Top 19 Games Similar to 三國猛將傳 - 刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在

三国志-英雄的黎明 1.4.6
三国天武~本格戦略バトル~ 三国志ストラテジー 1.6.7
Worldwide 30 million download breakthrough! Even if you do notknowthe Three Kingdoms hooked! Full-scale strategy / strategybattlegame!
三国群英传1 1.3.1
三国群英传1是一款由奥汀(Odin)公司出品的策略性小游戏,游戏的角色头像都是采用3d图会制而成的,在百人对百人大对决的战场上,采用了可调整镜头远近、具有3D景观的视角,武将技在高彩模式的画面下有着眩丽的光影效果非不中给力。三国群英传游戏与以往的三国游戏相同的是统一全国,不同的是它的时间(应该说是年代)的表示方法是即时的,也就是说它不是回合制的,而时间是以月来计算的。游戏的重点是战争而非内政,玩家可亲临前线,在沙场上杀敌,也可运筹帷幄。FBI Warning:仅供个人娱乐学习,请勿用于商业用途该游戏由 liangxc 移植!Three Heros 1 is a byOdin(Odin) company produced a strategic game, the game'scharacters arebased on the 3d map will head from the system, inthe hundreds ofpeople on a hundred battlefields NPC showdown,using adjustable lensdistance, with the perspective of 3Dlandscapes, generals skills inhigh-color mode screen with dazzlinglighting effects Lai is not inthe non-force. Three Heros game thepast three games with the sameunified the country, except thatit's time (it should be said thatthe era) representation isimmediate, meaning that it is notturn-based, and the time iscalculated in months a. The focus is onthe game and not theinternal affairs of war, players can visit thefront lines,fighting the enemy on the battlefield, but alsostrategizing.FBI Warning:For personal entertainment and learning, not for commercial useThe game consists of liangxc transplant!
三國有衝突-掠奪大亨 2.8.3
《三國有衝突》以中國風的畫面展現一個宏大的三國歷史背景.你將暢遊歷史篇章,在這個恢弘的世界中扮演君主,與神將、軍師、美人、甚至平民邂逅,開啟你征伐天下的野心之旅!你將是下一個野心梟雄曹操嗎?你將是下一個謀略天下的諸葛亮嘛?你將是下一個善用人才的劉備嗎?你將是下一個美豔無雙的貂蟬嗎?無所不能,成你所想!入駐《三國有衝突》,SHOW出你的三國戰略屬性!【神將養成系統】封將、特訓、試練等多元的培養方式,排兵佈陣,一騎當千你也行!【軍師特色系統】三軍增益BUFF,“攻無不克”說的就是三軍靈魂之軍師!【後宮美眷系統】三千佳麗,夜夜相陪,後宮“臨幸”還有獎勵拿唷!【攻城掠地】突破傳統,創新零距離的攻城體驗!軍功、玉石、甚至龍魂,等你來戰!【萬軍團戰】每日定時的大型多人線上副本,挑戰天下最高巔峰!攻城伐地、治水、華容道、主城建設等更多謀略體驗,貂蟬諸葛邀你一起玩!新服加開,火爆公測中!立即入駐《三國有衝突》,限時贈送軍師“諸葛亮”!※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。※本遊戲涉及輕微暴力,依商店分級法定為輔12級。※本遊戲免費使用,遊戲內部另外設有付費道具和項目。"Threestate-ownedconflict" In China the wind screen to show a grandhistoricalbackground of the Three Kingdoms. You will swim chapterin history,played the monarch in this grand world, and God will,militaryadvisor, beauty, and even civilian encounter, open yourworldconquest Ambition tour!You will be the next ambition Lawrence of Cao Cao it?You will be the world's next strategy Zhuge Liang incorrect?You will be the next use of personnel of Liu Bei it?You will be the next glamorous unparalleled Diao it?Omnipotent, as you think! Assigned to the "threestate-ownedconflict", SHOW out your three strategic property![God] will develop a systemMultiple training methods will seal, Gifted, Trials,etc.,formations, Ikkitousen you also OK![Strategist characteristics of the system]TRI gain BUFF, "conquering" the armed forces of the soul that isthemilitary advisor![Harem Meijuan System]Three thousand contestants, every night Xiangpei harem"graced"There are rewards to get yo![Encroaching]Traditional, innovative Zero siege experience! Medals, jade,andeven dragon soul, waiting for you to fight![Wan regiment war]Regular daily massively multiplayer online copy of the challengeofthe world highest peak!Siege Levitra, flood control, Huarong, the main citybuildingstrategy and more experience, Diao Zhuge invite you toplaywith!Add a new service to open, hot open beta! Now settled in the"threestate-owned conflict", limited gift strategist "Another"!※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.※ This game involves mild violence, according to thestatutoryclassification, supplemented by 12 stores.※ This game is free to use, within the game has paidadditionalitems and projects.
