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New Birthday Cakes 3.0
While tracing the origin of BirthdayCakesmanyinteresting facts come in front. The word 'Cake' is saidtohavecoined as early as 13th century and it is said to havederivedfrom'kaka'- an Old Norse word. Some historians think thatthecustom ofthe birthday cake was observed in ancient Greece.AncientGreeksbegan baking cakes using honey. Ancient Romanscelebratedthreedifferent types of birthdays as well as differenttypes ofcakes.They primarily called them bread. Some in Englandused tocallBirthday cakes as Pastries. Another tradition ofBirthdaycakes canbe traced in the Middle Age Germany. There wefindsweetened breaddough was made in the shape of the baby Jesusinswaddling clothes.In England birthday cakes are bakedwithsymbolic objects inside. InMedieval Days objects such as coinsandthimbles were mixed insidethe batter. It was believed thattheperson who got the coin wouldbe wealthy, while theunluckilyfinder of the thimble would nevermarry. Whereas today,smallfigures, fake coins, small candies aremore in practice. Now adayseven cup cakes are on the top list. Whyit is round in shape inthevery begging was a question. Scholarsassociate religiousbeliefsand technical compulsions for the same.Greeks offered roundshapecake to the Goddess of Moon- Artemis asit signified moon.Theystarted the tradition of placing candles onthe cakes forglowingthe cake like the moon.There are various types of Birthday Cakes in terms offlavorandcontent. Birthday Cakes for kids are very special, becausetheyarethe people who worry the most about their cake's yummytaste.Mostof the times young children like Chocolate andsweetstrawberryflavor. Teen agers like whatever new in the citylikeBlueberryPecan Streusel and Chocolate Espresso Cakes,TiramisuClassico andDeep dark gingerbread. Grown ups like toindulge theirtongue forCheese flavors, Hot Chocolate Mousse Torte,wine flavoredones.Fruitcakes and Ginger cakes has a long culturallinetoo.Decorating birthday cakes with ribbons, flowersandedibleingredients add color to the presentation.Writing the name of the birthday person right on the topofthecake in designed way and beautiful style is also atraditionalwayof wishing. Now a days, candles and ribbons and starsandflowersare styled in modern fashion. Europeans are calledtheprecursorsof modern birthday cakes. The icing of glossy icelikecovering isno longer the hype. In stead of that now the jellyicingandcolored cream icing is ruling the bakeryindustry.Actuallywhatever is the manner in producing a cake, nomatter if itis ahome made one or a professionally baked one, itsall aboutbakingit with the icing of the smoothest sugar and eggwhites withlotsof love, care, affection and tenderness for thepersonwhosebirthday party is taking place as along with the futureeatersofthe cake. So at the end of the birthday party it is thebakerwhois responsible the most for the delicious piece of cakeforwhicheverybody is eagerly awaited and relished then.