Top 17 Games Similar to 指尖封神

天天轉三國 1.0.2
Xiu Fly
第五代轉珠手遊巨作--《天天轉三國》震撼來襲!遊戲顛覆了傳統轉珠消除玩法,獨創塔防式戰鬥,全民化的簡易操作,堅決不抄襲不山寨,全新的玩法,頂尖的制作團隊讓您享受壹場酣暢淋漓的三國爭霸!精美Q版風,炫酷的技能特效,高品質的遊戲音效,精致的武將配音,所有的壹切都是為了向您呈現最新潮的三國手遊精品大作!在這裏,您將化身亂世中的英豪,招募天下名將,組建屬於自己的最強隊伍,聚金戈鐵馬,橫掃三國!!!Thefifth-generationtransfer beads hand tour masterpiece - "day by daythree" shockstruck! Game to subvert the traditional turn beadelimination gamesare played the original tower defense stylebattle, full of simple,determined not plagiarized cottage, newplay, the top productionteam allows you to enjoy hearty One fieldthree hegemony! Q editionfine wind, cool special effects skills,high-quality game soundeffects, dubbing fine generals, all of Onecut is to present to youthree hand travel boutique masterpiecelatest wave! Here, you willbe the hero avatar troubled times,recruiting world champion, setup his own strongest team, polyarmored cavalry, swept thethree!
魔女戰記:巴別塔之謎 1.7
遊戲故事:遠古艾特納是個擁有許多召喚師的國度,這國度裡有個被封印在闇黑森林的魔女莫莉卡,她凶暴、殘忍,擁有強大的召喚法術與幻獸軍團‧‧‧如果讓她覺醒,將是艾特納的災難。然而某日隸屬於魔女的黑魔法力量與幻獸,佔據了闇黑森林,並透過血祭解除了封印。魔法學園長老知悉後,立即命令帕拉蒂、沃魯庫、梅姬、德魯伊、薇琪前往對抗封印魔女‧‧‧遊戲簡介:《魔女戰記》是一款策略冒險手遊,玩家扮演五位召喚師,前往封印覺醒的魔女莫莉卡。每位召喚師能力、天賦、技能特色都不同,遊戲可以讓玩家自由的搭配召喚獸和技能的組合,是一款很深奧的魔法策略遊戲。遊戲最大特色在於玩家間真實的PVP對戰,即使高等玩家擁有強大的召喚獸軍團,一個不小心配陣錯誤或是技能使用順序錯誤,勝敗隨時會翻轉!考驗玩家的戰鬥智慧與技巧!【主角介紹】》帕拉蒂《擅長光魔法,以強化類輔助性魔法為主,擁有很高的生命與攻擊力。光系召喚獸具有較好的技能協作性。【物理天賦】每次物理攻擊時,我方光系召喚獸能獲得祝福,使部隊獲得額外攻擊力與生命值。》沃魯庫《擅長火魔法,以攻擊性魔法為主,擁有較高的法術強度與爆發能力。火系召喚獸具有高攻擊力、高傷害的特色。【物理天賦】每次物理攻擊時,能給予目標施加烈火印記。使其受到50%額外魔法傷害。》梅姬《擅長水魔法,以控制性技能為主,具有較高的魔法值和強大的戰場應變能力。水系召喚獸具有高防禦、鐵壁特色。【物理天賦】每次物理攻擊時,能夠洞悉對手的技能,在接下來一定回合數內可使用對手技能。》德魯伊《擅長綠魔法,技能主要輔助召喚獸進行戰鬥,具有迅速的行動和治療能力。綠系召喚獸具有較強的綜合實力。【物理天賦】每次物理攻擊時,將觸發我方綠系召喚獸隱藏的特殊能力。》薇琪《擅長闇魔法,擁有強大的恢復力與詛咒弱化對手的能力。闇系召喚獸非常強大,擁有許多恐怖的技能。【物理天賦】每次物理攻擊時,形成闇之結界。在擊倒對手召喚獸之後,將回復自身生命。【寶石系統】玩家可以自由移動棋盤中的寶石,相同屬性的寶石並列成3顆以上即可消除,消除後可獲得該寶石的魔法能量來施放技能!魔法能量會顯示在棋盤的下方,玩家可以看準時機來使用技能!可以用技能一次消除大量的寶石或是讓召喚師直接給予對手傷害!【寶石與魔法能量的關係】劍…無属性魔法能量(所有魔法能量的來源)光寶石…光的魔法能量(帕拉蒂的力量來源)紅寶石…炎的魔法能量(沃魯庫的力量來源)水寶石…水的魔法能量(梅姬的力量來源)綠寶石…緑的魔法能量(德魯伊的力量來源)闇寶石…闇的魔法能量(薇奇的力量來源)【召喚獸系統】遊戲召喚獸最多可以有4隻上場戰鬥!每隻召喚獸都會在回合結束時發動攻擊!所有召喚獸都擁有自己的特殊技能與屬性,必須搭配召喚師的技能使用!玩家可以依召喚獸的特性和寶石技能來組合出全新多變化的攻擊招式!召喚獸有分普通、稀有、史詩、傳說等級…..越稀有能力越強悍!【養成要素】召喚獸的收集與養成玩家可以透過任務報酬來獲得新的召喚獸!玩家可以選擇強化或是進化,來讓召喚獸變強!請耐心地培養召喚獸,讓他們成長茁壯吧!聯繫官方官方粉絲團:遊戲問題回報:<--粉絲團私密小編TAIWANGame story:Far Guaitena is the country with many Summoner, this countryhasbeen sealed in a dark forest witch Mallika, her violent,cruel,with powerful spells and summon Legion Eudemons ‧‧‧ ifsheawakening will be Etna disaster. But one day the power ofblackmagic witch affiliated with Eudemons, occupied the darkforest, andthrough blood sacrifice to lift the seal. After theMagic AcademyPresbyterian knows immediately ordered Parati, Vorulibrary,Maggie, Druid, Vickie went against the seal witch ‧‧‧Game:"Witch Wars" is a strategy adventure mobile games, playersplayfive Summoner, go seal awakening witch Mallika. EachSummonerability, talent, skills, characteristics are different, thegameallows players to freely mix and skills summon combination, isavery profound magic strategy game. The game's biggest featureisreal PVP battle between players, even if the player has astronghigher summon Legion, a careless mistake or skills to usewitharrays in the wrong order, the victory will be flipped at anytime!Test players fighting wisdom and skill! [Characters introduced]"Parati"Specializes in light magic, to strengthen class-basedauxiliarymagic, with a high life and attack. Summon optical systemhas agood collaborative skills. [Physical talent] every physicalattack,we summon light system can get blessings, so additionaltroopsattack and the value of life."Voru Library"Specializes in fire magic, offensive magic in the main, withahigher spell and burst capacity. Summon the fire department hasthecharacteristics of high attack power, high damage.