三國!這麼玩 1.3
《三國!這麼玩》不落一般三國遊戲的俗套,強烈特色的百人征戰場面,造型風格迥異的可愛武將們等你來蒐集,讓您在2015年重溫當年遊玩三國的感動!獨特的的即時技能連發系統,讓您在無盡的三國荒原說殺就殺!三國名將養成、擺兵步陣、真人語音元素、洗鍊裝備、跨服排行、強大軍團聯合爭霸、武將突破系統、跨服世界競技場、世界BOSS,讓策略遊戲不再單調!將你帶入一場前所未有的奢華遊戲體驗,讓你盡情享受每一場華麗的戰鬥。超強技能、韜略加成,超乎你的想像!◎火牛、伏兵、軍中、冰龍、堅壁五種技能隨你施放!◎20多種韜略隨你配置,增加軍團BUFF提升武將戰力!◎文韜武略,奇門遁甲,軍團韜略加成,提升你的武將,招喚出小萌撒豆兵來助陣!多項數值影響創造十萬種變化,戰局勝負難料!◎最多可同時上陣9位武將,武將萃取融合升星、武將帶兵數提升、兵種進階、裝備鍊化武器,並各自擁有獨特技能◎鍊化系統:可讓武將的武器、頭巾、衣服、配飾、篇書、坐騎提升洗鍊來增加戰力,並且新增洗鍊鎖功能~可保留橙色屬性!◎分久必合,合久必分,一城一地,方寸之爭!「聯盟爭霸戰」就是為了爭奪城池來獲得更多資源,玩家能夠對通過菁英地圖的城池進行攻打,佔領後可派武將駐守,並且隨著累計時間獲得爭霸點,快聯合你們的盟軍,在亂世中拿下一方屬於自己的領域吧。◎每週一0點選出戰力最強的七個聯盟為“本週聯盟七星”,第七到第一依次戰鬥,層層推進,當擊敗了前一聯盟後,才能繼續迎戰下一聯盟。◎擊敗三國梟雄,制霸爽感,讓你橫跨全伺服世界戰力排行,成為最強第一人!◎天下英雄,各顯神通!跨服競技場正式啟動!◎武將突破系統~讓你的紫將不在單單只是隻小兵~快來突破武將,創出屬於自己的陣容吧!◎世界BOSS新系統「天魔境」等你來挑戰!魔化孫權、魔化曹操、魔化劉備、魔化董卓皆有獨特的攻略方法~一同來挑戰!遊戲官網:粉絲團:客服中心: 一起遊戲:http://www.1767game.com1767App 粉絲團:
三國的紛爭:梟雄之亂 2.5.0
東漢末年,兵荒馬亂,黃巾賊四處劫掠,有一群諸侯便以武力自居,各地廣昭義軍,參與三國大小戰役!希望能用自己的雙手終結這場亂世…實現你的君王夢,亂世中大放異彩!全新三國策略類型,宏大戰鬥場面,新一代策略手遊巨作!★【百萬雄兵一指上手,手機上的策略對壘】★招募武將、募兵征糧、排兵列陣,雙手掌控戰役節奏,享受彈指間運籌帷幄的刺激感,統帥群雄建立屬於你的三國天下!★【輕鬆休閒無負擔,簡單操作好上手】★省去複雜的劇情任務,解放每日任務的束縛,只需在零碎時間動手便能掌控全局!★【諸侯決戰爭天下 名將對壘,強者爭鋒】★亂世英雄志在四方,心存天下!等待時機的有志之士紛紛起義…背負終結亂世的使命,與三國猛將騁馳戰場,迎戰敵軍一統三國。★【超強軍團社交,不只殺敵還能交友】★爾虞我詐是三國,城戰博弈間各國的戰術考量,絕對讓你愛不釋手!號召戰友組成軍團,打造最華麗專屬領地,醞釀謀略的合縱連橫,充滿策略的玩法,體驗真正的統御三國!【國家系統】 三方勢力僅能擇一,選其一就失去其二,你怎麼選擇?【國外爭霸戰】 加入國家的玩家,可與國內玩家爭奪該國王位!【軍團攻城戰】 天下崩分離析,各路諸侯割據!天下,是野心家們逐鹿的地方!【烽火狼煙】 可攻擊敵國玩家,戰勝後將獲得大量威望和獎勵,藉此提升官職!【群英戰】 不斷挑戰其他玩家,成為全天下最強的玩家!【三國爭霸戰】 為國家奮戰!對其他國家城池發起進攻,攻城掠地,拓展本國版圖。【跨服爭霸】與全服的諸多強者爭霸,一將功成萬骨枯,跨服“一戰成名”!★互動管道★官方網站:粉絲團:★貼心客服★個人線上客服:※依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷Eastern HanDynasty,hurried retreat, Huang Jinzei marauding, a group of princeswill beto force itself, the country wide Zhao Yijun, the size ofthe threecountries involved in the battle! Hopes to use their handsend thischaos ...Achieve your dream king, troubled shine!Three new policy type, the grand battle scenes, a new generationofmobile games strategy masterpiece!★ [millions of soldier a means to get started, the policy onthephone confront] ★Recruit troops, recruiting requisitions, array of soldiers,handscontrol of the battle rhythm, enjoy the excitementfingertipsstrategist, commander of the Three warlords build yourownworld!★ [without the burden casual, simple good overhand] ★Eliminating the need for a complex story missions, theliberationof the shackles of daily tasks, just in time to startwork piecemealable to control the situation!★ [the world famous war lords must confront the strongCommander]★Faces troubled hero, feel the world! Waiting for anopportunityof people with lofty ideals have saddled the end oftroubled timesof the uprising ... mission, with three Reggie ChengChibattlefield, unified the three countries against the enemy.