Top 45 Apps Similar to 逃脱游戏 谎言游戏

囚禁之馆 3.02
■■■故事梗概■■■对少女来说,这是一场难以醒来的噩梦诡异的森林洋馆,叫喊着要吃人的馆内居民,会说话的物品和各种可怕的怪物在现实世界中不存在的场景不断在眼前重现让这位失忆的少女苦苦探索着一个真相——“我是谁?”唯一的救赎方式,便是和居民们对决,夺走他们身上的钥匙然后离开这里请与少女一起,探索这个洋馆,找回记忆,并平安回家吧■■【给实况者】■■我们欢迎您对本公司的游戏(包括恶狼,夏娃计划)进行实况播出二次创作也可以进行!感谢您进行游戏但是禁止以任何形式录制,播出游戏内的付费内容。剧透也请加入标识避免给其他玩家带来困扰感谢您的合作,您的支持就是我们的动力 m(__)m ■■【效果音·素材提供者】■■ポケットサウンド  効果音ラボ  小森 平 びたちー素材館  効果音辞典  効果音g ひふみセオリー  効果音フリー素材:ジーソザイ かずち  ゆ~ぎりしぐれ。 まんぼう二等兵  ISAo.  soundorbis チョコミント  こっけ(西本康祐)  Yuli MFP【MarronFields Production】  荒井智典 志多つかさ  Haruichi  鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ) 稿屋 隆 スエノブ  たまねぎ  Kyaai  Yuno ilodolly  こおろぎ  Keido Hondatable_1MFP【Marron Fields Production】Cloria Sound Labs KeidoHondanatsumugi ISAo. soundorbis H5 audioDESIGN 鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ)天休ひさし■■【特别鸣谢】■■ シャル カニパン riyuta
危險人渣 2.10
Solve the mystery before you die. If you are given theopportunityto come back again, can you escape the trap of death andescapefrom the murder case?
四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
Wasabi遊戲 3.01.17
Studio Wasabi's games come together and become an app! You canenjoythe "Evil Wolf Game" and "Eve Plan" in this app.
绝望监牢 1.03.12
继「恶狼游戏」之后,Studio Wasabi推出的最新作品!导入新的推理系统!令人心潮澎湃的探索型推理游戏!请使用「探索」与「询问」解开谜题吧!
密室逃脫 - 文字獄 6.2.18
Jia-Ho Jian
The protagonist is trapped in a prison, and the words arehiscandlelight. In the cold prison, lead the way by combiningwordsand sentences. Can you help the main character escape fromprison?What secrets are there in this prison?
恶狼游戏 Another 1.06.16
That nightmare game of death reappeared! New characters,newvictims, new environments Everything leads you into theabysscalled the evil wolf game Please play the protagonistXuechengSurvive from this game!
小林正雪復仇之密室 1.3.172
Hong Kong, escape room, criminal investigation reasoning,puzzlesolving! The romantic and suave criminal policeman, whohasrepeatedly solved strange cases, easily dealt with a largenumberof cases and cunning criminals, until that happened...Thebiggestenemy was planning a huge conspiracy in secret.
Escape Detective Girl 1.2.7
cretia studio
Evidence reveal the truth.
