Top 21 Apps Similar to Fake Call Prank

الإتصال الوهمي من فتاة جميلة 1.0
تطبيق الإتصال الوهمي ، برنامج يمكنكمنتعديلوالقيام بإتصال وهمي في وقت معين تختارهقم بإتصالات وهمية وأبهر أصدقائك بأن صاحبتك صديقتكالجميلةتتصلبكعدل اسم المتصل ورقمه والوقت الذي سيتصل بك كما تشاء ، يمكنكالضحكمعأصدقائك من خلال وضع صور المشاهير وإبهارهم بأن نجم منالنجوميتصلونبك .مميزات البرنامج :تحديد اسم ورقم المتصلتلقي الإتصال بنغمة الهاتف التي تستعملهاإبهار الأصدقاء بانك تتلقى مكالمات من ارقام مميزةإمكانية إختيار صورة المتصل و الوقت الدي تريد فيه الاتصالخاصية Fake Call تجعلك تحصل على إتصال وهمي من فتاةجميلةكصديقتكإمكانية عمل تسجيل صوت للفتيات لتسمعه أثناء الإتصالكأنهامكالمةحقيقيةContactplaceboapplication, the program enables you to edit anddobycommunication placebo at a certain time of your choiceYour contacts and fake friends that wowedSahpetkbeautifulgirlfriend, contact youEdit the caller's name and number and the time it will callyouasyou like, you can laugh with your friends by puttingpicturesofcelebrities and Abhaarham that the star of stars callyou.The program features:Determine the name and number of the callerReceive a call tone phone used byImpress friends punk receive calls from special numbersThe possibility of choosing Photocall time and my parentswantthecontactFake Call feature make you get a call from animaginarybeautifulgirl KsidiktkThe ability to make a voice recording for girls to hearduringthecall like a real call
الإتصال الوهمي بصوت فتاة 2016 1.1
الإتصال الوهمي بصوت فتاة prank , هوبرنامجيمكنكمن تعديل إتصال وهمي في وقت معين تختاره ،حيث يمكنك تعديل اسم المتصل ورقمه ووقت الاتصال كما تشاء .بمجرد الضغط علي ايقونة التطبيق يبداء الاتصال الوهمي حيثيمكنكقبولالمكالمة او رفضها ويمكنك التظاهر بانك تستقبل مكالمة.الآن إبهر أصدقائك بانك تتلقي مكالمات من ارقام مميزة .تطبيق الإتصال الوهمي بصوت فتاة prank او الشخصيات المشهورةقديصادفكموقف محرج او ممل وترغب في مغادرة المكان بطريقة لبقة اوعذرمقبول؟أو ربما كنت مع أصدقاء وتريد أن تمازحهم بان تظهر لهمباناتصالا علىجوالك من شخصية مهمة او من مديرك في العمل او صديقاوصديقة؟الإتصال الوهمي, هو برنامج يمكنك من تعديل إتصال وهمي فيوقتمعينتختاره ،حيث يمكنك تعديل اسم المتصل ورقمه ووقت الاتصال كما تشاء .وهو ايضا للضحك والنكتة فبامكانك وضع صورة و صوت النجوم والفنانينفيالتطبيق و تشغيله و اختيار صوت النجم و ووضعه و بعد مرورالمدةالتيحددتها سوف يتم الاتصال الوهمي ( fake call ) منالشخصيةالمحبوبةلصديقك ويتم مفاجئته كانه هو المتصل .ومن باب المزحة ايضا وضع صورة لشخصيات مشهورة او كان الشرطةتتصلبكوالمزيد المزيد من المقالب المضحكة ممكن ان تجعلهابالتطبيق.الاتصال الوهمي 2016,تطبيق ممتع وجديد انصحكم بتجربتة وعملمقالبمضحكةIts Just Prank.ومن المميزات التي يتميز بها التطبيق :✔ يمكنك إختيار رقم المتصل بنفسك .✔ اختيار متصل وهمي من جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك .✔ وضع الهاتف بجيبك و انتظر المكالمة الوهمية الواردة .prank✔ اختيار إسم و صورة للمتصل حسب آختيارك لإنشاءالمكالمةالكاذبةالجديدة .✔ يمكنك أيضا تحديد المدة الزمنية التي ستتصل بك فيها الفتاةاوالصديقاو النجم او ايا من المشاهير الذي قمت باختياره .كيف تستخدم التطبيق :باستخدامك لبرنامج " الإتصال الوهمي بصوت فتاة prank " ماعليكسوىكتابة اسم المتصل الذي تريد ان يظهر على الشاشة و الوقت الذيترغبانتصلك فيه المكالمة او يمكنك اختيار احد الاسماء المخزنةعلىجهازكواجراء التعديلات التي ترغب كتغير نغمة الرنين وغيرها.