Top 43 Apps Similar to How To Become A Better Person

How to Be Happy Alone(Love yourself) 1.8
Have different explanations and definitions of what happiness isandwhat it means to each of us. No matter what challenges,crossroads,and lifestyle changes you come across in your life, atthe end ofthe day, your happiness is what truly matters most.Whether you’rein a relationship, have children, have a busy worklife or whateverthe circumstances are, it’s important to know howto be happy alone.When you know what makes you truly happy,practice self-love, takecare of yourself and step out of yourcomfort zone, you will be ableto see how powerful being happyalone can be. Solitude simply cannotbe avoided at times. It makesus uneasy and uncomfortable. However,equipped with the rightattitude and some powerful techniques we canlearn to make the bestof it. We can use times of solitude aswonderful opportunities torediscover ourselves. Not just this, butwe can also learn how wecan be perfectly happy alone. No matter ifyou’ve just went througha difficult breakup, struggle to find theright partner or simplymiss your family and friends—the quality ofyour life does notnecessarily have to be compromised by it. Here’swhat you can do tomake the best of being alone. There’s animportant lesson to belearned from solitude and loneliness. Eventhough these times canbe quite tough, they also show us that ourhappiness does not haveto depend on another person’s presence. Yet,we fear being lonelybecause we assume that life is only worthliving with anotherperson on our side. There’s a major downside toalways beingaccompanied by other people: It distracts us.Relationships cancreate a constant flow of mental noise that keepsus from doingwhat is really important in life: finding ourselvesand findinghappiness from within. Solitude gives us the opportunitytorediscover ourselves; to find ourselves and to discover whowetruly are. It helps us to understand that the source oftruehappiness lies within and does not depend on the companionshipofothers. Such times of solitude and loneliness can also help ustoremove the dependency on others and their shaping influenceuponus. Inclusive content of below topics 1. Rules for Being Alone2.Ways on How to Be Happy Alone 3. Thing That Taught Me 4. HappyEvenwhen Alone 5. How To Find Happiness 6. Essentials of How toBeHappy 7. Stress Free All of the Time 8. Happy in Your Marriage9.Steps to Self Acceptance 10. Healthy Wealthy and Wise 11. 8Rulesto Make Yourself Happy 12. 10 Things to Remember When You FeelLostand Alone This application feature are :- You can bookmarkFavoritearticles(post) This application helps you to read thearticle(post)- Once click 'Read Article' button, automatically readthe pagecontent(Text to Speech). You can share the article(post) toyourfriends,family and social networks. You can copy the text fromanypost. You can enable notification You can adjust fontsize(small,medium, big) of articles
Boost Your Self-Confidence (Offline) 1.3
As we know, a person grows whenever he or she thinks,contemplates,and dreams. Your ideas, reflections, morals &values, and evenrandom thoughts can build your self-confidence, butyou have to beaware of them to get the full benefit. Research tellsus that thehuman brain can think of five to nine things at the sametime, soit can be a bit challenging to isolate and identifytheconfidence-building thoughts from those that do you no good.Formany who live with doubt, or are in challengingsituations,believing that they are even capable of feelingconfident can bedifficult. Expert recommend that, if you arefeeling this way, youfind some quiet reflection time to help yousee that somewhereinside you lies a confident thought or two. Andthat is all youneed to get to the next level. This Boost Your SelfConfidence appis a real self-confidence booster in real life. Inself-confidencechallenge, you have to know the best way ofself-confidenceexercise through self-confidence meditation. Thisself-confidenceapp offline is not a self-confidence quotes app orself-confidencestories app but it is a real guideline of 100 waysto build upself-confidence. Most raising question aboutself-confidence is howto boost self-confidence in a short period.Then this answer mightbe this Boost Your Self Confidence app. Withthis boost yourself-confidence and change your life app you canboost yourself-confidence in public speaking, improve yourself-confidence inreading, writing, and raising yourself-confidence in theeconomical sector. Sometimes you need toboost your self-esteemwhen you have to know how to boost yourself-esteem after abreakup, how to boost your self-confidence atwork, or boost yourself-esteem and confidence after you lose itsomehow! So, usingthis app, you must improve your self-esteem andconfidence.Specialty of this app: -Simple design with beautifuldesign -Simpleand attractive design of 100 ways which describeshortly to betterunderstand If you love this app, please evaluateour effort. ☑Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free ofcharge forinformational purposes only, with no guarantee ofwhatsoever foraccuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for anypurpose. Useit at your own risk. This app has no affiliation orrelation withany of the social media brands.