★ [super Legion social, not only the enemy but also tomakefriends] ★Intrigues are three inter-city warfare tactics GameStatesconsiderations, definitely let you put it down! Legioncomradescalled composition, to create the most gorgeousexclusiveterritory, brewing strategy of vertical and horizontal,full ofplay policy, governing the three countries to experiencereal![National systems] three forces can only choose one, chooseoneloses the other, how do you choose?Showdown [foreign] countries to join the players, domesticplayersto compete with the Kings place![Legion] siege warfare world collapse separate analysis,thebrightest relive! World, careerist who compete in theplace![] Flames smoke signals can attack enemy players will get a lotofprestige and reward prevailed, thereby enhance the office!War [Beat] continue to challenge other players and becomethestrongest player the whole world![Three] battle fighting for the country! Other countriesfortressesattack, conquer new territories and expand theirterritory.Inter-service hegemony [strong] with many full-service hegemony ofamillion marrow will be off the ground, cross-dress, "afamousbattle!"★ ★ interactive pipelineOfficial website: http: // http: //★ ★ attentive customer servicePersonal Online Customer Service:※ hierarchical management approach according to the game,thisgame is supplemented by 12※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging
逐鹿三國2 - 君主降臨 1.6.6
一統三國-小兵的逆襲 1.3.1
2015全新三國即時戰略手遊《一統三國》全球首發!強辯樂團大咖代言!!專屬主題曲《你現在不是一個人》強勢登陸!!無國籍的主公系統,渡蒼生救萬民,數百位三國名將盡收麾下◎獨特的水墨畫風與直式風格,白天與夜晚真實呈現◎逗趣搞笑的劇情對話,顛覆的三國歷史◎還原真實熱血的戰場體驗,武將與士兵共同奮戰◎多樣兵種設計相生相剋,小兵也能戰呂布◎特殊戰場玩法部隊「疾行」瞬移,策略操控改變戰局◎獨特武將緣份,多樣的特色系統◎謀定而動一統三國,創造你的時代◎◎官方資訊◎◎Facebook粉絲團:官方網站:聯絡信箱:[email protected]
天天轉三國 1.0.2
Xiu Fly
第五代轉珠手遊巨作--《天天轉三國》震撼來襲!遊戲顛覆了傳統轉珠消除玩法,獨創塔防式戰鬥,全民化的簡易操作,堅決不抄襲不山寨,全新的玩法,頂尖的制作團隊讓您享受壹場酣暢淋漓的三國爭霸!精美Q版風,炫酷的技能特效,高品質的遊戲音效,精致的武將配音,所有的壹切都是為了向您呈現最新潮的三國手遊精品大作!在這裏,您將化身亂世中的英豪,招募天下名將,組建屬於自己的最強隊伍,聚金戈鐵馬,橫掃三國!!!Thefifth-generationtransfer beads hand tour masterpiece - "day by daythree" shockstruck! Game to subvert the traditional turn beadelimination gamesare played the original tower defense stylebattle, full of simple,determined not plagiarized cottage, newplay, the top productionteam allows you to enjoy hearty One fieldthree hegemony! Q editionfine wind, cool special effects skills,high-quality game soundeffects, dubbing fine generals, all of Onecut is to present to youthree hand travel boutique masterpiecelatest wave! Here, you willbe the hero avatar troubled times,recruiting world champion, setup his own strongest team, polyarmored cavalry, swept thethree!