فبعد مرور الفترة التي تحددها سوف يرن هاتفك و تظهر لك"مكالمةواردة"من اسم الشخص الذي قمت بادخاله وايضا صورة المتصل في حالوجودصورة لهفي قائمة الاسماء وعندها تستطيع الضغط على زر "اجابة" !اورفضالمكالمة فهو سهل جدا.الآن إبهر أصدقائك بأنك تعرف النجوم العربية . و أنهم يتصلونبك.prankإستقبل إتصالات من شخصيات مهمة مثل :سعد المجرد saad lamjarredإيهاب أمير ihab amirحتيم عمور hatim amorدنيا باطممة dounia batmaإبتسام تسكت ibtisam tiskitسهيلة souhailaنزار إديل nizar idilنانسي nancyبنكيران كبورContact placeboprankgirlvoice, is a program that you can edit and placeboconnected atacertain time of your choice,Where you can modify the caller's name, number and contacttimeasthey want.Once you click on the icon application Fulbrightgrantsplacebocontact where you can accept or reject the call andyou canpretendBank receives a call.Now Impress your friends that you're calls fromuniquenumbers.The application of voice communication placebo girlprankorcelebrities may Marks embarrassing or dull and want toleavetheplace tactful way or acceptable excuse? Or you mayhavewithfriends and want to show them that Tmazham that a callonyourmobile from an important figure or your boss at work orafriend ora girlfriend?Contact placebo, is a program that you can edit andplaceboconnectedat a certain time of your choice,Where you can modify the caller's name, number and contacttimeasthey want.It is also to laugh and joke you can put a picture and soundofstarsand artists in the application and run it, and choosethevoice ofthe star and place it and after a period set by youwillbe contactedplacebo (fake call) personal beloved friendisMphajith like it isthe caller.As a matter of Prank also put a picture of thefamouspersonalitiesor had police contact you and more more fromlandfillsridiculousas possible to make the application.Contact placebo 2016, the application of new fun and I adviseyoutotry it and work Funny dumpsIts Just Prank.It features characteristic of Application:✔ You can select the number of the caller on your own.✔ choose offline placebo from your contacts.✔ phone mode your pocket and wait for the incomingcallphantom.prank✔ choose the name and image of the caller as per yourchoicetocreate a new false call.✔ You can also specify the period of time that will beconnectedwithyour girl or boyfriend, star or any of the celebrityof yourchoice.How do you use the application:By using the program, "the imaginary voice call girl prank"justtypethe caller's name that you want to appear on the screenandthe timeyou want to receive the call, or you can choose one ofthenamesstored on your computer and make adjustments that you wantasachange ringing tone and others.After a period determined by the passage of your phone willringandshow you the "incoming call" from the name of the personyouenteredand also the image of the caller if there is a pictureofhim in thelist of names and then you can click on the"answer"button! Orreject the call is very easy.Now Impress your friends that you know Arab stars. And theycallyou.prankReceived calls from key figures such as:Saad abstract saad lamjarredEhab Amir ihab amirHtim Amor amor hatimDonia Batmmh dounia batmaIbtisam silent ibtisam tiskitSuhaila souhailaNizar Ideal nizar idilNancy nancyBenkirane Kebbour
