Top 9 Apps Similar to The 40 Day Soul Fast

Spiritual Fasting 1.07
Lynn Applications
This is an application to inform you about spiritual fastsandkeeptrack of any fasts that you would like to start. Itprovidesdailyscriptures and storage of any thoughts you have foreach dayofyour fast.
Brian Carn Ministries 4.1.1
The Lunchboxx
Prophet Brian Carn was born on September11thin Jacksonville, Florida. Raised in the admonition of the Lord,hereceived salvation at eight years old, and soon after, the giftofthe Holy Spirit. In response to these life-altering events,BrianCarn experienced proliferated spiritual growth that catapultedhiminto ministering the Word of God at a very young age.At the age of twelve, Brian Carn conducted his firstthree-dayrevival. Carn’s insatiable desire to resuscitate thechurch withthe presence and power of God invoked him to dedicateeighty-eightdays to prayer and fasting. During this time ofconsecration,Prophet Carn was publicly acknowledged by Benny Hinnat a crusadein Florida. Pastor Hinn prophesied that Brian Carnwould walk inthe same anointing and mantle that the Lord had placedon his ownlife, emphasizing that Carn would receive a “double”portion. Thisencounter further confirmed and catalyzed his fire forthe Kingdomof God; he began to walk in his prophetic call.In 2006, God sent Prophet Carn to the state of Virginia topreacha Sunday morning service. The anointing was so powerful thathe wasinvited back for a three-night revival. Unbeknownst to him,thesethree nights would turn into a 10-week Move of God– cancerswerehealed, the blind were made to see and many souls were saved!Sincethen, Prophet Carn has received myriad invitations tominister atprominent engagements, including the COGIC 100thYearCelebration.After years of ministry, Prophet Brian Carn has becomeaninternationally recognized, prophetic voice. A preacher ofHolinessand student of the Word, Brian Carn is renowned for hispropheticaccuracy, humility and passion. God has equipped ProphetCarn tosee and speak into the spirit realm− to confirm and tochange. Themiraculous and incessant testimonies attributed to hisministry areincalculable with many reporting physical and mentalhealing,financial breakthroughs, property acquisitions, home andautoacquisitions, debt cancellations and favorable legaloutcomes.Although the power and glory of God are made manifestwithoutexception, it is no fallacy that the office of a prophet iswroughtwith insurmountable and unrealized persecution; however,theblessings and promises of God continue to inundate the lifeofProphet Brian Carn proving God’s faithfulness and divine handuponhis ministry.
منبه الصيام 4.2
منبـه الصيــامبرنامج منبه الصيام هو برنامج لمحبى الصيام، فهو يذكر المستخدمبأيامالصيام مثل الأيام البيض من كل شهر هجرى (13 - 14 - 15)ويوميالاثنيـن والخميـس، على حسب ضبط المستخدم للمنبه.------------------------ أحـاديـــث فى فـــضــلالصــــوم--------------------------قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (الصوم جنة يستجن بها العبدمنالنار)قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: (كل عمل ابن آدم له الحسنة بعشرأمثالهاإلى سبعمائة ضعف قال الله عز وجل : إلا الصيام فإنه لي وأناأجزئ بهإنه ترك شهوته وطعامه وشرابه من أجلي للصائم فرحتان : فرحة عندفطرهوفرحة عند لقاء ربه ولخلوف فم الصائم أطيب عند الله من ريحالمسك)قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إن في الجنة بابا يقال له الريَّان ،يدخلمنه الصائمون يوم القيامة ، لا يدخل منه أحد غيرهم ، يقال :أينالصائمون؟ فيقومون لا يدخل منه أحد غيرهم ، فإذا دخلوا أغلق فلميدخلمنه أحد)قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: (عليك بالصَّومِ فإنَّه لا مِثلَ له)قال الله تعالى : كل عمل ابن آدم له إلا الصيام فإنه لي وأناأجزيبه)قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: (للصائم فرحتان: فرحة عند فطره، وفرحةعندلقاء ربه)-------------- English --------------Fasting Reminder is an app for Siam lovers, it's used to alertuserson days of Siam, like White days of Hijri days (13 - 14 -15),Monday & Thursday, depending on user preferences.Alarm fastingAlarm fasting program is a program for lovers of fasting,hementions a few days of fasting, such as user white days ofeverymonth Hegira (13-14 - 15) and on Mondays and Thursdays,dependingon the user settings for the alarm clock.------------------------ Talk about the virtues offasting---------------------- ----The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (Fasting Istjn by slaveofFire)He said peace be upon him: (all work the son of Adam has agoodten-fold to seven hundred times God Almighty said: exceptfastingit to me and I am part him that he had left his desires andhisfood and drink for me when fasting Farahtan: the joy when hebreakshis fast and joy when he meets his Lord and breath of thefastingBest of God than the fragrance of musk)He said peace be upon him: (The Pope said in his paradiseRayyan,introduces him to the Day of Resurrection those who fast,no oneelse will enter it, said: Where Alsaimon? Canvassers no oneelsewill enter it, if entered did not close it enters a)He said peace be upon him: (You should fast it does notlikehim)God said: Every son of Adam, his work except fasting it to meandI shall reward for it)He said peace be upon him: (for fasting Farahtan: the joy whenhebreaks his fast, and the joy when he meets his Lord)-------------- English -------------- Fasting Reminder is an app for Siam lovers, it's used toalertusers on days of Siam, like White days of Hijri days (13 - 14- 15),Monday & Thursday, depending on user preferences.
