Top 7 Apps Similar to Vogue Portugal

Vogue Italia 21.0.11
Browse Vogue Italy from your tablet.
Vogue Novias Vogue
Vogue Novias es la nueva aplicaciónparaAndroidde Vogue.Te indicamos las direcciones imprescindibles para todoloquenecesitas:- Vestidos. Firmas, diseñadores y talleres de referencia.- Flores. Ramos, decoración y arreglos florales.- Accesorios. Una selección de joyas, tocados, zapatos,velos…- Caterings. Sabores exquisitos para tu mesa.- Emplazamientos. Lugares increíbles para un marco único.- Fotografía y vídeo. Grandes profesionales que captaránlosmejoresrecuerdos.- Y mucho más.Todo el universo de Vogue Novias en una sola app.Vogue Brides isthenewAndroid application Vogue. We indicate the essential directions for everything you need: - Dresses. Signatures, designers and workshops reference.- Flores. Ramos, decorations and floral arrangements.- Accessories. A selection of jewelry, headpieces,shoes,veils...- Caterers. Exquisite flavors to your table.- Locations. Amazing places to a single framework.- Picture and video. Great professionals that will capturethebestmemories.- And much more. The whole universe of Vogue Brides in one app.
L’UOMO VOGUE è un brand Condé Nastunico,unesempio dell'eccellenza italiana. L'edizione italianaèdistribuitae apprezzata a livello internazionale. L'UOMO VOGUEèunriconosciuto punto di riferimento per lo stile maschilenelmondo,interpretato da personaggi internazionali di spicco eiconesenzatempo.Sfilate uomo, cinema, arti, design: per te storiedipersonaggiinternazionali, top celebs, artisti, sportivieimprenditori conuno stile unico.***Scegli la formula che preferisci: acquista la singolacopiaalcosto di 4,49€ oppure approfitta delle vantaggioseformulediabbonamento: mensile ricorrente al costo di 3,59€oannualericorrente, a soli 24,99€***Per modificare le opzioni di abbonamento o per disattivarlovisitailtuo account. Ad avvenuta conferma dell'acquisto, ilcostoverràaddebitato sul tuo account. Ricorda chel'abbonamentoverràrinnovato automaticamente. Il costo del rinnovoverràaddebitatoautomaticamente entro 24 ore dalloscaderedell’abbonamentocorrente. Puoi disattivare il rinnovoautomaticodal tuo account,esprimendo la tua scelta almeno 24 oreprima delloscaderedell'abbonamento corrente. Non puoi cancellare iltuoabbonamentocorrente prima dello scadere del termine.I numeri arretrati della rivista possonoessereacquistatiattraverso l’edicola integrata nella app.L'UOMO VOGUE isaCondéNast unique brand, an example of Italian excellence.TheItalianedition is distributed and appreciatedinternationally.L'UOMOVOGUE is a recognized point of reference tothe masculinestyle inthe world, the characters played byoutstandinginternational andtimeless icons.Man shows, cinema, arts, design: for you storiesofinternationalpersonalities, top celebs, artists, athletesandentrepreneurs witha unique style.*** Choose your favorite formula: buy the single copy at acostof€ 4.49 or take advantage of the favorablesubscriptionoptions:monthly recurring cost of 3.59 € or yearlyrecurring, only€ 24.99***To change your subscription options or to deactivatevisityouraccount. After confirmation of purchase, the cost willbechargedto your account. Remember that the subscriptionwillbeautomatically renewed. The cost of renewal willbeautomaticallydebited within 24 hours after the end of yourcurrentsubscription.You can turn off the automatic renewal ofyouraccount, expressingyour choice at least 24 hours beforetheexpiration of your currentsubscription. You can not cancelyourcurrent subscription beforethe expiry of the term.Back issues of the magazine can be purchased throughtheshrinebuilt into the app.