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
我滿懷青春的有病測驗 1.8
Sick Games
✓ 世界第一款,透過測驗了解身心有病程度的APP ✓ 世界第一款,不是以三國、武俠跟棒球為主題的心理測驗遊戲!!✓世界第一款,可以測驗「祖宗18代」有沒有病的APP ( 請勿在農曆七月、清明節與重陽節使用 )✓世界第一款,針對分析,給予當天或當月的行事注意事項 ✓世界第一款,你覺得介紹很莫名其妙的遊戲========================================每個人,都有另外一個人格 「病病人格」好比你會對任何人發火,但你絕對不會主動跑去燒宗統府可是,我相信你想把火柴丟進宗統府的心,絕對比任何事情強烈!!最起碼...比燒鈔票強烈很多,對不對 ? 這種精神上的落差...就是「有病」 有病的程度,每一個人都不一樣,那要怎樣測試自己的病況?很簡單,首先下載《我滿懷青春的有病測驗》這款有病APP,然後安裝、點開接著,你就知道怎麼做了。發現自己是病病人不是什麼難事,最重要的是面對它、承認它、分享它 分享它你就可以發現另外一個更美好的小天地 ~共勉之========================================※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品 ( 因為很重要,所以再說一次)※千萬不要點廣告,因為這樣我們就會賺錢,就會做更多教壞囝仔大小的遊戲※請勿在農曆七月、清明節以及重陽節使用本APP的某個功能,被託夢請自行負責※本測驗沒有任何精神科醫師背書,因為我們屬意的傢伙,名字叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德※如果遊玩發現心理不適,有病制作團隊一概不負責任,啾咪~♥ PS小提醒:開通完整版~~ 只綁訂於一台裝置上,如果移除遊戲開通資料也會跟著消失,愛注意喔!Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ========================================超有病粉絲團募集粉絲中!!!隨時更新各種有病專屬資訊~~願病病神與你同在!
叫我万岁爷-唯美宫廷养成手游 4.3.0
Immersive experience of ancient court life
考上狀元就回來娶我吧 1.75
Otome antiquity to develop the game
美男革命 - 愛麗絲與戀之魔法 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.2.4
Travel to an incredible country and compose an unforgettableandbeautiful love with handsome men in military uniforms. Takingthefairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" as the worldview, combinedwiththe dramatic battle of the fictional "Red Army" and "BlackArmy",experience a splendid and beautiful love story!
Escape Utsushiyo 1.2.6
cretia studio
「脱出×ホラー×本格シナリオ」で織りなす ”うつしよ”の世界へようこそ。脱出の先にあるこの世界と二人の少女の真実を、あなたの手で解き明かそう。
三国杀 4.0.0
《三国杀》是一款集历史、文学、美术等元素于一身,原创经典策略卡牌游戏。每一局游戏中,玩家都可扮演不同三国名将,结合游戏身份,用智慧找出队友,战胜对手获得胜利【特色玩法】欢乐斗地主:二打一,特色对局 比赛竞技:组队比赛,赢得奖励 单机畅玩:无需流量,随意畅玩人机练习:人机对战,磨练技术专属武将:灵雎、诸葛果、留赞、李丰、朱灵、孙茹、凌操,手机专享畅玩【经典玩法】身份模式:5人、8人标准/军争场,随机扮演“主公”、“忠臣”、“反贼”、“内奸”,百万玩家在线斗智!国战模式:魏、蜀、吴、群,势力争雄,双将配合,为国而战竞技模式:新1V1,菜鸟练手,高手过招,一决雌雄欢乐模式:2v2、3v3快速场,随时随地轻松一局驱鬼逐邪:3人组队刷boss,开宝箱赢奖励守卫剑阁:4V4魏蜀争霸,新武将+新机械,看谁称雄 【全新体验】全新交互界面、游戏引擎,更轻快、更流畅多重触发酷炫特效,牌局表现升级 视频直播频道,支持旁观学习录像功能,经典战局存储、管理、分享,炫技无限武将方案,随意设置武将方案,一键开关 将力系统,让收集更加有趣,集武将皮肤得奖励三国杀问题反馈QQ群:681372961
百变大侦探-剧本杀扮演明星犯罪推理破案游戏 4.22.4
====亲爱的用户,百变大侦探是非常好玩的推理社交App,深受用户喜欢。我们仔细阅读了大家的评论评分,发现海外华人地区用户反应最多的问题是指我们网络不稳定。近期我们费了许多精力对部分海外地区的网络连接进行了优化,如果还遇到特别卡顿加载失败的情况,请通过用户反馈与我们联系,注明你所在的地区====「百变大侦探」APP是一款线上真人角色扮演剧本杀软件,明星大侦探综艺同款推理软件,精美场景搜证,拥有众多精品的剧本,丰富的玩法,每次游玩玩家都将扮演不同的角色,每个角色都拥有独立的人物设定。玩家需要通过阅读剧本,代入所扮演的角色,在不同场景搜索出破案线索,通过与其他玩家飙演技、实时语音聊天,互相指认来锁定嫌疑人,最终投票找到真凶,还原故事真相。主要功能① 语音连麦线上玩剧本杀 ② 众多的原创剧本,更有许多高品质的线下剧本 ③ 精美的地图,场景式搜证,支持私聊④支持剧情、技能、机关、事件触发等玩法 ⑤ 好友系统、私信系统,破冰不再是问题 ⑥ 一键邀请好友加入房间,允许围观
Legend of Yan Queen - 深宮大燕 2.0.13
Taomee Game
" Legend of Yan Queen " is a romance simulation game basedonapalace romance novel. With exquisite ancientChinese-stylegraphicsand exciting story, it puts players in thevivid YanDynasty. Thegameplay in this game combines a lot offeatures thatare fun andrelaxing. In a stress-free environment, youcan meet andbefriendseveral pretty guys in ancient Chinese costumeandexperience yourexciting life in the palace with them. Comeandwrite a thrillingand romantic story with your soul mate!GameFeatures -Level UpThrough Auto-Play Are you worried thatplayinggames will take toomuch of your time and energy? Worry not,becauseupgrades aremostly done by auto-play in this game. You don'tneedto invest alot of time in upgrading your character or rackingyourbrains forstrategies. All you need to do is play the featureyoulike most inthe game. The vertical design of the game makesiteasier for youto play the game the way you like and dominateYanwith ease!