Top 21 Games Similar to 直到我的膝蓋中了一箭

遊樂錢包 2.1.2
Fun Fishing 1.0.2
Once again there's a cute cat lost onthesea.You need to help it survive!Shoot the fishes in the deep sea within time limit. Howmanyfishescan you catch!?Be aware that the fork is limited but if you can shoot 6fishesatonce you gain one extra fork.Try your best to get the most of the fishes!Please share your comment with us on our Facebook :)Facebook: Center Site:***Join G+ now to become new game tester***
Oh!Cake! 1.0.3
Oh!Cake! is a simple game that you canmakeacake by collecting necessary ingredients using a rollingdough.Features:* motion sensor controlled dough* different cakes* several ending according to score* achievement systemKW:cooking easy fun cute
噗唧拉 1.0
哥吉拉是許多大朋友的童年回憶,帥氣的噴射光束總是最能吸引我們的心!如今哥吉拉要重回大螢幕了,在手機的小螢幕上當然也要有帥氣的身影!可愛版的噗唧拉雖然小隻,破壞力卻不輸大隻的哥吉拉!跟朋友比賽看看誰能造成最多的經濟損失吧!!如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** is a greatfriendof many childhood memories, handsome jet beam is always themostattractive in our hearts!Now Godzilla to return to the big screen, the small screen onthephone of course, also has a handsome figure!Lovely version of puff pull though only a small squirt,destructivenot only lose the big Godzilla!Game with friends to see who can cause the most economic damageit!!If you have any questions please leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook Page: problems center Website:*** Join Google associations qualified to acquire new gametesting.***
天花板沒有洞 1.2.2
天花板沒有洞卻一直掉下鑽石的原因,竟然是牆壁上有破一個大洞!?看透了這一切的是外表看似一隻貓,內心卻是一隻狗的名偵探 - 拉茲!明明有滿地的鑽石不撿,偏偏要跑去撿金幣,真是搞不懂它在想什麼。不過就算是這樣的它,你能夠幫助它完成撿金幣的心願嗎?如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** hole hasbeenfallingceiling reasons diamonds have turned out to be a bighole onthewall broken!?All this is seen through a cat appeared to be, the heart isadogdetective - Raz!There are obviously not picking up the floor of the diamond,butwhyrun to pick up coins, really do not understand whatitwasthinking.But even this is it, you can help it pick up coins tocompletehisdream?If you have any questions please leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook Page: problems center Website:*** Join Google associations qualified to acquire newgametesting***
星間飛行 1.0
想要嘗試飛上宇宙嗎?那就快來玩看看吧!如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** want to try toflytheuniverse?Come and play to see it!If you have any questions please leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook Page: problems center Website:*** Join Google associations qualified to acquire newgametesting.***
史上最實用的APP應用程式 1.0.67
你現在即將見證史上最實用的APP應用程式!目前的遊戲功能有:按摩(按得越快分數越高吃冰棒(最短時間內吃完冰棒搔癢(用最快的速度養死目標泡沫紅茶(用力的搖可以瘦手臂XD大眼瞪小眼(比賽不眨眼睛你能贏媽?多種超實用APP:燙睫毛、健康檢察、退熱貼、暖暖包、除濕、光合作用分手安慰程式(失戀的時候最需要的!)電蚊拍(看到蚊子就用力打下去)耳溫槍(來看看你發燒了沒有)刮鬍刀(男人每天刮鬍子必備!光速刀(跟朋友來場星際大戰吧!龍五的槍(還可以補子彈喔!手榴彈(千萬不要真的丟出去黑XD按摩棒(痠痛的時候最需要嚇人按鈕(18禁 小朋友和老人千萬不要點 很恐怖的!轉酒瓶(派對遊戲專用 轉到誰 誰就XXOO香菸盒(交際應酬必備!打火機(有時候點不起來!?電擊棒(遇到壞人的時候就電他魔術硬幣(讓身邊的朋友大吃一驚跑步機(看看你可以跑多快數羊(睡不著專用花瓣占卜( 他愛我~他不愛我煎蛋(小心不要燒焦風鈴(清靜一下扇子(天氣很熱可以扇一下月餅禮盒(不用愁沒禮物送人了XD衛生紙(每天都會用到丟硬幣(拿捏不定主意的時候最好用丟骰子(請勿拿來賭博!龜派氣功(哈咩哈咩哈!!鋼鐵人光束(帥氣的光束大聲板手(你是在大聲甚麼拉!讀心術(超神奇的拉螺旋丸(一個人拿著 一個人負責集氣神奇海螺(有任何問題都可以問海螺喔節拍器(滴答滴答 超有節奏感的!等等各種神奇又實用的功能應有盡有。如果有想到新奇的實用功能想分享的話,也可以在評錀上或官網上推薦給我們。你的點子就有機會出現在史上最實用的APP裡面喔!心動嗎? 還不趕快拿起你的智慧型手機,趕快下載!本APP純屬博君一笑,切勿認真對待如果實用純屬巧合。