مكالمة من جميلات العرب Prank 1
مكالمة وهمية من جميلات العرب 2016اجعل البنات الجميلات يتصلن بكاخدع اصدقائك و اوهمهم ان البنات يتصلن بكيمكنك اختيار اي صورة للبنات الجميلات و اضافة اي رقمحدد الوقت المناسب للمكالمة و انتظرسوف يصلك اتصال وهمي من بالاسم و الرقم و الصورة التي حددتهايمكنك اختيار ايضا اسم و رقم من قائمة الاتصال المسجلة لديكوذلكللهروب من المواقف المحرجةFake callfrombeautifulArabs in 2016Mark your beautiful girls AtsalnDeceiving your friends and Aohmanm that your girls AtsalnYou can choose any image for girls beautiful and addanynumberSelect the right time to call and waitYou will receive a placebo connection by name and number,andtheimage set byYou can also choose the name and contact number oftheregisteredlist and have it to escape from theembarrassments
الاتصال الوهمي بالصوت 2017 1.0
تطبيق الاتصال الوهمي 2017 من الفتياتاوالشخصياتالمشهورة قد يصادفك موقف محرج او ممل وترغب في مغادرةالمكانبطريقةلبقة او عذر مقبول؟ أو ربما كنت مع أصدقاء وتريد أنتمازحهمبان تظهرلهم بان اتصالا على جوالك من شخصية مهمة او من مديركفيالعمل او صديقاو صديقة؟الإتصال الوهمي, هو تطبيق يمكنك من تعديل إتصال وهمي فيوقتمعينتختاره ،حيث يمكنك تعديل اسم المتصل ورقمه ووقت الاتصال كما تشاء .وهو ايضا للضحك والنكتة فبامكانك وضع صورة و صوت النجوم والفنانينفيالتطبيق و تشغيله و اختيار صوت النجم و ووضعه و بعد مرورالمدةالتيحددتها سوف يتم الاتصال الوهمي ( fake call ) منالشخصيةالمحبوبةلصديقك ويتم مفاجئته كانه هو المتصل .ومن باب المزحة ايضا وضع صورة لشخصيات مشهورة او كان الشرطةتتصلبكوالمزيد المزيد من المقالب المضحكة ممكن ان تجعلها بالتطبيقومن المميزات التي يتميز بها التطبيق :✔ يمكنك إختيار رقم المتصل بنفسك .✔ اختيار متصل وهمي من جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك .✔ وضع الهاتف بجيبك و انتظر المكالمة الوهمية الواردة .prank✔ اختيار إسم و صورة للمتصل حسب آختيارك لإنشاءالمكالمةالكاذبةالجديدة .✔ يمكنك أيضا تحديد المدة الزمنية التي ستتصل بك فيها الفتاةاوالصديقاو النجم او ايا من المشاهير الذي قمت باختياره .إستقبل إتصالات من شخصيات مهمة مثل سعد المجردsaad lamjarredihab amirhatim amordounia batmaibtisam tiskitApplicationcontact2017placebo girls or celebrities may Marks embarrassing ordullandwant to leave the place tactful way or acceptable excuse?Oryoumay have with friends and want to show them that Tmazhamthatacall on your mobile from an important figure or your bossatworkor a friend or a girlfriend?Contact placebo, is an application that enables you toeditandplacebo connected at a certain time of your choice,Where you can modify the caller's name, number and contacttimeasthey want.It is also to laugh and joke you can put a picture and soundofstarsand artists in the application and run it, and choosethevoice ofthe star and place it and after a period set by youwillbe contactedplacebo (fake call) personal beloved friendisMphajith like it isthe caller.As a matter of Prank also put a picture of thefamouspersonalitiesor had police contact you and more more fromlandfillsridiculousas possible to make the applicationIt features characteristic of Application:✔ You can select the number of the caller on your own.✔ choose offline placebo from your contacts.✔ phone mode your pocket and wait for the incomingcallphantom.prank✔ choose the name and image of the caller as per yourchoicetocreate a new false call.✔ You can also specify the period of time that will beconnectedwithyour girl or boyfriend, star or any of the celebrityofyourchoice.Received calls from important figures like Saad abstract  saad lamjarred  ihab amir  hatim amor  dounia batma  ibtisam tiskit