La Redoute CH-Mode & maison 3.2
Abonobo SA
Vivez la mode à 100% avec vosapplicationsmobiles sur iPhone, Android et désormais iPad...Téléchargez nos applications et craquez sans attendre pourtoutesvos envies mode, maison et décoration. Découvrez le shoppingplusrapide, plus simple et plus pratique, depuis votre tabletteetvotre smartphone, et ce, que vous soyez à la maison, chez desamis,en balade... une connexion internet vous suffit pour naviguerentoute liberté. Vous profitez de tous les services de La Redoute:maison, mode femme, homme, enfant ou décoration… vous retrouvezlespromotions et les nouveautés de la saison, et ce, en versionnomade!Mode, maison et décoration : retrouvez tous les univers quevousaimez en version mobileBénéficiez de toujours plus de looks, de conseils, de promotionsetde bons plans grâce à nos applications et faites-vous plaisirentoute simplicité ! Vous allez aimer naviguer sur notre sitelorsquevous le souhaitez et de manière très fluide, pour toujoursplus debonnes affaires et de tenues tendance ! N’attendez pluspourtélécharger des applications 100% pratiques ! Vous passeztoutesvos commandes lorsque vous le désirez : depuis votresmartphone ouvotre tablette, vous découvrez les incontournables dumoment, vousfaites des cadeaux à toute la famille, vous repenseztoute ladécoration de la maison ou vous vous offrez l’ensemble dontvousrêvez !Et toujours autant de services pratiques grâce à La RedouteLes applications mobiles iPhone, Android et iPad vous offrentlesmêmes avantages que le site internet traditionnel :faites-vouslivrer à domicile ou dans un point relais de votrechoix, lesretours sont toujours aussi faciles et vous allez adorerlalivraison rapide vous permettant de profiter de tous vosachatsquelques jours seulement après votre commande. Durant lapériodedes soldes comme tout au long de l’année, les applicationsLaRedoute s’affichent désormais comme des alliées modeindispensables!Experience the 100%modewith mobile applications on iPhone, Android and iPad now...Download our application and go crazy without waiting for allyourfashion desires, and home decoration. Discover the shoppingfaster,simpler and more convenient, since your tablet andsmartphone,regardless of whether you're at home, with friends, ride... aninternet connection simply to navigate freely. You enjoy alltheservices of La Redoute: house, women's fashion, men, childrenordecoration ... you find promotions and new products of theseason,and this, in mobile website!Fashion, home decoration and locate all the universe that youlikein a mobile versionAlways get more looks, advice, promotions and good deals withourapplications and treat yourself with ease! You'll love browsingoursite whenever you want and very fluid, for even more bargainsandoutfits trend! Do not wait to download applications 100%practical!You spend all your orders when you want: from yoursmartphone ortablet, you discover the best of the moment, you makethe wholefamily gifts, you think back all the decoration of thehouse or youoffer all you dreaming!And still many practical services through La RedouteMobile applications iPhone, Android and iPad offer the samebenefitsas traditional website: get it delivered at home or in arelay pointof your choice, returns are still easy and you'll lovethe fastdelivery allowing you to enjoy all your purchases justdays afteryour order. During the sales period as throughout theyear, LaRedoute applications now appear as alliesindispensablefashion!
ShopAdvisor 2.1.6
ShopAdvisor - Your personal shoppingconciergefor fashion, tech, decor and moreShopAdvisor is a personal shopping concierge for yourmobiledevice. Get access to insider knowledge on when, where, andwhat toshop, so that you can buy and discover the latest ineverythingfrom fashion to tech to magazine editors' picks.ShopAdvisor will help you decide:When to shop – we keep track of all of the things you love, sowe'lllet you know when the price drops or when somethingbecomesavailable.Where to shop – we track 200M products from more than16,000retailers, so you can find what you love both online andin-storeat a price you love.What to shop – we partner with some of the top magazinesandinfluencers so you can discover new trends, looks and ideas.Youcan also search for your favorite products -- we'll even giveyoupersonalized recommendations.Some of our magazine partners include: Cosmopolitan, MarieClaire,Vogue, People StyleWatch, Real Simple, Men's Health, ThisOldHouse, Cooking Light, Parent & Child, and many more.See why ShopAdvisor users #loveit:The Today Show: "[ShopAdvisor] is a good way to keep trackofprices… So you can watch certain things…when it goes on sale,it’sgoing to give you a push notification."The Glitter Guide: "Want to know if you're really getting agooddeal when a sale comes along? ShopAdvisor utilizes data to tellyouthe right time to make a purchase."CNBC: "If you're worried about when the best time to buy is,youmight want to consult ShopAdvisor…"The Washington Post: "This app works best for keeping an eyeonproducts you want to buy and then alerting you when thedesiredobject is likely to hit the best price."
Vogue Korea 보그 1.0.66
● 보그 코리아 디지털매거진 Vogue Korea digitalmagazine●가장 발 빠른 패션, 뷰티, 문화 예술 정보, 가장 크리에이티브하고 환상적인 패션 비주얼, 가장 파워풀한톱스타들의인터뷰와 매혹적인 포트레이트 사진.‘보그 코리아’ 디지털 매거진을 통해 그 생생한 정보와 비주얼, 그 속에 담긴 비하인드 스토리와 메이킹동영상을감상하세요!●디지털매거진 시범 서비스 기간 입니다.기간 동안 유료 버전의 일부가 무료로 제공되며 기능이 정상적으로 동작하지 않을 수 있습니다. 유료 서비스는 추후시작될예정입니다.●보그 디지털매거진은 태블릿 또는 5인치 이상의 스마트폰에서의 사용을 권장합니다.----개발자 연락처 :- FAQ : 문의 Email : [email protected] 문의 전화 : 0502-3398-0600● digital magazineVogueKorea Vogue Korea digital magazine ●The speedy fashion, beauty, culture and art information, themostcreative and stunning visual fashion, with the top stars ofthemost powerful and fascinating portrait photo interview.'Vogue Korea' digital magazine through its vivid andvisualinformation, contained in the story behind the making of thatmovieto watch now!● Digital Magazine trial period.During the part of the paid version is free and availablefunctionsmay not work properly. Fee-for-service is scheduled tobegin lateron.● digital magazine Vogue smartphone tablet or 5 inches or moreisrecommended.
Selectionnist French Trends 4.8.1
Welcome to Selectionnist, a uniquemagazinecurated fashion experience !« The press is unanimous! By mixing selections ofhighqualityinfluencers, Selectionnist has becomes a realinspirationaltrendbook »Madame Figaro - French Magazine« Selectionnist has hit on a powerful formula : thehand-curatedquality of a magazine associated to an unique shoppingexperience »ELLE - French MagazineSelectionnist enables consumers to purchase products they spottedinmore than 40 french fashions magazines: See It, Find It, ShopIt!With Selectionnist, explore the latest top french fashionmagazinesselections, search for millions of products spotted inmagazines& follow you favorite magazines.