Top 11 Apps Similar to 飛星起盤日景數據-陳癸龍監製

論風水 C129_20180925_2330
On Feng Shui to Flying Star as the main theory, combined withmodernelectronic compass, free and professional geomancy aids!
Feng shui master 4.58
yang poying
Feng Shui is a Chinese historic occultFeng Shui is a force of nature, a large magnetic field energyoftheuniverse.Wind is the field strength and energy, and waterflowischanged.It is a philosophy of the universe and the laws oftheresearchenvironment, since people are part of nature,It is part of human nature, to "Heaven" is the realmofthecommonplace.Learn to master the power of feng shui is to harness thepowerofnature.Feng shui master, teach you how gracefully feng shui,MAD ah! Come and try it!
吉報道の気学アプリ 2.0.1
毎日使える気学アプリの決定版!気学アプリ「吉報道の気学アプリ」の特設ページをオープンしました!気学アプリ「吉報道の気学アプリ」紹介動画気学アプリ「吉報道の気学アプリ」は、もっと気学を身近に、簡単に使ってもらえるための機能を注ぎ込んだアプリです。このアプリは「吉報道の気学アプリ」を主宰している 佐藤真永 の監修により開発されました。1週間無料でご利用できますので、今すぐダウンロードして使ってみよう!■カレンダー「年盤」「月盤」「日盤」「月のきりかわり」などを表示します。■吉方九星気学を基づいて本命星から見た日々の吉方位・凶方位を表示します。地図(GoogleMap)上に方位盤を表示することができます。位置情報をオンにしていれば、現在地が、自宅から見て吉方位や凶方位をリアルタイムで表示できます。方位に関しては距離が遠くなるほど方位に誤差がでますので参考程度にご使用ください。又、仕様機種、環境によっても誤差が出る場合があります。*九星気学では南を上にした方位盤が一般的ですが、このアプリでは地図に合わせて北が上になっています。対象とする日の方位盤(日盤)を本命星の相性により吉凶を判断します。なお暗剣殺、五黄殺、破壊殺は、全ての人に凶方位となります。さまざまな流派の気学愛好家に活用して頂きたいので、五大凶方の表示とさせて頂いております。五黄殺(ごおうさつ)その日の五黄土星のある方位。暗剣殺(あんけんさつ)その日の五黄土星のある方位の反対側の方位。(五黄土星が中央にある日には存在しない。)本命殺(ほんめいさつ)その日にその人の本命星のある方位。(本命星が中央にある日には存在しない。)本命的殺(ほんめいてきさつ)その日にその人の本命星のある方位の反対側の方位。破壊殺その日の十二支の反対側の方位。■かんたん運勢診断あなたの生年月日からラッキーポイントを表示。その月と年から、簡単に運勢を知ることができます。■他の登録者との相性家族や友達の生年月日も登録可能。登録している人の中で相性診断も行えます。■あなたのデータ本命や月命、最大吉方はもちろん、特徴やアドバイスも表示されます。■生年月日入力複数人を登録可能です。■このアプリについてこのアプリは「吉報道の気学アプリ」を主宰している 佐藤真永 の監修により開発されました。気学アプリ「吉報道の気学アプリ」は、もっと気学を身近に、簡単に使ってもらえるための機能を注ぎ込んだアプリです。吉報道の気学アプリ editionofthe gas-science application that can be used every day!Opened a special page of the gas-science application "Gil newsofthe gas-science application"! "care science app Gil news" mind science app science application "Gil news of the gas-scienceapplication"is a more pneumatically familiar, and poured thefunction for hopethat it will be easy app.This app has been developed by the supervision of ShinHisashiSatohas presided over "Gil news of the gas-scienceapplication".So you can use in a week free, let's use to download now!■ CalendarThe display shows information such as the "year board""MoonEdition", "day Edition," "switching of the month".■ lucky directionIt displays the day-to-day lucky direction position-evilorientationas viewed from the favorite stars based onastrologypneumatically.You can view the Pelorus in on the map (GoogleMap).If the position information on, the current position, canbedisplayed in real-time the lucky direction position andevilorientation as viewed from the home.Please use the reference level because I get is an error intheorientation as the distance is far regarding orientation.In addition, the specification models, also by the environmentanerror may come out.* In astrology pneumatically is Pelorus general was on thesouth,but this app has become a top north according to themap.To determine the fate depending on the compatibility of thePelorus(Japan Version) the favorite star of the day inquestion.It should be noted that Ankensatsu, killing Goo, destructionkillingis the evil orientation to all of the people.Because I would like to take advantage of care science loversofvarious schools,It is allowed to display five great misfortune how.Goo killing (Goosatsu)Orientation with Goo Saturn of the day.Ankensatsu (Ankensatsu)Opposite side orientation of the orientation with Goo Saturn oftheday.