Top 40 Apps Similar to Economic Dictionary

Dictionnaire économique 2.0
Vous êtes un étudiant en économie, un agent de métier en économieoutout simplement intéressé par ce vaste domaine ? si ouicedictionnaire est faite pour vous aider à vous familiariser aveclesjargons économiques et vous rendre la tache, de lescomprendre,facile . J'ai toujours cherché un dictionnaired'économie enfrançais dans le play store mais je n'ai rien trouvé ;et Comme jesuis un étudiant en économie ayant des modestescompétences endéveloppement informatique j'ai décidé de prendrel'initiative etcréer une application au lieu d'attendre. Ledictionnaire que jevous offre gratuitement aujourd'hui, contientles mots les plusutilisés en économie avec des explications facilesà comprendre etdes formules de calcul qui peuvent parfois êtreutile pour aller aubout de la compréhension. ________Caractéristiques del’application : design moderne Plus que 1 000mots économiques avecexplication Légère et facile à utiliserFonctionne sans avoirbesoin d’une connexion internet Des mis àjours, mensuellement________ L’application est faite pour vous,n’hésiter pas à lapartager avec vos proches si vous voyez que çapeut leur êtreutile. N’oubliez pas de laisser votre avis et évaluernotreapplication sur le play store On est là pour vous écouter s'ily aune amélioration à apporter ultérieurement . Merci
Dictionnaire économique 1.0
Tree Devs
J'ai toujours cherché undictionnaireéconomique français dans le play store mais j'ai rientrouvé et c'est pour ça que j'ai décidé d'en crée un etprendrel'initiative au lieu d'attendrequelqu'un d'autre, c'était un grand challenge pour moi.j'ai trouvé des dictionnaires spécifiques des autres domainestelque le Dictionnaireinformatique, dictionnaire médical et j'ai même trouvéundictionnaire des contraires.Je vous présente un dictionnaire 100% economique en françaispourvous aidez dans l'étudede l'economie dans presque tous ces domaines comme lemanagement,marketing, finance, Commerce, audit, contrôle degestion,comptabilité et bien d'autre filière.Ce dictionnaire gratuit d'eco contient un glossaire richequiexplique et défini avec aisance etsimplicité en français pour comprendre votre vocabulairedansvotre domaine et l'amélioreret c'est un alternative de Google traduction.Ce dictionnaire eco Contient aussi un glossaire des économisteslesplus célèbre, leursbiographie qui contient leur travail et ce qu'il ont achevé.Je suis fier de vous présenter le meilleur dictionnaired'economie,un cadeau pour tout lesfrancophones dans le monde entier et pour lespersonnesintéressée par la bourse je vousprépare aussi un dictionnaire juste pour vous, je suis sûrquevous allez l'aimer.En fin n'oubliez pas svp de partager ce dictionnaire avec vosamiset vos collègues pour qu'ilsles aident aussi.MerciI always looked foraFrench dictionary in the economic blind play but I have nothingfound and that's why I decided to create one and taketheinitiative instead of waitingsomeone else, it was a great challenge for me.I found specific dictionaries of other areas such as Dictionarycomputer, medical dictionary, and I even found a dictionaryofopposites.I present a 100% economic dictionary in French to help you inthestudyof the economy in almost all areas such as management,marketing,finance, trade, audit, management control, accountingand many otherindustry.The free dictionary for green contains a rich glossary thatexplainsand set with ease andFrench simplicity to understand your vocabulary in your fieldandimprove itand it's a Google translation alternative.This dictionary eco Also contains a glossary of the mostfamouseconomists, theirbiography that contains their work and what theyhavecompleted.I am proud to present the best economy dictionary, a giftforallFrench around the world and for people interested in thestockmarket you Ialso preparing a dictionary just for you, I'm sure you'lllikeit.In the end Please do not forget to share this dictionary withyourfriends and your colleagues toThe also help.Thank you
Dictionnaire économique et fin 2.0.2
Wall clock
voila Le meilleur dictionnaire del'économieetde la finance, vous pouvez trouver plusieursexplications,desdéfinitions des mots de tout les domainesdecettediscipline.nous essayons de donner le meilleur du, marketing, l'audit, comptabilitégénéraleanalytiqueapprofondie de consolidation bancaire , contrôledegestion,analyse financière, finance, mathématique financière,etd'autresmots qui vont être ajouter le plutôt possible.n'hésitez à donner votre avis sur le fonds et laformedel'application, le design le contenu et is thebestdictionaryof economy and finance, you have a numberofexplanations,definitions of all areas of the discipline.we try to give the best of the, marketing, auditing, comprehensiveanalyticalfinancialaccounting bank consolidation, managementcontrol,financialanalysis, finance, financial mathematics, andother wordsthat willbe added as soon as possible.not hesitate to review the substance and form oftheapplication,design and all the content.
