Top 50 Games Similar to Juroku Musashi

Deck of Fate 1.3.0
The Deck of Fate can stand in for the dice in any Fate orFudgebased RPG.
RPG Journey to Kreisia 1.0.5g
Become the Savior from the outer realm and bring everlastingpeaceto Kreisia!
[Premium] RPG Fairy Elements 1.1.3g
What awaits at the end of an adventure that spans over 200 years?
RPG Silver Nornir 1.1.0g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. * Android 8.0 is not supported duetotheoccurrence of lagging. Azatoth, the origin of chaos,hasdestroyedthe world twice in the past. The only survivors fromthelast worldare the Peacekeeper, the Keeper of Time, andtheGoddess... A newworld is born after what seems like an eternityoftime. The worldenters its 3rd Age. History seems to repeatitselfas the peoplelive the same lives as their counterparts inpreviousages. TheMistral Year is 1286. The world draws near itsdemise fora thirdtime, and each milestone in history intertwines tolead toitsdoomed fate. Will the world follow its destiny tobedestroyed?Introducing Silver Nornir, a fantasy RPG that featuresanexpansiveworld where you unravel its story! Journey throughtheworld withfriends and allies and unfold new adventures! ✓Featuringa widecast of characters! Each has their own story totell. ✓ Anintensebattle system that includes magic gems, specialmoves, andcombomoves with other characters! ✓ In-battle voices!✓Beautifulgraphics with high resolution. ✓ Useful items andextradungeonsavailable as additional in-app purchases! *Additionalpurchasesare not required to beat the game. Learn aboutyourfriends andallies through episodes in your adventure! Usedifferentcombosdepending on the characters in your party. Enjoy allthis andmorein the world of Silver Nornir! *The actual pricemightdifferdepending on the region. [Supported OS] - 2.1 and up*Android 8.0is not supported due to the occurrence of lagging.[SDCardStorage] - Enabled [Supported Languages] -Japanese,English[IMPORTANT NOTICE] Your use of the applicationrequiresyouragreement to the following EULA and 'Privacy PolicyandNotice'. Ifyou do not agree, please do not downloadourapplication. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] KEMCO/WorldWideSoftware
RPG Infinite Dunamis - KEMCO 1.1.2g
A dramatic fantasy RPG about man, magic, and machine!
[Premium] RPG Asdivine Cross 1.1.1g
Tread a new frontier in 2D gaming in a fantasy RPG! Get 1000bonuspoints!
RPG Dimension Cross 1.1.4g
With allies from different tribes, stop the ambition that hauntsawhole planet!
Final Chronicle (Fantasy RPG)
BEST TURN-BASED RPG (FREE Classical, Epic Fantasy JRPG) madeformobile devices!
RPG Eclipse of Illusion 1.1.1g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. A creeping plot by amassiveorganizationinvolving powerful Summoned Armor begins tothreatenthe world! Afantasy RPG of light and darkness whereillusionsclash! One day,the bounty hunter Raya happens to free ayoung man,Theo, from hisbandit captors. Theo ventures out togetherwith thestrong-mindedRaya, but they soon find themselves draggedinto agiant plot,forcing them to confront the Cult of Arshedd andtheEmpire ofGalvaris! Powerful Summoned Armor Summoned Armorareintimidating,powerful weapons that are summoned and wornduringbattle. Playerscan freely customize their Summoned Armor withpartsthat increasetheir abilities and add new attacks. AcquireLicensesand ChangeClasses Use Class Licenses found in shops andaround theworld tochange the class of your characters. Each classhas uniquebattlecommands and abilities, and changing a character'sclassalsochanges their appearance. A Full Theme Song andRecordedCharacterVoices You can enjoy this game's theme song on thetitlescreen.Character voices are also played during combatscenes,addingexcitement and realism to battles. (*Theme songandcharactervoices are only in Japanese.) *This gamefeaturessomein-app-purchase content. While in-app-purchasecontentrequiresadditional fees, by no means it is necessary forfinishingthegame. *The actual price might differ depending ontheregion.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SD Card Storage] -Enabled[Languages]- English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] Thisapp hasgenerallybeen tested to work on any mobile device releasedinJapan. Wecannot guarantee support on other devices.[IMPORTANTNOTICE] Youruse of the application requires youragreement to thefollowingEULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. Ifyou do not agree,pleasedo not download our application. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage]
RPG Grinsia 1.2.0g
Find the six treasures in a world created by twin Goddesses inafantasy RPG!