(Goo Saturn is not present on the day in the middle.)Favorite killing (Honmeisatsu)Orientation of the person's favorite star on that day.(Favorite star is not present on the day in the middle.)Favorite specific killing (favorite Tekisatsu)Opposite side orientation of the orientation of theperson'sfavorite star on that day.Destruction killingOpposite side orientation of the zodiac of the day.■ easy fortune diagnosisDisplay a lucky point from your date of birth.From the month and year, you can easily know the fortune.■ compatibility with other subscribersDate of birth of the family and friends can alsoberegistered.Also you can compatibility diagnosis in people whohaveregistered.■ your dataFavorite and Tsukiinochi, maximum lucky direction, of course,willalso be displayed features and advice.■ date of birth inputYou can register more than one person.■ About This AppThis app has been developed by the supervision of ShinHisashiSatohas presided over "Gil news of the gas-scienceapplication".Care science application "Gil news of the gas-scienceapplication"is a more pneumatically familiar, and poured thefunction for hopethat it will be easy app.Care science app Gil news
奇門 QM_20230510_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
出行訣飛星萬年曆 1.5.2
Great! Feng Shui 1.3
Expert feng shui analysis in the palm of your hand with Great!FengShui.
Feng Shui & Horoscope 2021 6.0
Chinese Horoscope Forecast, Flying Star charts, Feng ShuiBaguaFormula & Kua #.
Feng Shui DIY 1.0.6
To balance inauspicious energies according to the Chinese FengShuisystem.
今日の吉方位! 2.1.1
"Today's Yoshi place! "Is an app that you can upload your luckwithknowing today's position / misdirection at a glance based onKyushuAerodynamics.
風水師・黒門監修 風水指南 1.1.0
Ultra Push
Feng Shui 1.10
Feng Shui is a discipline with ancient china that exploresthebalance of the energies of a space, room or environment. Withtheapp Feng Shui, you will learn how to attract positive energytoyour home and rid you of negative energy. Here you willfindformulas to identify which places of your house or office areunderthe influence of the negative energy and attract health andgoodfortune to them. In this app you will find all theinformationabout the idea of yin-yang is fundamental to Feng Shui.Inaddition, we will explain to you what is the ba gua or pakua,andthe correspondences between the addresses of the bagua or pakuawith the elements water, fire, wood, metal and earth. If youareinterested to know the addresses of the good luck using thebagua,the app Feng Shui includes: The analysis of the energy map ofFengShui of your space. The addresses of the good luck. Thebestdirections for sleeping and the best sleeping position withyourpartner. The best address to negotiate.The best directionforstudy. The best direction for a romance, for one or two people.Thebest direction for the meditation. The best direction forexercise.The best direction for work. Organizes and directs youroffice,your room or your home to follow the rules of the good luckof FengShui and you will have the life you want to improve all oftheseaspects: Health, prosperity and confidence. Social lifeandreputation. Relationship, marriage and life partner. Healthandfamily life. Good luck. Knowledge of yourself. Spirituallife.Download free app Feng Shui and improve your life from thefirstmoment.