-Interact with Your Male Confidants There is auniqueletterfunction in this game, allowing you to communicate withyourmaleconfidants or even receive gifts from them. You canalsosummonyour male confidants for one-on-one interaction. Getreadyfor themost enchanting palace romance ever! -Aesthetic2DCharacters andSpectacular Scenery of Yan Archaic graphicsandgorgeous 2Dcharacters in an ancient Chinese style present youwitha visualfeast and bring you back to the magnificent palace ofYan.-PalaceTactics Help You Start Your Reign as Queen. Asthestoryprogresses, you will encounter a variety of opponents.Defeatthemwith clever tactics and you will improve your status inthepalaceand become the queen in the end. Engage in a battle ofwitsandwrite your own legend as an empress! -CollectDifferentLooksThrough the Clothes Changing System A diverseclotheschangingsystem allows you to appear in different looks.There are avarietyof beautiful costumes in the game for you tocollect!Costumes canalso be a way to accentuate your personalityand makeyou a uniquebeauty in the palace! -A Mixture ofCultivation,Management andExploration The game features a widerange of gamecontent, such ascharacter development and cultivation,homemanagement simulation,flower planting, harem decoration, andmore.All of which will helpyou create the ideal palace of yourdreams!-Make Friends and LetThem Help You The game has a richsocialsystem that allows playersto form a guild and grow inpowertogether. There are also featuressuch as voice chat andemoticonsto provide players with a morecomplete social experience
Hidden Survivor 3.77
Survival Game + Hide and Seek
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
叫我官老爷-九品芝麻官联动 5.3.01132093
Original hand travel business giant system innovation, todevelopfun! And thirty million players with the DPRK official,makefriends
女帝的後宮 - 禁忌逆後宮乙女手遊 33.0
「女帝的後宮」是一款戀愛養成手機遊戲。以英雄收集,英雄戰鬥,角色換裝,戀愛為主要玩法形式,具有豐富的遊戲內容,以時間的碎片性,零散性,遊戲的創新性,豐富性,結合現今的開發技術和運營模式,為女性用戶打造一座專屬的帝國以及全所未有的戀愛體驗!遊戲劇情講述了玩家一朝成為上凰的女帝,一邊對抗意圖謀反篡位的攝政王,一邊尋找真愛的故事。 [遊戲特點](1)英雄養成+戀愛:將英雄收集和戀愛養成玩法結合,用戶可以將不同特色的英雄收入到自己麾下,可以體驗和他們的戀愛故事52位英雄52個戀愛劇情+豐富的戰鬥體驗,大大提升了遊戲的代入感和可玩性。(2)換裝:遊戲將女性最愛的換裝遊戲和戀愛冒險結合在一起在尋找真愛的同時,還可以體驗不同風格的時尚穿搭樂趣。(3)專屬劇情:用戶在戰鬥的同時,可以體驗成為女帝的劇情伴隨著前朝和宮廷的陰謀詭計,女帝一步步的收攏權勢,並且和江湖上不同風格的英雄產生羈絆。[本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級][本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務][請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲]
美男戰國 - 穿越時空之戀 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.3.0
Do you want to get close contact with your beloved generalsandexperience the sweet voice when you open the game? Then youmustnot miss the "General's Room" system, which greatly satisfiesyourvision and hearing. A love game played by 20 million femaleplayersaround the world!
