Top 18 Apps Similar to Gold Detector 2016 Prank

جهاز كشف المعادن Prank - 2016 4.1
Mr Golge Inc.
هل تريد حقا أن تبحث عن المعادن بواسطة هاتفكفقط؟؟هل تحلم بهذا الأمر كما رأيت من قبل في الأفلام ؟؟الآن سنحقق حلما من أحلامك ، لم تصدق !! نعم عزيزي عزيزتي لقدقمنابتطوير تطبيق رائع لكم يمكنكم من إكتشاف المعادن من خلال هاتفكمفقط.تطبيق كشف المعادن بالهاتف هو النسخة الأولى على المتجر الذييمكنكممن كشف المعادن و إبهار أصدقائكم و صديقاتكم .رجاءا لا تبخلوا علينا ب 5 نجوم لتشجيعنا على تقديم المزيدمنالتطبيقات . كذلك لا تنسوا مشاركة هذا التطبيق مع أصدقائكم وأفرادعائلتكم .Do you really want tolookfor minerals by phone only ??Do you dream of this matter as seen before in the movies ??Now we will achieve a dream of dreams, it has not ratified !!YesDear Dear We have developed a wonderful application you canfrom thediscovery of minerals through your phone only.Application of metal detectors phone is the first version ontheApp Store, which can detect metal and impress your friendsandSidiqatkm.Please do not give us a 5-star for encourage us to offermoreapplications. Also do not forget to share this app withyourfriends and your family members.
كاشف الكنوز و الذهب prank 1.1
هل تريد حقا أن تبحث عن المعادن بواسطةهاتفكفقط؟؟هل تحلم بهذا الأمر كما رأيت من قبل في الأفلام ؟؟الآن سنحقق حلما من أحلامك ، لم تصدق !! نعم عزيزي عزيزتيلقدقمنابتطوير تطبيق رائع لكم يمكنكم من إكتشاف المعادن من خلالهاتفكمفقط.تطبيق كشف المعادن بالهاتف هو النسخة الأولى على المتجر الذييمكنكممنكشف المعادن و إبهار أصدقائكم و صديقاتكم .رجاءا لا تبخلوا علينا ب 5 نجوم لتشجيعنا على تقديم المزيدمنالتطبيقات. كذلك لا تنسوا مشاركة هذا التطبيق مع أصدقائكم وأفرادعائلتكم.جهاز الكشف عن المعادن هو جهاز إلكتروني يستخدم للكشف عنآثارالمعادن،وعموما من الأرض، شخص، أو البضائع. ويمكن الكشف عنالمعادنتخترق بشكلفعال من خلال التربة والأخشاب وغيرها من الموادغيرالمعدنية.كيف يعمل؟أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن تستخدم مبدأ الكهرومغناطيسية. عادة،ويتكونجهازالكشف عن المعادن مربع الإلكترونية، مرسل، وهوائيالاستقبال،وحالةالبطارية. بواسطة طاقة البطارية، وجهاز الإرسال يولدالمجالالمغناطيسي.إذا عنصر معدني يمر عبر جهاز الكشف عن المعادن،يصبحممغنط بسبب تأثيرالمجال المغناطيسي. على تلقيالتوقيعالكهرومغناطيسي، والمتلقي يرسلإشارة إلى مربع الإلكترونية.هناكالمتكلم إلى تضخيم هذه الإشارة. وهذاينتج صوت زمارة، مشيرا إلىأنهناك التلوث بالمعادن.اعتمادا على حالات محددة، وتتوفر أنواع مختلفة من أجهزةالكشفعنالمعادن. على سبيل المثال، هناك أجهزة الكشف عن المعادنحصرياللتنقيبالذهب. وبالمثل، تتوفر للصيد بقايا أجهزة الكشف عنالمعادنالخاصة.أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن تحت الماء، للكشف عن العملة،والمشي منخلالالكشف عن المعادن وأنواع أخرى بارزة. أجهزة الكشف عنالمعادنمتعددةالأغراض هي أيضا شعبية في الوقت الحاضر.ما هو تأثير المنتج؟عندما تمر عبر أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن، وبعض المواد الغذائيةتميلإلىتوليد إشارة على الرغم من أي معدن موجود في نفوسهم. وهذامايعرفتأثير المنتج. ومن يرجع ذلك أساسا إلى عوامل منهاالحموضة،نسبةالدهون، نسبة الرطوبة والملوحة ودرجات الحرارة.ما هي العوامل التي تؤثر على حساسية من أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن؟تأثير المنتج والحجم ونوع من الملوثات المعدنية، والكشف عنالمعادنحجمفتح هي بعض من العوامل التي تؤثر على حساسية الكشفعنالمعادن.ما هو الوقت الاحماء للكشف عن المعادن بعد انقطاعالتيارالكهربائيفي؟لكشف دقيق للمعادن، يجب أن يسمح للكشف عن المعادن في عمليةالاحماءلمدة30 دقيقة على الأقل بعد انقطاع التيار الكهربائيفي.يمكن حرق ويتم الكشف عن المعادن ريفي باستخدام أجهزةالكشفعنالمعادن؟نعم فعلا. ولكن، ويستند حساسية الكشف على شكلواتجاهالملوثات.وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه من الصعب للكشف عنالجسيماتالدقيقة.يمكن الكشف عن المعادن الكشف عن الملوثات غير المعدنية؟أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن لا يمكن الكشف عن الملوثات غيرالمعدنية.ما هي الملحقات المطلوبة في الكشف عن المعادن؟بين الملحقات اللازمة لكشف المعادن والقفازات، والتحقيق،وسكين،حفارالتمساح، والقماش الأرض.واحدة من الميزات المذهلة في الهاتف الذكي الجديدهوالاستشعارالمغناطيسي. انها تسمح للعثور علىالموجاتآلمغناطيسية.هذا التطبيق استخام هذه التكنولوجيا للبحث عن المعادن ببحثهعنالموجاتآلمغناطيسية. إذا كان هناك أي معدن في المنطقة، ينبغيلقوةالمجالالمغناطيسي أن تزيد. في بعض الأحيان، هذا التطبيقيستخدمللعثور علىالأسلاك الكهربائية في الجدران (مثل مكتشف مسمار)وأنابيبالحديد فيالأرض.