Top 26 Apps Similar to Kotlin Android API Reference -

Offline Android API Reference 7.6
Offline Android API reference For Android Developers.
Learn Kotlin & Android 4.2.21
Learn Kotlin Programming with programming lessons,tutorials,programs & more
Master Coding Pro - Learn Codi 2.8
Become a professional coder with our free courses! Start yourcodingcareer
Rest Client - Pocket POSTMAN 2.1.68
Rest Client - Test REST API with your phone
Today's Developer-Android app 11.3.0
Android studio tutorials. java & Android ApplicationDevelopmentfree tutorials.
Flutter Catalog 3.6.0
Opensource Flutter showcase app, with side-by-side source codeview.
Learn Android App Development 5.8
This app is dedicated to android app development.
A fun community for developers to connect over code, tech &lifeas a programmer
OctoDroid for GitHub 4.6.10
Azwan Adli
Octodroid provides access to GitHub and stay connected toyournetworks.
FastHub for GitHub 4.7.3
Fast Access
If you are using CM rom do not install the app, CM theme enginehasa bug and that will result on soft breaking your phone onceyouinstall the app. Welcome to FastHub . FastHub is yet anotheropensource unofficial GitHub client app but unlike any otherapp,FastHub built from ground up. Features - App - Three logintypes(Basic Auth), (Access Token) or via (OAuth) - MultipleAccounts -Enterprise Accounts - Themes mode - Offline-mode -Markdown andcode highlighting support - Notifications overview and"Mark all asread" - Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs &code. - PinnedRepos - Trending - Wiki - Repositories - Browse &Read Wiki -Make commits - Search Repos - Browse and search Repos -See yourpublic, private and forked Repos - Filter Branches andCommits -Watch, star and fork Repos - Download releases, files andbranches- Issues and Pull Requests - Search Issues/PRs - FilterIssues/PRs- Long click to peak Issues/PRs & add comments otg.-Open/close Issues/PRs - Comment on Issues/PRs - ManageIssue/PRcomments - React to comments with reactions - EditIssues/PRs -Lock/unlock conversation in Issues/PRs - Assign peopleand addLabels and Milestones to Issues/PRs - Manage Milestones -Merge PRs- PRs reviews (reply, react with emojies, delete &editcomment) - PRs request review changes/approve & comment. -PRsstatuses - Commits and Gists - Search Code/Gists - View Gistsandtheir files - Comment on Commits/Gists - ManageCommit/Gistcomments - Create/Delete Gists - React to Commitcomments withreactions - Comment on line number in Files/Codechanges. - Orgs -Overview - Feeds - Teams & Teams repos - Repos- Users -Follow/Unfollow users - View user feeds - Contributiongraph. -Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code - Muchmore...FastHub is actively developed. More features will come!Warning!This application may work incorrectly on discontinuedCyanogenModfirmware. Since this is a bug of discontinued modifiedoperatingsystem, we can do nothing about it. Please, think ofupgrading toLineageOS instead of writing bad reviews. FAQ Why can'tI see myOrganizations either Private or Public ones? Openup and look for FastHub,openit then scroll to Organization access and click on GrantButton,alternatively login via Access Token which will ease thissetup. Itried to login via Access Token & OTP but it does notwork? Youcan't login via Access Token & OTP all together due tothelifetime of the OTP code, you'll be required to login in everyfewseconds. Why my Private Repo Wiki does not show up? It's duetoFastHub scraping GitHub Wiki page & Private Reposrequiresession token that FastHub doesn't have. I login withEnterpriseaccount but can't interact with anything other than myEnterpriseGitHub? Well, logically, you can't access anything elseother thanyour Enterprise, but FastHub made that possible but can'tdo muchabout it, in most cases since your login credential doesn'texistsin GitHub server. But in few cases your GitHub account Oauthtokenwill do the trick. You love FastHub? You want new features orbugfixes? Please contribute to the open source project(GitHubProject) either by creating PR or submitting an issueticket.