RPG Grace of Letoile - KEMCO 1.1.3g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Throw yourself into fierce battlestostealSertzes, the cores of automatas able to make wishes cometrue!Thetwelve numbers engraved on the Chronos Gauge are thekeytovictory! Vedley, who lost his parents in a sad incident,hearsfromAchieitz about the existence of the Letoiles, who are abletomakeany wish come true. In order to turn back time and try tosavehisparents, Vedley makes a pact with a Letoile andbecomesherMaschelle, and they throw themselves into the battlestostealSertzes from the other Letoiles. Control time, baffleenemies,andturn the course of battles! After all theferociousfighting...What awaits Vedley? Skill Plates and Gems SkillGemshave manydifferent powers, and when fitted into a Skill Plate,aGem makesit possible for a character to use magic or a skill.BycombiningGems, characters may also be able to use specialskills.Also, byflicking a Skill Plate, it can be rotated, and it iseasyto changethe positions of skills already fitteddirectlycorresponding tothe Chronos Gauge. The outcome of everybattlecomes down to thetactics you choose! During battles, thecharactericons are shownon the left-hand side of the screen, andnext tothem, a range ofeffects are sometimes displayed. These areknown asField Effects,and if a character’s turn comes while one ofthoseeffects is shownnext to their icon, the character can gainthebenefits of thateffect. However, Field Effects are notalwaysadvantageous. Thereare also disadvantageous effects. Also,effectsapply to apply toboth enemies and allies. However, byraising thelevel of theChronos Gauge to 100% or more, you canlaunch InterruptActions.When an advantageous effect is attached toan enemy, orwhen adisadvantageous effect is attached to an ally,you can useanInterrupt Action to change the order of thecharacters'actions,and avoid these unfavorable situations. TheChronos Gaugeholds thekey to victory! The Chronos Gauge isnecessary forcharacters to beable to use the Particular Skills theyeach have,or to be able tolaunch Interrupt Actions, with which theorder ofthe characters'actions can be changed. The Gauge has adisplay likea clock, withthe numbers 1 to 12, and at the start of abattle oneof thenumbers will glow. The glowing number will moveclockwiseeach timean ally or enemy performs an action. At thistime, if youuse askill corresponding to the glowing number, a JustTime Bonuswillbe triggered, and the level of the Gauge will recoverby alargeamount. Also, the level of the Gauge increases, althoughonlyby alittle, when enemies are defeated. The Gauge is sharedacrossallparty members, so it's a good idea to pay attention to thelevelasyou use Particular Skills and launch Interrupt Actions!*Thisgamefeatures some in-app-purchase content.Whilein-app-purchasecontent requires additional fees, it isnotnecessary for finishingthe game. *The actual price mightdifferdepending on the region.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SDCardStorage] - Enabled [Languages]- English, Japanese[Non-SupportedDevices] This app has generallybeen tested to work onany mobiledevice released in Japan. Wecannot guarantee support onotherdevices. [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Youruse of the applicationrequiresyour agreement to the followingEULA and 'Privacy PolicyandNotice'. If you do not agree, pleasedo not downloadourapplication. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] (C)2014KEMCO/MAGITEC
The Rising of the Shield Hero 1.0.0
The popular anime "The Rising of the Shield Hero" makes itsRPGdebut!
[Premium] RPG Antiquia Lost 1.1.4g
An authentic RPG of a journey with a girl made of slime!
RPG Alphadia 1.1.1g
An epic RPG in the Japanese mobile game scene! Play to theendwithout IAP!
RPG Liege Dragon with Ads 1.1.6g
Find the Dragon Tools of legend to stand up to the Evil Dragon inafantasy RPG!
Epic Cards Battle(TCG) 2.55
3D Strategic Trading Card Game(TCG) that you couldn’tmiss!EpicCards Battle lets you experience legendary battles withfriendsandplayers all around the world! Features-Next-GenerationRevolutionary cards battle game in 3D withhundredsof stunningbattle visual effects. Players will actuallyexperiencethe epicbattles happening in front of them. - Abandon thebrainlesscardgames and play the real strategic cards game, 3 kindsofcardtypes: Unit, Spell, Trigger. Build up your own cardsdecktoconquer your opponent. - Free-To-Play: Players could enjoythefunwithout spending a penny. - Experience real-time matchmakingandbattle with players around the world. - Well designedgamesystems.Ladder, leaderboards, cards looting system, dailyloginrewards,daily missions, cards enhancing, battle replays,friends,chatsystem. - Campaign quests with lots of rewards, eachquestisthoughtfully designed to be a puzzle waiting for youtochallenge.- 5 main factions: Shrine Alliance, Nature Force,HellLegion,Fanstiya Empire, Dynasty Rising. 5 attack targets, 4attacktypeand 4 armor type. Unlimited combinations of cards,pushingthelimits of your brain. - Easy to play, Difficult tomaster. Youcanstart immediately without knowing any rules ofbattle.Interactivetutorials helping you get the basics of thisgamequickly. -Supports asynchronized battle which allows you toplaywith friendsanytime, you do not have to wait friend to beonline.Just send oraccept the battle request. It's that easy~ -Amazinggameinterface, artworks and legendary sound tracks musicinspiresyouwhile playing. (Supports multiple languages in game)
RPG Revenant Saga 1.1.2g
Become a Revenant and find the truth beyond revenge in this RPGwith3D battles!
