Top 20 Apps Similar to Tıp Terimleri Sözlüğü

Tıp Sözlüğü 1.0
Kullanmak için internetbağlantısıgerektirmeyen(çevrimdışı çalışabilen), sözcüklerde veanlamlardaarama yapabilmeolanağı sunan ilk ve tek ücretsiz tıpsözlüğüuygulamasıdır. Buuygulamayı sadece sağlık alanındaçalışanlardeğil herkeskullanabilir.Uygulama özellikleri:- Anlamlarda arama kısmında terimlerin Türkçeaçıklamalarıiçerisindearama yapılmaktadır.(Latince ya da İngilizceyazılışınıbilmediğinizkelimelerin Türkçe söylenişini bu kısmayazarak sonucaulaşmayıdeneyebilirsiniz)- 50 000 e yakın sözcük içerir.- Google Play deki en kapsamlı tıp terimleri sözlüğüdür.- Açık ve anlaşılır bir arayüze sahiptir.- Aradığınız sözcüğün anlamına yazar yazmaz hemenulaşmanızısağlar,sözcüğü yazmaya başladığınızda sözcüklerfiltrelenmeyebaşlar vegiderek yazdığınıza en yakın sözcüklergelir.- Sözcüğün anlamına ulaşmak için dokunmanız yeterlidir.- Arama yapmadan da tüm sözcükleri liste şeklindegörmenizevehızlıca gözden geçirmenize olanak sağlar.- İngilizce ve Latince olmak üzere zengin tıbbiterimleriçeriğinesahiptir.Does notrequireaninternet connection to use (that can run offline), wordsearchandthe ability to make sense of offering free medicaldictionaryisthe first and only application. This application canonly beusedby anyone not working in the health field.Application features:- The search is carried out in Turkish description of thetermsofthe search for meaning. (Latin or English spelling cantrytoachieve the results you do not know the words of theTurkishspokenby typing this section)- 50 000 E contains the word close.- Until Google Play is the most comprehensive dictionaryofmedicalterms.- Open and has a straightforward interface.- The author does not write the meaning of the word youarelookinglets you access immediately when you start writing a wordbywordwill begin to gradually filtered out and come closestwordyouwrote.- Simply tap to access the meaning of words.- List all the words you see in the form of making callsandallowsyou to pass quickly overlooked.- It has a rich content, including English andLatinmedicalterms.
Medical Terminology (OFFLINE)
A quick Medical Terminology Reference appforall. App is complete OFFLINE and FREE. Medical Terminologyappcontaining list of medical terms.Medical Terms and Dictionary with common and uncommon words,termsand phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs, NPs,medicalstudents, nursing students and more.With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meaningsofthousands of medical terms in English language.It contains dictionary of most common used medical terms,diseases,tests and symptoms extended by external sources with tonsofmedical terminology.Features:- medical reference book and thesaurus covering allmedicalterminologies and abbreviations.- a very quick Search for Medical Terms;- complete offline access for dictionary, No Internetconnectionrequired;- huge database of Medical Terminologies;- email any of the terms instantly;- unlimited Book Marks;- history;- compatible with versions of Android Devices;- very efficient, fast and good performance;- automatic free updates whenever new terms gets added;- application is designed to occupy as much as less memoryaspossible.
Tıp Sözlüğü 2.0
Internet does not require a Medical Glossary app ...
Anatomi Kas Sistemi 9.0-demo
Visual, muscular system anatomy android application annotatedwithrich content.
Tanı Tedavi
Free Diagnosis and Treatment Practices for Health
Hastalık ve İlaç Rehberi 1.25
Uygulamayı yapmaktaki amacımız tıbbi alanda hastalıklar veilaçlarhakkında gerekli bilgilerin listelenmesidir. On binden fazlailaçbilgisi bulunmaktadır. Bunun yanında uygulamamızda tıpterimlerisözlüğü, etkileşimler, etken maddeler ve hesaplamalarbölümleri debulunmaktadır. Hesaplamalarda aileler ve çocuklarıiçin, doktorlariçin ve herkes için yararlı hesaplamalarbulunmaktadır. Zamanlasizlerden alacağımız geri bildirimlerleprogramı daha güzel halegetirebilmek için elimizden geleniyapacağız. Programımız ilkyüklendiği zaman bilgilerin listelenmisiiçin internet ilekullanımı gerekmektedir. Programı internet ilekullanmakistemiyorsanız, uygulama verilerini yardımmenüsündenindirebilirsiniz. Verileri indirdikten sonra internetbağlantısıolmadan bütün bölümleri kullanabilirsiniz. İnternetsizkullanımdaarada internet ile girip yardım menüsünden uygulamaverilerindedeğişiklik olup olmadığını kontrol etmeniz iyi olur. Budurumdayardım menüsünde güncelle olarak bir seçenek belirecektir.Herhangibir öneri, istek ve hatada bize yardım menüsü yardımıylaveyaekranın sağ altında bulunan mesaj kutusu yardımıylabizeulaşabilirsiniz.
tarık burkay
-origo,insertio,sinir,fonksiyonbilgileriniiçerir.-kaslar tablo şeklinde sıralanmaktadır.-tüm üst ve alt ekstremite kaslarıdetaylıolarakbulunmaktadır.-origo,insertion,nerveprovides the function information.-out are listed in table form.-all the upper and lower extremity muscles are in detail.
