Top 8 Apps Similar to Japanese Confusing Kanjis Set1

漢字辞典 -Hanauta Dictionary- 1.0
You can use this dictionary to examine more than 15000 wordsofkanji. I think that you can discover the wonder of Kanjithroughthis application.
Learn Japanese Kanji N5 1.6
This App has been developedforpeopleinterested in practicing Kanji for "N5" (old patternyonkyu)levelexamination of "The Japanese Language ProficiencyTest(JLPT)". AllKanji in this application are according to thenewpattern of JLPTExamination. You can learn "on-yomi"(ChineseReading), "kun-yomi"(Japanese Reading) and their equivalentEnglishmeanings. EachKanji listing also comes with its"jukugo"(combination of two ormore Kanji).This application also provides a facility forsearchingparticularkanji based on kun-yomi, on-yomi, kanji radicalor kanjistrokes. Youcan also take a Kanji test to check yourKanjirecognitionabilities.Key usages & benefits:. Handy Kanji Dictionary. Practice Reading Kanji. Meaning given in Japanese (Hiragana / Katakana) and English. Possible Jukugo meanings for each Kanji. Given Stroke and Radical for each Kanji. Can search kanji by kun-yomi, on-yomi, kanji radicalorkanjistrokes. Test for your Kanji knowledge. 30 Sec timer, for practice of fast recognition. Thispracticewillhelp you in Exam. Each question has 3 options to choose from, each testhas15questions, immediate results. You can test your Japanese kanji skillsanytime,anywhere,unlimited number of times. Improves Kanji Knowledge, improves speedofrecognizingKanji.. You can also keep track of your scores and monitor progress
Learn A Chinese radical(Bushu) with the rainbow coloredstrokeorder.
Hard reading kanji 2.07
AOBO Co., Ltd
Do you know how to read these Japanese kanji?
Kanji Reader 1.16
Coffixton Dev
Kanji Reader shows how to read Kanji for you!
Michael's Kanji Dictionary 1.4.1
Michael's Kanji Dictionary is a handwriting kanji dictionary tool.
Learn Japanese Easier - Mazii 5.3.57
Japanese dictionary helps you learn Japanese easier.
寿司屋で見かける漢字 魚の漢字辞典 1.0.0
寿司屋 魚屋でよく見かける でも何て書いているのだろう?そんなときに、これを見れば 疑問が解決似た漢字が多いですが 探してください たぶん載ってます?ぜひ 使ってみてくださいI wonder wrote onanythingbut often see a sushi restaurant fishmonger?In such a case, the question is solved if you look at thethisIt is similar to Chinese characters often will be foundperhapsplease looking for?Please try using all means