Top 22 Apps Similar to Atlas hub Free

Atlas hub 1.0.2
Tomas Minarik
Atlas hub je aplikace, zpracovávající atlas hub. Obsahujeinformaceo několika desítkách hub.Součástí aplikace je jejich určování dichotomickýmklíčem,obsahujícím sérii otázek pro určení houby. Mezi další funkcepatřívytváření uživatelských galerií hub a zaznamenávání jejichvýskytu.Atlashubis an application processing atlas hub. It containsinformationabout several tens hub.The application includes the determination dichotomickey,comprising a series of questions to determine the fungus.Otherfeatures include creating user galleries hub and recordingtheiroccurrence.
Myco free - Mushroom Guide 1.4.0
Myco free contains information about 50 types of mushrooms.
Atlas hub 1.1.2
Aplikace Atlas hub je originálníprůvodcesvětemhub, jejich sběrem, poznáváním a chováním. Jak užnázevnapovídá,jedná se o atlas hub rozdělený do kategorií(jedlé,jedovaté atd.),optimalizovaný pro jednoduché a rychléužívání.Aplikace vznikala vespolupráci s členy Českémykologickéspolečnosti.* Atlas hub (více než 140 druhů)* Kategorie - jedlé, jedovaté, exotické, zdravé a léčivé* První pomoc s možností přímého volání na linku prvnípomociatoxikologieTřeba narazíte i na něco jiného, než na houby... Atlashubisthe original guide to the world of mushrooms,collecting,exploringand behavior. As the name suggests, it is a hubatlasdivided intocategories (edible, poisonous, etc.), optimizedforfast and easyuse. Applications written in collaborationwithmembers of theCzech Mycological Society.* Atlas hub (over 140 species)* Category - edible, poisonous, exotic, healthy and active* First aid with a direct call to the emergencynumberandToxicologyMaybe you come on something other than the mushrooms ...
iMushroom Guide Free 1.1.2
iMushroom Guide Free is an original guide to mushrooms asspecies,their collection, recognition. This app is mushroom guidedividedinto categories (edible, poisonous, exotic, medicinal). Itisoptimized for an easy and quick use and has been developedincooperation with members of the Mycological Society.* Mushroom guide (more than 140 species)* Categories (edible, poisonous, exotic, medicinal)* First aidContains advertisement banner.Perhaps you'll encounter something else than mushrooms inthewoods…
Fungitron - mushroom guide 1.8.1
HIGHEST number of FREE mushrooms (70),withown, expert verified HQ photos. HIGHEST number ofcombinableidentification parameters (~150).IN CASE OF ANY ERRORS please contact us at [email protected] and we willbehappy to assist. 1-stars do not solve bugs, WE DO. :)◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►168 species are currently available in the extended database! 2newidentification criteria! (30.12.2013.)Buy subscription for ad-free app to access these andextraidentification criteria!◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►Fungitron is the new generation of mushroom field guides:✦ it has greater coverage of wild European and Americanmushroomsthan the usual paper-print field guides, still it fits onasmartphone,✦ at least one or several high-quality photos, illustrationsaredisplayed for the mushrooms (which are zoomable to revealtinydetails),✦ its content will be updated regularly (availableaftersubscription!),✦ medicinal and edibility information with icon badges,✦ tons of (to be precise: cca. 150) identification parametershelpto filter mushroom species, thus making theidentificationeasier,✦ there is a list for similar mushrooms, which are availableoneclick away,✦ the graphical details of the application is prepared with thesamemeticulous care as the content.Fungitron is unique, because you can filter mushroomsusingcountless parameters, there are plenty of good quality, ownphotosand the app is very detailed and can be usedcompletelyoffline.The application downloads its database after installation(werecommend to use a Wifi connection). Afterwards it can beusedcompletely offline.This version is free, contains 70 detailed species anddisplaysad. Ad-free version with more species is availableaftersubscription (check at you miss any important mushroom, please let us know andwewill include ASAP.Fungitron contains searchable scientific latin (synonymlatin),english, german and french common names. Spanish and russianisbeing prepared.All small-medium-large screen phones and xlarge screentabletsare supported. Fungitron also has tablet-optimizedlandscapelayout.This app contains more fungi species for free than iFungi,RogerPhillips Mushrooms, A-Mushrooms, Colorado Mushrooms, Mushroomspro,Mushrooms lite, Mushrooming or Audubon Mushroom Guide.Fungitroncontains far more sophisticated identificationmulti-filteringmethod, which is also able to identify non-typicalmushrooms.Please tell us your opinion and thoughts at [email protected] andwewill react immediately!Keywords: mushroom, shroom, fungi, funghi, fungus, Pilz,fieldguide, foraging
Book of Mushrooms 4.4
A nice collection of all major fungi species.