[Physicaltalent] every time a physical attack, can give objective施加烈 firemark. Subject it to 50% additional magic damage."Maggie"Good water magic to controlling skill-based, with high manaandstrong battlefield adaptability. River summon a high defense,ironwall features. [Physical talent] every physical attack, abletodiscern the opponent's skills, the opponent can use certainskillsin the next few rounds."Druid"Good green magic, skills summon to fight for Auxiliary, withrapidaction and treatment capacity. Green line summon withstrongcomprehensive strength. [Physical talent] every physicalattackwill trigger our green line summon hidden specialability."Vickie"Specializes in dark magic, has a strong resilience andcurseweakening the opponent's ability. Summon very powerful darklines,with many terrorist skills. [Physical talent] every time aphysicalattack, the formation of dark enchantment. After summonknockouts,will return their own lives.[Gem System]Players can move freely chessboard gems, precious stones tied tothesame property more than three can be eliminated, obtained aftertheelimination of the magical energy of the stone to castskills!Magical energy is displayed at the bottom of the board,players cansaw the opportunity to Use skills! can eliminate a lotof theskills a gem or let Summoner direct damage to youropponent![Relationship gems and magical energy]No attribute magic sword ... energy (all magicalenergysource)Light gem ... light magical energy (power source Parati)Ruby ... inflammation of magical energy (power sourceVorulibrary)Water gem ... magic water energy (Maggie power source)... Emerald green magical energy (power source Druid)Dark gem ... dark magical energy (Wei Qi power source)[Summon System]Game summon up the battle have four! Each summon will attack attheend of the round!Summon all have their own special skills and attributes mustmatchSummoner skills to use!Players can summon according to the features and gems skillstocompose a new attack moves many changes!Summon partakers ordinary, rare, epic, legendary grade ... ..morerare ability is tough![Develop] elementsSummon collection and developPlayers can get through the new task summon reward!Players can choose to strengthen or evolution, to make summonbecomestrong!Please summon the patience to train, so that they grow uphealthyand strong it!Contact OfficialOfficial fan group: https: // Bug Report: https: // <-Fansintimate small seriesTAIWAN
神隱幻姬 2.0.2
◇◇召喚三大國度神靈化身幻姬齊聚一堂,獨創的即時幻陣回合戰鬥進擊玩法,結合RPG角色養成與即時操作戰略,展開曲折離奇的冒險,絕對讓玩家大呼過癮!◇◇【ストーリー故事背景】「神隱幻姬」是由世間的意志凝聚出了『森羅萬象之書』,裡面記載著整個人世間的真理。自古以來,人們相信世間有著神靈鬼魅,終日禱告、敬仰與恐懼參半,然而這些神靈鬼魅的存在,是靠人們的祈願信仰與虔誠畏懼之心支撐著,成為了人世間的『真理』,但隨著朝代更迭、時間流逝,人們逐漸否定了神靈鬼魅們的存在,因此其力量也逐漸減弱中…這時身為凡人的你,不論從哪裡獲得這本書,只要打開第一頁,即能進入森羅萬象之中,窺視『真理』的面貌,當人們再次相信神靈鬼魅的存在,即能尋回被遺忘的『信仰』,漸漸地,秩序也將逐漸恢復平衡,最終世間也就能脫離崩毀的危機。【ゲーム遊戲介紹】▼召喚三大國度的神靈化身幻姬 架空劇情的幻想題材▼穿越時空來自蓬萊(台灣)、天竺(印度)、極東(日本)三大國仙境,超過百位的神靈全部化身『幻姬』與您一同作戰。▼獨具風格的美術畫風 原汁原味的日本聲優親配上陣▼每位幻姬都具有壞壞1頭身Q版及性感冶豔的兩種獨特美術畫風,加上日本知名聲優親自配音,讓你體驗原汁原味的精緻日系手遊大作!▼創新的組合RPG作為核心 前所未見的角色進化展示▼以「前線戰士」、「防衛輔助」、「遠程輸出」三大職業類型相生相剋任意組合,前所未見超華麗進階效果直覺大感動。▼獨創即時操幻陣系統 彈指間扭轉戰局▼戰鬥時前後排角色可隨時調換,幻姬技能也會隨之改變,搭配職業相剋,添加戰鬥時的即時刺激樂趣。