Jvdroid Pro - IDE for Java 2.0
The most easy to use and powerful Java 11 compiler & IDEonGoogle Play
Learn All PRO Python Tutorials Offline in 2020 0.0.5
NO ADS | ADS FREE Learn Artificial Intelligence withPythonArtificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstratedbymachines, in contrast to the intelligence displayed byhumans.Learn BioPython Biopython is an open-source python toolmainly usedin bioinformatics field. Learn Concurrency with PythonConcurrency,natural phenomena, is the happening of two or moreevents at thesame time. Learn Cryptography with Python Moderncryptography isthe one used widely among computer science projectsto secure thedata messages. Jupyter Jython Jython is the JVMimplementation ofthe Python programming language. LogisticRegression in PythonLogistic Regression is a statistical method ofclassification ofobjects. Learn Matplotlib Matplotlib is one of themost popularPython packages used for data visualization. LearnMachine Learningwith Python Learn Numpy NumPy, which stands forNumerical Python,is a library consisting of multidimensional arrayobjects and acollection of routines for processing those arrays.Learn ObjectOriented Python Python has been an object-orientedlanguage sinceit existed. In this tutorial we will try to getin-depth featuresof OOPS in Python programming. Learn PyGTK PyGTKis a set ofwrappers written in Python and C for GTK + GUI library.Learn PyQtPyQt is a GUI widgets toolkit. It is a Python interfacefor Qt, oneof the most powerful, and popular cross-platform GUIlibrary. LearnPython As mentioned before, Python is one of the mostwidely usedlanguage over the web. Learn Python-3 As mentionedbefore, Pythonis one of the most widely used language over the web.Learn PyCharmPython Blockchain Blockchain is the current buzz thatis dominatingthe software development trends. Python Data AccessPython is ageneral-purpose interpreted, interactive,object-oriented, andhigh-level programming language. Python DataPersistence PythonDeep Learning Python is a general-purpose highlevel programminglanguage that is widely used in data science andfor producing deeplearning algorithms. Python Design Pattern Thistutorial explainsthe various types of design patterns and theirimplementation inPython scripting language. Learn Python DigitalForensics Digitalforensics is the branch of forensic science thatanalyzes,examines, identifies as well as recovers the digitalevidences fromelectronic devices. Learn Python Web Scraping LearnPython DataStructure Computers store and process data with an extraordinaryspeed and accuracy. Learn Python Data Science Data is thenew Oil.This statement shows how every modern IT system is drivenbycapturing, storing and analysing data for various needs.LearnPython Network Programming Python Network Programming isaboutusing python as a programming language to handlecomputernetworking requirements. Learn PyTest Pytest is a testingframeworkbased on python. It is mainly used to write API testcases. LearnPyTorch PyTorch is an open source machine learninglibrary forPython and is completely based on Torch. Learn PythonTextProcessing Python Programming can be used to process text dataforthe requirements in various textual data analysis. LearnPythonForensics Python has built-in capabilities to supportdigitalinvestigation and protect the integrity of evidence duringaninvestigation. Learn Python Panda Learn Python WebDevelopmentLibraries Python provides multiple frameworks for thewebdevelopment. Learn PySpark Apache Spark is written forsupportPython with Spark, Apache Spark community released a tool,PySpark.Learn Seaborn Seaborn is an open source, BSD-licensedPythonlibrary providing high level API for visualizing the datausingPython programming language. Learn Scipy This tutorial ispreparedfor the readers, who want to learn the basic features alongwiththe various functions of SciPy. Learn WxPython wxPython is ablendof wxWidgets and Python programming library.
C++ Quiz 1.3.2
Grape Rain
Quiz on knowledge of the C++ language standard
CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional 2020.4.8
In the ever-changing world of cloud services, uniquesecuritychallenges are being faced every day — from new threatstowardssensitive data to uneducated internal teams. And you can bethespecialist that takes command with the CCSP certificationandensures cloud security at its best. This mobile applicationisdesigned to help you pass the Certified Cloud SecurityProfessionalexam and excel in your role. It provides hundreds ofpracticequestions that review all knowledge modules referring tocloudsecurity management and match the tone and content of those ontheactual exam. Using this app, you will get access to aninteractivelearning environment that offers multiple electronicflashcards andpractice on questions with immediate response, aswell as real testsimulation with feedback at the end. Install itnow and putyourself to the test to 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘂𝗱𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆!
Statcounter Web Analytics 2.12.1
Independent web analytics specialist Statcounter tracksmillionsofwebsites for companies, agencies,bloggers,self-employed,charities and anyone who wants to measureactivity ontheirwebsite, blog or forum. Key features include easeofuse,independence and ability to view individual visitors inrealtime.We read all feedback submitted via the app orourwebsite. We'veimplementedseveralimprovements based on the feedback already. Keepit coming.Somemembers are having trouble logging in. If you arehavingtroubleplease send us your feedback and let us know whatusernameandpassword combination you are trying.