Financial Dictionary 80.0
Free Dictionary finances, learn terms of finances.
Khan Academy 7.12.1
Khan Academy
You can learn anything. For free.
مصطلحات اقتصادية 1.1
تطبيق المصطلحات الاقتصادية عربي /فرنسيConcepts économiques arabic / françaisمن خلال هدا التطبيق يمكنك التعرف على المفاهيم والمصطلحاتالأساسيةالمتعلقة بالاقتصاد- مميزات هدا التطبيق:-** أنه يحتوي على جميع المصطلحات الأولية التي يحتاجها الطالبفيمسيرته الجامعية وكدلك التعرف على السياسات والهيات الماليةوعالمالتداول في البورصة من خلال فهم عمل البورصة وسوق الأسهم-** التعرف على مصطلحات و مفاهيم الاقتصاد الاسلامي والياته.-** فهم الاقتصاد الكلي والاقتصاد الجزئي من خلال عدةمصطلحاتاقتصادية-** فهم جميع المصطلحات الاقتصاد الكلي و الجزئي-** يمكنك هدا التطبيق من البحث على المصطلحات بطريقة سريعة-** إختيار المصطلحات المفضلة و وضعها بالقائمة المفضلة-** تنقل بسرعة بين المفاهيم الإقتصادية-** مشاركة تعريف مع أحد الأصدقاء-** Zoom avant et arriereAvantage de cette application:ajouter au favori les concepts préferéspartager les concepts économiques avec votre amis atraversfacebook, whatsapp, twiter, google+ etc...facile a utiliserpassage entre les définitionsAvec cette application des concepts économiques vouspouvezcomprendre tous les Concepts économiques de base et aussipour uneanalyse et une prise de décision économiques efficaces,cetteapplication se manifeste comme un dictionnaire économique debasepour les étudiants.Dictionnaire économiquesConcepts économiquesEconomics DictionaryLearn EconomicsApprendre l’économieThe application ofArabic/ French economic terminology Concepts économiques arabic/françaisBy Hedda application you can identify the basic concepts andtermsrelated to the economy- Hedda application features:- ** It contains all the initial terms needed by the student inhiscareer and university Kdlk identify financial policies andbodiesand the world of trading in the stock market by understandingthework of the ASE and the stock market- ** Identify the terms and concepts of Islamic economy anditsmechanisms.- ** Understanding of macroeconomics and microeconomicsthroughseveral economic terms- ** Understand all the terms of macroeconomic and micro- ** You can Hedda application of search terms in anexpeditiousmanner- ** Choose your preferred terminology and put it on thelistfavorite- ** Quickly navigate between economic concepts- ** Post profile with a friend- ** Zoom avant et arriereAvantage de cette application:ajouter au favori les concepts préferéspartager les concepts économiques avec votre amis atraversfacebook, whatsapp, twiter, google + etc ...facile a utiliserpassage entre les définitionsAvec cette application des concepts économiques vouspouvezcomprendre tous les Concepts économiques de base et aussipour uneanalyse et une prise de décision économiques efficaces,cetteapplication se manifeste comme un dictionnaire économique debasepour les étudiants.Dictionnaire économiquesConcepts économiquesEconomics DictionaryLearn EconomicsApprendre l'économie
Basic Economics 2.0.0
Basic Economics app with basic economics tutorial in detailforstudents
Diccionario Administrativo 2.1
Capp Studios
App a collection of administrative terms.
