Top 1 Games Similar to 714 Ghost

精靈王 1.0.2
RXTimes Game
2016最強蹲馬桶神器震撼來襲!《精靈王》是一款全新塔防類消除冒險遊戲,它與傳統的三消消除遊戲截然不同,即時制消除遊戲,消得痛快!在遊戲中玩家扮演一名需要成爲精靈王的召喚者踏上精靈大陸冒險旅程,通過消除方塊擊退各路妖魔鬼怪。一波又一波2貨怪物來襲,還能不能好好的思考人生了?冒險過程中會遇到各種各樣的精靈小夥伴,每種精靈賦予的技能都是不一樣的,介麽牛X的技能,你Hold住了嗎?除此之外還有很多其它不同遊戲玩法可供玩家挑戰,黃金礦山,黑暗洞穴,格鬥場,挑戰Boss等等讓玩家愛不釋手!Duang,Duang,Duang···Weare玩木累!快來體驗吧!2016artifacttoiletsquatting strongest shock struck! "Goblin King" is anewtowerdefense adventure game to eliminate it with thetraditionalthreeelimination games to eliminate different, real-timesystemtoeliminate the game, to eliminate the happy! In thegameplayersneed to be playing a wizard king Elf Summoner embarkedonthemainland adventure, through the elimination of the boxtorepeldemons from various quarters. 2 cargo monster wavesstruck,butalso not a good think about life? Adventure processwillencountera variety of elf partner, given the skills of eachwizardis notthe same, it mediated cattle X skills, you Hold liveit?Inaddition there are many other different gameplay forplayerstochallenge, gold mine, dark caves, fighting games, allowsplayerstochallenge Boss and so put it down! Duang, Duang, Duang ···Wearetired of playing with wood! Come and experience it!