食物语新马版 1.0.37
Extremely popular antique style anthropomorphic RPG
Enthusiastic encounters, passionate love! Travel with the starGuoXuefu and meet a beautiful love together!
流言侦探-活着的死者 2.3.1
熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
甜點王子2 - 心動奇蹟 1.0.11
為了實現環遊世界蒐集甜點的夢想,烘焙飛行船啟航囉~ 意外發現的奇蹟食譜是否真的能帶來幸福劇情?模擬經營x戀愛養成超人氣女性向手機遊戲《甜點王子2》,帶妳展開動心羞澀的浪漫愛情! ● 心動瞬間 甜蜜解鎖 甜蜜劇情,觸動每一根心弦精美2DCG劇情圖,構築夢中每份想念 ● 環遊世界 邂逅愛情 心動異國邂逅,美男夥伴養成,攜手迎向冒險 ● 親手打造夢幻店鋪經營夢幻甜點餐廳,一同航向世界,收集神秘食譜 ● Q萌衝擊 穿搭時尚 華美服飾家具,設計自己專屬的服飾裝扮,構建專屬華麗舞台●人氣甜點 夢幻呈現 精美各國食譜,共築綺幻甜點國度 ● 豪華聲優陣容 頂級聽覺享受 精選聲優,動人台詞撥撩妳的心房
立即下載送——萌寵·牽緣狐! 一切遇見,皆爲宿命;一切緣起,皆爲羈絆...如果夢境再次降臨,您願意成爲我們的主人嗎?停滯在永恆時間裏的綺異夢境,因為你的到來而擁有了生命——陰陽交織之時,華麗的燈樂開啓盛大的慶典:櫻花中誕生的巫服少女,牽著懵懂兔靈前往現世; 藏不住尾巴的野貓蘿莉,隨獅子姬共赴百鬼夜遊...與她們結下的羈絆, 也許是夢,也許是命運的再一次降臨....萬物有靈,緣結千姬;宿命輪轉,皆爲羈絆...世間一切不可思議,皆在此地——神子大人,歡迎來到我們的世界。 ——遊戲特色——◆唯美和風◆日系和風的畫面,精緻唯美的場景,你可以在《御神姬》中自由探索這妖靈的世界,記錄你前所未聞的百妖異聞。◆雙僕系統◆世間妖魅,皆有溫度。收集屬於你的專屬妖僕,與妖僕締結羈絆,召喚強大的力量,一起尋找自身宿命的答案。◆傾心奇緣◆月下良緣,永伴三生。豐富的社交系統,個性大圖貼上傳,結識好友邂逅甜蜜姻緣,攜手踏遍四海三山,雙人組隊共闖情緣副本。◆高手過招◆人物華麗,細節入微,次世代渲染技術,超清畫質超越主機,暢爽的操作手感,華麗的技能特效,酣暢淋漓的超強打擊感,激燃戰鬥即刻開幕!◆眾人海戰◆跨服奪島,上演熱血海戰,艦隊衝鋒,整合全服力量,爭奪島嶼,搶奪寶藏,橫掃迎面之敵,合眾連橫,勝者為王。◆全新競技◆巔峰對決,風雲鬥法!既有休閒釣魚大作戰,也有血脈擴張的個人戰,大型五軍之戰,各路神子大人巔峰相聚,帶給你熱血激情的團戰享受,比拼一觸即發!【溫馨提示】*軟體分級管理辦法:輔導十二歲級。*遊戲部分情節涉及性、暴力、虛擬戀愛或結婚,十二歲以上之人始得使用。*本遊戲為免費使用,內另有提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。*請依個人興趣、能力、進行體驗,請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。使用者協定&隱私保護協定:*服務條款:*隱私政策:
熹妃Q傳-體驗後宮心跳之旅 1.1.7
"Xi Fei Q Biography" is a mobile game adapted from thebest-sellingGong Dou novel "Qing Gong Xi Fei Biography". Theclassic novel isreproduced in 3D animation, and the phone isupgraded. You can alsomolest the emperor and chat with your sistersabout gossip. You canexperience the happiest palace Fight life,enjoy the beautifulancient world!