Economia Aziendale 1.01
The whole app in Business Economics
القاموس الإقتصادي فرنسي - عربي 1.0
هو معجم يحوي ترجمة مرادفات اقتصادية أوماليةمناللغة الفرنسية إلى اللغة العربية، ، وتغلب علىكتابهِالمفاهيمالتجارية، ويشتمل إضافة للمصطلحات ملحقاًبالمنظماتالاقتصاديةالعربية والأجنبية، وعملات دول العالم، وأسماء أولمائةمصرف عالمي،وجداولاً بالمقاييس والأوزان والمكاييل حسبالنظامينالإنكليزيوالأمريكي، وملحقاً بالمختصرات الإنكليزية ومايقابلها مناللغةالعربية، إضافة إلى الشرح الفني للكلمة حسب المفهومالاقتصادي.وكذلكيحوي الكتاب تراجم لحياة بعض علماء الاقتصاد أمثالكينز وكارلماركسوتوماس مالتوس.It is a glossarycontainsatranslation of an economic synonyms or finance fromFrenchintoArabic, and beat the book business concepts, andincludesinaddition to the terms attached to the Arab andforeigneconomicorganizations, and the currencies of countries intheworld, andthe names of the first one hundred internationalbank,and Jaddaolastandards, weights, weights by two systems EnglishandAmerican,and a supplement to the English abbreviationsandtheircorresponding Arabic language, in addition tothetechnicalexplanation of the word by economic concept. As wellasthe bookcontains the biographies of the lives of someeconomistssuch asKeynes and Karl Marx and Thomas Malthus.
AlphaTest Economia 1.0.6
Esercitati dove e quando vuoi aitestdiammissione a Economia!Con l’app AlphaTest Economia hai a disposizione oltre 500quesitidimatematica, logica e comprensione verbale aggiornatiagliultimitest TOLC-E del CISIA. Ogni domanda è sempreaccompagnatadallaspiegazione del procedimento di risoluzione, peraiutartiarisolvere ogni dubbio e migliorare sempre di più.Dentro l’app AlphaTest Economia trovi:- esercitazioni da 20 domande sulle singole materiedeltest(matematica, logica e comprensione verbale) + inglese,nonprevistanel TOLC-E del Cisia ma a volte introdotta nei testdiammissione aEconomia- esercitazioni miste da 36, 24 e 12 domande su tutte lemateriedeltest- simulazioni complete del test di ammissione al TOLC diEconomiadelCISIA (36 domande, di cui 13 di matematica, 13 dilogica, 10dicomprensione verbale), con statistiche immediate sulpunteggiochehai totalizzato per ogni materia e numero di domandeesatte,omesseed errate- dashboard interattiva con statistiche aggiornate in temporealesultuo livello di preparazione- ottima integrazione con i libri Alpha TestSubito al download dell'app potrai svolgere 3esercitazionie/osimulazioni. Puoi inoltre, lasciando la tuaemail,sbloccaregratuitamente tutte le funzionalitàaggiuntive:- numero illimitato di esercitazioni e simulazioniatuadisposizione- tutte le statistiche sui punteggi medirealizzatinellesimulazioni, nelle esercitazioni, nelle singolematerie… etantoaltro- “I Miei Test”, area personale che memorizza le esercitazionielesimulazioni che stai svolgendo: potrai riprenderle eultimarleinun secondo momento e rivedere le tue risposte, perteneretracciadei tuoi miglioramenti o degli argomenti daripassareCosa aspetti? Inizia subito il tuo allenamento perentrareinUniversità con Alpha Test!Practice when andwhereyouwant to test for admission to Economics!With the app alphatest Economics have access to over500mathquestions, verbal logic and understanding updated tothelatestTOLC-E CISIA test. Each question is always accompaniedbytheexplanation of the resolution process, to help you solveanydoubtand get better and better.Inside the app alphatest Economics are:- exercises of 20 questions on each subject test (verbalmath,logicand understanding) + English, not foreseen in theTOLC-ECISIA butsometimes introduced in the admission testsinEconomics- Joint exercises of 36, 24 and 12 questions onalltestmaterials- complete simulation of the admission test to TOLCofCISIAEconomics (36 questions, including 13 math, 13 logic,10oralcomprehension), with immediate statistics on the scorethatyouhave scored each subject and number of correctquestions,omittedand incorrect- interactive dashboard with statistics updated in real timeonyourlevel of preparation- excellent integration with books Alpha TestJust download the app you can play 3 exercises and /orsimulations.You can also, leaving your email, free unlockalladditionalfeatures:- unlimited number of exercises and simulationsatyourdisposal- all the statistics on the average scores achievedinsimulations,in practice, the individual materials ... andmuchmore- "My Test", which stores personal area exercisesandsimulationsyou're doing: you can take them back and finalizingthemat a latertime and review your answers, to track yourimprovementsor topicto be reviewedWhat are you waiting for? Begin your workout to getintouniversitywith Alpha Test!
Licence Éco Gestion 6.0.21
Study Quizz
Eco-Management Study Quiz: + 7 500 quiz revision in all subjects.