▼收服靈珠 施放幻姬華麗大絕▼戰鬥時怪物身上會掉落靈珠,點擊靈珠加速累積SP技能,集滿就可以施放幻姬華麗大絕,瞬間改變戰場局面。▼完整社交系統 玩家協同出戰 組織公會 跨平台遊戲▼與三五好友共遊森羅萬象世界,跨平台iOS、安卓系統通通一起玩,好友協同出戰改變戰局,一起組織幻姬公會吧!◇官方網站:◇ 粉絲團:◇ 維姬百科:◇◇ summon threemagickingdom of God incarnate Kyi gathered in one, the originalinstantmagic circle round battle gameplay attack, combining RPGrole todevelop and operate real-time strategy adventure unfoldbizarretwists and turns, never let players hooked! ◇◇[Su Suites ー an have the background story]"God Hidden Magic Kyi" from the world will gather out ofthe"Book of flowers will", which recorded the whole truth of thehumanworld. Since ancient times, people believed that the world hasaghostly spirits all day, prayer, worship and fear mixed, butthepresence of these ghosts of the gods, is the heart ofpeople'sfaith by prayer and pious fear of supporting, became theearth's"truth", but with the the dynasties, the passage of time,peoplegradually ghosts who deny the existence of gods, so itsstrengthhas weakened the ...Then as you mortals, regardless of where to get this book,justturn on the first page, which flowers will be able to enterinto,peep "truth" look, when people believe in ghosts gods again,thatcan be recovered Forgotten "belief", gradually, the orderwillgradually restore balance, and ultimately the world will alsobeable collapsed out of the crisis.[Ge one woods Game Description]▼ summon three magic kingdom of God incarnate Kyioverheadfantasy story theme ▼Through time and space from the Penglai (Taiwan), Tianzhu(India),Far East (Japan) three countries in Wonderland, more thanonehundred of the incarnation of all gods "Magic Ji" and youfighttogether.▼ stylized art style authentic Japanese seiyuu battlewithpro-▼Each Magic Kyi has a nasty and sexy body Q version Ye Yan twouniqueart style, coupled with well-known Japanese voice actorsdubbinghimself, let you experience the exquisite authenticJapanese handtravel masterpiece!▼ innovation as the core of an unprecedented combination ofRPGcharacter evolution show ▼To "frontline soldiers", "defensive secondary", "Remote Out"threeoccupational categories XiangShengXiangKe any combinationofunprecedented super gorgeous effect intuitive Advancedbigmove.▼ original instant magic array operating systemfingertipsreverse the situation ▼When the battle front row ready to swap roles, magic Ji skillswillchange, with the occupation of grams, add instant funfightingstimulus.▼ rein Lingzhu cast magic Kyi absolutely gorgeous big ▼When fighting monsters will drop Lingzhu, click Lingzhuacceleratedaccumulation of SP skill set is full you can cast magicKyiabsolutely gorgeous big, instantly change thebattlefieldsituation.▼ complete social system of organization Associationplayercooperative play cross-platform game ▼And flowers will swim a few friends in the world,cross-platformiOS, Android system all play together, play friendscollaborativechange the military situation, together with theorganization MagicKyi guild now!◇ official website: http: //◇ fan group: https: //◇ Vicky Wikipedia: http: //
《猛將喵三拳》是一款萌喵系策略卡牌手遊,畫面可愛生動,戰鬥華麗並有真人戰鬥配音,除了有大量的萌喵角色可收集還有多樣化的玩法經營自已的萌喵領地及家族。★★重要資訊★★遊戲例行維護時段為個禮拜三上午10:00~12:00 (以粉絲團公告為主)★★官方資訊★★官網:手機無法註冊玩家,可到官網註冊申請帳號)Facebook粉絲團:問題回報信箱:[email protected]★★遊戲特色★★《猛將喵三拳》最可愛、最萌喵的三國休閒RPG、經營自已的萌喵領地,數百名三國猛將陪你一起喵他三拳、勇闖天下。☆副本:三國知名戰役關卡,眾多裝備金銀財寶等著你。☆奪寶:每日必玩任務,免錢就可以拿元寶、技能包喔!☆生產:天天生產拿銀兩,等級愈高拿的愈多喔!☆訓練:萌喵快速提升等級,猛將的必經之地。☆附靈:裝不附靈枉稱猛,裝備除了強化還可以更上一層樓喔。☆稅收:銀兩徴稅滾滾來,掠奪銀兩富甲天下。☆競技:每日切磋排名拼高下!銀兩、威望等你來,至尊榜等你來挑戰!☆貓宅:可愛小喵等你來養成,輕鬆有趣增加實力。☆緣助:有緣喵將來相助,神秘協助達成緣!☆抽獎:絕世神駒、大量元寶在這裡。☆內政:經營領地做一個好喵主,升級軍銜看這裡。☆過關斬將:過百關斬千將,高手高手高高手!☆血戰赤壁:借東風、戰火船,赤壁名戰大重現。☆世界BOSS:天下英雄出我輩,討伐BOSS平天下!★★活動全面啟動★★☆每日簽到-趙雲、張飛拜入麾下!☆猛喵升級-元寶、物資梭哈入掌。元寶=新台幣!☆一杯美酒飲下肚,十八猛喵體健壯!☆喵掌出手,撈盡天下好寶!☆招財喵激戰財神爺72小時。☆首儲三倍送!二喬美喵伴我闖天涯~ 再送嫁妝!☆累積儲值送,霸氣走全身。