Personality Development App 4.2.33
Improve, develop and enhance your personality with protips,training & quotes
Know Yourself Personality Test 4.4.21
Excel At Life
Increase self-awareness. Over 40 tests & 100 traits!Developedby psychologist.
Life Changing Secrets of Succe 4.7
200 Secrets of Success & the Pillars of Self-Mastery by RobinS.Sharma
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline 1.0
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by BrianTracy.Thebookoffers 21 ways to achieve self-discipline in allaspects oflife,which will improve in the following three mainareas:personalsuccess, money, business, sales, and personallife.Throughself-mastery and self-control, one can developmorepersonality,pride, accomplishment, and self-image. One waytoachieveself-discipline: 1. Success: Imagine the ideal life youwanttolive. When you define what success means to you atthework,family, health and money levels, you'll immediately beabletodetermine what you need to achieve to achieve the ideallife.2.Personality: The hallmark of personality isintegrity.Honestyrequires a lot of self-discipline to resisttemptation andmakegood decisions. The real personality of oneappears duringcrisesor when one is under pressure. One can develophischaracterthrough study, teaching and practice. 3.Responsibility:Negativeemotions stem from anger and rely on a humantendency toblameothers, which is the easy way to justifyfailure.Acceptingresponsibility for self-success and achievingpersonalhappinessrequires a lot of effort and self-discipline.4.Objectives: Setyour goals and set a path to achieve yourideallife. Follow thismethod to achieve your goals: Select what youwantto achieve,write it down on paper, and set a deadline for it.Writedown alist of all the actions needed to get to the situationyouwantsorted by time and importance. Start immediately withthesesteps,and continue working every day, moving towards yourmaingoal. 5.Personal Excellence: The most valuable asset you haveisyou. Soone has to invest in himself and his career bydevelopinghisskills, so he can increase his value and increasehisexpectedprofits. It is important that this development beaprioritythroughout your life. 6. Courage: All of us areafraidofsomething, and most people are afraid of failureandpoverty.Self-discipline helps to gain the courage to faceproblemsandcrises. 7. Perseverance: Nothing great is achieved inlifewithoutperseverance, which makes us overcomesetbacks,frustrations,obstacles and even crises. 8. Work: Manypeople wasteas amazingtime in unproductive tasks. So you need toidentify andfocus onthe most productive activities. A survey ofCEOs wasconducted andidentified two characteristics that are themostimportantqualities they are looking for in their employees:"theability toprioritize and work on high-value tasks",and"organization to workquickly and accurately"
The Game of Life and How to Pl 2
App containing the book "The Game of Life and How to Play It"byFlorence Scovel
Design Your Own Life 1.3
Design Your Own Life App Teaching You How to Create aMeaningfulLife, Advance Your Career, and Live Your Dreams. Putting"pen topaper" to share with the world how to design a life thatworks foryou & give you the unique opportunity to look backover thelast few years and review the process here (Design Your OwnLife)used to create the designed life which most successful peoplelivetoday. The process outlined in this app Design Your Own Lifehelpedyou to embrace your true definition of success and abandonthe"should" of the world. This Design Your Own Life app gave upwhatothers said you should want, should do, and should have fortheamazing life I live today. The design your own life plan shouldbea unique characteristic which has not been practicedinundisciplined life before. This app Design Your Own Life willguideyou to design your own lifestyle again. The question may arisetoyour mind that how would you design your own de-developedlifeagain? or how to start a meaningful life? or what does ameaningfullife mean? These all question's answers are fulfilled bythis app.So, design your own life planner or design your own gameof life/design your own bag for life might be a unique real try toovercomeall difficulties in your life. If you don't design your ownlifeplan or if you don't design your own life in a difficultpositionor unsuccessful state you can't make a meaningful life.Thequestion may arise again that is your life meaningful? or areyouliving a meaningful life? what does meaningful life mean toyou?The answer can vary from expert to expert but this app DesignYourOwn Life gives you a clear concept about these questions. Ifyoulove our app, don't go away without giving your valuablethinkingabout this app. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected isprovided freeof charge for informational purposes only, with noguarantee ofwhatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, orfitness for anypurpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has noaffiliation orrelation with any of the social media brands. Applink:☑Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of chargeforinformational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoeverforaccuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose.Useit at your own risk. This app has no affiliation or relationwithany of the social media brands.