有任何問題的話歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:官方網站:http://yodawnla.com靈感來源 感謝 "This Group Of People 這群人"的爆笑APP應用程式影片這群人官方粉絲:請無視以下文章========本遊戲是根據"這群人"的爆笑APP為靈感所作出來的惡搞休閒小遊戲,裡面的內容相當的簡單卻相當實用,不管是拿來打蚊子或者用光劍砍殺討厭的人都是一絕,裡面的暖暖包更可以讓你在寒冷的時候拿出來溫暖雙手!想知道搔癢遊戲的正確玩法嗎?對著熟睡的朋友,在他耳邊播出惡魔的笑聲,如果造成友情糾紛我們不負責喔。You are now abouttowitness the history of the most practical applications APP!The current game features include:Massage (by the faster the higher the scoreEating popsicles (the shortest time eating popsiclesItching (the fastest goal to raise the deadBubble tea (thin arm can shake hard XD大眼瞪小眼 (do not blink you can win the game mom?A variety of ultra-practical APP: hot eyelashes,healthinspections and cooling paste, Nuannuan Bao,dehumidification,photosynthesisComfort break program (lovelorn when most needed!)Mosquito (see swatted mosquitoes)Ear thermometer (to see if you do not have a fever)Razors (men shave every day essential!Lightspeed Knife (Star Wars games with friends now!Five Long guns (you can also make bullets Oh!Grenade (Do not really throw out black XDVibrators (sore when most neededScary buttons (18 ban children and the elderly, do not pointveryscary!Turn the bottle (party game dedicated to anyone who will XXOOCigarette box (socializing necessary!Lighters (sometimes point is not up!?Electric shock stick (the bad guys when it came to power, heMagic Coin (let her friends by surpriseTreadmill (see if you can run fastCounting sheep (sleep dedicatedPetals divination (he loves me - he does not love meOmelette (Be careful not to scorchCampanula (quiet aboutFan (hot weather what can fansMoon cake gift box (do not worry not a gift of the XDToilet paper (used every dayThrow coins (just the right idea when it is best touseindefiniteThrow dice (Do not bring gambling!Turtler Qigong (ha baa baa ha ha !!Iron Man beam (beam handsomeLoud wrench (you are what pull out loud!Read minds (super magical pullSpiral pill (a man holding a person in charge of thegasgatheringMagical conch (have any questions you can ask conch OhMetronome (ticking over rhythmic!So a variety of magical and practical features everything.If you have thought of new useful features like to share, youcanalso recommend the official website or give us in thecommentRoentgenium.Your ideas have the opportunity to appear in the history of themostuseful APP inside Oh!Heart it? Do not hurry to pick up your smart phone,quicklydownload!The APP is purely Bo Jun smile, not to be taken seriouslyIf the utility is purely coincidental.Have any questions, then welcome to leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook page: website:http://yodawnla.comSource of inspiration thanks "This Group Of People groupofpeople," the hilarious movie APP applicationThe group official fan: http: // ignore the following article ======== =======This game is based on "these people" inspired by APP'shilariousspoof of casual games out, the content inside is quitesimple butvery useful, whether it is used to fight mosquitoes orstabbed witha lightsaber is a nuisance absolutely, inside NuannuanBao more canlet you out in the cold when the warmth of your hands!Want to knowthe proper game play itching it? Against sleepingfriend, the devilin his ear aired laughter, friendship causedisputes if we are notresponsible for Oh.