اتصال وهمي 1.5
اتصال وهمي , هو برنامج مجاني يمكنك من عملإتصالوهمي في وقت محدد تختاره انت بالرقم والاسم الذي تريده ،حيث يمكنك تعديل اسم المتصل ورقمه ووقت الاتصال وصورة المتصل كماتشاء.بمجرد الضغط علي ايقونة التطبيق يبداء الاتصال الوهمي حيث يمكنكالردعلي المكالمة او اغلاقها ويمكنك التظاهر بانك تستقبل مكالمةحقيقيةلان التطبيق تم تصميمه بجودة عالية ليكون اكثرواقعيةواحترافية.الآن إبهر أصدقائك بانك تتلقي مكالمات من ارقام مميزةوشخصياتمشهورة.Placebo touch, is afreeprogram you can work from placebo connected at a specific timeyouchoose the number and the name you want,Where you can modify the caller's name, number and contact timeandthe image of the caller as you like.Once you click on the icon application Fulbright grantsplacebocontact where you can answer the call or close and you canpretendthat you are receiving a genuine call because theapplication hasbeen designed with high quality to be more realisticandprofessional.Now Impress your friends that you are receiving callsfromdistinguished figures and famous personalities.
الاتصال والرسائل الوهمية 1.0
هل أنت في موقف محرج او ممل وترغب في مغادرة المكان بطريقة لبقة اوعذرمقبول؟ أو ربما كنت مع أصدقاء وتريد أن تمازحهم بان تظهر لهمباناتصالا على جوالك من شخصية مهمة او من مديرك في العمل او صديقاوصديقة؟عند استخدامك لهذا البرنامج سوف تتمتع بما يقدمه لك من مزايا قيمةلاتقدر بثمن خصوصا اخراجك من موقف محرج وغيره وكذلك يجعلك شخصا هاماجدالان كبار الشخصيات تتصل بك!باستخدامك لبرنامج "الاتصال والرسائل الوهمية" ما عليك سوى كتابةاسمالمتصل الذي تريد ان يظهر على الشاشة و الوقت الذي ترغب ان تصلكفيهالمكالمة او يمكنك اختيار احد الاسماء المخزنة على جهازكواجراءالتعديلات التي ترغب كتغير نغمة الرنين وغيرها.فبعد مرور الفترة التي تحددها سوف يظهر لك "مكالمة واردة" من اسمالشخصالذي قمت بادخاله وايضا صورة المتصل في حال وجود صورة له فيقائمةالاسماء وعندها تستطيع الضغط على زر "اجابة" ! او رفض المكالمة.Are youinan embarrassing situation or boring and you want to leave theplacein a tactful manner or acceptable excuse? Or maybe you'rewithfriends and want to Tmazham that show them that call on yourphonefrom an important figure or your boss at work or a friend oragirlfriend?When you use this program you will enjoy including offer youthebenefits of inestimable value, especially keep you fromanembarrassing situation and others, and also makes you averyimportant person because VIP contact you!By using the "phantom contacts and messages" you only need towritethe name of the caller that you want to appear on the screenandthe time you want to receive a call or you can choose one ofthenames stored on your computer and make adjustments that you wantachange ringing tone and others.After the passage of the period that you specify will show youthe"incoming call" from the name of the person that you enteredandalso Photocall if there is a picture of him in the list ofnamesand then you can click on the button "answer"! Or rejectthecall.