Steps to Heaven
Apps MIT
A new and unique Islamic App which allowsyouto track your daily spiritual efforts; and measure yourstatusthrough an Activity Chart tracking your daily Salahs,Quranreading, Sadaqah, and Fasting. It allows you to readessentialRemembrance and Adhkar said in the morning and evening.This Appalso provides a wide range of Ahadeeth, Athkar, Doaa,greetings andgeneral advices for Muslims. The app contains alsoother featuresthat helps the Muslim to perform his worships; suchas theElectronic Masbaha and the Qiblah Direction Compass
40 Day Revolution 4.0.3
This app will revolutionize your youthgroupand the students in your church. The 40-Day Revolutionwasoriginally a book done by over a million people. Now the bookhasbeen transformed into an interactive experience like nothingyouhave seen before. Students will participate in a 40-Dayfastconsisting of a food component and at least one media element.Theywill also carry out assignments every day related to:1. Prayer Evangelism - praying for God to do what only He candoto change the lives of others.2. Servant Evangelism - Acts of kindness that bless others andopenup chances to show the love of Christ.3. Blessing Evangelism - Using words of life andencouragementthrough notes or spoken to bless others4. Sharing our faith - Opportunities will abound to talkaboutChrist, invite friends to church or youth group.Many youth ministries have doubled, tripled in growth ormore,during the 40-Days. This app takes all the guess work out ofwhatis next. It gives complete step by step instruction throughoutthe40-Days.
40 días 1.1
Este manual de 40 Dias de Ayuno y Oración,fueelaborado como una guía practica para cada persona que habuscadoun reavivamiento espiritual en su vida.A través de las actividades, cada día recibirás ideas ydinámicaspara integrarlas a tu devoción personal.Disfruta de esta emocionante aventura espiritual, a través delalectura de la Biblia, dinámicas de oración y goza de 40diferentesayunos excepcionales durante esta travesía espiritualqueemprenderás.Será una experiencia única, como nunca habías vividoyexperimentado.This manual of 40 DaysofFasting and Prayer, was developed as a practical guide foreveryperson who has sought a spiritual revival in your life.Through the activities, ideas and receive daily dynamicsforintegration with your personal devotion.Enjoy this exciting spiritual adventure through Biblereading,prayer and dynamics has 40 different outstanding fastsduring thisspiritual journey to undertake.It will be a unique experience like you've never livedandexperienced.
Om Tamil Calendar 2023 - 2024 7.9
Tamil Daily Calendar 2023 app for Panchangam, Nalla Neram,Rasipalan& Jathagam.
Kalender Puasa 2017
Assalamualaikum wr wbPersembahan the WALi studio untuk para pengguna produk kami.Berikut Kalender Puasa untuk tahun 2017.Disertai dengan penanda puasa - puasa wajib dan sunah.1. Senin Kamis2. Ayyamul Bidh3. Ramadhan4. Haram Berpuasa5. Arafah6. Puasa Asyura dan Puasa Tasu'aTerimakasih untuk tetap setia menggunakan produk karya theWAListudioWassalamualaikum wr wb===========================================the WALi studio merupakan pengembang aplikasi IslamidiIndonesia.Aplikasi islam yang dikembangkan cukup sukses di marketandroid,iOS, WP8 dan BB10.Aplikasi islam terbaik dari the WALi studio diantaranyaadalahMyQuran Indonesia dan Muslim Daily.Hubungi : [email protected] website kami di be upon you,andAllah mercy and blessingsThe trustee studio offerings for the users of our products.Fasting for the following calendar year 2017.Accompanied by a marker fasting - fasting obligatoryandsunnah.1. Mondays and Thursdays2. Ayyamul Bidh3. Ramadan4. Haram Fasting5. Arafah6. Fasting Ashura and Fasting Tasu'aThank you to remain loyal to use products work thetrusteestudioWassalamualaikum wr. wb===========================================the guardian studio is an Islamic application developersinIndonesia.Islam application developed quite successful in the marketandroid,iOS, WP8 and BB10.Applications islam best of them are the guardians studiomyQuranIndonesia and the Muslim Daily.Contact: [email protected] our website at
40 Hadis-i Şerif 1.0
Hadis-i Şerif, PeygamberEfendimizHz.Muhammed(sav) 'in sözlü ifadelerinin tümünü kapsayanbirtanımdır.Hadis-i Şerifler, ortaya çıkmış en hayırlı ümmetiçinhazinedeğerindedir. Kur'an-ı Kerim'in en iyi tefsirini yapan veonagöreyorumlayan peygamberimiz, ümmetine tavsiyelerdeveöğütlerdebulunmuştur.Uygulamamızla birlikte 40 hadisi rahatbirşekildeokuyabilirsiniz.Hadith,theProphetMuhammad (saas) is a definition covering alloralstatements.In the Hadith, the most auspicious emerged is treasuredfortheummah. The best interpretation of the Koran and theProphettoreview by him, his people were recommendations andadvice.You can read the 40 hadith applicaiton in a comfortable way.