Treasure Looter 1.5.8
What's the definition aboutRPG?Yes,farming,leveling and refining for equipments.So now, that will be all about our new project,"Treasure Looter".*Feature*There are three classic classes for player to choose:Warrior, specializes in close combat fight but weakatflying-typemobs.Archer, the one who can fight against flying-type mobseasily,butweak at ground-type enemy.Sorcerer, skillful with area attack, but need timetospelling.Since players are able to change classes anytime when notinbattlescene, it is free to pick any class whencreatecharacters.The ability of player's equipment equals tothecharacter'sstrength. Players can refine the weapon, armororaccessory tolevel 30. Which means even a novice's gear canreachthe sameability with advance gear when refines to level30.The way to earn gold is from mob drops and sell them totheshop.Players can buy the different equipments to dressuptheircharacters. Of course, mobs will drop equipments, too.The bar offers the way for players to share theircharacterstoothers. Players can hire other players' charactertofighttogether. Players can also earn some commission fromsomeoneelsewhen your character was recruited.There are five chapters (ten stages in eachchapter)withdifferent themes and types of mobs. After theses, therewillhavethe challenge stage-The Abyss in daily quest. Just needtobewareof those mobs' powerful strength. You'll get points(PT)whenpassthe daily quest, it will raise player's rank inrankinglist.---------------------Welcome to visit our FB if any problem or comment :)
友情破壞王 1.0.9
史上最強最破壞友情的多人同樂遊戲Party Game來拉!內有各種有趣的競爭小遊戲,讓你跟朋友在一起互動的時候不怕沒話題!保持一顆競爭的心會讓遊戲玩起來更有趣!適合大人小孩的年度最佳同樂遊戲,現在馬上就下載吧~遊戲內各種小遊戲玩法:宇宙大戰爭(滑動手指移動戰機,放開手指發射子彈,每人5個生命,看誰先把對方給擊墜!彈接球達人(滑動手指阻擋對方的球穿越你的防線,每人5個生命,靈活的使用擦邊球是獲勝的關鍵!抹布擦髒汙(將抹布搶過來擦自己顏色的髒汙獲得1分,20分就獲勝!雙人打老鼠(打自己顏色的的老鼠可獲得1分,20分獲勝,如何阻擋對方的攻勢是個重點!超連打相撲(使出你最快的手速,盡全力連點自己方的畫面,成為最強的相撲王吧!旗幟爭奪戰(點了旗子就會變色,快狠準的把所有旗子變成自己的顏色就是贏家!金幣掠奪者(將所有金幣搶回自己的地盤就獲勝!不斷的掠奪把金幣通通搶過來吧!誰是釣魚王(魚嘴巴張開後放開釣竿就可以釣起魚來!每隻魚1分!20分獲勝!看看誰才是真正的釣魚王!新!OOXX(可隨意移動OOXX符號,三個符號連成一線就獲勝,唯一的規則就是沒有規則!你搶我奪(搶到金幣獲得1分,搶到炸彈扣1分,10分獲勝!要訣就是把炸彈堆給對手!雙人躲炸彈(躲避從天而降的炸彈!每人10個生命,想辦法把對方逼到死角就是致勝關鍵!地盤搶奪戰(想盡辦法衝入敵方的地盤,搶先獲得10分就獲勝!用力的擊倒敵人吧!※※※※※※※※※※ !警告!※※※※※※※※※※玩本遊戲前請把指甲剪乾淨,避免誤傷無辜任何友情上破裂糾紛請自行負擔如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** in thehistoryofthe most fun multiplayer destroy friendship game PartyGametopull!There are a variety of interesting competition within thegame,sowhen you are not afraid to interact with friendswithnotopic!Heart will remain a competitive game play more fun!Best suited for adults and children fun games to downloaditrightnow ~A variety of small game play:Big War (slide your finger to move fighters, releaseyourfingerfired bullets, each five lives to hit each other to seewhofirstfall!Playing catch up (on the other side of the ball, slideyourfingeracross to block your line of defense, each five lives,andflexibleuse of the key is walking a fine line to win!Rag to wipe dirt (the rag to wipe your own color rush over togetadirty points, 20 points will win!Double play mice (mice playing their own colors available1minute,20 minutes to win, how to block each other'soffensiveiskey!Even