三國戰戰戰-一指定江山 1.0
《三國戰戰戰》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位史詩名將揮灑出的成王敗寇的壯闊歷史。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!●跨服約戰,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬別還在伺服器內得意自滿自以為是天下第一了,跨服挑戰其他伺服器霸主,讓他們看看誰讓誰硬到叫爸爸~遊戲官網:官方Facebook粉絲團:※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Three war war war"gamefamiliar background of Wei, Shu and Wu-third of the worldstory,magnificent epic history of more than one hundred famous swaythewinner takes all. In order to reflect the three heroesusestrategy, Veda dominate the world, a unique style of gamesystemslineup armed forces, as well as generals fetters, magicskills andother features, make love three stories of the players,as long asfingertips, you can easily manage Three one hundredfamous,dominate the three countries.● Cards armed forces first hand travel policyultrahardcoreFront, middle and rear three services lineup, testall-aroundstrategic play, the only real strategist to commanding,dominatingthe world!● Higher Order generals Free lesson gold, GEEK can become atoughguyAscending Order generals unique system that allows you tocreatehigh-end generals, no longer have to worry about pumping lessthan6 Star card, you want the best generals, easy to developyourown!● strong Austrian partner aid, total group strength legionhardenough!Make like-minded friends, co-group three corps, have moreresourcesand more abundant corps, the strength to leap a thousandmiles!● brush their own equipment, systemic Gold my most hard!Indiana Super practical system, God himself will be able tobrushout the super loaded, not the hardest, only harder!● inter-service gathers, who crowded harder than IDo also complacent self-righteous world inside the server first,theinter-service hegemony challenged by other servers, so thattheylook hard to call my dad who Who ~Games official website: http: // official Facebook fan group: https: //※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
醉萌三國 6.4
歷史上的三國時代,英雄輩出,豪氣幹雲,留下無數戰役傳奇——現全新策略手遊《醉萌三國》帶著豪情俠義與至尊寶座強勢來襲;繽紛多樣的策略對抗,一起勇闖別樣另類的三國世界吧。====遊戲特色====★顛覆傳統SLG:顛覆傳統策略遊戲的套路,排兵佈陣,武將組合,引領智勇拼搏的全新時代!★豐富玩法:匹配模式戰、PVP競技場、跨服約戰、過關斬將、群雄割據、…數不清的戰役等你參加!★輕鬆戰鬥指尖微操:操作前置的回合戰鬥,降低玩家操作頻率,輕輕點擊,排兵佈陣,即可進入戰鬥!★創新玩法:獨特的九宮格戰鬥模式、搭配170多名角色300多種風格各異的華麗技能,挑戰極限!====特色系統====【一人多職】顛覆傳統,趣鬥三國-體驗變革全新的人物成長方式:建立角色的時候選擇戰士、劍士、道士、術士、醫師、蠱師;-玩家還能通過修煉其他職業的技能實現一人多職,增加了戰場上的種種變數,遊戲策略性進一步提高。【萌寵守護】拉風雙寵,全方位提升主人屬性-守護獸分為10個檔次,通過對應內丹進階。-守護獸等級為1~100級,通過消耗銀兩和食物升級。-守護裝備分為四種,爪加攻擊、鎧加防禦、配飾加生命、項圈加速度。【陣法系統】策略佈陣,玩轉馬上三國-陣法合成:陣法殘卷只能用來合成,陣法殘卷通過匹配戰掉落;-陣法升級:陣法可以通過消耗其他陣法進行升級;-陣法作用:配置陣法可以提高所有參戰單位戰鬥數值。====【聯繫我們】====※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色着裝暴露。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔12級:12歲以上使用。
