Top 14 Apps Similar to Tracker - Family Phone Monitor

SMS repeater 1.6
Lab Dev Well
This simple app can send a messageforonenumber how many times you want.This app uses your SMS service to send all messages!In v1.6 some ads to help me to update it more times.[v 1.0]* Send SMS for one number how many times you want[v 1.1]* Send report* Delivered report* Contact picker* Clear button- [bug] Counter on delivered report sometime is wrong- [bug] Counter on error report sometime is wrong[v 1.2]* Default picture for contact picker* Error’s count* Label with contact name- [bug] Change device orientation turn empty the counters[v 1.3]* Landscape layout for best experiencies- [Bug Fixed] Change device orientation counter keep the same[v 1.4]* English language is default[v 1.4.1]* Check if all fields are filled[v 1.5]* New layout* Landscape mode removed* Bugs fixed[v 1.5.1]* Just some adjustments
Cell Tracker 2.1
Cell Tracker - There`s a new option toconnectall your kids and relatives, by a single click.It doesn`t matter where you live, or the place you go to. Theremotecontrol of the cell phone tracker app lets you visitthedestinations your relatives are at.Why? If you have disabled or old relatives and small children,thetracking app will provide the necessary monitoring oftheirlocation,in order to keep them away from danger. Please, don`t use as aspyphone app. It`s not legal. Don`t spy phone without the knowledgeofits owner.The track cell phone app doesn`t take more time or money tobeinstalled. It`s not cell spy app, it`s most usefull trackingappand has certain functions as the following:- as the aforementioned remote control of the trackphonecalls;- whole history of the calls and backup all the phonebook`snumbers;- an exclusive MMS and SMS Tracker;- GPS Tracker, that will take you to the exact location of thecellphone;- GPS Location or GPS Locator;- availability for a distant control of the tracking phone.It`sprovided by the use of certain system via voice command;- whole preview of all the web browsing and Internet activity ofthetrack cell phone;- getting all the system logs at once, such as battery life andcellphone coverage;Do you want something more? Yes, you can get it by visitingthedesignated app`s web site.Getting all the necessary information regarding your belovedoneshas never been as simple as nowadays.Whether you have aged parents or small kids, the solutionissomething unbelievable - Kids Tracker.The world is so strange place to live in and probably you don`twantthe insecurity to rule a huge part of the lives ofbelovedrelatives.It`s now or never thing, take it or leave it. Because thelife`schoices that we miss, determine our future well-being.And that`s not all! As we mentioned well-being, by usingthisapplication you can get a hold of the company business, evenifyou`re far away from the job site.Why this monitoring app is better than the others? Here are someofthe main advantages:- friendly and positive interface;- easy and very unique structure, strong and recognizable;- 24/7 support by our members;- less battery space, which means better battery usage;Some products on the market are like promises for betterandmeaningful life. But nothing could ever beat our life-saving -cellphone monitoring app.It doesn`t promise, it actually makes your present more secureandsimple. Yes, it could even save lives and preventfrommisfortunes.It doesn`t cost much money or take more time. It`s here, likearemedy for the desolated souls and its performance doesnoharm.The tracking phone app could be your answer to the growingglobalinsecurity. Remember, when a door is closed, another one isaboutto open.Get the third eye view, presented by our team. The cellphonetracker app is like a notion and peer through the door ofhope. Youwon’t miss it, right?!
Mobile monitoring 13.01
"Mobile monitoring" is the solution if youwantto monitor a phone. In general, phone monitoring applicationsareused for parental control and employee monitoring. It isveryimportant to know that this isn't a spy phone application!"Mobile monitoring" common features:• SMS messages - access every message received or sent• GPS Location - see the location of the phone• Call logs - check incoming and outgoing calls• Contacts - the list of contacts should be linked to sms andphonecalls.How do these applications work?You have to install the application on the phone that you wanttomonitor. After installation you should enterdata(email-usernameand a password) to create a personalaccount.Then, on the website, you can enter your personal account andgetall information from the phone remotely."Mobile monitoring" IS NOT A SPY APP. You can not monitor aphonewithout the phone's owner consent. All applications availableon themarket will display a notification and the user will beinformedthat his phone is being monitored. To spy on a phone,without thephone's owner knowledge, is a violation of the law.
Voice to Text Pro 1.7
Roke Studio
Voice to Text use the google recognition voice service forwriteyour documents while dictates. This application if for thispeoplewho write slowly in pc or computer, now you only have todictateyour notes, documents, exercise and Voice to Text send yourto youremail so you can edit in word or whatever you want.
