Top 20 Games Similar to 象棋棋谱精选万部

Chinese Chess, Xiangqi endgame 4.2.5
Rich Features, Interesting Challenge
xidea creator
Dark Chess 2 (Chinese Dark Chess2)
暗棋大戰Online 2.9.57
"Dark Chess Online" is a very exciting half-game, test yourskillsand luck, is a classic game for all ages!
Chinese Chess / Co Tuong 2.8.3
Longo Games
Action Chinese Chess - Co Tuong Online & Offline, Co Up,DarkChess, Puzzles.
Chinese Dark Chess 1.8.5
xidea creator
Chinese Dark Chess is classic ,easy and fun game.
中国象棋助手 1.0
象棋2012,象棋棋谱精选万部,象棋藏经阁等系列于2012年发布在ios平台,一经发布,得到近百万用户的使用与好评,其中棋谱软件一直为ios平台最好的象棋棋谱软件,后无来者!现已经整合并优化移植到android平台,并将长期开发与维护.使广大android棋友也能使用与学习.• 象棋助手是独一无二的,最专业的中国象棋博弈与学习软件之一。• 灵活的对弈模式: 不仅拥有专业的象棋AI提供人机对战外,也可以双人对战,自由摆谱对战,观看电脑之间对战等。• 万部残局: 内置数万部残局供玩家挑战与学习,挑战机器,双人挑战,电脑提示等。• 海量棋谱: 内置过五万部棋谱, 支持变着与注释, 囊括古今中外比赛,名人,残局等著名棋谱,象棋爱好者的良师益友。• 推演打谱: 自由推演学习或打谱,保存与编辑,支持变着与注释,象棋从业者必备。
Chinese Chess 2.4.0
Chinese Chess offers online rooms for chess players from alloverthe world.
象棋经典棋谱秘籍 2.0.5
Chinese Chess 55.0
Play Chinese Chess
Chinese Chess - Online 4.2.5
The Only Online Chinese Game Hall in Play Store
中国象棋 1.0
安卓平台最好的中国象棋,让智力游戏充满趣味性!既可以和电脑对战,也可以研究电脑的下法,还拥有棋谱播放室、打谱等功能。拥有游戏社交功能,以棋会友;也可以在聊天室中交流下棋心得,畅所欲言;还可以播放棋谱文件,领略方寸间得失。同时单机版象棋非常智能,棋力超强,你可以在没有网络的状态下和电脑下一棋。这款中国象棋游戏添加了很多人性化的考虑;公平的对战环境,灵活的对战设置,绝对是您可以信赖的棋友。Android platformbestChinese chess, let puzzle game full of fun!        Both canplayagainst the computer, you can also study computer logic, alsohas achess playing room, playing spectral functions. With socialgamingfeatures to chess will be friends; chess can exchangeexperiencesin chat rooms, vocal; files can also play chess, enjoytheconfusion between gains and losses. At the same timestand-aloneversion of chess is very intelligent, chess superpower,you canstate in the absence of network and computer nextmove.        The Chinesechessgame adds a lot of humane considerations; fair battleenvironment,flexible Battle Set, definitely you can rely on fellowchessplayer.
香港象棋大战 1.0
香港象棋大战,含人机对战,杀着闯关,棋局演练和网络对战Hong Kong Chess WorldWarII, including man-machine war, kill the checkpoints,chessexercises and online play
Chinese Chess 1.6
Simple Chinese chess with 3 level :easy,medium, hard. Have fun !
中国象棋-经典呈现 2.0.0
酒逢知己千杯少,棋遇对手古难求.这是一款界面精美,棋力强大,功能齐全的中国象棋游戏;游戏支持模式:*人机对战:电脑分为多个等级,玩家需要从初级开始挑战电脑,当达到一定胜率才能挑战更高级的电脑对手;电脑棋力会越来越强大哦,甘快来试试你的身手吧;*人人对战:跟朋友知己对战象棋是一件不错的交流,该模式会向玩家展示仿真的棋盘,双方可以在里面尽情较量;快来体验象棋的魅力吧,想必让你乐在其中!酒逢知己千杯少, chessencounterrival ancient hard to find.This is a beautiful interface, chess powerful, full-featuredChinesechess game;The game supports modes:* The war machine: computer into multiple levels, players needtochallenge the computer to start from the primary, whenthechallenge to reach a certain winning more advancedcomputeropponents; computer chess will become increasinglypowerful, oh,sweet Come try your skill bar ;* Everyone Battle: Battle chess with friends is a good friend oftheexchange, the model will display emulation board to theplayers, thetwo sides can enjoy the contest inside;Come and experience the charm of chess, presumably so thatyouenjoy it!