Russian Economics Dictionary 1.0
This is the first unique Russian economics dictionary fortheAndroid platform. The dictionary contains more than 6,8thousandeconomics, finance and business terms and definitions. Itwill beuseful for studies and for increasing the level of yourknowledge.Main functions of the application: - Dictionary does notrequireInternet connection - Search by terms - Favorite terms -Searchhistory - Mini dictionary of finance and economicsabbreviations
Se basa en las necesidades de losestudiantesdela facultad de Economía de la UCSG tanto en ámbitosocial,comoacadémico. ¿Qué esperas? conoce un poco mas denosotrosyúnete.It is based on theneedsofstudents of the Faculty of Economics UCSG both socialandacademicareas. What are you waiting for? know a little moreaboutus andjoin.
Economics dictionary offline 1.0b
Economics dictionary is considered asagreatresource and provide almost 2000 clear terms meaningofeconomicsvocabulary. we recommende this app for anyrelatedbusinessactivity as it contain clear meaning. and very easytouseinterface within two mode :- Listing mode where you can get a list of economicsdefinitioninalphabet order- Easy search mode which offer an auto suggestionsfunctiontocomplete terms as you type first lettersin addition user can build his personal favorite terms or getbacktohistory of viewed termsFor information: Economics dictionary This app it freewithunlimitedhowever it contain ads, if you think that isusefulplease take amoment to rate us
Biblioteca Virtual Universitár
A Biblioteca Virtual Universitária (BVU) éumainiciativa pioneira de acervo de livros digital, compostapormilhares de títulos em mais de 40 áreas do conhecimento,comoadministração, marketing, engenharia, direito, letras,economia,computação, educação, medicina, enfermagem,psiquiatria,gastronomia, turismo, entre outras.Por meio do novo App BVU, o usuário de instituiçõesconveniadascontinua com acesso a títulos de editoras como Pearson,Manole,Contexto, Intersaberes, Papirus, Casa do Psicólogo,Ática,Scipione, Companhia das Letras, Educs, Rideel, JaypeeBrothers,Aleph, Lexikon, Callis, Summus e Interciência, e agora,matriculadoou não a uma instituição conveniada, tem a opção decomprarcapítulos do acervo disponível para leitura off-line.
Managerial Economics 1.0
Managerial Economics app is for learning basic andadvancedeconomical concepts.
Economic terms 80.91.30
Directory of economic terms
Diccionario de Historia 1.0
Conoce la terminología relacionada con la Historiamedianteestediccionario Con él podrás hacer búsquedasordenadasalfabéticamenteo búsqueda por algún término concreto opalabrasclaves que deseesencontrar. Es una herramienta excelenteparacomprender cualquiertexto histórico o conocer simplementeaquellaspalabras queaparecen frecuentemete cuando conocemos laHistoria.
Economía Naranja 1.0
La 'Economía Naranja' tambiénesdenominada:ecosistema naranja, economía creativa odelconocimiento.Representa toda la riqueza basada en el talento,lapropiedadintelectual, la conectividad y por supuesto,aquellasactividadesrelativas a la construcción de un patrimoniocultural ysutransmisión.Las industrias culturales y de entretenimientos sonunaoportunidadpara establecer una nueva economíaThe 'OrangeEconomy'isalso called: orange ecosystem, creative economyorknowledge.Represents all the wealth based on talent,intellectualproperty,connectivity and of course, those activitiesrelating totheconstruction of a cultural heritage and itstransmission.Cultural and entertainment industries are an opportunitytoestablisha new economy
دليل الاقتصاد 0.0.6
Economy guide contains the most important economic termsincirculation without Internet
Economics Terms Dictionary 5.8.7
Looking for the best Economics DictionaryintheGoogle Play?Check out our latest Economics Term Dictionary...Main Features:1. Equipped with quick dynamic search function (Fuzzy Logic)–Thedictionary will start searching for the words whileyoutype.2. Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslationsfor fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “star”icon.3. Managing Bookmark Lists – you are able edit your bookmarklistsorclear them.4. Add New Words/ Terms – you will be able to add in and storeanyofthe new terms in this Dictionary.5. > 12,000 words – Included all the popular and dailyusetermsin the dictionary.6. FREE – It is completely free. Download at no cost. FOC.7. Work Offline – It work offline, no active internetconnectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when no dataconnectionisavailable.8. Small Size (few MB) – The dictionary will only takeasmallportion of your Android devices.9. Android version compatibility – The Apps can workperfectlyfineon all Android version either on latest ICS/ KitKatorolderversion.10. Simple and easy to use interface. The app come withanuserfriendly function, allowing you to use with ease.In addition, all the terms are listed alphabeticallywithfastersearch facility, easy to navigate through entire app.This app will work as a great pocket resource forEconomicstermsand definitions.Please rate this application 5 stars if you findthisappbenefited you.Thank you.Julia Dictionary Inc
Economia Aziendale 1.2.3
A sort of Swiss Army knife for Economics students.