梅露可物語 癒術士與鈴之旋律 1.3.5
『梅露可物語 癒術士與鈴之旋律-』【Google 評選日本2014最佳幻想遊戲】【日本暢銷榜第一】【日版超過200萬下載】超爽快戰鬥!超治癒遊戲!超卡哇伊角色!梅露可物語官方網站:■□■□■□■梅露可物語 3大特點■□■□■□■● 「超流暢!」──行雲流水橫版戰鬥用簡單易懂的操作方式,控制可愛的角色們進行戰鬥!運用傭兵組合,打敗敵人拯救寵物;活用戰術隊形,破解任務拯救世界──可愛的夥伴為你而戰!● 「救命啊!」──夥伴系統突破困難關卡劇情任務可以選難度,normal模式一人可以輕鬆突破,hard模式嘛…運用遊戲完善的夥伴系統,不管是公會好夥伴,或著是路過好玩家~都可以參與戰鬥,一起獲得勝利唷!● 「好感動!」──不可靠的癒術士x瓶中少女の大冒險不可靠的冷淡少年,想找回記憶的瓶中少女;緊追不放的青梅竹馬,自己黏上來的可愛魔寵──主線劇情有笑有淚,每個配角都有CP,一起進入有趣深刻的奇幻世界吧~==============================================【劇情簡介】「拜託你啦!我的朋友只有你啊!!」長久以來一起生活的瓶中少女,都這樣要求自己了,怎麼辦才好呢?少年是平凡的少年,還有點冷淡。少年的朋友是住在瓶子裡、呈現半透明狀、喪失記憶的少女。少年還擁有治癒魔寵的力量,雖然很厲害但是……「我有怪獸恐懼症啊……」但是但是,瘋狂的怪獸打過來了,也只能治癒它們囉…被治癒的怪獸非常溫馴,外面還有好多想被治癒的怪獸;少女也不斷懇求,少年的朋友好想恢復記憶啊──好吧,為了朋友,少年踏上了每天都要治癒怪獸的旅程!雖然,他目前還沒有打算要為癒術士,但是未來的事情,誰說得準呢?遊戲軟體分級:輔導級12+ 注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。遊戲中有付費道具遊戲內涉及性(遊戲角色穿著輕微凸顯性特徵之裝扮,但不涉及性暗示)"Merlot melody canhealStory Warlock and bell -"[Japan 2014 Google named best fantasy game] [Japanese][Japanesebestselling first edition more than 2 milliondownloads]Super refreshing battle! Super Game cure! Superkawaiicharacter!Merlot can Story official website:■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ Merlot can Monogatari three major characteristics ■□■ □ ■ □ ■● "super smooth!" ── graceful horizontal version of fightingWith straightforward operation, control cute characterswhofight!The use of mercenaries in combination, to defeat the enemy tosavepets;Utilize tactical formations, break the task to save the world──lovely partner fight for you!● "help ah!" Buddy system ── breakthrough difficulty levelDrama can choose the difficulty of the task, normal mode onepersoncan easily break, hard mode Well ...Perfect game using the buddy system, whether it is a goodpartnerguild, or is passing through a good player -Can participate in the battle, win together yo!● "Good move!" ── more unreliable Warlock x bottle girlのAdventureUnreliable cool teenager, to retrieve memories of thebottlegirls;Pressed hard childhood, own magic stick up cute pet ──The main plot laughter and tears, each supporting both CP, wentintoa deep interesting fantasy world it ~==============================================【Synopsis】"Come on you! My only friend you ah !!"Long live with bottle girls, all this themselves, and how dowedo?Teenage boy is extraordinary, and a little cold.Teenage friends living in bottles, translucent rendering,memoryloss girls.Juvenile magic pet also has the power to cure, althoughverypowerful, but ......"I have a monster phobia ah ......"But, however, crazy monsters to fight over, they can only cureHello...Be cured monster very tame, outside there are a lot of monsterswantto be cured;Girls constantly pleading, young friends really want to restorethememory ah ──Well, for friends, teenagers embarked on a journey every daycuremonster!Although he currently has no plans to be more for the warlock,butthe next thing, Who knows for sure?Game Software Rating: PG-12 + Note the use of time, avoidindulgingin games. The game has paid propsGame involving sexual (game character wearing the dressslightlyprominent features, but does not involve sexuallysuggestive)