Self Improvement Guide 1.0
This application give you the information of powerfulselfimprovement guide.
How To Be A Gentleman(Modern M 1.9
How to Be a Gentleman : A Guide for the Modern Man
The Keys to Happiness 12.0
Learn the true meaning of happiness with our Keys toHappinessGuide.
Self Esteem Building Guide 1.0
This application give you an information about self esteembuildingguide.
Daily Self-Discipline (offline) 1.4
Most of the people haven’t always been a disciplined person. Inthepast, someone couldn’t follow even the simplest routines.He/shehad an unhealthy diet, exercised little (and hence,wasoverweight), and didn’t have the discipline to commit totheprocess of changing themself. Today, they follow a strictroutine.They have a morning routine, go to the gym three times aweek, andregularly practice several other sports including tennis,cycling,and swimming, etc. They maintain a healthy diet andconstantly workon new, challenging goals to become a better person.It took themyears before they finally understood what discipline isand how toapply it in their situation. Now they’d like to sharewhat they’velearned with you. This daily discipline app will guideyou with abetter-disciplined life with a good discipline plannerordiscipline tracker. You might be found self discipline freebooksor self discipline book online or offline but this dailyselfdisciplined is completely different from those selfdisciplinebooks. We put actual self discipline definition, selfdisciplinearticles, self discipline examples, self discipline andselfcontrol methods with self discipline tracker. After readingandobey these rules and become a self disciplined person thenyouunderstood the power of self discipline. This daily selfdisciplinehabits set a few self discipline goals with the selfdisciplineblueprint or self discipline guide. This self disciplinehandbookdesign for beginners to mature. A few questions might arisein yourmind that is self discipline good or bad? What's thebenefits ofself discipline? What's the success story of selfdiscipline andyou might think that i have no self discipline or idon't have selfdiscipline or i struggle with self discipline thenthis all query'sanswer prepared this app. -Please evaluate our hardwork if you getbenefited with this app. Disclaimer: The datacollected is providedfree of charge for informational purposesonly, with no guaranteeof whatsoever for accuracy, validity,availability, or fitness forany purpose. Use at your own risk. Thisapp has no affiliation orrelation with any of social media brands.
Communication Skills Offline 1.3
Communication skills free app is the most important tousbecausethese communication apps will be used fordevelopingourcommunication skills. So, for this reason, Weshouldlearncommunication english app or communication skills freebooksforthe development of our communicating skills. Many timeswhenwework with our computers, we are completely lost in our work,andweforget to be in touch with ourselves. Or we may forgettopayattention to our conversations, getting carried awayinjuicygossip, criticizing, complaining, or other unmindfulspeech.We canprogram a bell of mindfulness on our computers, andeveryquarterof an hour (or as often as we like), the bell soundsand wehave achance to stop and go back to ourselves. Breathing inand outthreetimes is enough to release the tension in the body andsmile,andthen we can continue our work. Disclaimer: The datacollectedisprovided free of charge for informational purposes only,withnoguarantee of whatsoever for accuracy, validity,availability,orfitness for any purpose. Use at your own risk. Thisapp hasnoaffiliation or relation with any of social media brands.
Self Help and The Destructive Ego 1.2
Self Help and The Destructive Ego app is the most importanttousbecause these self help apps or destroying the ego will beusedtohelp yourself. So, for this reason, We should learn selfhelpbooksfree or self destructive ego app for the developmentofourSelf-help. Self Help and The Destructive Ego, Thisbookcontainsproven steps and strategies on how to identify whichwaysyour egois harming you in life and take control back. We willgoovermultiple areas of your life that could use improvementandsimple,easy to understand ways to fix them. Many people aregoingthroughlife struggling unnecessarily, all because theydon’trealize whatthe ego is, how to recognize it, and how to getitunder control.Many apps like self help books offline or selfhelpdiary or selfhelp depression You get on online but this SelfHelpand TheDestructive Ego app is a unique app for yourself-helpbecause itis an offline app that reduces our internet dataandreduces ourdaily coast. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collectedisprovided free ofcharge for informational purposes only, withnoguarantee ofwhatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability,orfitness for anypurpose. Use it at your own risk. This app hasnoaffiliation orrelation with any of the social media brands.
