Top 10 Apps Similar to SMS Alarms

Sms Alarm 2.4.1
Robert Nyholm
Sms Alarm is the application all the peoplewhoreceives important notifications by SMS needs. The applicationisperfectly suited for emergency responders, maritime searchandrescue groups, first aid organisations and others. In additiontothese user groups Sms Alarm are an application that alsofitssystem administrators, service personnel, janitors and others,yesthe application is suitable for anyone who can not missanimportant message.When Sms Alarm triggers on an incoming SMS, according to howyouset up the application, the unit will play a different messagetoneand vibrate in a specific way so you can recognize animportantmessage even if your device is in silent mode.Furthermore, anothernotification will be shown. Possibility toacknowledge by phonecall, SMS or return the received SMS exists.All received alarmsare logged to an alarm log that is accessed bythe application.These are the basic features, but you can set muchmore in theapplication so it suits you.Short user manualEven though many customization options are available Sms Alarmisstructured and easy to use. What you need to do to get startedanduse the application is to set it to react to incoming SMS. Youcando this by either setting the application to react to SMS'sfrom aspecific phone number (note that sometimes you need thephone numberset with the area code) or by setting a word that theapplicationreacts to if it's found in the received SMS. Besidesthese ways, youcan also set the application to react on regularexpressions. Thisis a little more advanced setting but verypowerful because it willreact on certain patterns in the incomingSMS. It's these patternsthat you set in the application.To get the application to alert as you want, you can choosefroma number of predefined alarm signals, or add your own. You canalsochoose between different vibration patterns. You can choosewhetherSms Alarms should follow the device's sound settings, if thealarmsignal should be played twice or repeated until the incomingalarmsnotification are handled.Acknowledgement can also be set if you need it. This can bedonein three ways, either by placing a call, send a predefined SMSorreturn the received SMS. If you decided to make a call, youwillalso need to enter a phone number that the application shouldplacethe acknowledgement call to. If you decided to send apredefinedSMS you need in addition to provide a phone number alsoenter atext for the message, this text is then sent as a SMS to thephonenumber you have set. However, if you decided to return thereceivedSMS, you do not need to make any further settings, thereceived SMSwill be send to it's sender when acknowledgement isdone.You can also set whether flash notification should be used,whichmeans that the camera flash will flash upon incoming alarmsuntiltheir notification has been handled. You can also set whethertheSMS logging should be used, this can be practical because itissometimes difficult to set the phone numbers which Sms Alarmshouldtrigger on. The logging logs all incoming alarms to a logfilenamed smslog.txt and is placed in the folder SmsAlarm.Informationlogged is time of received SMS, the sender's phonenumber andmessage text, this makes it much easier to set up theapplicationproperly. When logging is not needed anymore it shouldbe disabled.Finally, you can choose to disable the splash screenand the entireapplication itself.The last settings you can do is to set you organisationsname.This name is only used in the notification text.Sms Alarm also has a widget in which you can see somestatusinformation about the application and the last receivedalarm.Do not hesitate to contact the developer if you gotsomequestions or any problems.Finally, I would like to thank for the help I received withthetranslations. Especially Sven for the German and my mother inlawfor the Finnish.
SMS Alarm Clock 1.1
SMS Alarm Clock allows a third party withwhomyou shared a special keyword to remotely trigger an alarm onyourphone (even in silent mode!) and display a message for you.- Have you ever overslept?- Did you forget about an important appointment?- Is there an emergency, but your phone is on silent and youdon'tknow where it is?Allow your friends or family to contact you when needed bysimplysending an SMS that starts with your selected keyword. Therest ofthe SMS will be displayed as a personal message foryou.The alarm will slowly rise in volume, until the maximum volumeisreached, or until you stop the alarm. After 60 seconds, thealarmwill stop automatically, but the message will still remaindisplayedon the screen.It may not come in handy many times, but when in need, youwillbe glad you took a moment to install it.
SMS Alarm Pager BOS Notruf 2.0 2.0
SMS Alarm ist ein Tool füralleEinsatzkräftevon Feuerwehr, Rettung, Notarzt,Tierrettung,Rttungshundebrigaden,Wasserrettung, usw. die imErnstfall per SMSalarmiert werden. SMSAlarm filtert die Einsatz SMSaus dem"normalen" SMS Datenverkehraus.Sobald ein Einsatz SMS eingeht wird der entsprechende TextaufdemBildschirm angezeigt und ein Alarmton abgespielt bisdieserquittiertwird. Die Funktionalität gleicht damit dereinesPagers.SMS Alarm speichert eine Liste der eingegangenenAlarme.Diesekönnen jederzeit wieder abgerufen werden. DieeingegangenAlarm SMSwerden aus dem "normalen" SMS Verkehrkomplettherausgefiltert, dasheißt sie werden auch nicht mehr indernormalen SMS Applikationangezeigt.Die Festlegung welche SMS als Alarm SMS zu qualifizierensindkannüber die Absenderkennung oder einen bestimmtenTextinhaltfestgelegtwerden.SMS Alert is a toolforallpersonnel from fire and rescue, ambulance,animalrescue,Rttungshundebrigaden, water rescue, etc. are alertedin caseofemergency by SMS. SMS Alarm filters out the use of SMSfromthe"normal" SMS traffic.Once an application is received text messages inthecorrespondingtext on the screen and the alarm is acknowledgedtothis play. Thefunctionality is therefore similar to a pager.SMS alert saves a list of the alarms received. Thesecanberecalled at any time. The received alarm SMS will befilteredoutVerkehr completely out of the "normal" text, meaningthat theywillno longer be displayed in the normal SMSapplication.To qualify as the definition of the SMS alarm SMS can besetareon the station ID or a specific text content.