★登入簽到贈猛將「趙雲」、「張飛」願追隨主公勇闖天下!★初生之犢不畏虎勇闖三國知名戰役副本關卡,可達百人經典戰役「血戰赤壁」威武呈現!過關斬將英雄出我輩,戰起來討伐世界BOSS!★自給自足不求人智取奪寶、銀兩生產、稅收掠奪、家族轉轉樂...不求人輕鬆玩下去!★強中自有強中手數百位名將訓練降服,搭配裝備附靈神品現世,超越強化之巔!★緣助不只是援助五虎上將、桃園三結義、魏國智庫、鶼鰈夫妻、絕代佳人…緣份相助輕鬆抗敵!★女生最愛-超可愛貓宅養隻小喵喵,喵喵最愛天天送寶箱給主人!開箱有機會得到絕世名駒,赤兔馬、爪黃飛電....名將愛駒通通在這裡!★★官方資訊★★Facebook粉絲團:官方網站:聯絡信箱:[email protected]★★重要資訊★★每週禮拜三上午10:00~12:00例行維護 (以粉絲團公告為主)★ login signReggiegifts"Zhao", "Fei" Dawn of the world is willing to follow my lord!★ kid afraid of the tigerDawn of the famous Battle of the Three copies of checkpoints, uptoa hundred classic battle of "bloody battle of Red Cliff"mightyshow!Through the trials hero of my generation, the World War upcrusadeBOSS!★ self-it-yourselfOutsmart Indiana, silver production, tax plunder,easy-yourselffamily around music ... play it!★ strong in its own strong handHundreds of famous training surrender, with the equipmentattachedKamijina secular spirit, beyond the top of thestrengtheningof!★ edge to help not just aidFab Five will, Taoyuan trio, Weiguo Zhi library, Jianfloundercouples, peerless beauty ... fate easily help theenemy!★ girls love - super cute cat houseKeep only a small meow, meow favorite treasure every day to sendtothe owner!Unpacking the opportunity to get peerless name horse, RedHorse,claw Huang Fei famous love horse power .... all here!★★ ★★ Official InformationFacebook fan group: https: // website: http: // E-mail: [email protected]★★ ★★ Important InformationWeekly Wednesday morning 10:00 - 12:00 routine maintenance (inthemain fan group bulletin)
龍族撲克 2.1.3
三國戰戰戰-一指定江山 1.0
《三國戰戰戰》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位史詩名將揮灑出的成王敗寇的壯闊歷史。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!●跨服約戰,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬別還在伺服器內得意自滿自以為是天下第一了,跨服挑戰其他伺服器霸主,讓他們看看誰讓誰硬到叫爸爸~遊戲官網:官方Facebook粉絲團:※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Three war war war"gamefamiliar background of Wei, Shu and Wu-third of the worldstory,magnificent epic history of more than one hundred famous swaythewinner takes all. In order to reflect the three heroesusestrategy, Veda dominate the world, a unique style of gamesystemslineup armed forces, as well as generals fetters, magicskills andother features, make love three stories of the players,as long asfingertips, you can easily manage Three one hundredfamous,dominate the three countries.● Cards armed forces first hand travel policyultrahardcoreFront, middle and rear three services lineup, testall-aroundstrategic play, the only real strategist to commanding,dominatingthe world!● Higher Order generals Free lesson gold, GEEK can become atoughguyAscending Order generals unique system that allows you tocreatehigh-end generals, no longer have to worry about pumping lessthan6 Star card, you want the best generals, easy to developyourown!● strong Austrian partner aid, total group strength legionhardenough!Make like-minded friends, co-group three corps, have moreresourcesand more abundant corps, the strength to leap a thousandmiles!● brush their own equipment, systemic Gold my most hard!Indiana Super practical system, God himself will be able tobrushout the super loaded, not the hardest, only harder!● inter-service gathers, who crowded harder than IDo also complacent self-righteous world inside the server first,theinter-service hegemony challenged by other servers, so thattheylook hard to call my dad who Who ~Games official website: http: // official Facebook fan group: https: //※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