Tıp Notları 1.2
• TUSWORLD ve Tuspecial katkıları ile hazırlandı• • Tıp ders notları alanında ‘‘ilkvetek’’ uygulama. • 850 adet ders notu içermekte.• isimli web sitemizdeki bütündersnotlarını içermekte. • Uygulamayı indirdikten sonra notlarıokumakiçin internet bağlantısı gerektirmez. • Notlar branşlaraayrılmışolarak bulunmakta. • Güncellemelerle birlikte uygulamasürekligeliştirilecek. • Yeni uygulamalarla tıp eğitiminekatkıdabulunulmaya devam edilecek. Görüş ve önerileriniziçin:[email protected] Enes BAŞAK, İsmail KORKMAZ
Medical Dictionary Offline 1.0
Medical Dictionary Offline is for medical practitionersandstudentsto look up the definitions and technical terms inasecond. MedicalDictionary Offline is designed for medicalstudents,helping them intheir studies. Get the Medical DictionaryOffline forFree on GooglePlay Store!!! Features: - Over 40,000definitions -Bookmarkcommonly used words - Add new words to thedictionary andexpandyour own database
Gray's Pocket Atlas of Anatomy 11.3.577
The best reference to anatomy with phenomenal illustrations ofthehuman body.
Tıbbi Terimler 1.4
Bu uygulama çoğunluğu Yunanca ve Latinceolanyaklaşık olarak 3500 tane tıp terimi içermektedir. Özellikletıpfakültesinde okuyan öğrencilerin Yunanca ve Latince tıpterimleriniköklerine kadar incelemesine yardımcı olmaktadır.Bu uygulama internet bağlantısına ihtiyaç duymaktadır.Sağlık ile ilgili fakültelerde okuyup özel branşlarınayönelikkelimelerin bu uygulamaya eklenmesinde bizimle uygulamaüzerindenirtibata geçebilirsiniz.The majority oftheseapplications in Greek and Latin medical terms, whichincludeapproximately 3,500 units. In particular, students inmedicalschool studying Greek and Latin medical terminology ishelpful toexamine up to the roots.This application requires an internet connection.Health-related faculties for specific branch of the words readinaddition to this application you can contact us throughtheapplication.
Tıp Dünyası 3
-News from the medical world-Scientific research-Health agenda
Medical Dictionary ✪ Diseases 2.2.2
This is a new diseases dictionaryapplicationspecially for the Medical Students.With detailedinformation on5000s of diseases, 1000 of common drugs and more30.000 medicalterms from more than a dozen medical encyclopediasand probableprescription drug info, this app is a free medicalencyclopediaguide.It's also provide about 1000 drugs used for medication:uses,dosage, how to take, side effects, precautions, druginteractions,missed dose and storage.It's also provide about Medical Terms and Dictionary with commonanduncommon words, terms and phrases. Used by physicians,nurses,medical students, nursing students and more.With thissimple,powerfull and free app you can reveal meanings of thousandsofmedical terms in English language.It help you monitor BMI and percentage of fat in your body.Ideal weight - app calculates the ideal weight youshouldgain.All measurements use information about your body: gender,age,height and weight.App is designed for people of different ages and supports forbothmetric and imperial.Track your BMI and stay healthy!Using this Dictionary you can find almost all the diseases,drugsdefinition and most common used medical terms, diseases, testsandsymptoms extended by external sources with tons ofmedicalterminology.. This is very good application for finding thediseaseinformation. using this application you can find the wordquicklyby typing the work in search box.A SEARCH TOOLFeaturing search autocomplete to help you find diseases quicklybydisplaying predictions diseases similar to the terms you'retyping.You also get enhanced search extras including: • A quick search info of diseases while you type. • A mark on a part of diseases's name while you type.A BOOKMARK TOOLFeaturing allow you save your note when you research a diseaseandsave diseases favorites to help you access quicklyMedical Dictionary FREE - Diseases- Works Offline without internet.- Detailed description of all major medical conditionsanddiseases.- Information regarding treatment of diseases for allmedicalconditions and symptoms along with medicationinformation,medication interaction and drug side effects.- Detailed drug guide including the drug terms, brandsandgenerics.- Medication prescription for various diseases.- The best choice for pocket drug dictionary and drug bookfornurses with facts, doses and overdose information.- Medical reference book and thesaurus covering allmedicalterminologies and abbreviations.- Very friendly and beautiful interface.Who can use this free disease dictionary:Healthcare professionals, pharmaceuticals, physicians,hospitalnurses, medical students, nursing professionals,pharmacy,physician assistants and for students who work in clinicalpractice& dispensary.DISCLAIMER:This app cannot and should not replace a pharmacist or adoctorconsultation. App content is only for pocket reference&educational purposes. Consult a doctor before actual usage ofanyof the information in this app.Tags:Diseases Dictionary, Medicine, Medical Dictionary,MedicineDictionary, Disease, Disease Dictionary,MedicalTerms,MedicalTerminologies
3D Bones and Organs (Anatomy) 5.8
A true and totally 3D app for learning human bones and organs
Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty 2020