Affirmations - Self Motivation 1.11
Plays affirmations at specified interval to inspire, energizeandmotivate.
CBT Tools for Healthy Living 6.4.4
Excel At Life
CBT diary, mood log, healthy goals, articles all availablewithoutpaid upgrade!
My Dreams: Self Improvement 5.1
Personal Growth app that improves your life by small daily actions
Set goals and achieve them
The game changer for goal achievement
Psychology Facts For Life Hack 3.2.2
Check out the huge collection of Psychological Facts for BetterLifeHacks !
Affirmations Assistant 3.3.3333
We are what we affirm and an increasing number ofstudiesarestarting to show this. Essentially you are what youthinkaboutyourself whether that is through positive thinking ortheopposite.Positive affirmations and daily affirmations quotes areapowerfultool in helping you improve your mindset. The more youuseselfpositive affirmations the more your mindset swingstowardsthepositive. Affirmations Assistant increases positivethinkingaboutyourself by enabling you to receive positivedailyinspirationeither through creating your own positiveaffirmations,choosingfrom the hundreds of pre-defined positiveaffirmations orby justreceiving several daily positive quotes eachday.AffirmationsAssistant has been built specifically usingtheknowledge gainedfrom studies into using positive affirmationsforhelping improvethe effectiveness of the app and improvethepositive thinking ofthe user for longer. A quick searchfor"positive thinking apps"will return hundreds of app resultsaroundpositive thinking,including free meditation apps, paidmeditationapps, mindfulnessapps, apps that help calm an over activemind andanxiety apps.Many of which include some form of positiveselfaffirmationsfunctionality, however this is often not theircorefunction,whereas Affirmations Assistant is targeted onlyatimproving yourpositive thinking through using positiveselfaffirmations.Affirmations Assistant can help improvepositivemindset whichpersonal positive affirmations, lists ofpowerfulaffirmations,daily inspirational affirmations and asanaffirmations reminder tomake sure you maintain thepositivethoughts about yourself. UsingAffirmations Assistant foryour ownpositive affirmations routinemakes the whole process easyandleaves you with positive thoughtsabout yourself. Also includedinthe app is information about thescience and studies that havebeenconducted around the use of selfaffirmations. Read about howdailypositive affirmations effectyour brain and improvedpositivethinking and how the app has beendesigned to targetspecific brainpatterns and functionality toimprove effectiveness.AffirmationsAssistant can and is used indifferent ways by everyoneto motivateand increase the number ofdaily positive affirmationsconsumed tohelp improve with positivethinking. You can useAffirmationsAssistant to: * To create yourown personal positive andpowerfulaffirmations for use with theaffirmations reminder features* Touse the apps affirmationexamples provided to create a listofpositive affirmations * Tochoose the best affirmations thatworkfor you to improve yourmindset * To improve the number ofpositivethoughts about life byselecting from our categorizedaffirmationsincluding loveaffirmations, abundance affirmations,healthaffirmations * To usethe affirmations reminder feature tomake surethat you maintainyour routine of using your personalizeddailypositive quotes * Toreceive daily inspiration from our nearlyonethousand positive andpowerful affirmations. * Use thecalendarfeature to track yourprogress over time using youraffirmationsreminders * To shareyour personal positive affirmationswithfriends and family helpingwith their positive thinking too *Toshare our daily inspirationalpositive affirmations with thoseyoucare about to help them withtheir positive mindset too * Learnhowto write positive I amaffirmations using our in app guides *Tounderstand what ishappening inside the brain when you usedailypositive affirmationsAffirmations Assistant is for everyonewantingto improve theirpositive thinking. You will findpositiveaffirmations for women,positive affirmations for men,positiveaffirmations for peoplewith self confidence or self esteemissues,Mindfulnessaffirmations, spiritual affirmations, plus manymanymore.
WorryTree: Anxiety Relief CBT 3.0.4
Self-help worry & anxiety relief. Manage your worries withourCBT thought diary
Human Psychology Facts 1.8
GV apps
Learn Human Psychology Facts. Choose from 20 languages andofflineapp.