Spanish dictionary
Dictionary with thousands of words in Spanish without internet
Diccionario Sinónimos Offline 2.7.0
The biggest Dictionary Spanish Synonyms now is an application
Dictionary Spanish 1.9.22
The best dictionary spanish offline
Diccionario en Español Diccionario
Offline Spanish dictionary that does not need Internet accesstorun.
Philosophical Dictionary 80.0
Dictionary of Philosophy, learn and consult philosophical terms.
Spanish English Dictionary 7.3.10
Ascendo Inc.
The #1 Spanish English Dictionary for Android Phones & Tablets
Todos Diccionario Español
Type a word and search all simultaneously Spanish Dictionaries
Dictionary Offline 2.0.9
Ting Studio
A world wide and offline dictionaryThis dictionary helps you to complete the world's majorlanguages​​mutual translations. All of this work is in the offlinestate toachieve.We are sure this is what you're looking for electronic dictionary.Key features:* Mono-lingual dictionaries for English, German, and Italian.* Mutli-lingual dictionaries between many language pairs.* Fast translate! (See translations as you type!)* Dictionaries stored on SD card (works offline!)* Save queried translations to text file on SD card forlaterreference.Supported translations:English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, French,Korean,Russian,Spanish,German, Hindi and etc.* Data from Dictionary crashes on your device (especially SonyEricssondevices),try using Dictionary's preferences to change to the "Systemdefault"font.------------------Disclaimer:Dictionary is based on QuickDic code:, and licensed under theApacheLicense.QuickDic code: License, Version2.0:
Diccionario Español (Free) 1.0.0
Spanish dictionary, you can make inquiries quickly and for free.
Philosophy 4.0
All Philosophical trends of the history.
Diccionarios de ingles
Escriba una palabra y busque en muchos diccionarios deingléssimultáneamente.
ANT Dictionary 2016 Free 1.2
ANT Dictionary 2016 បានបង្កើតឡើងដោយ ANT Training
RRH apps
Saat ini perkembangan teknologidirasasudahsangat maju dan berkembang, semua informasi bisadidapatkanmelalui media internet dengan cepat danpraktis.Perkembanganteknologi tersebut juga ikut memicutingginyapenggunaan gadgetsmartphone, dari berbagai surveydilakukanmenunjukan saat inipenggunaan gadget smartphone tidakhanya darikalangan orangdewasa/orang tua saja, namun para pelajaryangtermasuk dalamkalangan muda juga tidak kalah banyaknya.Aplikasiini berisidaftar istilah-istilah dalam Ilmu Ekonomi, dibuatdandidedikasikanuntuk semua kalangan yang membutuhkaninformasiterkait. Sebagaimedia edukasi yang dapat di akses darimanasaja dankapan sajamelalui melalui gadget smartphone (online).Semoga inidapatbermanfaat dan memberikan nilai-nilai positif agardapatterusbelajar.Kritik dan saran anda sangat diharapkan untukperbaikandanpengembangan tools ini. Terima KasihCurrently,thedevelopmentof technology it is considered highly advancedandevolved, all theinformation can be obtained via the Internetwitha fast andpractical. The development of these technologiesalsotrigger highsmartphone use gadgets, from various surveysconductedshowed todayuse a smartphone gadget is not only among theadults /parents only,but students are included in the young peoplealso donot lose much.This application contains a list of termsinEconomic Sciences,created and dedicated to all people whoneedrelevant information.As a medium of education that can beaccessedfrom anywhere and atanytime through via smartphonegadget(online). Hopefully this canbe beneficial and positive values​​tocontinue to learn.Criticisms and suggestions are expected toimprovementanddevelopment of these tools. Thank you
Pizza Hut KWT - Order Food Now 3.0.4
Welcome to the official Android App of Pizza Hut Kuwait!
French-Spanish Dictionary 2.6.3
French - Spanish dictionary, with words, example sentences andaword trainer
Law Dictionary 80.0
Free law dictionary, learn legal terms from A to Z.