HungiFungi - a gombahatározó 1.8.1
This is a hungarian mushroom guide. Forenglishversion, check FUNGITRON - the definitive mushroom guide!◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►183 gombafaj érhető el a bővített változatban! (2014.09.13.)Az extra fajok és opciók eléréséhez és ahirdetésmentességhezvásároljon előfizetést(Menü->Névjegy->Vásárlás)◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►Az alkalmazásban ingyenesen elérhető a teljesalapfokúgombaismerői tanfolyam anyaga. További gombák előfizetésutánérhetők el. Részletek: HungiFungi a gombahatározók új generációját képviseli:★ terjedelemben nagyobb mint számos szakkönyv, mégis elféregytelefonban,★ egy-egy gombáról több fotót, illusztrációt is (aprórészletekigfelnagyítható módon) tartalmaz,★ tartalma folyamatosan frissül (előfizetés alapján),★ számtalan határozóbélyeg alapján szűrhetők a gombák,ígymegkönnyítve azonosításukat,★ egy gombánál a hasonló gombák összegyűjtve szerepelnek,egykattintással elérhetőek,★ és a program grafikai megjelenése aprólékosan kidolgozott.A program telepítés után tölti le az adatbázisát(javasoltaWifi kapcsolat), a továbbiakban offline módon is működőképes.Kulcsszavak: gomba, gombahatározó, gombalexikon, magyar
Mushrooms 1.1.6
Application is good helper for mushroom pickers.
General Knowledge - World GK 19.0.0
World GK in 25 Languages with over 15000 Questions &currentaffairs section .
Myco - Mushroom Guide 1.4.0
Myco contains information about 300+ types of mushrooms.
Historisk Atlas 2.2.3
Tag historiske kort og tusindvis aflokaliteterfra danske arkiver, biblioteker og museer med i lommen.Historisk Atlas formidler vores individuelle lokale historieogfælles kulturarv med en unik kortsamling som baggrund.Historisk Atlas er en delt digital formidlingsplatform somalledanske arkiver, biblioteker og museer har mulighed for atanvende.Der er endnu ikke materiale i hele landet, men "blot" destederhvor institutioner har ønsket at formidle lokalhistorieviaHistorisk Atlas. Savner du indhold i dit lokalområde foreslår viatdu henvender dig til dit lokale arkiv, bibliotek eller museumogspørger om ikke Historisk Atlas er noget for dem.Historisk Atlas kan også opleves på www.historiskatlas.dkHistorisk Atlas indeholder* 49 historiske kort over Danmark fra 1585-2010* Knap 4000 historiske lokaliteter (tekst + billeder)* Filter: filtrer lokaliteter på emner og perioder* Kortvisning og listevisning af lokaliteter* Om Historisk Atlas: insitutioner, sponsorer, nyheder---Keywords: atlas, danmark, kort, historie,historisk,lokalhistorie, seværdigheder, turisme, oplevelserTake historical mapsandthousands of sites from Danish archives, libraries and museumsinyour pocket.Historical Atlas convey our individual local history andcommoncultural heritage with a unique collection of mapsasbackground.Historical Atlas is a shared digital communication platformasall Danish archives, libraries and museums have the opportunitytoapply. There are not material in the country, but "just" theplaceswhere institutions have wanted to convey local historythrough theHistorical Atlas. Do you miss content in your area, wesuggest youcontact your local archive, library or museum and wonderwhetherHistorical Atlas is something for them.Historical Atlas also appears at www.historiskatlas.dkHistorical Atlas contains* 49 historical maps of Denmark from 1585-2010* Nearly 4,000 historical sites (text + images)* Filter: filter sites on topics and periods* Map view and list view of locations* About Historical Atlas: institutions then sponsors, news---Keywords: atlas, Denmark, maps, history, history, localhistory,attractions, tourism experiences