playing Super Sumo (resorted to you the fastest handspeed,evensome of their own party make every effort to screen andbecomethestrongest sumo king now!Battle flag (the flag would be the point of discoloration,fasthardquasi all the flags into their color is the winner!Gold Marauders (snatch away all the coins on their turfwin!Ongoingplunder grabbed all the coins come!Who is the king of fish (fish mouth open after thereleaseanglingrod can be! Each fish a minute! 20 points wins! Seewho isthe realking fishing!New! OOXX (free to move OOXX symbol, three symbols in a lineonthewinning, the only rule is no rules!You grab my wins (grab coins to get a minute, grab a bomb,subtract1point, 10 points wins! Tips is to bomb the heaptotheopponent!Double hide bombs (to avoid the bombs fall from the sky!Per10lives, pushed each other to find ways to put the dead is thekeytosuccess!Site snatch war (the enemy to find ways into the site, thefirsttoget 10 points wins the game! Knock down enemy force it!※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※! WARNING! ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※Before playing the game, please put a clean nail scissorstoavoidharming innocentAny rupture the friendship disputes YOUR OWNIf you have any questions please leave a messageonourFacebook.Facebook Page: problems center Website:*** Join Google associations qualified to acquire newgametesting***
你是在確認什麼拉-是紳士就撐過60秒 1.0.15
請詳讀使用規章之後再安裝遊戲使用規章0.你會被遊戲惡整,無法接受請不要玩。1.任何由本遊戲造成的友情糾紛本公司概不負責。2.因為遊玩本遊戲造成腦羞而導致的硬體損毀同樣不負責。3.你還在看這規章嗎?真令人驚訝。4.玩了本遊戲後必須到市場上替我們作五分的評價。6.你也許會想說這規章是怎麼回事?所以繼續往下看了。6.是說世界上最大的謊言就是按下我同意條文的按鈕。7.是說你有注意到第五條規章不見了嗎?8.你剛才確認一下對吧。9.然後第二條規章事實上也不見了。10.哈!騙到你了!11.我想應該沒多少人會看到這行。12.按下我同意之後必須將所有財產捐出去給孤兒院。13.然後捐款50給我們買午餐。14.之後了解到上面那些事實上不照作也不會怎樣。15.看到這行的你太認真了,不適合玩這款遊戲,請解除安裝。16.如果真的很想玩看看的話也是可以啦,人家才沒有想要你玩呢,哼!17.廢話到此結束,好好享受這讓人腦羞的遊戲吧。如果有任何問題的話也歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:官方網站: 請無視以下文章 ========以下為迴避官賤字的系統檢查用?雖然這個只是個很簡單有趣的休閒小遊戲,但是相信很多紳士都已經打破了60秒的極限並且加速到了更快的世界去了。本遊戲用到了體感跟水平儀的功能,遊戲中更有許多不同種惡搞跟kuso的元素,除了詭異的笑臉,搖滾的香蕉,馬利歐的香菇都出現了!不時有各種搗亂的視窗跳出來干擾你忍耐的界線,各種大叔跟美女圖的背景更是亂到不行,遊戲中有計時間跟計分數的排行榜可以使用喔。本遊戲推薦給喜歡搞怪或者想整人的你,因為內容充滿了各種開發者的惡意,拿去惡整朋友也許也是一絕,要是一個不小心眼殘或者手殘就會落得分數歸零或者直接遊戲結束的下場,不過只要能撐過60秒就有機率出現脫衣選項!究竟你的集中力跟專注力夠不夠呢?Please read throughtheuse of regulations and then install the gameTerms of useYou will be the game the whole evil, can not accept, please donotplay.1 any friendship disputes caused by the game the Company takesnoresponsibility.Play the game as a result of brain shame hardware damage isnotresponsible for the same.You still see this regulations? The really surprising.Play the game for us to market evaluation fifth.You may want to say that this regulation is how it? So continuetolook down.6 is the biggest lie in the world, I agree with is to pressthebutton of the provisions.7 is that you have noted that Article V regulations gone?You just confirm it.Then the second regulation is in fact disappeared.10 Ha! Fool you!11 I think it should not many people will see this line.12.Press I agree to donate all property must go totheorphanage.13. Then donated 500,000 to buy us lunch.14. Learned above after those