SRPG Legend of Ixtona 1.1.4
Your strategy is the key to victory! A full-scale Strategy RPGishere at last!
RPG Dead Dragons 1.1.2g
Who will survive, dragons or humans? Dragon-hunting RPG!
RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia 1.1.1g
Experience epic 3D battles and customize characters with Runes&Gems!
Astral Stairways 4.0.5
Our 6th anniversary! One hand style, RPG game, collect all1400+characters!
FPseNG for Android 1.16
FPseNG the NextGen of FPse: very Fast and smoothest PSoneEmulatoravailable!
[Premium] RPG Asdivine Menace 1.1.6g
Travel the galaxy to bring the truth full circle in an epicfantasyRPG!
RPG Link of Hearts - KEMCO 1.2.5g
What crisis threatens Earth? Find it out in a galactic fantasy RPG!
Premium-What Hadjane Says Goes 1.1.1g
Summon minions and rule the underworld in a fantasy action RPG!
RPG Alvastia Chronicles 1.1.2g
RPG with over 100 companions?! Set out on an adventure inaretro-styled world!
Elio 1.1.2g
Expand your town and customize your party with over 200 classesinan epic RPG!
RPG Fernz Gate 1.1.3g
Travel to the other side and beyond in a fantasy RPG free-to-playtothe end!
Fate:The One 0.1.29
In this old-school RPG, time and space have been torn apart.Heroesfrom throughout history have been brought to a new era, alongwithyou. It is up to you to stop the evil forces at workfromdestroying the world and re-writing history. But becareful…youdon’t know who you can trust and who is secretly out toget you![History] Meet, befriend, and battle with heroes of theages, fromCaesar to Robin Hood. You must fight for good and stopthe evilforces from tearing our world apart at the seams! Face yourdestinyand try to keep history from being re-written.[Charactercustomization] Hundreds of items, weapons,charactercustomizations, and more create for a wonderful new worldofadventure. Customize your character, level up, and conquerevilevery step of the way! [Hero] Collect as many heroes as you cantoaid you in your adventures. Each hero comes with their ownuniqueattributes, strengths, and weaknesses. Create teams that workwelltogether to take on the toughest opponents around the world.[GameContent] Battle through an epic storyline for the ages, aswell aswith people around the world in different battle modes suchas:Arena, Expedition, Dungeons, and The Tower Of Destiny!Endlessadventures and battles await you! [Strategic Combats]Thisturn-based RPG uses various elements and other magicalphenomenonto truly increase the difficulty of battling your waythroughendless demons, monsters, and other players. Whether you winorlose is entirely up to you – so prepare your team ofheroescarefully, less you be defeated! [Guilds] Meet and play withotherplayers from around the world. Help each other out,backstab,undermine, and go to war with one another. Our guildsystem allowsplayers to group together to assist each other andshare in thespoils of war. Don’t go it alone, if you know what’sgood for you!Prove your power - you won’t be alone! Fan Content Policy:
Premium- Marenian Tavern Story 1.1.7g
A fantasy RPG where you cook, eat, collect, fight and explore!