With this application I have prepared for the elite studentsofCerrahpaşa, a lot of information is under your hands. Withthisapplication, you can examine the food list more convenientlyandyou can see the lessons you want in the lessons in the day. Youcanreview your internship programs and topics, as well as take alookat the faculty. Course schedules change from time to time. Ifit isnot the exam period and an important change will come toyourpocket with the latest version within 1-2 days. (You can set ittoauto-update for error-free use.) *********************1-2-3-4-5.All students of the classes (including English) arecovered.********************* It is not official.********************* Themonthly food list will be automaticallyupdated on the internet atthe beginning of each month. *Information is available for 4th and5th grades (internships andevents etc.) * Last year I had to spenda bit on practice. At leastI put an ad in front of you to meethim. I hope you understand. * Itcontains a database that will fillapproximately 20,000 excel cellsof the application. I entered allof them with an automatic program,but I tried to control it,considering the possibility of slipping.If it's wrong and you'reout of my eye, make it look good. Humanity.* I will try to keep itup to date, to keep it up to date. My emailaddress is open for allkinds of problems. [email protected]
Englishini (Medical English) 2016/10/07
Keywords:* Medical English* Scientific English* Game to help you to write medical terms correctly1- Pronounce & Write medical terms correctly2- Medical Abbreviations3- Medical converter4- Medical Plurals5- Irregular verbs6- Countries & CapitalsIt can work perfectly offline (without internet access).You can choose among these 6 apps what suits youtolearnEnglish.✔ How to pronounce it?1- Listen to the pronunciation of differentdifficultterms.2- Test your own pronunciation using the recording button.3- Compare your recording to one of the app and keep tryingtomakeit the closest possible.4- Play th game and train your ears in order to writedifficulttermscorrectly.✔ Medical abbreviations:+2400 abbreviations!Do you know the meaning of ABG = _____________?✔ Irregular verbs:+480 verbsTo catch --- ca_____? - ca_____?✔ Converter:101° F = ___ °C3 Feet = ____ cm....Instantly converts units and works both ways✔ Countries & Capitals:You have a list of all the countries/ continents/capitals/dialcodeNorway - _______? - + 4__?✔ Medical PluralsWhat is the plural of the word vasculitis?You will find the answer inside the app (vascu_____)If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, pleasedonothesitate to contact us.Email: [email protected]
Anatomy 3D Atlas 5.0.0
Learn human anatomy interactively
Doctor Games & Apps 1.8
Doctor Apps is a newandroidapplicationincluding a comprehensive collection of theanatomy andsurgerygames and apps. We intend to enable everyone whoisinterested inmedicine and health from medical students to kidstoaccess visualand informative contents about medicine.Users of Doctor Apps will find all the doctor,surgery,anatomy,health, workout, fitness and medical applications.You canwatchthe interactive videos of the operations like nosesurgery,hipsurgery. In apps category, you see the subcategorieslikemedical,anatomy, health, fitness, and glossary. We includehumananatomyatlases helping you view all human anatomy systemsindetails,glossary of medical terms, medical apps liketheradiologyassistant, articles and videos about health, fitnessappslikecalorie tracker and more helpful applications.Games category consists of anatomy games, doctorgames,surgerygames and dental games. Thanks to these games, youwilllearn humananatomy and places of organs, medical terms, howadentist ordoctor performs surgeries, and which tools are used inanoperationrooms when enjoying.We have also categorized the apps as free and paid soyoucaneasily access what you seek.Features:-A comprehensive collection of doctor games and apps-Contents for both kids and adults-Free and paid options-Ease of access and installing-Human anatomy atlases with descriptions-Operation videos-Surgery games-Medical glossary-Fitness apps-Health tips and articles-Latest newsWhat's new?- Game reviews are added so you can gain insightintothegames.- You can write your comments about the app and gamesinspeechbubbles.- Game trailers and walkthroughs are added to indicatehowtoplay.
Dental videos & dictionary - NEET MDS F_1.8
Dentool Inc.
This is an application for dentists with a search engine,whichexplains the meanings of more than 10,000 dental termswithoutinternet connection. Contains more than 500 dental videosfordental students, given subject wise which includes,Anatomy,Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology,Microbiology,General medicine, General surgery, Oral pathology,Oral medicine,Radiology, Oral surgery, Conservative &endodontics,Prosthodontics, Dental anatomy & histology. -by Dr.PilliNaveen Kumar This app is the first version of our idea and wedidour best to explain the terms. App contains nice features tomakeit easy and quick to use. This is one of the apps of DentoolInc.Developed by, Anand Kumar K Abhishek Nalamothu Manisha M
Medical Terminology Quiz Game: 4.6
Quetzal Inc
Medical Terminology is a game covering many medical topicslikeanatomy etc.