SMS Call Tracker - SafeMinor 3.1.20
Do you worry about your son ordaughter'sfuture and safety? Does your child lie with you and youwant tomonitor his/her phone? Then SafeMinor is for you. It is thebestapplication for monitoring and control child'ssmartphone.Now parents can keep eyes on their children even when theycan’tphysically see them. After installation, registrationandverification, All phone usage information can be remotely viewedonany web browser by login at http://safeminor.comFeatures:• Location Tracker - Find real time location of device and seepasthistory.• SMS Tracking - View inbound and outbound text messages.• Call Logs - Get incoming, outgoing and missed call'sdetail.• Web History - Provide list of website visited by kids.• Application Info - Show installed app list with theirusagedetails.• Address Book - View all contact with user photo.• Data Backup - Get backup for SMS, calllogs and contacts incsvformat.• Notifications - Daily email report with detailed summary ofdeviceusage and online activity.• Sim change notification.• Multiple device monitoring under one account.• Turn on/off each feature individually.
Caller ID & Number Locator 8.6.3
Caller ID & Number Locator: find caller location,identifyincoming call
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Cell Phone Tracker Number 2.0
Technology has made so much advancementinthepast few years and Man has reached the moon and hastouchedthepeaks of sky through the technological advancements.There wasatime when there were no concept of phones since thetimeGrahamBell has invented the Telephone. Telephone made the lifesomucheasy and people were happy with this invention becauseitmadecommunication easy for people living far away from eachotherandit was the easiest mode of communication with each otheratthattime. Then an era came when mobile phone was inventedthesmallestportable device to carry and that was the time wheremobilephonemade the life so much easy and made the communicationmodemucheasier for people. Now a days everyone has mobile phoneinhis/herhand. As there are two sides of picture always and prosandconsare always there with the use of any device.Peoplestartedmisusing the mobile phone and that misuse of mobilephonecreatedso much trouble for people and people were very muchupsetby thescammers and frauds who fraud them and mislead theminvarioustasks, such scammers created so much trouble anddisturbanceforpeople and people were very much frustrated bytheirunlimitedwrong and fake calls and fakeidentities.Technologistsstartedthinking to make an application tolessen this frustrationcausedby scammers. So, as the technologyadvances and manyapplicationwere there on Google play store onandroid and smartphones forhealth, beauty, fitness etc. whichpeople use fordifferentpurposes. A new application made life easierand the nameof thatapplication is “Mobile Number Tracker” andlessened thistroublecreated by scammers.
Norwood Tandoori 5
Norwood Tandoori is a quality Indiantakeawaywhich offers you taste with a difference. Norwood Tandoorioffers awide range of original Indian cooking with the finestspices &herbs, cooking in the traditional Indian way. Each dishwill have aspecial distinctive flavour & authentic aroma. Ourchef hasmore than 25 years experience in preparing authentic indianfoodand has his own unique cooking style.Our service is at the top, starting from customer making aorderfrom our simple friendly menu to preparing the food andthendelivering the food to the comfort of your home.We always want to improve our service to our customers thatiswhy we always would like to hear your feedback.
Texto - Text On Picture 1.3
Create beautiful Photography out ofanycreative text and save them in your gallery or share them withyourfriends on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc.Type of Text:1. Simple text2. Photos in Letters3. Photos in WordKey Features:☀ Easy to use UI☀ Easy to change border colors, BG and patterns!☀ More than 20 fonts are available.☀ Colorful text stickers.☀ Text size is changeable.☀ Text color is changeable.☀ Text shadow& Glow(Size and color) is changeable.☀ Text is rotatable.☀ Text stroke color and width is changeable.☀ Letter spacing is changeable.☀ Simple touch gestures to rotate, resize.☀ Lots of backgrounds and stickers to choose from.☀ Text background color is changeable.☀ A full-featured photo editor included.☀ Amazing Text Badges for beautiful pictures.☀ Blur image background.☀ Photos inside the Letters.☀ Photos inside the word.☀ Share to social network.We focus on providing you a simple, easy to use andvisualenjoyment app!