Action for Happiness: Find tip 3.46
Join our community of happiness with daily wellness ideas, selfcaretips & more
Success Coach - Life Planner 4.7.1
Productive Daily Goal Tracker
Success Mindset:Books & Quotes 1.9
GV apps
Books and Motivational Quotes to achieve success & buildasuccess mindset.
7 Habits of Effective People 12.1
The 7 Habits of most Effective People- Read Books and Novels
Self-Esteem Hypnosis 2.54
You won’t have to try to feel self-confident — it justhappensnaturally!*
Successful Thinking Strategies 1.5
Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows howmayalways have a job, but the person who knows why will always behisboss. Good thinkers solve problems, they never lack ideas thatcanbuild an organization, and they always have hope for abetterfuture. Good thinkers rarely find themselves at the mercy ofbadpeople who would take advantage of them or try to deceivethem.Those who develop the process of good thinking canrulethemselves—even while under an oppressive ruler or inotherdifficult circumstances. In short, good thinkers aresuccessful.I’ve studied successful people for forty years, andthough thediversity you find among them is astounding, I’ve foundthat theyare all alike in one way: how they think! That is the onethingthat separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. Andhere’sthe good news. How successful people think can be learned. Ifyouchange your thinking, you can change your life! So,successfulthinking strategies has great demand. Successful thinkinghabitsmake your success based on thinking. As you know,successfulintelligence means thinking analytically creatively anddifferentlyfrom others. This successful thinking strategies appteach you howto make successful thinking or how to have successfulthinking, howsuccessful thinking in life to become great fromothers. So,positive thinking to become successful in life is anidea todevelop yourself mentally, physically, ideologically, andmorally.So, our successful thinking strategies app can make a wayfor abetter life. Be a successful man and thinking positively likegreatpeople you have to learn how to positive thinking can makeyousuccessful in every field of life. Great people havesuccessfulcritical thinking ability and their positive thinking wasfor asuccessful life. If you look thinking of a successful person,youwill see something different from others. If you love ourapps,please evaluate our hard work with a positive word. ☑Disclaimer:The data collected is provided free of charge forinformationalpurposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy,validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use itat yourown risk. This app has no affiliation or relation with anyof thesocial media brands.
Jealousy CBT Tools Self-Help 5.1.1
Excel At Life
Learn how to manage irrational jealousy using cognitivetherapymethods
The Growth Mindset 12.0
Our mindset plays an important role in determining achievementandsuccess.
BOOK The Power of Your Subconscious Mind BY Dr. Joseph Murphy
Develop the Mind for Success 1.0
Download your FREE copy of 5 Ways to Develop the Mind for Success.
How to Win Friends & Influence 24.1
Get How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Summary byDaleCarnegie
1000+ Psychology Facts & Life 1.4
1000+ Psychology facts about crushes,love,dreams etc.
Think and Grow Rich 1.0
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich isamotivational personal development and self-help book writtenbyNapoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion fromScottish-Americanbusinessman Andrew Carnegie. While the titleimplies that this bookdeals only with how to get rich, the authorexplains that thephilosophy taught in the book can be used to helppeople succeed inall lines of work and to do or be almost anythingthey want. Forinstance, Jim Murray (sportswriter) wrote that Thinkand Grow Richwas credited for Ken Norton's boxing upset of MuhammadAli in 1973.The Reverend Charles Stanley writes "I began to applytheprinciples of (Think and Grow Rich) to my endeavors as apastor,and I discovered they worked!" The book was first publishedin 1937during the Great Depression. At the time of Hill's death in1970,Think and Grow Rich had sold 20 million copies.[7] It remainsthebiggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books - a perennialbest-sellerafter 70 years (BusinessWeek Magazine's Best-Seller ListrankedThink and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperbackbusinessbook 70 years after it was first published). Think and GrowRich islisted in John C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" BooksList.Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8, 1970) was anAmericanauthor in the area of the new thought movement who was oneof theearliest producers of the modern genre ofpersonal-successliterature. He is widely considered to be one ofthe great writerson success. His most famous work, Think and GrowRich (1937), isone of the best-selling books of all time (at thetime of Hill'sdeath in 1970, Think and Grow Rich had sold 20million copies).Hill's works examined the power of personalbeliefs, and the rolethey play in personal success. He became anadvisor to PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936. "Whatthe mind of man canconceive and believe, it can achieve" is one ofHill's hallmarkexpressions. How achievement actually occurs, and aformula for itthat puts success in reach of the average person,were the focalpoints of Hill's books. Think and Grow Rich remainsthe top sellerof Napoleon Hill's books – a perennial best-sellerafter 70 years(Business Week Magazine's Best-Seller List rankedThink and GrowRich as the sixth best-selling paperback businessbook 70 yearsafter it was first published). Think and Grow Rich islisted inJohn C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" Books List.