明月之時 10.0
漢家江湖 1.2.14
《漢家江湖》 -- 漢家松鼠遊戲工作室出品 【遊戲特色】- 獨具魅力的世界觀與劇情設定,開放世界劇情走向- 變化萬千的強策略戰鬥,強調競技性的論劍系統- “人工開放世界”,用細節刻畫出一個多變的宏大世界- 50+可加入隊友,獨具特色的天賦人物刻畫- 100+可學習武學,超高自由度的套路搭配,這是個套路滿滿的遊戲!- 做為一個高自由度遊戲,怎能沒有捏臉呢!?【劇情提要】北朝與南朝的戰爭連綿不斷,在大地上留下了不可磨滅的傷痕。流離失所的黎民百姓飽受異族欺淩,身處內憂外患之間的中原武林四分五裂,面臨從未有過的危機。少林寺方丈、離憂谷谷主、恆山派掌門……接連離世,一場驚心動魄的陰謀正在醞釀當中。誰是仗劍而出的白衣俠士?誰又能拯救中原武林於危難?十大名劍:無名、紅雲、月白、東靈、紫霄……古已有之,頗具靈性,只有在真正的主人手中才能共鳴。千百年來,它們像沉睡的謎一樣隱匿於世。傳說十大名劍只有在亂世才會重出江湖,誰是十大名劍真正的主人?何時十大名劍才能發出刺破黑暗的耀眼的光芒?這是一部夥伴眾多、名士雲集的“群俠傳”,不僅有雄姿英發的少年辛棄疾、血濺桃花扇的李香君等知名歷史人物,還有清麗脫俗的桃花仙子、一襲瀟灑之風的大俠耶律紅、古靈精怪的屈心姑娘、冷若冰霜的張月小姐、琴劍雙絕的大師姐李佩芷、行動如鬼魅一般的霓裳、身世可憐的寒煙翠秀姐妹等原創角色。扶貧濟弱的江湖行俠與抗擊外敵的家國之戰相交織,詮釋著俠的精義。------------------客服郵件:[email protected]
我的人生大冒險 2.087.0001
創新概念《人生模擬》遊戲! 規劃人生路線、培養人格特長 發展真實人脈、影響世界繁榮開啟人生經營的全新篇章讓人生世代擁有光芒獨特的生命旅程吧!
Hotel Of Mask - Escape Room Ga 1.1.9
A mysterious hotel, nine weird tenants. Can you escape fromthehotel?