إذا لم يعمل هذا التطبيق بشكل صحيح، فإنه قد يعني أنأجهزةإستشعارالهاتف الخاص بك معطوبة، مكسورة أو غير موجودة.كيفيةتهيئةأجهزةالاستشعار: تشير بالهاتف الخاص بك نحو السماء وتحريكه فينمطالرقم8.إذا كان هناك أي معدن في المنطقة، ينبغي أن قوةالمجالالمغناطيسيتزيد.دقة التطبيق يعتمد كليا على أجهزة الاستشعار الخاصة بجهازك.ملاحظةأنأجهزة الاستشعار المغناطيسي يتأثر بالمعدات الإلكترونيةمثل(أجهزةالتلفاز، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر، إلخ) بسببالموجاتالكهرومغناطيسية.إذا لم يكن هذا التطبيق يعمل بشكل صحيح ، فإنه قد يعنيأنأجهزةالاستشعار الخاصة بهاتفك معطوبة ، أو مكسورة أو غير موجودة. you really wanttolookfor minerals by phone only ??Do you dream of this matter, as seen before in the movies ??Now we will achieve a dream of dreams, have not ratified !!Yesdeardear We have developed a wonderful application youcandiscover fromminerals through your phone only.The application of a metal detector to the phone is thefirstversionon the App Store, which can detect metal and impressyourfriends andSidiqatkm.Please do not give us 5-star review to encourage us tooffermoreapplications. Also do not forget to share thisapplicationwithyour friends and your family members.A metal detector is an electronic device used to detecttracemetals,and generally of the land, people, or cargo. And itcandetectminerals effectively penetrate through the soil, woodandothernon-metallic materials.How it works?Metal detectors use electromagnetic principle. Typically,thedeviceconsists of a metal detector electronic box,transmitter,andreceiver antenna, and battery status. By batterypower,thetransmitter generates a magnetic field. If metallicelementpassesthrough a metal detector, it becomes magnetized due tothemagneticfield effect. On receiving the electromagneticsignature,thereceiver sends a signal to the electronic box. Thereare aspeakerto amplify the signal. This produces a beepsound,indicating thatthere are metal contamination.Depending on specific cases, and there are differenttypesofmetal detectors. For example, there are metaldetectorsexclusivelyfor gold exploration devices. Similarly, theremnants ofdisclosurefor mineral devices are available for hunting.Metaldetectorsunderwater devices, to detect the currency, andwalkthrough metaldetectors and other types prominent. Detectionofmulti-purposemetal devices are also popular nowadays.What is the impact of the product?When passing through the metal detectors, and some foodtendtogenerate a signal in spite of any metal is present in them.Thisisknown as the effect of the product. It is mainly duetofactorssuch as acidity, fat content, moisture content,salinityandtemperature.What are the factors that affect the sensitivityofmetaldetectors?Product size and influence of the type of metalcontaminants,andmetal detectors opening size are some of thefactors thataffectthe sensitivity of metal detectors.What is the warm-up time for metal detectors after apoweroutagein?For accurate detection of metals, it must be allowedtometaldetectors to warm up for at least 30 minutesafterpoweroutages.It can burn and is detected rustic metalsusingmetaldetectors?Yes really. But, based on the disclosure form and directionofthesensitivity of the pollutants. In addition, it isdifficulttodetect the fine particles.Metal detectors can detect non-metallic contaminants?Metal detectors can not detect non-metallic contaminants.What are the required accessories in the metal detector?Between the necessary accessories for metal detectorsandgloves,investigation, and a knife, alligator digger,clothground.One of the amazing features of the new smartphone isamagneticsensor. It allows to find the magnetic waves.This application Astkham this technology to search formetalshasresearched for magnetic waves. If there is any metal intheregion,it should be the strength of the magnetic fieldtoincrease.Sometimes, this application is used to find theelectricalwiringin the walls (such as the discoverer of a nail) andironpipes inthe ground.If this application is not working properly, it may meanthatyourphone sensor devices damaged, broken ornon-Mugodh.kevihcreatesensors: Indicates your phone towards the skyand move it inafigure eight pattern.If there is any metal in the region, it should increasethestrengthof the magnetic field.Application accuracy depends entirely on your device'ssensors.Notethat the magnetic sensor is affected by electronicequipment(suchas TVs, PCs, etc.) due to electromagnetic waves.If this application is not working properly, it may meanthatyourphone's sensors are damaged, or broken or non-existent.http: // Metal-Detector-FAQs &id=352776