SMS ALARM sounds a loud alarm instantlywhenanimportant SMS is received even if your phone is settosilent.Define a specific sender or specify certain messagecontentsthatwill alert you to the important message.This super lightweight application runs inthebackgroundconstantly showing a notification so you can restassuredthat evenwhen you close the app then the alarm willstillbetriggered.Perfect for anyone who is on-call, works for an emergencyservice,iswaiting for important news or monitors a remotewebsiteorservice.Super simple to use - just install, set a specificsenderormessage contents to trigger the alarm and then relax withthepeaceof mind that you will always know when thatmessagehasarrived.No more checking your phone every 5 minutes just incaseyoudidn'thear the notification.No more wondering if the alert notification apphasbeenclosed.No more missed important messages!
AKO SMS Alarm Configurer 1.17
Application for configuring the new AKO-52044 GSM Alarm by SMS
G19 Alarm System 1.1
1.2.4 inch color display.2.99 wireless zones; 2 wired zone3.Low battery indication and 99 remote control and 99 detectors5. Support App remote control
G18 Alarm Kit 1.0
This APP is mainly for applicationatuser'shome, know the real situation when any emergencythinghappens,send the SMS to the user smart phone for notification.makethephone call, 99 wireless defense zones, 6 groupsphonenumberssetting, 2 wired zones, 107 recording history. recordthehumanvoice freely.
Alarma Control Estarnet 1.0
Alarma Control Estarnet le facilita el usodesusistema de alarma GSM, otorgándole una interfaz sencillaeintuitivapara que pueda controlar su sistema rápidamente.Graciasa AlarmaControl Estarnet, usted podrá activar o desactivarsusistema alinstante, también podrá escuchar en tiempo realelsonido ambientedel lugar donde posee instalado su sistemaCaracterísticas:- Dos niveles de acceso: UsuarioAdministrador,UsuarioNormal- Armado de sistema de alarma- Desarmado de sistema de alarma- Escucha de sonido ambienteNOTAS:La aplicación Alarma Control Estarnet no captura (por elmomento)elestado actual de su sistema, es decir, al entrar alaaplicación,ésta no le mostrara si su sistema esta armadoodesarmado.AlarmControlEstarnetfacilitates the use of its GSM alarm system,providing asimple andintuitive interface so you can control yoursystemquickly. WithEstarnet Alarm Control, you can activate ordeactivateyour systeminstantly, you can also listen in real timethe ambientsound ofthe place where it has installed its systemCharacteristics:- Two access levels: Administrator User, Normal User- Armed alarm system- Disarming alarm system- Listen to surround soundNOTES:Alarm Control Estarnet not capture application (for now)thecurrentstate of your system, that is, to enter the application,itdoes notshow you if your system is armed or disarmed.
Text Message Alert 2.1
Text Message Alert allows your PanasonicDECTphone to notify you when you receive a text message(SMS).When this feature is turned on, your DECT phone will useitsBluetooth feature to check your cell phone for newmessages.If a new message has been received, the DECT phone system willplaya voice announcement and ring.Important:If your cell phone supports MAP (Message Access Profile), thisappis not needed. If a MAP notification is displayed when youregisteryour cell phone with the DECT phone, please uninstallthisapp.Refer to the documentation included with your cell phoneforinformation about MAP support.(Samsung Galaxy SIII, SII, and Motorola Droid X support MAP.)Configuration instructions:1. Pair your cell phone to the DECT phone using Bluetooth.2. Launch this app and turn on the Text Message Alertfeature.The DECT phone will notify you when there are new messages.Note:* This feature works only when your cell phone and the DECTphoneare connected via Bluetooth.* This feature will not function while you are on a call.* You can select whether or not your cell phone displaysaconfirmation message before sending the notification to theDECTphone.Menu > Settings > Show confirmation every time
You can set the alarm for anappointmentwithin24-hr period by sending SMS to your friend,family.Four Easy Steps1. Enter phone#2. Enter short message3. Select time4. Push ALARM SMSFor Example:1. +1408xxxxxxx2. Please call plumber3. 3.45pm4. Push ALARM SMSThis will send SMS to remote ROAR app and set alarmfortheselected time. You can also set the alarm by sendingregularSMSfrom say on iPhone or from another Android phone thatdoes nothavethe app installed in the following format :ROAR# TIME MESSAGEPlease note that all the SMS that starts with ROAR# willnotshowon your regular Messaging/SMS in-built app.SMS rates as charged by your regular cellularoperatorwillapply.