硬硬硬der三國-武神轉生 1.0.4
《硬硬硬der三國》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位三國英雄名將勾勒出的成敗興衰。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。---遊戲特色---●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!--------------------------------------------------------------客服回報:粉絲專頁:
劈開三國 1.0.0
官方粉絲團:客服信箱: [email protected]====遊戲簡介====在《劈開三國》中,每個神將都化身成一個個的英雄。獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!世界BOSS、 節日活動等特色玩法,徹底告別枯燥重複。豐富PVP玩法,用你悉心培養的角色碾碎對手,稱霸排行榜吧!知名三國小說以魏蜀吳為題材的回合制RPG手機遊戲。玩家將帶領各式各樣由三國神將組成的軍團,一同踏上精彩的旅程。★★日系中國風人物 可愛萌系畫面★★★★大型多人線上手遊★★★★革新即時線上戰鬥系統 技能爽感爆表★★【獨創『三國卡牌』 愛恨情仇世間情】前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗您的大腦豐富策略型玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,魏國、蜀國、吳國、群雄四方勢力三國卡牌盡在掌握!【夥伴的強力援助,與我共闖江山】可謂朋友滿天下,廣交眾多三國愛好朋友共組三國神軍團,享有最高實力殿堂【豐富技能】創新合體戰鬥系統,多種角色技能,效果自由搭配【地圖精美】在場景眾多,各層地圖都有不同的感受,效果盡現。【三國猛將也按讚 粉絲頁好禮送不完】現在到《劈開三國》粉絲頁按讚,就可立即接收最新資訊、遊戲消息和豐富線下活動獎勵。
★登入簽到贈猛將「趙雲」、「張飛」願追隨主公勇闖天下!★初生之犢不畏虎勇闖三國知名戰役副本關卡,可達百人經典戰役「血戰赤壁」威武呈現!過關斬將英雄出我輩,戰起來討伐世界BOSS!★自給自足不求人智取奪寶、銀兩生產、稅收掠奪、家族轉轉樂...不求人輕鬆玩下去!★強中自有強中手數百位名將訓練降服,搭配裝備附靈神品現世,超越強化之巔!★緣助不只是援助五虎上將、桃園三結義、魏國智庫、鶼鰈夫妻、絕代佳人…緣份相助輕鬆抗敵!★女生最愛-超可愛貓宅養隻小喵喵,喵喵最愛天天送寶箱給主人!開箱有機會得到絕世名駒,赤兔馬、爪黃飛電....名將愛駒通通在這裡!★★官方資訊★★Facebook粉絲團:官方網站:聯絡信箱:[email protected]★★重要資訊★★每週禮拜三上午10:00~12:00例行維護 (以粉絲團公告為主)★ login signReggiegifts"Zhao", "Fei" lord willing to follow the very best in the world!★ kid afraid of the tigerDawn of the famous Battle of the Three copies of checkpoints, uptoa hundred classic battle of "bloody Red Cliff" mighty show!Through the trials of the hero of my generation, world warupcrusade BOSS!★ self-sufficiency-yourselfOutsmart Indiana, silver production, predatorytaxation,family-yourself easy to play around music ... go!★ strong in its own strength in the handHundreds of famous training surrender, with equipmentattachedKamijina secular spirit, beyond the top of thestrengtheningof!★ edge to help not just aidFab Five will, Taoyuan trio, Weiguo Zhi library Jianfloundercouples, phoenix ... fate to help ease the enemy!★ girls love - super cute cat houseKeep only a small meow, meow favorite treasure every day to sendtothe owner!Out of the box there is a chance to get peerless name colt,RedHorse, claw Huang Fei electricity .... famous love horseallhere!★★ ★★ Official InformationFacebook fan group: https: // Website: http: // E-mail: [email protected]★★ ★★ Important InformationWeekly Wednesday morning 10:00 - 12:00 routine maintenance(mainlyto fans announcement)
卡卡們大亂鬥-七星覺醒 1.4.5
SNSplus, Inc.
1.4.1「七星覺醒」,全新覺醒卡牌與世界BOSS!你,勇於挑戰嘛?☆ 為保障您的遊戲權益,請支持正版原創遊戲,拒絕不良山寨抄襲!☆請加入我們的Facebook粉絲團,好康消息第一手通知!▶【粉絲團】▶【手機平台】​千萬玩家推薦─卡卡們大亂鬥Android版正式登場萬人線上即時對戰,擊敗重重對手,才能成為卡卡世界的霸主!希洛大陸上戰火紛起,你,身為銀鷺嶺的領主,小至領地子民的安危,大至希洛大陸的安寧,全依賴你的守護,只有不斷的前進擊退敵人,才能捍衛你的榮耀《卡卡們大亂鬥》具備千張原創卡牌,四大職業、七大種族,供您自由組合屬於自己的必勝牌組,並採取益智對戰模式,您必須選擇對自己最有利的隊形抵抗敵方攻擊,帶領麾下士兵攻破對方領土。每一種職業均有其對應的有利戰術,成王敗寇,端看您的一念之間,同時可以通過熔煉與合成功能,讓士兵將更為茁壯,助您一舉稱霸!豐富的章節地圖以及副本關卡,均是您成長的里程碑,只有經過不斷的淬鍊,才能永遠強大。擺脫枯燥乏味的單一玩法,體驗不同的卡片戰鬥,日式精美畫風,上千張原創卡片,史詩般龐大的故事情節,最鬥智的手機卡片遊戲,保證讓你不無聊!《卡卡們大亂鬥》是一款新型回合制卡片戰鬥,與目前市面上直線決鬥且無法自由分配卡片的狀況不同,玩家可針對每張卡片不同的特性以及本身獨特的技能,來思考擺放位置,大大增加卡片遊戲的趣味性以及多樣化!!=七大遊戲特色=1. 魔幻經典新詮釋,七大種族任您使喚:人類、精靈、獸人、亡靈、地精、巨魔、野獸2. 戰士、法師、遊俠、牧師,不同的職業,不同的戰術!3. 熔煉、合成與點化,讓你的卡片牌組更加強大!4. 經營你的領地,每天收穫銀幣與水晶, 作為你堅強的後盾!5. 章節地圖與副本關卡,浩大的背景,希洛大陸上的風雲起伏,等你來體驗6. 與戰友們共組公會、一起挑戰副本,獲得高額的獎勵吧!7. 全伺服器大亂鬥!最刺激的「競技賽」等你來挑戰!親愛的玩家們,若您在遊戲上遇到任何問題,歡迎至Facebook搜尋《卡卡們大亂鬥》手機版粉絲(、或是Gamagic瘋遊戲手機平台客服中心進行回報唷!我們將誠摯為您服務!