Tactics Maiden RPG
A fast-paced, turn-based strategy RPG with outpost conqueringandstrong AI
King of Dragons : The Last Knight 1.0.1
Experience the flashy action and strategy of the unique heroesoftheKing of Dragons : The Last Knights ■ Brief explanation`KingofDragons : The Last Knight` is a game that expresses thebattleofheroes of Three Kingdoms beyond time and space in adynamicandgorgeous way. In addition to the fun of collectingandnurturingcharacters, strategic battles are availablethroughcombining`Warlord Trait` and `Tactic` and various `setskills` bycharactercombinations. Mission modes allow you toexperienceinterestingscenarios, and you can also enjoy one-on-oneherobattles and raidsof bosses. This game is a collectiveturn-basedRPG with variousPvE and PvP contents. ■ Main features ▷AflashyFULL 3D cinematicstory and skill production! An abundantanddelicious story thatFULL 3D heroes can show! See the variousskillsof the dynamic andbrilliant Three Kingdoms warlords!▷Turn-basedaction RPG thatallows you to enjoy strategy and highlyuniqueheroes of the ThreeKingdoms More than 110 different heroeswithvarious skills!Experience `thinking battles` throughcharactercombinations,`Warlord Trait`, and `Tactic`! ▷Aim for thetop!Fierce “HeroMatch” Confront other heroes with the aim ofbecomingthe top Let`schallenge the real-time heroes battle tocompete withvarioususers! ▷Huge boss raids with the allies! Summonthe powerfulbossesof `King of Dragons`! Summon bosses with alliedmembers andtry todefeat them together with cooperation andstrategy! ▷DefeattheUnderworld and its giant boss “Nether God”!Competitive battlestodefeat “Nether God” who appears every weekendWho is thefirstplace in this week`s raid?
RPG Crystareino 1.1.6g
Suddenly summoned to a mysterious world, what will the heroprotectand lose?
Chrono Clash - Fantasy Tactics 1.0.285
Tactical gameplay inspired by classics like FFT and XCom.
RPG Heirs of the Kings 1.1.4g
Freemium RPG of a story of destiny for those with the blood oftherulers!
RPG Dark Seven 1.1.3g
A dark fantasy RPG with 7 paintings that ruined the world!
FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS is now available on Android!
RPG Asdivine Cross 1.1.1g
Bear the fate of light and shadow! Play a grand fantasy RPG totheend for free!
RPG Alphadia2 1.0.8g
Unleash your energi once again and enjoy an immersive RPGexperiencewithout IAP
Epic Souls: World Arena
◈Global Launch Simultaneously in 150 Countries◈ ◈GlobalPVP,Chatting, Clans◈ ◈Two types of graphics: Animation andFantasy◈Welcome to Epic Souls: World Arena, where all the storiescometogether. We invite you to the fairytale-like Plotia~ ◈Graphicsofmy Choice◈ - Choose from two different graphics, AnimationandFantasy, to suit your taste! Choose Animation, when you want toseelovely Souls! Choose Fantasy, when you want to see stern andcoolSouls! - Enjoy the beautiful graphics that match the fairytalestory! ◈Global PVP◈ - Could I be the nationalrepresentative?!Compete against global users in PVP! Prove yourskills with oneteam in the Arena and with three teams in theColosseum! ◈VariousWays to Grow◈ - A growth system that never getsboring, includingPiece of Soul Combination, Limit Break,Levelup/Skill Levelup/RuneCombination/Equipment Enchant etc.! Rare→ Unique → Epic →Legendary rarities: Strengthen your equipment tobecome stronger!◈Various Raids◈ - Take the adventure and challengethe raids youfind! - You can share the raids your friends find andchallengethem together! ◈A Beautiful Adventure◈ - A variety ofadventures in7 beautiful locations! Grow your Soul throughadventure andchallenge stronger monsters! ◈Global Clan◈ - It's nota coincidencethat we met~ Communicate with global friends in a Clanand become aglobal leader! ◈Souls to My Liking◈ - 48 Souls you'veonly met infairy tales, myths and classic works await you! Shall westart anexciting adventure with the Souls right now? ◈The fastestway tocheck out the news about Epic Souls: World Arena!◈ OfficialGlobalFacebook : XQ GAMES CO., LTD. Phone: +82-2-6269-8000E-mail:[email protected] Terms of Service: Personal InformationCollectionand Usage Agreement:
FINAL FANTASY IV: THE AFTER YEARS is available on Android devices!
An original competitive card game fromGungHo!!Character/Skill/Cardvariety delivers unparalleled strategy!Battleyour way to the topof the world rankingYOURway!---------------------------------------- **GameFeatures**-CHRONOMA:GIA: an authentic competitive card gamethatbalancesapproachability with deep strategy! -Diversecharacters, awideselection of skills, and freedom in card selectionensureendlessstrategic possibilities! -Don’t let your guarddown!Suddenreversals of fortune lead to intense card battles!-Competeagainstplayers from around the world in onlinematches!-Verticalinterface specially designed for ease of useonsmartphones!**Featuring the industry’s top cardillustrators!**-Yosuka Adachi-Takahiro Araya -Ittoku -Yoichi Ito-ERAJIMA-Shishizaru -HideakiTakamura -NINNIN -Shinnosuke Hino-MihoMidorikawa -RARE ENGINE andmore... **Deluxe Voice Cast!**-YumiriHanamori -Tetsuya Kakihara-Soness Stevens -Kentaro Tone-HirokiTakahashi -Soma Saito -AyumuMurase -Yukiyo Fujii -ChitoseMorinaga-Shuu Uchida -Sayaka Ohara-Kohei Kaieda -Urara Takane-Douglas Kun-Nozomi Sasaki----------------------------------------*OfficialCHRONOMA:GIAHomepage CHRONO MA:GIAhomepage for the latest news.