Terra Gombalexikon és határozó 1.0.8
Terra Gombalexicon and decisive
World History Atlas 3.41
"A journey through the fascinating history of mankind"
Roger Phillips Mushrooms Lite 1.1.1
Code Marshall
Note: This is the 'lite' version ofRogersMushrooms. It offers the same functionality as the Proversion ofthe same app, and therefore allows you to test the appbeforebuying the Pro version.The Lite version of the app stores a much smaller selectionofmushrooms within its database than the Pro versiondescribedbelow.This application offers the most complete series ofwildmushrooms and other fungi across Europe and North America.Itfeatures over 2,500 photographs of 1,560 fungi species,includingedible, hallucinogenic, poisonous mushrooms, truffles,puffballsand brackets and is the perfect guide for identifyingmushrooms.The species have been collected in the wild by RogerPhillips andother senior mycologists from both America and Europe.The imagesshow each mushroom from many different angles, and oftenin theirdifferent stages of maturity to aid identification. Alsoincludedare descriptive keys, details of size, shape, color,habitat, andsymbols to indicate edibility.Features:* No internet connection needed* Detailed texts on over 1,500 mushrooms includingscientificnames, synonyms (including European names)* Over 2,600 photographs, all zoomable using tap-to-zoom* Full database list with facility to search texts tofindstrings (e.g. common names)* Search by: Visual Appearance, Edibility (choice,edible,inedible, hallucinogenic, poisonous, and deadly), FungusColour,Normal Size, Cap Type, Stem Type, Flesh, and Habitat* Search by over 50 individual mushroom attributes withnumbersof exact and partial matches returned customizable* Color/symbols for at-a-glance check of edibility* Naming: The common names of the different mushrooms arealsoincluded together with French and German and other importantnames,the Latin names are all included.* Save species to ‘favorites’* Texts include details of microscopic analysis of sporesforgreater accuracy of identification
iFungi 1.7
The wonderful - magical world of mushrooms inasmartphone app for mushroom collectors and hobbyists, based ondatacollected by George Constantinides, teacher - fungalfloraresearcher.Available for iPhone and Android devices.ATTENTION:The app starts with a limited number of 24 mushrooms.Using the internal PayPal payment of 3.00 Euros you can unlockthedata and get the whole set of 250 European and NorthAmericanmushrooms.English translation by Angelos Papadimitriou.Each mushroom is presented with a photo taken at thefindingplace and described in detail about its fruition andedibility.iFungi includes:·Synonyms, local names, ecology, morphology, smell,taste,edibility information, medicinal properties.·Useful information on the morphology of mushrooms andtheiridentification, collection and storage.·Comparison with other similar species.·Information on poisonous mushrooms, and poisoning symptomscausedby each type of them.·An illustrated glossary of useful terms ofmushroomterminology.iFungi is an essential tool for enthusiast forest andnatureexplorers.The application allows you to shoot your own findings, takenotes,and save your photos to their position in order to createyour ownpersonal fungi collection displayed on an interactivemap.
Message Hub Mobile 3.6.0
Message of the Hour and Bible cross-reference in more than30languages..
Myco pro - Mushroom Guide 1.4.0
Myco pro contains information about 300+ types of mushrooms.
iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to MUSHROOMS, all in the palm of yourhand!They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millionsofthem are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstandaneager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure inmanykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replacetheinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Isitedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic?Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Learn where to find mushrooms, look upif theyare edible. Find inspiration and experience nature in awhole newway.CONTENT* 300 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 11 languages* Scientific identification* Online Mushroom Consultation* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE AND SCENT- size, color, hat, gills, stem, etc.* EDIBILITY AND TASTE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* FRUIT BODY TYPE- belly mushrooms, gilled mushrooms, truffle, etc.* HABITAT- deciduous or coniferous forest floor, etc.* FAMILY- Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc.* MEDICINAL BENEFIT AND POISON- antibiotic, Psilocybin, Muscarin, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILETopics: mushroom hunting, collect, fungi, grow,funghi,collecting, growing, identification, vegetables, trees,plants,recipes, vegetarian, vegan, cooking, collecting
La référence de la mycologie mobilepourapprendre à mieux connaître les champignons en quelques clics.Clé de détermination + leçons de mycologie interactives+conseils pratiques + principales confusions.Près de 190 illustrations et quelques 200 photographies.Développée par le Pr. Louis Chavant, Professeur Émérite delafaculté de pharmacie de Toulouse et expert mycologue depuis plusde40ans.The mobilemycologyreference to get to know the mushrooms in a few clicks.Determining key + mycology interactive lessons + tips +mainconfusions.Nearly 190 illustrations and some 200 photographs.Developed by Pr. Louis Chavant, Emeritus Professor of the FacultyofPharmacy of Toulouse and mycologist expert for over 40years.
Setas Setamania 6.6
Setamania es una aplicación el laqueencontrarás las setas y hongos más comunes de la PenínsulaIbéricajunto a su descripción y fotografias para poderreconocerlasperfectamente, Cuenta con un chat en tiempo real parasubir tusfotografias, compartirlas y poder consultar a los demásusuarioscualquier duda sobre el fantastico mundo Fungi.Con más de100especies distintas y más de 800 fotografias de alta calidadhacende Setamania la aplicación sobre setas más descargada en el2015 ylo que llevamos de 2016. Ideal para llevarla contigo acazarsetas.Setamania is an issueofwhich you will find mushrooms and most common fungi of theIberianPeninsula with his description and photographs to recognizethemperfectly, has a chat in real time to upload your photos,sharethem and to consult other users any doubt about the fantasticworldFungi.Con more than 100 different species and more than 800highquality photographs make the application on mushroomsSetamaniamost downloaded in 2015 and so far in 2016. Ideal to takewith youto hunt mushrooms.
Fungipedia Lite 2.1.0
Catalog with 500 species of mushrooms, +2000 setal photos andGPSlocation.
FishApp Atlas 1.1.0
Il primo atlante delle specie itticheitalianed'acqua dolce scaricabile gratuitamente su Android!Brevi schede descrittive arricchite da una veste graficaasciuttae accattivante, descrivono i pesci che popolano leacqueitaliane.FishApp Atlas nasce dall'idea di avere sempre a portata dimanoinformazioni dettagliate delle specie ittiche: per ogni specieèpossibile consultarne la classificazione, la distribuzione,lamorfologia, l'ecologia, informazioni riguardanti lariproduzionedel pesce e, se presenti, alcune curiosità.*** Social contest per raccogliere le immagini delle specieitticheitaliane! ***Le immagini delle specie presenti nell'atlante sonostatecollezionate grazie a un social contest online nel quale imiglioriscatti sono stati scelti fra i molti inviati dai pescatorieutilizzati per arricchire le sezioni dell'app.*** Contribuisci all'atlante! ***FishApp atlas ha bisogno del tuo aiuto! All'interno dellesezionidescrittive c'è la possibilità di inviare le vostre fotoseun'immagine non è presente. Aiutaci a completare tutte lespecie,inviaci la foto della tua prossima cattura! I miglioriscattiverranno selezionati e aiuteranno a migliorare l'atlante perun'appancora più completa!The first atlasoffreshwater fish species Italian downloaded for free on Android!Brief descriptions enriched by a dry and eye-catchinggraphics,depicting fish that inhabit the waters Italian.FishApp Atlas comes from the idea that you always have atyourfingertips detailed information of fish species: for eachspecieswhich can be found on the classification, distribution,morphology,ecology, information concerning the reproduction of fishand, ifpresent, some curiosity. Social *** contest to collect images of fish speciesItalian!***The images of the species present in the atlas werecollectedthrough an online social contest in which the best shotswerechosen from among the many sent by fishermen and used to enrichthesections of the app.Atlas *** Contribute! ***FishApp atlas needs your help! Within the descriptive sectionsthereis the possibility to send your photos if an image is notpresent.Help us to complete all species, please send us a photo ofyour nextcatch! The best pictures will be selected and will helpto improvethe atlas for an app even more complete!