Mobile Number Location Tracker 3.0
Many people are using apps intheirsmartphonesto keep in touch with their loved ones, to keeptheirfiles securedfrom virus, games, videos to entertain them andmore.Thanks totechnology, it made our life easy to live and almostallthings areaccessible just like these Mobile NumberTrackerLocation that youcan install in any mobile phone. Withthisapplication, you will beable to track the specific location ofthecaller from yourmobile.It would be easier for you to know the location of the personwhoiscalling you, whether he or she is lying with the location ornottheanswer is just right in your mobile. All you have to do istogetconnected with the internet, go to your app store,searchMobileNumber Tracker Location and install the application.Once itisdownloaded in your mobile you will be able to use that appevenifyou don’t have any internet access, because it worksofflinewhichmeans it works for anyone at anytime of the daywhenever youreceivecalls.When you have this Mobile Number TrackerLocationLocationapplication in your mobile, you can easily get thecontactdetailsof the caller whether they are using mobile or phonenumber.Thisis very helpful for those who want their loved ones tobesafe,because wherever they go they always bring their mobilewiththem.As a parent, you will be able to track your lovedoneslocation andbe informed that he or she is telling the truthwiththe locationsthat the caller is in. All you need to do is tomakethem call youand you get the information that you want fromthatcaller.Another thing is that, people need security from strangersthisiswhy having a tracker to every caller like mobilenumbertrackerLocation app, helps everyone achieve their security tothenextlevel from various people who communicates with themeverysingleday. It would be best to know the application by readingtheuserside and be able to see other benefits of thistrackerapplication.Worried that it might not work with your mobile?Thinkagain,because this application is compatible to any mobileorsmartphone.Who knows? This might be the tracker applicationthatyou have beenwaiting for.Thank you for download my amazing app mobile location trackeranddonot forget to rate, thank youIt's Official Page :
Mobile Number Tracker 3.0
Apps Trackr
There are various apps you can download inyourmobile to make your life easier, creative way of living,getentertained, useful apps for business and yes track peopletoo.There is more to apps than games you install everyday becausewithmobile number tracker, everyone in your family or loved onescan besafe. They will be able to know the information of the callerintheir mobile, which makes it safer for them to communicatefromeveryoneThe best thing about this mobile number tracker application isthat,you don’t have to worry about internet connection like youusuallyuse in tracking specific locations, because you canactually use itoffline which means no hassle in looking forinternet access beforeyou can use the app. It works anytime of theday and anywhere yougo, as long as you have this app you will beable to track anyonewho contacts you. It is way safer to know theperson who is callingyou and be able to prevent any trouble thatstrangers maybring.Also this app is downloadable and compatible to any kind ofmobileyou have in your pocket, as long as it has app store andaninternet connection for downloading the app. You can theninstallthe app by searching the traking phone location word in thesearchengine of your app store. After, you searched it you caninstall itright away and get your tracker app for securitypurposes. Not onlythat because the people who you get along withcan also installthis application and be able to know if they are intheir exactlocation or not. It would increase your security leveland restyour head from all worries.The app can provide all the features that you need intrackingpeople, from the contact information up to the exactlocation ofthe caller. Now, everyone that you love is safe when youknow whereto pick them up, get to the location that they are in andbe ableto help them in time of needs in locating.Everything that you need for a locator app is with mobilenumbertracker, because it has useful features and it works even ifyoudon’t have any connection to the internet. This means whereveryougo and whatever you do, you can always track the people thatyoulove.
Phone Number Tracker Location 4.0
With smartphone, lives became mucheasierbecause communication could be done in a matter of seconds.Thesmall portable phones found its application throughout the world,in every little corner . With the fast moving technology ,timeshave changed and smartphone have advanced .. But every gadgethasits downsides as well . Caller Id can be easily found out.And there have been several cases reported where peoplewereharassed by prank calls from unknown numbers . But you do nothaveto worry anymore. Know about Phone Number Tracker LocationCellTracking Number Trace Free gps and how it can help you .Among all location trackers , Phone Number Tracker LocationCellTracking Number Trace is said to be the best . Thislocationtracker shows you the Caller Id , the cell phone detailsand thePhone Number Tracker Location Cell TrackingforTracking Number .• Reviews say that Phone Number Tracker Location CellTrackingNumber Trace is a good app for your smartphone to know yourcallerlocation .• According the people , Phone Number Tracker Location forTrackingLocation has been very helpful .• Phone Number Tracker Location for Tracking Number is an appthathas helped many people track down the Caller Id andsmartphonedetails . With the smartphone details, you can easilycatch thecaller .• Phone Number Tracker Location Cell Tracking Number Trace Freegps, as is said by the users is very simple and user friendly.Peoplehave tracked down their unknown Caller Id .• Reviewed by several happy users , Phone Number TrackerLocationCell Tracking Number Trace Free gps has been a great helpin termsof security. If you have the Caller Id , you are in asafespot.Thank you for download my amazing app Phone Number TrackerLocationCell Tracking Number Trace Free gps and do not forget torate,thank you
Mobile Number Tracker 1.8
★★★★★★ 100kb app ★★★★★★'Mobile Number Tracker' tracks the name and location ofthecaller at the time of incoming call. It is the lightest andfastestfree number tracker application to find out name andlocation ofcallers even if they are not in your address book.It consumes very little phone memory, data, battery, &otherphone resources.This app is absolutely Free★ It lets you search information on unlimited phone numbersforfree.★ It also gives free caller id on all your incoming calls totellyou the name & location of the unknown personcallingyou.★ It also helps you during outgoing calls by giving nameandlocation information for unknown numbers.★ It helps you identify spammers by providing you spam reportsonall your incoming calls.You may search name and location information of anyphonenumber.Know the name and location of anyone calling you.Now you have power in your hand to pick up the call you wish ;asMobile Number Locator gives you the name . Do not miss outaprospective friend or business proposition and never getbotheredby an incoming spam caller. You are protected by any spoofcalls byMobile Number Locator.It is one of of the fastest search engine on phone numbers&unknown callers. Enter any Phone Number and it should givebackresults within seconds. It offers fastest searches and meetsworldclass search standards.Works in offline mode in India for givinglocationinformation.Phone Warrior's phone directory has information on more than500million phone numbers of India, Indonesia, Malaysia, SouthKorea,United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy,Spain,SaudiArabia, UAE, Oman, Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil,Argentina, Peru,Chile, Colombia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, andmany othercountries.Note :- This app does not store or request for your addressbookcontacts.