三國群英傳(將星寶馬版) 1.1.64
※ 若您使用Samsung系列手機,建議您關閉下載加速器進行遊玩,避免下載異常。在遊戲過程中如有任何疑問,可以通過官方客服信箱與我們聯繫:《三國群英傳 Mobile》官方網頁:《三國群英傳 Mobile》官方粉絲專頁:《三國群英傳 Mobile》客服信箱:[email protected]◎正宗三國群英傳◎◎重現千人戰鬥壯大恢弘場面!經典將技全新體驗◎◎獨創戰場"君主技"!任敵軍千軍萬馬勝負也僅在您一指之間◎◎一統天下城池!與電腦勢力鬥智鬥力!征服群英◎◎武將試煉系統!跑酷練技真有趣◎◎強敵討伐,結交各路戰友激鬥三國群雄◎◎競技對戰,策略佈局,誰能奪取天下第一◎宇峻奧汀自製,正宗三國群英傳手遊。【遊戲簡介】《三國群英傳》延續群英傳單機系列千人戰鬥概念,結合手機畫面與操作,演繹經典。遊戲中玩家將指揮各路群英豪傑征服城池!仿如單機時代,與電腦勢力鬥智鬥力,進而一統天下!章節戰役將重現著名歷史事件戰役等您體驗!與好友一同殲滅強敵!與各路英雄PK競技!你不能錯過的《三國群英傳 Mobile》
硬硬硬der三國-武神轉生 1.0.4
《硬硬硬der三國》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位三國英雄名將勾勒出的成敗興衰。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。---遊戲特色---●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!--------------------------------------------------------------客服回報:粉絲專頁:
稱霸三國 2.1.1
三國手遊顛峰大作 終於問世!遊戲特色:※經典群英玩法 手機就可千人同屏戰鬥:手機上還原經典單機遊玩法,以千人同屏對戰。手握群英一擁江山,成王之路任你行※三國歷史戰役卷軸關卡:採用卷軸展開的方式推進普通關卡,體驗到熟悉的經典三國地圖模式,更合三國迷的口味。※群英武將組合千變萬化:群英玩家最愛《武將培養》、《必殺技》等群英迷喜愛的設定,超強武將組合方式千變萬化。※群雄割據 萬人國戰勢均力敵!萬人國戰!勢力陣營模略進攻,會更加考驗玩家縱觀全域的能力。※史詩精英關卡 排兵佈陣:精英關卡BOSS,巧妙排兵佈陣,極具策略性的玩法,等你來挑戰!===========================================================請合理安排時間,避免沉迷於遊戲官網客服 [email protected]粉絲團本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔12級。Three hand travel peak masterpiece hasfinallycome!GameFeatures:※ phonecanplay thousands of classic heroes fighting the same screen:Restore classic single play France on the phone, in thousandssamescreen game. Beat a pro grip the country, as the king of theroadno matter how you line※threehistorical battles Reel Level:Expand the use of reels way to promote common points, toexperiencethe familiar classic Three Kingdoms map mode, more to thetaste ofthe three fans.※Beatgenerals ever-changing combinations:Beat favorite player "generals culture", "nirvana" and otherheroesfan favorite setting, super generalsever-changingcombinations.※millionpeople in the country fighting separatist warlordsEvenly matched! Million people in the country battle! Moldslightlyoffensive forces camp, will be more test players ability tolook atthe whole field.※epiccrossing elite formations:Elite Level BOSS, clever formations, very strategic play,waitingfor you to challenge!===========================================================Please arrange your time, avoid indulging inthegameOfficialwebsite [email protected] software under ROC hierarchical management approachareclassified as: auxiliary 12.