极智象棋 5.7
HSoft Studio
“极智象棋”是一款制作精美的象棋对弈游戏。游戏完全支持玩家联网对战,无需注册,永久免费。游戏拥有精致逼真的画面和动听的音乐,玩家能轻松上手,快乐游戏。最重要的是,游戏具有非常高的人工智能,决非一般的象棋对弈游戏所能比拟。"Premium Chess" isabeautifully crafted chess chess game. Game players fullysupportsnetwork play, no registration, permanent free. The gamehasrealistic graphics and sounds exquisite music, players caneasilyget started, fun game. Most importantly, the game has a veryhighintelligence, by no means ordinary chess chess game cannotmatch.
中國象棋-天天殘局技巧 2.30
中國象棋與五子棋、圍棋一樣都是中國廣泛流傳的棋類遊戲。它是由兩人輪流走子,以“將死”或“困斃”對方將(帥)爲勝的一種棋類運動。産品特色:1、采用單機模式。在親戚家串門或者上廁所的時候想找人戰個痛又沒有網絡上不了QQ怎麽辦,沒關系我們的遊戲無須聯網,只要輕輕一點就能讓享受征戰沙場,斬將奪帥的快感。媽媽再也不用擔心我上廁所無聊了。2、難易度自由調節。在QQ、聯衆象棋上被巨巨虐了怎麽辦,沒事,在我們這把難度調到最低,把電腦虐個爽出口氣,再慢慢加難度鍛煉自己的棋力,回去找巨巨報仇!3、優化智能,開局多變。假如你厭倦了電腦一成不變的開局方式,那就來我們這吧,我們的遊戲采用最先進的智能算法,開局靈活多變,會用各種姿勢跟你大戰三百回合。4、增加殘局挑戰模式。這裏有最全的殺法大全、象棋名譜,等你來解,讓大家看看你特殊的破局技巧。5、雙人博弈模式。雙人博弈模式可以讓你和你的小夥伴同台競技,看看誰獲得勝利。Chinese chessandbackgammon, Go widespread as all Chinese board game. It is totakethe child in turn by two, with "the dead" or "trapped todeath,"the other will (handsome) as a chess movement wins.Feature of product:1, using the stand-alone mode. Relatives on the toilet whenstoppingor looking for someone to fight pain and no one on thenetwork cannot QQ how to do, it does not matter that we do notneed networkinggame, with just a little can make to enjoy theswords, cut the Fatalpleasure. My mother no longer have to worryabout my toiletboring.2, free to adjust the degree of difficulty. On the QQ, Lianzhongisa giant chess giant child how to do, all right, we put this totheminimum of difficulty, the computer child a cool air outlet,andthen slowly add difficulty to exercise their chess, go backandfind the giant Giant revenge!3, optimization of smart, start changing. If you're tired of thewaycomputers start immutable, it is to our right, our game usesthemost advanced intelligent algorithms, flexible start, will useavariety of positions with you battle three hundred rounds.4, increase the endgame challenge mode. Here are the mostcompletekill method Daquan, chess names spectrum, waiting for youto solve,let us look at your particular breaking skills.5, double game modes. Double Game mode lets you and yourlittlefriends competing against, to see who wins.
Chinese Chess V+ Xiangqi game 5.25.77
Want an alternate to western chess then why not try chinese chess/xiangqi.
中国象棋 1.12
一款界面精美,棋力强大的中国象棋。1. 独有的棋力评测系统。能真实地评测玩家棋力。2. 功能丰富的挑战功能。提供业余、专家、大师三种挑战级别。支持无限悔棋、无限提示。是你提高棋力的不二选择。3. 真实的棋力排行榜。与全球玩家一较高下。4. 深度优化的象棋引擎。电脑思考快,手机不耗电,不发热,不耗流量。Abeautifulinterface, a powerful Chinese chess chess.1 unique chess evaluation system. Chess players cantrulyevaluation.2 feature-rich challenge function. Providing amateur, expert,masterthree kinds of challenge levels. Supports unlimited undo,unlimitedtips. Is your best choice to improve playingstrength.3 real chess rankings. With global players a high.4. depth optimized chess engine. Thinking fast computers,cellphones no power, no heat, no consumption of traffic.
Chinese Chess - Chess Online 2.22
Do you want to play the Online Chinese Chess? Just install now!
中国象棋 1.2.20160520