BOOM! Fake call and SMS 1.2
BOOM! get ready for the best fake call andSMSapp in the market!Why download two different apps when you can have it all in one?Whenever you want to get out of a boring meeting, horribledateor just mess with your friends, “BOOM! Fake call and SMS” isyouranswer.The app lets you fake calls and SMS messages from anyone youwant,including everyone in your contact list.The app has a widget!*********** Why get the Pro version? ***********The pro version gives you FULL CONTROL! You can choose aspecificdate for fake calls and SMS messages, even from thepast.You can set incoming/outgoing or missed calls that will registerinyour phone’s log.Also, you can fake incoming/outgoing SMS messages, therefore fakeanentire conversion.Finally, using the pro version gives you a larger variety ofphotosto choose from the photo gallery.*********** Key features ***********-Set incoming/outgoing/missed calls that can register inthephone’s log.-Fake incoming/outgoing SMS messages that enter thephone’slog.-Select any time you want for fake calls and SMS messages, evenfromthe past!-Choose a contact from your own contact list.-Fake call widget.-Shake device to get a random fake call-Choose contact photo from a gallery.-Queue of all future fake calls and SMS messages.-Get a call from a private number.
Fake Call Christmas Game Video
fake call Christmas game. schedule a Santa Claus call, videocalls,live stream
Fake Call 7011
Fake Call Allows you to Contact Anyone without the possibilityofbeing over charged for the call. Call Anyone With Peace OfMindFake call operates by sending the call to our CallVerificationServer and validates whether the call is for a premiumrate number.Functionality description User calls number via ourapplication.-> Our server then scans the number to check if itspremium rate- if call is premium rate, the call is blocked and theoption toallow it to be added to your phones internal blacklist isprompted.- if call is legit, call is processed as usual user nevergets hitwith an exorbitant bill
Fake Call 8
Fake Call App is free to download and usefrommarketPretend that someone special is calling you. Have a fun!Everyonewill suppose that some celebrity is calling you but it isfakecall! It gives others much excitement that what he/she wassayingyou in call!Fake Call allows you to put custom Name, Phone number andCountryfrom which caller will call.Key features- Instant fake call- Set call time to 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes,30,60 or hours and much more- Change caller name- Change caller number- Change caller country- Custom call time- Awake mobile screen on call even sleep- It’s free- Pretend that your boss is calling- Pretend that PM is calling you- Pretend that some celebrity calling you- Its easy to use- Teach children how to use phone and pick the call
Fake Call: International Anonymous Calls 5012
Take back your anonymity by calling back random orunrecognizednumbers with this app. Think it may be a stalker anddont want themto hear your real voice? Use our voice modulatorwhich changes yourvoice from man to a women to disguise it. AllCalls are Anonymouslyrouted via our servers so your will never payany charges.Features: *Anonymously call international numbers at noexpense toyour phone bill *Change your voice to male or femaleDisclaimer:this application uses in-app billing so if you likeafter the freetrial you may purchase more credits
fake call with girl voice 1.8
This free fake numbers application allow youtomake a fake incoming call or receive fake calls from avirtualgirlfriend or boyfriend to avoid awkward situations likeMeetings,Party, Decisions, Fake Call GirlFriend app.fake calls for free helps prank others or save yourself, funanduseful!fake number to call someone works like an alarm clock, you justhaveto set the time you want, chose a name and select if youwantvibrator or not.Beautiful Girls Calling Prank,With this fake boyfriend callwithreal voice prank you can simulate fake calls from random cutegirlsand guys.How you can find-Fake calls for kids.-Police fake call.-Dog calls free.-Santa fake call.-Celebrities prank call.-Call my own phone.-Calling dog.-fake call police--fake call with real voice-Fake phone call is a useful tool when you want to get ridofsomeone.With our fake call boyfriend prank application you can simulatefakephone Calls with voice to fool your friends oryourgirlfriend.Features* You can set fake girl friend name or boyfriend.* You can set fake girl friend fake phone numbers Photo.* You can set your girlfriend what you want to talk with you.* You can set your girlfriend number.* You can set your girl friend fake call schedule.* You can select your girlfriend photo directly from gallery ortakepicture from camera.*fake number to call someone.If you like this fake number to call someone or fake voicecallchanger give it 5 stars.