爭霸三國 1.9.1
9Splay SEA
三国手游颠峰大作挑战群英经典玩法,以千人同屏对战为主轴,群英玩家最爱的「武将培养」、「必杀技」、「万人国战」等等,更多极具策略性的玩法,等你来挑战!游戏特色:※经典群英玩法 手机就可千人同屏战斗:手机上还原经典单机游玩法,以千人同屏对战。手握群英一拥江山,成王之路任你行※三国历史战役卷轴关卡:采用卷轴展开的方式推进普通关卡,体验到熟悉的经典三国地图模式,更合三国迷的口味。※群英武将组合千变万化:群英玩家最爱《武将培养》、《必杀技》等群英迷喜爱的设定,超强武将组合方式千变万化。※群雄割据 万人国战势均力敌!万人国战!势力阵营模略进攻,会更加考验玩家纵观全局的能力。※史诗精英关卡 排兵布阵:精英关卡BOSS,巧妙排兵布阵,极具策略性的玩法,等你来挑战!
戦・三国志バトル ライトニングバースト
Large simulation Three Kingdoms battle that combine strategicandsocial here!
攻城掠地-指尖國戰 1.9.5
可可數位代理《攻城掠地 手遊版》帶你力拔山河,問鼎中原!!準備好體驗這場前所未有、風雲叱吒的三國亂世嗎?曾感嘆生不逢時的你,是否嚮往著於介胄之間一展長才、力拔山河,成為問鼎中原的一方霸主?主打國戰24小時全天候干戈大動、短兵相接的《攻城掠地手遊版》,絕對帶來非同凡響的巨型國戰手遊新震撼!●==經典正統的三國策略遊戲,細緻的場景美術、戰局多變的自由策略玩法、烽火相連的巨型史詩國戰地圖等特色優點,完美地呈現到行動平臺,可供玩家24小時自由進攻。●==即時語音系統,考驗了玩家坐籌帷幄、決勝千里的謀略能力。充分掌握武將各自擅長的地形戰術,如何在「平原」、「山地」、「水域」和「城池」的地形戰役中,知能善用、適時地調整「突襲」、「攻擊」與「防守」策略,讓永無止盡明爭暗鬥的國戰更添刺激變局。由傲世堂研發、可可數位獨家代理的《攻城掠地手遊版》,是一款以三國演義為遊戲背景的SLG策略手遊。在河水縈帶、群山糾紛的國戰版圖中,遍布了高達200多座的城池壁壘,這些或大或小的城池,極盡還原了真實三國歷史地貌,根據座落地點,具有不同的特殊地勢。為了迎接這場盛大的戰役,《攻城掠地手遊版》正大肆徵招、緊鑼密鼓地募集各地英雄好漢齊聚一堂,快磨亮你的刀劍、整理你的裝備,加入馳騁沙場的盛宴吧!《攻城掠地 手遊版》官方粉絲團:攻城掠地/440015629466538《攻城掠地 手遊版》客服中心回報頁面:系統要求:建議在WIFI模式下並使用手機系統版本在Android2.3以上,手機內存在512M及以上的機器運行遊戲。
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Large Three Kingdoms battle that you can experience in real timeof24 hours! The draw player and hand of the same country, Aimtheworld unification!