神都情俠傳 1.0.4
大千世界,眾多大陸縱橫交錯,其中不乏一些突破了位面障礙,穿越於此的傳奇人物!齊聚神都,演繹著令人嚮往的愛情故事。-超夯好康,VIP13赠送计划累計在線120分鐘送VIP4,第2天登錄送VIP5,第7天登錄送VIP7,第30天登錄送VIP13通過每日任務,闖關,打寶,最高能免費獲得VIP14,絕對佛心手遊。-姻緣邂逅,真實CP真實互動甜蜜溫馨的俠侶玩法,模擬真實戀愛體驗,從相遇-相識-相知-相戀,練仙途中邂逅令你心動的那個TA;舉辦婚宴,俠侶副本,體驗甜蜜悠閒的戀愛時光。-来去如风,轻功随行飞行八方720度無鎖定輕功,零死角高空飛行。三段式輕功,飛簷走壁無所不入。一起探索地圖隱藏秘密。-自由交易練功打寶暴打BOSS遊戲內置多種玩法,不論你喜歡單人闖關,組隊打王或是PK狂人,總有一樣適合你。跨服論劍,殺戮戰場,遠古闖關各式各樣玩法,讓你自由選擇,暢享逍遙的生活。眾多天氣系統、獨特的NPC交互任務、流暢的戰鬥體驗,讓神都永遠不失去樂趣。【溫馨提醒】※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息。
比心陪练-大神陪你打游戏 8.7.1
比心APP比心,游戏陪练大神,技术流、声音控等各类大神应有尽有。英雄联盟、王者荣耀、和平精英、绝地求生等各种主流游戏娱乐,都能找到你需要的大神陪你连麦!比心更有游戏玩家在线找大神开黑。找人陪你打游戏?就上比心APP 【技能大神在线带飞】游戏玩家,在这里开黑交友约玩众多热门游戏(英雄联盟LOL、英雄联盟手游、王者荣耀、和平精英、永劫无间、绝地求生PUBG、刀塔2、守望先锋、Apex英雄、第五人格、穿越火线等),由经过严苛考核的游戏大神领头,满足上分开黑上星吃鸡等高玩需求!超多游戏品类,海量优质游戏大神,让你畅选,找到属于你的游戏CP!比心官网:
英灵召唤师 1.18.3
Popular TCG mobile game, card battle
金融教父 1.0.24
日理萬姬 1.0.20
The day manages the world, the night royal Wanji
暴走英雄壇 2.5.7
Runaway hero altar: a can laugh abdominal martial arts game
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games 1.0.9
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games,DungeonKnightAFK World Sword Legend is a swordsman RPG mobile game,in thegameplayers will avatar a nobody, self-taught,recruitfamousswordsman, and run into the world. The game paysattention tothecombat array strategy with high degree of freedom,strengthensthecollection and the cultivation, changes the magicpower, thebloodcompetition, the peak traditional martial arts,experiencesthedifferent martial arts world. Game features: * themain plottwistsand turns. With a horse a sword, get to meet friendsin allcornersof the country, with a chivalrous spirit, challengegood andevilsupreme, save the world in danger. Super multi - linestory,hiddenstory waiting for you to explore. * classicmartialartscharacters, Qiao feng, Dongfang Bubai, Yangguo......Uniquemartial arts, military weapons,chivalroustenderness,confidante...... All kinds of heroes andheroines, thevast world,everything you want here have! * high freeplayerinteraction. Makegood friends, form alliances, andseekopportunities together.Heroes gathered, united from master,goodmaster accompanied byteaching kung fu; play togetherwithconfidantes and brothers. Thisis a flesh-and-bloodinteractivearena. * high free stunts. Thereare more than 100martial artsclassics to choose from. Eachfaction of the master ofmartial arts,the attributes of totalcontrol! A variety of schoolsystemcapabilities have their owncharacteristics, hundreds ofmartialarts moves, including sword,fist, leg, palm, finger, stick,gun,hidden weapon, high freecollocation, super strategic, helpyoudominate the martial arts! *high free line-up. Unique vitalenergy,strategy collocation,random combination! Personally matchthelineup, to obtain theswordsman's internal powertransmission,release the originalenergy. Random collocation martialarts moves,ten thousand kindsof routines for your combination, tocreate onlyfantasy dreambelong to you. * high degree of freedomexploration.randomgenerate the maze maps , refused to repeat, evencan go deepintothe adventure of wonderland, all kinds ofinterestinggameplay!Accept the reward task, enter the trial place,completethe world'sexperience training, a large number ofunknownmysterious mapwaiting for you to explore the secret, explorethelegendarytreasure, to obtain the ancient and modern knightleftbehind therare treasure. * high freedom, experience andgrowth.Automaticpathfinding, off-line growth, one-handed operation,stopplayinganytime. Meet your dream of buddhist martial artslife,enjoy thepleasure of rapid growth, and upgrade to zero burden!
一億小目標2 1.1.1
Ten minutes in a round, you can easily experience the ancientpeaklife from poverty to wealth.
Agent Escape : Room Challenge 1.3.5
Escape the room story adventure puzzle game, agent lost intheBerlin
Five years of love for you, let’s have a feast together!Celebratingthe fifth anniversary with you