Fake Call 1.7
In fake call will find the best fake phone call, you can sharewithfriends, family and the love of your life. Choose the momentthatbest suits what you want to convey in the fake call app.Features:★ Free You can download application free. ★ Speed It isfullyoptimized for all the application run smoothly. ★ QuickNavigationEverything is intuitively positioned so you can customizetheapplication as most want. ★ Language The application is 100%inyour language, forget about those applications that areinlanguages ​​other than yours, you will find everything here inyourlanguage. ★ Compatible This application is compatible withphonesand tablets (responsive and material design); also workswithdifferent versions of Android, you will not have to worryaboutanything, the application will adapt to your device to giveyou thebest experience. Extras: ► With this application you cansharesentences with the message that you like, as it could be:"fakecaller id number" or "schedule fake call". ► Constantlyaddingfeatures, from time to time we send an update, so feel freetoupdate and always keep you abreast with the best. ► We hopeyoulike the application, if there is anything you think couldbeimproved, feel free to leave a comment or send an email; and ifyouliked how it works you can qualify us so we can always keepworkingto offer the best.
Fake call prank 95.0
Get incoming call when you need it!
Phone Fake Caller 1.0
Phone Fake Caller is an app that simulateafakecall to spank your friends. Get out of an awkward momentbygivingyour self a fake call.App Features:* Custom caller pic* Custom caller name* Custom caller number* Vibration* Play pre-record when answer call* Schedule time to create a fake call.Note: Some icons on the caller screen don't do anyaction.Becauseit's just a fake caller screen.Thank for your downloading. Enjoy. :)If you like this app don't hesitate to give us good rating.
fake call princess game 11.0
fake call princess game. hello from princess. fake phone callfromprincess.
Fake Call & SMS 1.9
Fake Call & SMS 100% free app to makefunof your friends and inspire family members.Best Features:- Fake caller number and id.- change name of the caller any time- Fake in coming calling with snapshot- pretend president is calling- pretend boss,rock star,famous people calling you- schedule a fake call on your defined time- easy to use.SMS features:- define image of a person who is sending you sms may be yourgirlfriend.- enter number of the person- enter 3 sms that you will receive after a defined schedule- and startapp will send notification and new screen will appear, dopretendto be doing chatting with that person and have fun!
Message from Santa! video & ca 3.4.8
Amaze your children with a personalized video message or callfromSanta Claus!
Princess Fake Call 1.0
This is a fake calling application.Allyouhaveto do is just make the settings and place a call.Youcanfollow theinstructions in the app.Play this prank on allPrincessfans &suprise them.Princess Calling Prank the new free entertainment AppWith this prank you can simulate fake calls fromrandomcutegirls! It works like an alarm clock, you just have to setthetimeyou want, chose a name and select if you want vibrator ornot.Whenthe time arrives you will receive a fake call from abeauty!Youcan set all the alarmclocks you desire.A good practice is throw your phone over the table in abarinfront of your friends or a girl. Then you willstartreceivingcalls!. Become a leader with this free application ormakeyourgirlfriend get gealous.This app conatins few ads.If you like this app please rate it 5 stars!
Fake Call Pizza 1.0
fake call can change the caller name. caller number. and more.prank your friend. girlfriend or boyfriend . familly . call with phone original ringtone.schedule a fake call to your device.
Fake Call Prank Maker 1.0
Fake Call Chat App is free todownloadand use from play store Let others think that someonespecial iscalling you Everyone will suppose that some celebrity iscallingyou but it is fake call and just a prank!Our application enables you to make fake calls, fake chatandfake SMS.With this application you can fool your friends, family oryourgirlfriend by simulating a conversation with fakeSMSmessages/chat or simulate phone calls.How It Works:Choose you want to simulate: Call, Chat or SMSSet Name, telephone and photographyFool your friendsShare it on social media websites like facebook google pluswhatsappor twitterFeatures of Fake Call and chat prank- Instant fake call and chat prank- Set call time- Change caller name- Change caller number- Change caller country- Custom call time- Awake mobile screen on call even sleep- It’s free- Pretend that your boss is calling- Pretend that some celebrity calling you- Its easy to useThanks for downloading Fake Call & SMS - Joke to makefreecalls and false.Let us know your feed-back !