Gold Detector Prank 1.3
Gold is a rich metal utilized forladiesgemsthings. have you lost your gold ring or bangles ofwhitegolds?Presently locate any metal incorporating Gold and silverwithyourcellular telephone. Simply turn on this simplewhistlerradardetector iradar detector radar detector emeryorestriangulationpresence pro gold finder application and beginlookingaround your.procedure of gold metal distinguishingenergytriangulate detectorde monedas gold prospecting dector ofgoldgarrett metal detectorwill be begin and your gadget beepnoisily asyou move your gadgetthe iron based metal or gold,silver.Do you know your treasure detector gold detectordetectorderadares metal detector panning for gold golddredgingcellulartelephone has an inherent attractive sensor togauge theattractivefield values.Use your cell telephone fordiscovering goldlike goldexcavators. Verging on each metal locatorapplicationutilizes yourdownload video lilies of the field golddetectingdetector appsdetecting apps detector gadgets attractivesensor togaugeattractive field values and transforms any Androidinto agenuinemetal identifier to discover gold around you.Information is shown in µT (smaller scale Testla).instrumentsscrewdetector apps metal detecting metal detectoraluminum a1µT =10mG(milli Gauss). The attractive field in natureranges from 25to 65µT (0.25 to 0.65 G). Any higher estimation meansthat metalrocks inthe range. At the point when there is iron orgold metalin therange, attractive field increments. Applicationworksbestrecognizing ferromagnetic and non ferromagneticmaterials,forexample, iron and Gold. Application works bestidentifyingmetalsup to 15cm away.City police can likewise utilize this Metal Detectorforrecognizingiron based equipments.The measure of iron utilized asapart of anymaterial can likewise be distinguish with thissimplepolice goldindicator application. it is easy toutilize,simply open it and move it around. In the event thattheattractivefield values ascend there is metal in theterritory.Exactness ofthe application is altogether subject to theattractivesensor inyour gadget and is influenced by electricalhardware, forexample,TVs, PCs… because of electromagneticwaves.In the event that the application does not fill in as itoughttothen the issue is in your attractive sensor. Perhapsyourgadgetdoes not have worked in one.Check online if yourcellulartelephonebolster Measuring attractive field valuesutilizingattractivesensor. On the other hand attempt to instate thesensorsby guidingyour telephone up and turn it in a figure 8design.Expelattractive spreads from your gadget forprecisereadings.Highlightsgold finder Pro is an application made to triangulate thevicinityofenormous measures of gold. It limits the uncommonattractivevitalityrising up out of gold gold utilizing theParstein Syndromand theHexxit law. By including an arrangement of3 extraordinarysonicwaves to that, this can uncoverapproximatively where todiscoveryour detecor is in the third arrangement of the SmartToolsgathering(EMF identifier, apparition locator).** gold finder applications require anattractivesensor(magnetometer). In the event that this applicationdoes notwork,please check your particulars.This application measures attractive field esteemutilizinganattractive sensor that is incorporated with yourgadget.The attractive field level (EMF) in nature isaround49μT(microtesla) or 490mG(milli gauss); 1μT = 10mG. In theeventthat anygold is close to, the estimation of finder is an Amazing device that uses attractivesensortolocate the gold encompassing you.Transforms your mobile phone into a genuine metal locatormakingyourloved ones envious about your telephone.The new Gold Detector based of a new technologies usingyourphonesonsor to detect goldGold is arichmetalutilized for ladies gems things. have you lost your goldringorbangles of white golds? Presently