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主公你嘜走 1.1.0
han gexia
【狂送武將】新服次日登錄送武將,新服7日登錄送武將。每月簽到第2天即送新武將!【超級福利】新服開服7天,免費玩家也可獲得大量元寶!【開服基金】開服花費1000元寶,即可得到10000元寶的成長基金!遊戲特色:【特色一】立體畫面顏值爆表是否已經厭煩了平面卡牌?精美的3D畫質來滿足你!遊戲採用Unity3D引擎,斥重金打造手遊頂級3D畫面,Q版清新萌動的三國武將、酷炫的動作、華麗的特效、逼真的戰場、全新演繹的三國劇情帶給你極致的視覺體驗。【特色二】指尖微操勁爽熱鬥是否已經厭煩了卡牌碰碰碰?真實的3D戰鬥來點燃你!戰鬥告別無腦觀看的傳統模式,玩家指尖微操可以掌控武將必殺技和主公桃酒技能的釋放時機,實現技能諸葛亮經天緯地連招控制、許褚金剛伏魔打斷、關羽武神乾坤秒殺等多種高階玩法,帶來前所未有的戰鬥感受。【特色三】三國名將全新演繹是否已經厭煩了開局魚腩雜兵?開局就有3星名將來輔佐你!三國名將悉數登場,經典故事完美還原,三國殺原版人馬傾力配音,帶給你最熱血的三國世界。三英戰呂布、關羽斬華雄、張飛戰馬超、火燒赤壁群英薈萃……帶你重回三國,聚天下群英,戰三國亂世!【特色四】排兵佈陣鬥智鬥勇是否已經厭煩了無腦的數值比拼?攻守陣型排兵佈陣來挑戰你!防守和進攻都可以自主設定不同陣型,根據陣型陣位元效果選擇不同的武將組合。利用前後排武將出手順序組成連招套路。利用陣位武將朝向和攻擊範圍來集火武將或者躲避敵方控制。官方網站:官方粉絲團:[Generals] Kuangsongnewclothes the next logon to send troops, the new service on the7thlogin to send generals. Monthly attendance the first twodaysJisong new generals![Welfare] super new service open service seven days, freeplayerscan also get a lot of gold![Open service] to open service fund spending 1000 ingot, you canget10,000 ingot Growth Fund!Game Features:[Features] a stereoscopic picture color value burst tableAre tired of flat card? Beautiful 3D picture quality to meetyou!The game uses Unity3D engine, invested heavily to build handtourtop 3D screen, Q version of the three generals sprout fresh,coolaction, gorgeous special effects, realistic battlefield, anewinterpretation of the Three Kingdoms story to bring youtheultimate visual experience.[Two] fingertips micromanagement Features fresh coolhotbucketAre tired of cards bumper touch? Realistic 3D battle to igniteyou!Fighting for no brain to watch the traditional mode, playerscancontrol the generals nirvana fingertip micromanagement andreleasetiming lord peach wine skills, achieve skills Zhuge LiangTianweieven move control, Xu 褚金刚 Demon interrupted, Guan Yu andotherhigh-end spike universe Valkyrie gameplay, unprecedentedcombatexperience.[Three] three famous specialties new interpretationAre tired of beginning belly weapon? 3 star names start tohaveassisted you in the future! Three star full debut, the classictaleperfect reduction, three killed effort to dub the originaltroops,bring you the most passionate of the three countries oftheworld.三英战吕布, chopped Hua Xiong Guan Yu, Zhang Fei horsesChao,Huoshaochibi Qunying ...... take you back to the ThreeKingdoms,poly world of heroes, fighting the three troubledtimes![Four] formations wits FeaturesAre tired of brainless value Competition? Offensive anddefensiveformation formations to challenge you! Defensive andoffensive cancustomize set different formation, formation array biteffectaccording to choose different combinations of generals. Theuse offront and rear shot of a sequence of generals even moveroutines.Use array bit generals to set the direction and scope ofthe attackor evade enemy fire generals control.Official website: http: // fan group: https: //
KungFu Legends 2.1.0
KungFu Legends is a free-to-play andhighlyaddictive MMORPG card game based on Chinese KungFu.The Chinese Kung Fu is far more beyond a martial art. The KungFuphilosophy consist of Taoism, Buddhism, and the martial artfromboth eastern and western world. The game will take you throughanadventure of the most exciting part of Chinese culture, thelegendsof Kung Fu.Let the adventure begin! Quest through the amazing KungFuworld,learn the KungFu martial art, BATTLE the enemies, and BUILDthestrongest GUILD with friends!FEATURES★ Collect hundreds of gorgeous cards, including heroes,weapons,armors, accessories and scrolls.★ Enhance and evolve your cards to build the mostpowerfulsquad.★ Fight with other players and grow up experience.★ Participate the elimination tournament to win fameandrewards.★ Loot other players for treasure and gold.★ Compete other players for the top rank in the hero tower.★ Build a powerful guild and wage war on other guilds.★ Fight the super boss with guild members to winsuperrewards.★ Trade cards with friends.★ Coordinate friends and guild mates with gamejoyinstantmessaging.
