to rate, likeandshare my Facebook:
Marbel Mewarnai Hewan Darat
Educa Studio
Mewarnai adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkanbagianak-anak. Dengan mewarnai, mereka bisa menuangkanberagamkreatifitas mereka.MARBEL MEWARNAI HEWAN DARAT adalah sebuah aplikasi pembelajaranyangsangat bagus untuk anak - anak usia Paud sampai Tk. MARBELMEWARNAIHEWAN DARAT merupakan salah satu seri dari aplikasi MARBELMEWARNAIdirancang khusus untuk membantu anak-anak dalam belajarmewarnaihewan-hewan darat yang lucu.Melalui Marbel Mewarnai Hewan Darat, anak-anak tidak hanyabelajarmewarnai saja. Mereka juga bisa belajar mengenalbermacam-macamwarna serta mengenal berbagai hewan yang hidup didarat. Aplikasiini sangat bagus untuk meningkatkan kreativitasanak-anak.Dampingilah anak-anak anda dalam belajar dan pastikanmerekamenjadi lebih kreatif.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadisatusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi denganGambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainanedukasi yang disediakan.POINT KHUSUS--------------------------------------------------- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori unggas- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori reptil- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori binatang buas- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori ternak- Mewarnai mode brush- Mewarnai mode blokAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif.TENTANG MARBEL--------------------------------------------------Marbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d8tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancarayang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantuanak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka,buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyaklainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasiyang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan mengujikemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat,ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyaklainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik,musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anakyang belum lancar membaca.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :[email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)Coloring is a funactivityfor kids. By coloring, they can pour their diversecreativity.Marbel DYEING LAND is a very good learning app for children -earlychildhood age children up to Tk. Marbel DYEING LAND is one ofaseries of Marbel DYEING application designed specifically toassistchildren in learning coloring terrestrial animals arecute.Through Terrestrial Animal Coloring Marbel, children not onlylearnto dye alone. They can also learn about a variety of colors aswellas recognize the various animals that live on land.Thisapplication is great for improving children's creativity.Standyour children in learning and make sure they becomemorecreative.Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into onethatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The materialwillbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image +SoundNarrative + animations to attract children's interest inlearning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educationalgamesprovided.SPECIAL POINT--------------------------------------------------- Coloring marine animals poultry category- Coloring marine animals reptile category- Coloring marine animals wild animal categories- Coloring marine animals livestock category- Coloring brush mode- Coloring mode blockThese applications can be classified into children's learningapps,educational apps, educational games, book learning,interactivelearning.ABOUT Marbel--------------------------------------------------Marbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s /d8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things inafun way. There are learning materials that will help childrentolearn about something for example only letters, numbers,fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and manymore.The most interesting of the marble is: a fun educationalgame.There is a wide variety of games that will test their skills.Thegame consist of: a fast right, dexterity, memory, ingenuity,brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interesting imagesandanimations, original music, and narrative useful guide forchildrenwho are not yet fluent reading.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:[email protected] information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there'snoharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not only havefunin the play, but also useful knowledge. Learn while playing ..??Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children to learn, alongMarbelcourse .. :)
Arti Nama 1.0
Arti Nama- Nama dalam Bahasa IndonesiaMeaning name wasnameinIndonesian
English vocabulary daily 1.5.1
Learn English vocabulary daily fast and easy by 7 LEVEL ofEnglishvocabulary.
Everyday English Conversation 1.0
Learn to speak English with dozensofconversations material from a variety of situations!Are you in a need of an app to learn and to practiceconversingin English? You're at the right place, because here, wehave a freeapplication that lists the English conversation invarioussituations.Conversation in this application include:English conversation to say helloEnglish conversation to ask directionsEnglish conversation at the post officeEnglish conversation in a restaurantEnglish conversation in the schoolEnglish conversation at the officeEnglish conversation on the phoneEnglish conversation on holidayEnglish conversation in a situation of buying and sellingEnglish conversation expressing surpriseAnd many more!Dialogues are also subdivided into several category. First,aconversation consisting of two people, then three, and even uptofive people.Download to have the best English conversation applicationthatwe present for your. It's FREE!
Basic English Grammar 1.0
✪ This helpful app will help to improve your Englishgrammarquickly! ✪ This application includes: ✓ 237 grammar lessonswithshort and simple explanations which are easy to remember. ✓481test lessons with the short tests you can test your knowledgeofEnglish Grammar and vocabulary. ✪ Main features: ✓ To knowthemeaning of any words, you just click on it. Immediately, theappwill translate it into your native language. ✓ Add new wordstoyour vocabulary. ✓ Support more than 100 languages. ✓ Simpleandeasy to use.
Learn Animals
Muratos Games
100 animals in English language. 3 Learning Games. Pictures,soundsand spelling
Animal Sounds 2.0.11
Simplee Labs
Enjoy the beauty of animal sounds.