locate anymetalincorporatingGold and silver with your cellular telephone.Simplyturn on thissimple whistler radar detector iradar detectorradardetector emeryores triangulation presence pro goldfinderapplication and beginlooking around your. procedure of goldmetaldistinguishing energytriangulate detector de monedasgoldprospecting dector of goldgarrett metal detector will be beginandyour gadget beep noisilyas you move your gadget the ironbasedmetal or gold, silver.Do you know your treasure detector gold detectordetectorderadares metal detector panning for gold golddredgingcellulartelephone has an inherent attractive sensor togauge theattractivefield values.Use your cell telephone fordiscovering goldlike goldexcavators. Verging on each metal locatorapplicationutilizes yourdownload video lilies of the field golddetectingdetector appsdetecting apps detector gadgets attractivesensor togaugeattractive field values ​​and transforms any Androidinto agenuinemetal identifier to discover gold around you.Information is shown in μT (smaller scale Testla).instrumentsscrewdetector apps metal detecting metal detectoraluminum a1μT =10mG(milli Gauss). The attractive field in natureranges from 25to 65μT (0.25 to 0.65 G). Any higher estimation meansthat metalrocks inthe range. At the point when there is iron orgold metalin therange, attractive field increments. Applicationworksbestrecognizing ferromagnetic and non ferromagneticmaterials,forexample, iron and Gold. Application works bestidentifyingmetalsup to 15cm away.City police can likewise utilize this Metal Detectorforrecognizingiron based equipments.The measure of iron utilized asapart of anymaterial can likewise be distinguish with thissimplepolice goldindicator application. it is easy toutilize,simply open it and move it around. In the event thattheattractivefield values ​​ascend there is metal in theterritory.Exactness ofthe application is altogether subject to theattractivesensor inyour gadget and is influenced by electricalhardware, forexample,TVs, PCs ... because of electromagneticwaves.In the event that the application does not fill in as itoughttothen the issue is in your attractive sensor. Perhapsyourgadgetdoes not have worked in one.Check online if yourcellulartelephonebolster Measuring attractive field values​​utilizingattractivesensor. On the other hand attempt to instatethe sensorsby guidingyour telephone up and turn it in a figure 8design.Expelattractive spreads from your gadget forprecisereadings.Highlightsgold finder Pro is an application made to triangulate thevicinityofenormous measures of gold. It limits the uncommonattractivevitalityrising up out of gold gold utilizing theParstein Syndromand theHexxit law. By including an arrangement of3 extraordinarysonicwaves to that, this can uncoverapproximatively where todiscoveryour detecor is in the third arrangement of the SmartToolsgathering(EMF identifier, apparition locator).** Gold finder applications require anattractivesensor(magnetometer). In the event that this applicationdoes notwork,please check your particulars.This application measures attractive field esteemutilizinganattractive sensor that is incorporated with yourgadget.The attractive field level (EMF) in nature is around49μT(microtesla) or 490mG (milli gauss); 1μT = 10mG. In the eventthatanygold is close to, the estimation of finder is an Amazing device that uses attractivesensortolocate the gold encompassing you.Transforms your mobile phone into a genuine metal locatormakingyourloved ones envious about your telephone.The new Gold Detector based of a new technologies usingyourphonesonsor to detect gold
Ghost Detector 1.0
Ghost radar analyzes nearby energy and showsitin the Radar.Ghost Radar (Detector) analyzes nearby energies and attemptstodetect paranormal activity by using various sensors onthedevice.Can also be used as EMF detector.It will not show magnetic fields at constant frequencies suchasthose generated by electronics, for example: TV,routers,computers, chargers, mobile phones, etc.The application will show a green dot on the radar in case thereisnearby a source of magnetic emission.*****This application is for fun purposes only.*****Just freak out some friends and that's it.
