Top 50 Apps Similar to ScripturePlus

Doctrinal Mastery 4.0.0 (40003.6)
Doctrinal Mastery app from The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-daySaints
LDS Ordinances & Tools 1.2.8
Ordinances and tools in your hand. It's free and withoutads.SmartPhones Only
The Bible and Book of Mormon 2.1
Get the Bible and Book of Mormon in a Single App! REDLETTEREDITION!
Latter-day Apostles 1.4.2
UI-topia Labs
See the 1st Presidency & Quorum of Twelve anytime from 1832tothe present day!
LDS Articles of Faith 0.4.0
Evan Mullins
Fun memorization/study app for the LDS Articles of Faith inmultiplelanguages.
LDS Scripture Mastery 0.2.1
Evan Mullins
✔ All 100 Scripture Mastery verses! ✔ Great study help forseminarystudents.
JustServe 3.1.0 (21316.1016457)
JustServe app helps you find volunteer opportunities while onthego.
LDSPlayer 2.0.0
Media Player Application to listen songs from LDS Music Library
Gospel Living 2.5.0-(113747.1003213)
Strive to be better, create and track goals, share yourprogresswith friends.
iPieta 3.9.1
Catholic Prayers, Bibles, and Spiritual Works
The Gospel of Christ - TGOC 6.2.0
Subsplash Inc
The Gospel of Christ - TGOC Media Program with FREE Media
The Book of Mormon
Another Testament of Jesus Christ. The BookofMormon is the word of God, like the Bible. Both books containGod'sguidance as revealed to prophets, as well as religioushistories ofdifferent civilizations. While the Bible is written byand aboutthe people in the land of Israel and surrounding areas andtakesplace from the creation of the world until shortly after thedeathof Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon contains the history ofGod'sdealings with the people who lived in the Americasbetweenapproximately 600 BC and 400 AD. The Book of Mormon isanothertestament of Jesus Christ.• Includes translations for most major world languages• Includes audio recordings in English, Japanese,Korean,Portuguese, and Spanish• Includes search capability and simple navigation,includingswiping gestures to navigate between chapters• Includes links to learn more about the Book of Mormon
Mormon Channel
Mormon Channel is the media channel forTheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We offermeaningfuland inspiring content to lighten your day. You can choosefromuplifting music, talk radio streams, video series (includingMormonMessages), general conferences, scriptures, blogs and more toenjoyand share with friends.
ArtScroll Digital Library 7.2.8
The ArtScroll Scottenstein Talmud, Smart Siddur, Kitzur ,Seforimand eBooks
Living Scriptures 3.75
Get all your Living Scriptures restored library in HighDefstreaming!
Aleteia 4.3.70
Aleteia: content designed to help you live an inspiredCatholiclifestyle
Preach My Gospel 6.0.2
Missionaries can set goals, make plans, and record progress.
Conságrate App 1.3
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary according to the methodofSan Luis de Monfort
Theology Kit 3.0.1
Theology Kit is a compilation of systematictheology,churchhistory,bible truths
Dirección Espiritual Católica 1.0
Manual de Dirección Espiritual, tomadodellibro: 40 preguntas sobre la dirección Espiritual.Todo católico debe llevar esta maravillosa aplicación ensumóvil.Contiene 40 preguntas sobre la dirección espiritual que todosnoshemos hecho alguna vez.Esta aplicación esta diseñada para ayudar tanto a directores comoadirigidos, puesto que contiene preguntas y respuestas útilesparaambos.Anímate a descargarla y aprende sobre "el arte de llevar lasalmasal cielo".Todo por la Inmaculada, nada sin Ella.Esta App es la actualización de la anterior realizada porGabrielLópez.Etiquetas:Sacerdotes, Laicos, Consejos Católicos, AcompañamientoEspiritual,Formación en la santidad, VirtudesSpiritualDirectionManual, taken from the book: 40 questions aboutspiritualdirection.Every Catholic should bring this wonderful application onyourmobile.It contains 40 questions about spiritual direction we have alleverhad.This application is designed to help both managers asdirected,since it contains questions and answers useful tothem.We encourage you to download it and learn about "the art ofbringingsouls to heaven."All for the Immaculata, nothing without her.This App is the last update by Gabriel Lopez.Tags:Priests, Laity, Councils Catholic Spiritual Accompaniment,Trainingin holiness, Virtues
Christian Questions Podcast 3.2
Think about the Bible like you never have before! Podcasts,Videos,Audio
SDA Hymnals (Multilingual) 1.3.7
Collection of the Seventh-day Adventist® church hymnals
Book of Melchizedek 1.0.5
English translation of three books known as "The bookofMelchizedek"
Gospel Library
Gospel Library is the gospel study app ofTheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The libraryincludesthe scriptures, general conference addresses, music,learning andteaching manuals, Church magazines, videos, audiorecordings,gospel art, and more. Study, search, mark, and sharethis vastcollection.Content included: LDS Scriptures, Bible, Old Testament,NewTestament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl ofGreatPrice, Guide to the Scriptures, Joseph Smith Translation,Articlesof Faith, General Conference, Teachings of Presidents oftheChurch, Hymns, Liahona, Ensign, New Era, Friend, GospelPrinciples,Preach My Gospel, Relief Society, Young Women, Primary,SundaySchool, Seminary, Institute, and Come, Follow Me.
Relevant Radio 3.9.0
Relevant Radio brings you "Talk Radio for Catholic Life".
SDA HandBook 3.0.2
SDA Handbook app is a great tool for all Adventists and all wholovethe Bible.
LDS Podcasts 3.0.15
A collection of podcasts and audio streams for Latter-daySaints(Mormons).
Instant Church Directory 2.12
Instant Church Directory members can use this free app to viewtheirdirectory.