Change Your Thinking Change Your Mind 1.3
The human brain is the most important tool we have.It’smoreimportant than any technology, device, or instrument.We’rebornwith this great tool, but we don’t know how to useitproperly.We’re highly impractical beings. We think that we’regoodthinkers,but research paints a different picture. We think wemakepracticaldecisions that we base on logic. But that’s not thecase.It’s safeto say we’re not practical thinkers! The proof ofthat isthe listof more than a hundred cognitive biases (orthinkingerrors) thatscientists have found over the last century. Weoftenmakedecisions based on gut feelings, emotions, and withouthavingtheright information. There are a lot of apps about thinkpositiveorchange your thinking, and better thinking and decisionmaking.Buthad one problem with all the apps in this field thattheyweren’tpractical. We couldn’t find a practical app thatexplainedhow tochange the way you think in practice as we did inthis'Change YourThinking Change Your Mind' app. That’s why we madethisapp. Itcontains everything about thinking. Our goal is to giveyouatleast one idea that you can use to improve yourthoughts,andconsequently, your life, business, or career. That’swhy weshareand put all the best ideas here about thinkpositiveaffirmations.Someone says that I can't think straight orcan'tthink straightanymore and they don't think smart buteveryoneshould thinkstraight talk straight or think straight feelgreat. Inthis app,we put the best advice about think straight tochangeyourthoughts. If anyone can change thinking then he canchangehislife. So, we can say thinking for a change with buildsmartideas.And we hope this app 'Change Your Thinking Change YourMind'servesas an anchor to you—especially during trying times. Tokeepthisapp practical, we combine theory, stories, andpersonalexperiencesto share advice you can apply (or not). Thefirst ideawe want toshare is that these types of apps only work ifyou’reopen-minded.If you think that’s not you right now, I can saveyouan hour ofyour life. Just get rid of this app. ☑ Disclaimer:Thedatacollected is provided free of charge forinformationalpurposesonly, with no guarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy,validity,availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use itat yourown risk.This app has no affiliation or relation with any ofthesocialmedia brands.
✓ Habitus: Daily Habit Challen 2.7.0
✓ Daily habit challenge tracker - build habits by creatingdailychallenges
Good App, Self Improvement app 4.1.5
Tutubi B.V.
GoodApp has 36 apps in one for your personal growth and selfgrowth.Helps sleep
Self Discipline Affirmations 3
Balance In Me
This app contains 73 affirmations which you can repeat overandoveragain in order to become more disciplined in yourlife.-Improveyour willpower -Reduce procrastination -Achieve whatyouwant toachieve. Here are some of the features of this app:-Relaxingbackground music - Choose time delay between affirmations-Choosewhether to repeat each affirmations twice or not. - Choosehowmanyaffirmations you want to listen to in a single sitting.-Voicerecording of each affirmation - Randomized orderofaffirmations forbest effects All 100% free and without ads.Hereare some of theaffirmations that you'll find inside the app:Ikeep myself ontrack. I take responsibility for my actions. Icanalways rely onmyself. I possess great inner strength. Iwillpersevere no matterwhat. I persevere with optimism. I honor allmydecisions. For bestresults wear headphones while you use thisapp.If you enjoy itdon't forget to share it with your friends.Thanksfor your support!
Make Me Better -Motivation App 1.6.4
Crafty Studio
Daily 5 Mins Reads for Motivation, Positivity, Mental WellbeingandSelf Care.
Habinator Health Coach
Health Coach based on Lifestyle Medicine - Plan Routines,GetBetter, Get Fit
PTSD Coach 3.5.3
This app is for people who have or may have PosttraumaticStressDisorder (PTSD)