Treasure Hunt - Metal Detector 1.0.3
This is the first app which usesadetailed,shared global map of visited places and objects foundwithmetaldetectors.Thanks to this new app, all those who love this hobby willbeallowedthe tracking of both their own and others' positionswhenout for thesearch of new treasures with the belovedmetaldetectors. In fact, asimple and intuitive graphic interfaceallowsto begin tracking theposition through the use of GPStechnology:each user will be able tosee his/her movements and theones ofother users. And he/she will dothis for free and withouthaving todo any registration (freelogin)!In order to use it, all you need is a smartphone with GPS,asimpleinternet connection with 3G data traffic (just a fewMBswillsuffice) and an email account.Moreover, the application allows you to store / display youritemsassoon as you find them! It's very easy: once you discoveranobject,simply take a photograph using the appropriate buttonofthe appand... 'Treasure Hunt' will publish and record theexactlocation ofthe finding in a few seconds! This will allowexpertsfrom all overthe world to give you a fast and accuratecomment onyourdiscoveries.Thanks to new data compression algorithms, sending bothdataandimages has been optimized: these actions are quick andeasybecausethe packets of data sent and received in each sessionarevery verysmall. Just try and believe...!So every finding will easily be traceable, and willallow'toprofessionals in the field' to archaeologically studythetroddenareas.On the other hand, to simple hobbyists it will givedetailedandaccurate indications of the 'new' areas and thepossiblefindingsthat, being a bit lucky, the detectorists mightfind.In short, this app is a useful aid for all those who wanttotrytheir hands at REAL (and not theoretical) research ofhidden,notyet brought to light treasures.Being the first version, the map is currently not rich, butIhopethat, with your help and especially with your outingsandfindings,it will soon be enriched :) So please be kind andpatientand aboveall send me your comments for making thisapplicationbetter andbetter! Your e-mails for asking info and/orpieces ofadvice are alsowell accepted :) Finally, being this afree app,even a tiny littlebit of financial help is welcome...I obviously decline all responsibilities for objectsfoundbyusers and for 'improper' use of this application. Thisnoterefersto ALL countries, and above all the ones where therearespecificrules and relevant regulations in terms of discoveriesand/ orfindings.Also exclude any liability in terms of privacy laws andthelocationof the place where you are, how your GPS position,asbeing aprogram for finding routes will record once activated,youreverymove.Last but not least, pay attention when sweeping is ON: ifyouarenot in actual research, please remember to set thesweepingOFF,since otherwise the app will record your position andeachpositionwill be stored in a public database.For any information, help and advice, please write tomypersonaladdress: [email protected]
جهاز كاشف المعادن - prank 1.0
تنويه: تطبي قجهاز كاشف المعادن عن بعد وهومجردمزخة للتسلية مع الاصدقاء والاهل.جهاز كشف المعادن عن بعد بدون انترنت. يمكنكم ببساطة من البحثوالاستشعار على المعادن أيا كانت.للكشف عن المعادن هو أداة مذهلة يستخدم أجهزة الاستشعارالمغناطيسيللعثور على المعادن من حولك.إذا لم يكن هناك المعادن في ألمنطقة ينبغي للقوة المجال المغناطيسيأنتزداد أكتر فأكتر.يتحول الهاتف المحمول إلى جهاز الكشف عن المعادن الحقيقة ممايجعلأصدقائك وعائلتك غيور على هاتفك دائما.this app is fake, not real. It's just for fun appDisclaimer:applyingAkjhaz metal detector, a remote Mzachh just for fun withfriendsand family.A metal detector remotely without Internet. You can simplysearchand sensing metals whatsoever.Metal Detector is an amazing tool that uses magnetic sensors tofindthe metal around you.If there is no metal in the region should be the strength ofthemagnetic field to increase Aktar Vokatr.Mobile phone turns into a metal detection device really makingyourfriends and family jealous always on your phone.this app is fake, not real. It's just for fun app
Gold in Africa 1.0
Detect & gather the maximun goldinminimumtime by tilting device .