who in fact did not have to take asitwill not how.15 see the line you too seriously, and is not suitable forplayingthe game, please uninstall.16 If you really want to play look also can be friends, othersitdid not want you to play with, oh!17. Nonsense ends, and enjoy people brain ashamed games.If you have any questions, welcome to leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook Page: Website:http://yodawnla.comPlease ignore the following article ======= ========Avoid the the official cheap word the system checks?Although this is just a very simple and fun casual game, butIbelieve many gentleman has broken the 60-second limitandaccelerate to faster world. This game uses the thesomatosensoryContact Level function game in many different kinds ofspoof withthe kuso the element is more, in addition to the smilingfaces ofstrange rock banana, Mario mushrooms appeared! All kinds oftroublethe window from time to time to come out to interfere withtheboundaries of your patience, Uncle background with the image ofthebeautiful chaos to not count the time in the game can use!Rankingscores with the meter.Recommend to the game like Funny you think of the wholeperson,because the content is full of all kinds of maliciousdeveloperstake a prank friends may also be a must, if one does notholdgrudges the residue or hands residue will end up with scorestozero or direct game the end of the end, but as long as we canmakeit through the 60 seconds have the chance to strip option!whatyour concentration with enough attention?
Monster Trainer 1.0.1
You might have played VPet when you areyoung,now it's back again! Train your VPet and have a battle withyourfriends now!There are 36 creatures in the game. The creature will evolvetodifferent looking according to your way of training. Theattributeof creature might grow slower if you don't respond tothecreature's call. Take good care of your creature and it willpayyou back by wining every battle for you!There's no separation between VPet and battles! The gameprovidesBluetooth battle mechanism for you to fight your friends.One personhost the game and another one join, it's as easy asclicking abutton!There are three type of elements of the creature and theirskills: fire, grass and water. Fire>Grass,Grass>Water,Water>Fire. If you use the skill that is the sameelement as themonster, the attack will be more powerful! Since youneed topredict what type of element your opponent will use toattack inorder to win the battle, keep using skill that easy toguess willput you in a disadvantage position.You gain skill by training successfully. Higher the skilllevel,high the damage it cause; however, the side effect and energycostis also greater. It's up to you to select the best skill thatfitsyou!It's a good way to interact with the creature by playingtoyswith it. Petting it will make it happy and hitting it will makeitsad. The mood of creature is not link to the battle so there'snoworry about sad monster might cause bad side effect tothebattle.This game is linked to our YoWallet, which you can purchasemorecoins with it (and it's FREE!). Please refer to the side linkformore detail(or you can get it in game also)*** FAQ ***Q: How to evolve my monster?A: The monster will evolve in a day or two in real time. Thegrowthof monster will not be paused even you leave the game viaHome/Backbutton on phone. The monster will send notification to youonce itneeds help.Facebook:
Arrow In The Knee 1.0.1
There's a rumor in Skyrim thatpeoplewillbecome city guard as soon as then took an arrow intheknee.To maintain the safety of our kingdom, you will pick up yourbowandfind the best guards in the Skyrim!Feature:*Several special characters behavior*Unique and humor reaction when they take an arrow in theknee*Super easy game play
Rhythm Box 1.0
Rhythm Box is here for you to havefunwithmusic!We provide simple method that you can draw line on thescreentoplay music. It is simple and fun to play!If the build in sound is no match for your need, you canrecordyourown sound to play. With the build in recorder you canrecordanysound you can imagine so be creative and amaze yourfriend!Besiderecording with phone, you can also connect your phonetocomputerand copy sound file into game folder to gainrichersoundexperience!For you who don't like to play the same rhythm overandoveragain, we implement the free play mode. Sound will beplayedonlyonce under free play mode so you can try anycombinationanytimewithout doing all the erasing!We also provide 16 save slot for you to expand the lengthofyourmusic. It is possible to play the full song now!---------------------Welcome to visit our FB if any problem or comment :) site:
Kenolaba 1.0.2
Kenolaba is the kind of game youcouldspendsome time with family on the weekend. There are 2 kindsofcrystalballs in the game : red and blue. You will win the gamebypush 6opponent balls out.The rule is simple but it is hard to master it sincetherearedifferent strategics you can use to win the game. It'sperfectforyou if you like to relax for a while.The AI is super easy in the practice section for you togetusedto the game. You can practice a little bit and findotherpeople toplay together once you learn the rule.
用神劍闖江湖 1.0.14
剩蛋快樂 1.0.7
剩蛋老人今年又剩了很多蛋沒有賣出去,只好在剩蛋節這天把這些蛋當作禮物送給各位好孩子。不過偏偏負責拉車的麋鹿剛好迷路了,剩蛋老人只好自己背著禮物去發Q_Q翅膀沒什麼力的剩蛋老人必須要靠著煙囪來幫忙才可以免於掉到地上的窘境你能夠幫助他把所有的禮物發給各位好孩子嗎!世界的命運就掌握在你手中囉!在這邊也祝大家聖誕快樂~如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** eggsagainthisyear left a lot of elderly people do not have to selleggs,hadleft the egg's Day in these eggs as a gift to youboy.But happens to be responsible for pulling the car justlostelk,carrying leftover egg elderly had their own gifts tosendQ_QNo eggs left wing force the elderly must rely on the chimneytohelpbefore they can fall to the ground from the dilemmaCan you help him put all the gifts sent to you boy you! Fateoftheworld rests in your hands Hello!I wish everyone here a Merry Christmas ~If you have any questions please leave a messageonourFacebook.Facebook Page: problems center Website:*** Join Google associations qualified to acquire newgametesting***
還大平洋 1.0