Powershell Tutorial 4
Sagar V Hande
PowerShell Tutorial : Put The Power in Powershell
Librestream Onsight Connect
Onsight Connect remote expert software provides teamswithvirtualaccess to colleagues, suppliers and customers to assistwithfieldinspections, troubleshooting, and issueresolution.Deployedglobally, Onsight Connect securely shares livevideo,audio,telestration, text and high-resolution images acrossteams -evenin the most bandwidth limited conditions. OnsightConnectpowers afull range of mobile devices includingwearables,smartphones,tablets, computers, and specialized Onsightaccessoriesfor aconsistent experience that fits all use casesandenvironmentsacross an enterprise. Using the OnsightPlatformManager tool, anenterprise can enforce security andprivacysettings, setnetwork/bandwidth controls, analyze usage, andmanagegroup clientpolicies. A core component of the OnsightAugmentedRealityplatform, Onsight Connect integrates with theOnsightWorkspacespecialized content system and Onsight Flowdigitalworkinstruction capability. TermsofUse:
Learn AI & ML with Python 4.2.6
Tutorials & lessons for AI & ML concepts. Learn withPythonProgramming
Learn Android With Source Code 1.1
Learn Android App development with source code and Androidinterviewquestions
Data Structures Handbook 0.9.7
Bash Overflow
Minimal and Updated Handbook on Data Structures - now atyourfingertips!
Javascript Tests and Quizzes 3.5.75
- Test your JavaScript skills and knowledge with our extensivebaseof programming tests and questions - Learn and improveyourJavaScript skills and knowledge by reading explanationsassigned toeach programming question to help you understand theconcept -extend your programming knowledge by reading our articlesaboutJavaScript topics - save your favorite JavaScript tests toyourfavorite list - Create your own JavaScript quizzes withtechnicalquestions that are in our database - become an author andadd yourown JavaScript questions and tests and help other toimprove theircoding skills Quizes and questions are divided by thelevel:beginner, intermediate and advanced. This application doesnotcontain official JavaScript tests, but it will definitely helpyouprepare for technical interview and get your dream position ofaJavaScript developer. Whether you are an experienced orbeginnersoftware programmer, this application is for everyone whowants tolearn and expand their knowledge of the JavaScriptprogramminglanguage. This application can be useful to: - preparefor theJavaScript programming exam - fill knowledge gaps aboutJavaScriptlanguage - prepare for the JavaScript technical jobinterview -practice your JavaScript coding skills Join 13,000 userswho arealready learning the JavaScript programming language withus. Youcan find programming questions related to: - JavaScript-ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015) - CSS - HTML - React - Angular-AngularJS - TypeScript - Node - MongoDB - Git - Java - PHPExamplesubjects: - JavaScript - variables and data types,operator,conditions and loops, arrays, functions, objects, scope,this,hoisting, arguments, NaN, regular expressions, null,undefined,closure, apply/call/bind, new and prototype, iife, strictandnon-strict mode, delete operator, type of operator,WebSockets,Fetch API, cookies, XHR and Ajax, session and localstorage, asyncand await - ES6 - promises, let/const, templatestrings, arrowfunction, rest and spread, classes and inheritance,modules,default parameter values, symbol, generators,array/objectdestructuring, Set, Map - CSS - selectors, specificity,pseudoclasses and pseudo elements, box model, shorthandproperties,stacking context, margin collapsing, floating,positioning, units,gradients, block vs inline elements, fontstyling, inheritance -HTML - links, lists, elements, tables, forms,images, audio andvideo tag, iframes, global attributes, doctype andDTD - TypeScript- enums, types, interfaces, classes, generics,union, tuple -Angular - binding, components, directives, pipes,modules,template-driven forms and reactive forms, Angular CLI,services,routing, @Input/@Output, guards, lifecycle hooks - React-components and props, JSX, handling events, state, Refs - Node-modules, fs, http, npm
Libraries for developers 3.85.01
This app provides a collection of third party libraries.
Kitten Tricks 2.4.0
Kitten Tricks is a starter kit for your next mobile app foranydomain
YouTrack 2023.3.3
Manage projects your way!
Syncfusion Xamarin UI Controls 22.1
The app helps developers explore the components in EssentialStudiofor Xamarin.