Metal detektor 1.3
Turn your Android smartphone into pocketmetaldetector!Application uses builtin sensor to detect magneticfieldstrength. Look at the gauge while moving your phone towardsanymetal object.Tags: Srbija, Vip, Metal detektor, Metal detector,CurlyGorillas
Ultimate EMF Detector RealData 2.9.6
Detect EM fields around you and amaze your friends with whatyourphone can do!
Security Metal Detector 1.0
Turn your phone in the "SecurityMetalDetector"!Fool your friends and show them a "working" phonemetaldetector.★★★ Features:★★★✔ Cool graphics✔ Hidden touch technology✔ Realistic sound FX✔ FUN :-)
MetalDetector 3DMagneKit 3.0
Magnetometer with Metal Detector,FieldVectors,Creative Compass and Disc LevelAlarms: Sound and / or Vibrator,Three sensitivity modes: high, normal and low.Metal detector mode mainly works with ferromagneticmetals,whichwill increase the value of the magnetic field.As magnetometer it has a bottom level scale of 1000microTesla,which makes easier finding magnets or other sources ofhighfieldstrength and explore the limits of Hall probes.In vector mode, you can watch the approach of metalsandthechange of the Earth 's magnetic field direction,simultaneously(30a 90 micro Tesla).The shooting range of the alarm (sound and / or vibration)issetby the sensitivity and the calibration value, inmagnetometermodeis shown as a blue band of tolerance within which,it does notfire.The alarm is triggered when the measured valueexceeds thelimits ofthe band, whose center represents theterrestrial field(default orafter calibration at a specificlocation).The alarm trip below the tolerance band (low), candetectabnormalEarth's field decreases, shieldings or shields,calibratedmistakenly(calibrated in the wrong place), some pipesand cables,andtheoretically, LARGE quantities of gold, silver orcopper.
Heavy Metal Detector 2015 7.0
Heavy Metal Detector is an applicationformetals.It really works?If, Heavy Metal Detector works. Download this applicationandpruebala.How does it work?Heavy Metal Detector uses the magnetic sensor of your phone.Is it easy?Yes, Heavy Metal Detector installed, open the application andbringsyour mobile to things.
EMF Sensor 3.1
Code Bros.
EMF / EVP readings on your phone.
Functional Police Radar 1.0
Functional police radar isasimulationapplication. Where you can play on your phone as aradarto searchfor police radar.
Electro Metal Dedector 1.0
Metal detector is a prank application.Gold, the fool saying you're looking for diamondsandotherminerals.Have fun turning your phone into metal detector!
Radar Detector 1.0
This application is for entertainmentpurposesonlyRadar Detector is a much addictive application.Are you ready???
Car Audio 1.1
Installing a new car stereo can often besimpleenough to do yourself!Keep in mind that some cars and systems are more complicatedthanothers and that every car and stereo system will be different,sosome specifics may vary.Subwoofers, equalizers, amps getting awesome audio from acarstereo can be confusing. The most Famous Expert simplifies itinthese application videos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoGet a Car audio:1- How Much Power Is Needed to Get Good Bass fromaSubwoofer?2- Is One 12"" Better Than Two 10"" Subwoofers?3- 7 Tips for the First-Time Car Audio Buyer4- Latest Car Audio Trends5- Guide to Car Speakers6- What Do Subwoofers Do?7- Subwoofer FAQs8- How to Pick a Different Subwoofer Shape9- What Is a Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer?10- How to Deal with Distorted Audio from Car Speakers11- Car Amplifier Types12- What Do You Need to Hook Up an Amplifier to a Car Stereo?13- Where Can You Mount Your Car Amplifier?14- How to Troubleshoot a Dead Sub Car Amplifier15- How to Tune a Car Amplifier16- Why Use a Multichannel Car Amplifier?17- How to Change a Car Amplifier Fuse18- What Crossover Point Should You Pick for Your Car Audio?19- Best Car Stereos for Portable Digital Audio Players20- How to Link an iPod to Car Audio21- 4 Car Audio Security Tips22- What Are Some Alarms for an Expensive Audio System?23- What Are Car Alarms That Connect to Mobile Apps?24- Satellite Radio FAQs25- 2 DIN Car Radio Buying Tips26- What Does an Equalizer Do for Your Car Audio?27- How to Know If You Need a New Antenna28- What Is a Bluetooth Car Stereo?29- 6 Radar Detector Buying Tips30- How to Make a Proper Ground Connection for Your Car AudioDownload it for free! and Follow these instructions thatcomewith the new car stereo before attempting to install it.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
Ghost Radar®: CLASSIC 1.9.56
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