Lectio 365 1.8.6
24-7 Prayer
Pray the Bible every day - a devotional written by 24-7 Prayer
Comentario Biblico Adventista
CBA Adventist Bible Commentary.
The Cepher Abridged 3.0.2
A comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture in theEnglishlanguage.
Angelus 0.9.4
Pray the Angelus with Magnificat
miCatecismo Catecismo Católico 1.6
Catecismo Oficial y completo de laIglesiaCatólica. No requiere de internet para funcionar! Noconsumes tuplan de datos para usarlo. Con esto puedes cargar elCatecismoCatólico a todos lados con todos los capítulos, artículosyPárrafos. El Credo explicado, Los 10 mandamientos, losSacramentos,la oración. Puedes dimensionar la letra a tu gusto parafacilitarsu lectura, podrás compartir algún capítulo con tuscontactos.Esta aplicación es de todos y por eso podrás contactarnosparadarnos sugerencias. Tu mejor forma de apoyarnos es calificandolaapp en el Play Store, compartiendo contenido y contándole atodostus contactos sobre nuestra app.CARACTERISTICAS- No requiere conexión a internet- No consume plan de datos de tu móvil- Puedes compartirlo- Búsqueda por numeral- Permite marcar donde llevas la lectura (Marcadores)- ¡Te lee el Catecismo! Permite escuchar cada [email protected] andcompleteCatechism of the Catholic Church. Does not require internettofunction! Do not consume your data plan to use it. With thisyoucan load the Catholic Catechism everywhere with all thechapters,articles and paragraphs. The Creed explained, The 10Commandments,the sacraments, prayer. You can size the font to yourliking forreadability, you can share a chapter with your contacts.This application is all and so can contact us to giveussuggestions. Your best way to support us is calling the app inthePlay Store, sharing content and telling all your contacts onourapp.FEATURES- No internet connection required- Do not consume data plan on your phone- You can share- Search by numeral- Allows you to mark where you been reading (Mark)- I read the Catechism! Lets hear every [email protected]
Spurgeon's Sermons Offline 3.0
Igor Apps
Spurgeon's Sermons. All volumes 1-63. Sermons 1-3563
Acronym Finder 3.2
The World's Largest Database of Acronyms &Abbreviations:1,000,000+ Meanings
SafeUT 4.3.1
SafeUT provides crisis counseling and school tip reportingforresidents of Utah
Paolo Padrini
iBreviary TS Pro Terra Sancta istheapplication that brings the traditional Catholic prayer oftheBreviary and all the texts of the Liturgy on your Androidphonesand tablet.iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta wants to contribute, throughapartnership with Custody of the Holy Land, friendship andprayerfor all Christians living Holy Places. iBreviarycontains:- Breviary, Missal and Lectionary complete in 7 languagesandcontinuously updated (Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian,Englishand Latin)- The text of the Breviary and the Missal in the VetusOrdoAmbrosian Rite and Latin- All the main prayers of the Christian- Rituals for the sacraments and celebrations- The liturgical texts used in the Holy Land Also iBreviary"ProTerra Sancta" offers, than the first version ofiBreviary:- The new section, "Rites", with all the rituals and texts forthevarious celebrations Catholic (Adoration of the Eucharist,theSacraments, Blessings, etc.).- The brand new "Terra Sancta" the liturgical texts used in theHolyLand- Keep in touch through the blog and the pages of theFranciscansHoly Places. - A rich section dedicated to Saints- Store a day on any device- Full management of saved days (selection and cancellation)- Unlimited storage days (something very much in demand by thosewhowant to download a bit of days for travel or long periodwithoutinternet access from your Android- Instantly download the entire week (continuing to quietly usetheapplication without having to wait for the download).- Enlarge and diminish the character of the text, with the flickofthe fingers on the screen- The ability to adjust the color of the background for abetterreading of texts- Application Languages: Italian, Inglese, Spanish,Deutsch,Française, Romanian - Content Languages: Italian, Inglese,Spanish,Français, Romanian, Latinum- Languages constantly updated content.- A new graphical interface
Reasonable Faith 6.1.7
The official app of Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig
Liturgia+ Iosue
The entire liturgy of the Church and much more in one application.
AudioVerse is dedicated to spreading God's word through freesermonaudio.
Christ Kirk 6.2.1
Resources from the Ministry of Pastor Douglas Wilson &ChristChurch
TaberGO 6.2.3
Subsplash Inc
Palabra de Dios para tu vida desde el Tabernáculo Central enElSalvador.
Catholic Study Bible App 9.08.007
The Catholic Study Bible App FREE text of the RSV SecondCatholicEdition
Faithlife: Church Community 4.13.7 (104060981)
Faithlife helps churches build community throughout the week.
Unshackled! 6.2.2
True stories of real people who have come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Seminary & Institute 3.6.0 (40494.10)
Register for classes, study, track your progress, and view events.
LDS Tools 4.9.0-(103852.1088581)
The LDS Tools app provides members ofTheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the abilitytocontact ward and stake members, access event calendars, andlocateChurch meetinghouses and temples. Leaders can alsoaccessadditional membership information and reports.Key Features:• Directory. View contact information and photos for the membersofyour ward and stake.• Organizations. View ward and stake callings byorganization.• Calendars. View event calendars for your ward and stake.• Lists. Create custom lists of members in your wardandstake.• Missionaries. Access contact information for thefull-timemissionaries assigned to and serving from your wardandstake.• Meetinghouses. Find meetinghouse locations andaddresses,sacrament meeting times, and contact information forbishops.• Temples. View your assigned temple, temples nearest yourcurrentlocation, ordinance schedules, and temple recommendexpirationreminders.• Reports. Ward and stake leaders may access membership reportsformembers of their ward and stake.