RPG Symphony of Eternity 1.2.0
A fantasy RPG full of monsters, legendary weapons and drama!
RPG Alphadia Genesis 2 1.1.4g
Long-awaited sequel to the Alphadia series with refined controlsand3D battles!
RPG Valkyria Soul 1.1.0g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Fight as the Valkyrie Reginleiv inafantasyRPG where you can collect, train, and transformafullycustomizable army of powerful monsters! In a worlddevastatedbythe events of Ragnarok, two unlikely champions willrise toopposethe forces of evil. Huginn, familiar to the fallen godOdin,seeksto resurrect his master. To do so he frees Reginleiv,aninfamousand powerful Valkyrie imprisoned for heinous crimesagainstAsgard.Together, they will battle to bring order and peaceto abrokenland. With beautiful, smooth animations, addicting,deepstrategy,and a myriad of monsters to collect, Valkyria Soul isaninnovativeRPG that will keep you coming back for more! Whatreallyhappenedduring Ragnarok? What dark forces stir in thisravagedland? Willyou be able to unravel the intricate web of liesandmystery anddiscover the truth? Story Ragnarok, the apocalypse,hascome andgone. The war between the hosts of Asgard andtheirmonstrous foesended in a hellish sea of flames, devastatingtheNine Worlds andleaving naught but a nightmarish ruin in itswake.Now, darkspirits haunt the wreckage of the realms, andsurvivorseke out ameager existence among the settled ashes anddeath. Thefew left inAsgard fight a hopeless battle against anoverwhelmingfoe,struggling desperately to restore order to thebrokenworld.Seeking new allies, Huginn, familiar to the dead godOdin,breaksthe seal on an ancient prison. A prison that holdsthecriminalValkyrie, Reginleiv, one of Asgard's legendary MaidensofBattle.Gifted with the power to save the souls of thoseshedefeats, or touse them to increase her own power, she might justbeenough toturn the tide of battle. If, of course, she canbetrusted.Collect, Enhance, and Transform Fylgja! AValkyrie'sstrength comesfrom her power to manipulate the souls, orspirits,of others. Bytaking a soul and binding it to a soullessphysicalvessel (orFylgja), they can create loyal minions andcommand themagainst theforces of darkness. Earn new Fylgja throughcombat,turning yourenemies into your friends! Fylgja gain levels,and caneven becombined with other Fylgja to make them stronger, oreventotransform them into new, powerful forms! Soulbinding EachSoulthatyou will find has its own unique personality,abilities,andskills. Attaching it to a Fylgja will affect not justhowthatFylgja behaves in combat, but its stats and abilities aswell!EachSoul can have a maximum of three active skills andthreeitemsequipped at any given time. In addition to the Soul'sskills,eachFylgja has a unique skill that it can use in combat.Soulscanlearn these Fylgja skills, allowing any Fylgja Soul boundwithitto make use of these powerful techniques. Findthebestcombinations of Soul and Fylgja to become thestrongestValkyrie ofall! *The actual price might differ dependingon theregion.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SD Card Storage] -Enabled[Languages]- English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] Thisapp hasgenerallybeen tested to work on any mobile device releasedinJapan. Wecannot guarantee support on other devices.[IMPORTANTNOTICE] Youruse of the application requires youragreement to thefollowingEULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. Ifyou do not agree,pleasedo not download our application. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] (C)2014KEMCO/Hit-Point
Premium-RPG Heirs of the Kings 1.1.3g
A story of destiny for those with the blood of the rulers! Get1000bonus KHP!
RPG Soul Historica 1.1.3g
An RPG with multiple endings based on your choice!
Fate/Grand Order (English) 2.48.0
Aniplex Inc.
This is a story about taking back our future! Who's readyforFate/Grand Order?!
FGA v0.22.1
Mathew Sachin
Don't give up on your life grinding F/GO. Automateyourfarmingbattles with this app. This app doesn't tamper with thegamein anyway and just looks at the screen to decide what to taponjust likewhat a real user would do. Please don't bother usforevery smallthing. See the TroubleshootingGuidefirst:
RPG Fortuna Magus (Trial) 1.0.8g
Head out in search of your missing father, and stand up forthepersecuted magi!