主公嘜走OL 1.1.0
li yijiang
三國第一3D動作卡牌手遊,為三國玩家傾情推薦!年度最夯三國卡牌遊戲,免費玩家也能玩的毫無壓力!【狂送武將】新服次日登錄送武將,新服7日登錄再送武將。每月簽到第2天即送新武將!【超級福利】新服開服7天,免費玩家也可獲得大量元寶!【開服基金】開服花費1000元寶,即可得到10000元寶的成長基金!遊戲特色:【特色一】立體畫面顏值爆表是否已經厭煩了平面卡牌?精美的3D畫質來滿足你!遊戲採用Unity3D引擎,斥重金打造手遊頂級3D畫面,Q版清新萌動的三國武將、酷炫的動作、華麗的特效、逼真的戰場、全新演繹的三國劇情帶給你極致的視覺體驗。【特色二】指尖微操勁爽熱鬥是否已經厭煩了卡牌碰碰碰?真實的3D戰鬥來點燃你!戰鬥告別無腦觀看的傳統模式,玩家指尖微操可以掌控武將必殺技和主公桃酒技能的釋放時機,實現技能諸葛亮經天緯地連招控制、許褚金剛伏魔打斷、關羽武神乾坤秒殺等多種高階玩法,帶來前所未有的戰鬥感受。【特色三】三國名將全新演繹是否已經厭煩了開局魚腩雜兵?開局就有3星名將來輔佐你!三國名將悉數登場,經典故事完美還原,三國殺原版人馬傾力配音,帶給你最熱血的三國世界。三英戰呂布、關羽斬華雄、張飛戰馬超、火燒赤壁群英薈萃……帶你重回三國,聚天下群英,戰三國亂世!【特色四】排兵佈陣鬥智鬥勇是否已經厭煩了無腦的數值比拼?攻守陣型排兵佈陣來挑戰你!防守和進攻都可以自主設定不同陣型,根據陣型陣位元效果選擇不同的武將組合。利用前後排武將出手順序組成連招套路。利用陣位武將朝向和攻擊範圍來集火武將或者躲避敵方控制。官方網站:官方粉絲團: first 3D actioncardhand travel for three players portrait recommended! Most ramannualthree card game, free players can play without pressure![Generals] Kuangsong new clothes the next logon to sendtroops,the new service on the 7th login sending generals.Monthlyattendance the first two days Jisong new generals![Welfare] super new service open service seven days, freeplayerscan also get a lot of gold![Open service] to open service fund spending 1000 ingot, you canget10,000 ingot Growth Fund!Game Features:[Features] a stereoscopic picture color value burst tableAre tired of flat card? Beautiful 3D picture quality to meetyou!The game uses Unity3D engine, invested heavily to build handtourtop 3D screen, Q version of the three generals sprout fresh,coolaction, gorgeous special effects, realistic battlefield, anewinterpretation of the Three Kingdoms story to bring youtheultimate visual experience.[Two] fingertips micromanagement Features fresh coolhotbucketAre tired of cards bumper touch? Realistic 3D battle to igniteyou!Fighting for no brain to watch the traditional mode, playerscancontrol the generals nirvana fingertip micromanagement andreleasetiming lord peach wine skills, achieve skills Zhuge LiangTianweieven move control, Xu 褚金刚 Demon interrupted, Guan Yu andotherhigh-end spike universe Valkyrie gameplay, unprecedentedcombatexperience.[Three] three famous specialties new interpretationAre tired of beginning belly weapon? 3 star names start tohaveassisted you in the future! Three star full debut, the classictaleperfect reduction, three killed effort to dub the originaltroops,bring you the most passionate of the three countries oftheworld.三英战吕布, chopped Hua Xiong Guan Yu, Zhang Fei horsesChao,Huoshaochibi Qunying ...... take you back to the ThreeKingdoms,poly world of heroes, fighting the three troubledtimes![Four] formations wits FeaturesAre tired of brainless value Competition? Offensive anddefensiveformation formations to challenge you! Defensive andoffensive cancustomize set different formation, formation array biteffectaccording to choose different combinations of generals. Theuse offront and rear shot of a sequence of generals even moveroutines.Use array bit generals to set the direction and scope ofthe attackor evade enemy fire generals control.Official website: http: // fan group: https: //
指尖三國志 1.08