怪獸入侵地球,但是我們只剩下最後一台機器人可以應戰了趕快與你的同伴一起操作Jeaqer機器人打倒邪惡的怪獸吧根據不同的行動抉擇會影響最後的結局與評價,人物與場景的互動也會有些微的不同打倒怪獸 .... 或者搞笑!?一切都在你的一念之中如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** invadedEarth,butonly the last one we can fight the robotSign operate together with your companion robots defeatevilmonstersJeaqer barDepending on the choice of action will affect the finaloutcomeandevaluation of interactive characters and scenes willbeslightlydifferentDown with the monster .... or funny!?Everything you an idea amongIf you have any questions please leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook Page: Troubleshooting Center Website:*** Join Google societies acquire new gametestingqualifications***
搖錢樹 2.0.15
不知道你有沒有想過,要是錢可以自己長出來就好了?聽說在遙遠的國度裡有一種樹樹上長的不是一般的果實,而是閃閃發光的金幣人們稱這種樹叫做:搖錢樹今天,我們成功的將這種樹在手機上培植了在你需要錢的時候只要搖搖這顆樹,金幣便源源不絕的掉下來!對於之前存檔損毀的問題我們深感抱歉。在此推出了特殊版本的搖錢樹作為陪禮。本版搖錢樹金幣生長速度極快,升級速度也大幅提昇。只是如果還是有遇到存檔怪掉的問題還請多包涵見諒,也請利用遊戲中的存檔偵錯功能幫我們找到問題所在。感謝各位的支持與諒解!特殊功能:支援與其他遊戲連動,可將搖錢樹的金幣轉換到其他遊戲中使用喔!支援列表:打怪練功衝裝備節奏方塊毛豆大進擊巨人的進擊* 塔羅奇謀(製作中)如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:官方網站:
我的Icon在哪裡 1.0
相信用智慧型手機的你肯定遇過這麼一個問題:想要找某個App卻翻來翻去找不到icon在哪裡?為了避免這種事情重複發生,我們開發了這款超強力的遊戲來訓練你找icon的速度!遊戲中你必須集中你的注意力,嘗試著記得剛才要找的icon是哪個,同時還要在海量的icon海中快速的把他找出來。你有自信能夠打敗其他人,成為傳說中的達人嗎!?如果有任何問題歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:問題排解中心官方網站:***加入Google社團獲得新遊戲測試資格*** believe withasmartphoneso you definitely come across a problem: they wanttofind an Apprummaging find icon Where?In order to avoid recurrence of this kind of thing, wehavedevelopedthis ultra-powerful game to train your lookingiconspeed!Game in which you must focus your attention, trying torememberjustlooking icon is which, but also the icon of the sea inthemassquickly find him.You are confident can beat other people up to becomealegendarypeople do! ?If you have any questions please leave a messageonourFacebook.Facebook Page: Troubleshooting Center Website:*** Join Google societies acquire new gametestingqualifications***
史上最實用的APP應用程式 特殊權限版 1.0.1
為了讓大家可以使用一般版本的程式,一些需要比較特殊權限的功能都會集中在這個版本中喔。如果沒有這個特殊版本的話,很多人會連實用APP2代都無法用喔!功能都已經寫在2代的說明上了如果有想到新奇的實用功能想分享的話,也可以在評錀上或官網上推薦給我們。你的點子就有機會出現在史上最實用的APP裡面喔!心動嗎? 還不趕快拿起你的智慧型手機,趕快下載!本APP純屬博君一笑,切勿認真對待如果實用純屬巧合。有任何問題的話歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:官方網站:http://yodawnla.comTo give youageneralversion of the program can be used, some of thefeaturesrequirespecial privileges will be concentrated in thisversionOh.Without this special version, many people will notevenpracticalAPP2 generations with Oh!Functions have been written on two generations explainsIf you have thought of useful features novelty want toshare,thenyou can recommend to our official website or ontheassessment錀.Your idea will have the opportunity to appear in the historyofthemost useful APP inside Oh!Started? Do not hurry to pick up yoursmartphone,quicklydownload!The APP is purely Laugh, do not take seriouslyIf the utility is purely coincidental.If you have any questions welcome to our Facebook message.Facebook Page: Website:
Earth Crasher 1.0
2012 12/21 is the end of the world andearthisgoing to explode in 5 minutes!What will you do in the 5 minutes? I would crash theearthmyselfbefore it explode!We provide 18 ways to destroy the earth and you can be theonewhoend this world.Please share your comment with us on our Facebook :)Facebook: Site: