Top 13 Apps Similar to Test de Realidad Aumentada

Realidad Aumentada 3.3.1
Entraras a un mundo digital dondetucelularsera el portal para experimentar nuevos mundos.You walked intoadigitalworld where your cell will be the portal toexperiencenewworlds.
PIAR (Augmented Reality) 0.7.0
Piar is the new way to explore what isaroundyou.If you don't know Augmented Reality, you will be surprised.Use your Android device to find out what you have around you.It's simple:- Opens the application on your device and wait for theinformationto be downloaded- Turn your device to watch what you want to use in the RAmode(Augmented Reality) or change to the Map mode to see the pointsofinterest on a map- Click on any of the items that appear on your screen tolearnabout them* An Internet connection is used by de application, at leastthefirst time on each location, for getting the information ofthepoints of interest is necessary. Around that location, you canusethe app for a few weeks without being connected totheInternet.* You must keep enabled the device's location using GPS fortheapplication to know your exact position and show you the pointsofinterest in the right place.* IMPORTANT: It may cause a malfunction in Piar if you useyourdevice with a cover with magnet for closure or something thatcanproduce magnetic interference. This is because the applicationusesthe magnetic sensors of the device can be affected byseveralfactors. Sorry for the disturbances.Now available a new feature where you can create your ownpointsof interest that can be seen by everyone with PIAR.To do this, go to the Help menu> Create new PINotes:- This version uses only Wikipedia points and a little ownserver.Information from other sources like Google Places will beincludedin future versions.- This application has been created with few resources but itwillbe maintained as far as possible.
PlayAr realidad aumentada 1.0.6
PlayAR es una aplicación gratuitadeRealidadAumentada que permite descubrir y disfrutarcontenidointeractivooculto en imágenes impresas a través de tudispositivomóvil.Escanea imágenes impresas identificadas a través de tuSmartphoneoTablet, y podrás acceder a fotos, videos, música yconectarconsocial media. Afiches, revistas, diarios,planos,invitaciones,catálogos y cualquier material impresopuedemultiplicar sucontenido combinando el mundo On-Line&Off-Line.PlayAR solo requiere conexión a internet para accederalcontenidointeractivo oculto en imágenes impresas.Con PlayAR tus impresos nunca pasarán
Realidad Aumentada UNCuyo 1.01
Realidad Aumentada de la UniversidadNacionaldeCuyoAugmented realityoftheNational University of Cuyo
Meet The Animals: The Sea
This app includes:Bilingual narrations, sounds, music and 3D animatedandinteractivecharacters.15 incredible puzzles with 4 levels of difficulty.Free Augmented Reality animated scenes.15 Augmented Reality animations.Educational Game “Identify the animals”.Please note: This free App works with our “Meet theAnimals”bookcollection. If you don’t have one of the books at thistimeandyou’d like to try out the augmented reality animals,pleaseprintthe image target that you can download free at ourwebsite.Look for“FreeSamples”at Download the free app “Meet the Animals:TheSea”available for Android devices, install it on yoursmartphone;placeyour device over the book cover or over any of thecharactersinthe book and begin to enjoy the surprisingaugmentedrealityanimations. The 3D animals will jump out of thepages ofyourbook!
ARBI - Augmented Reality 15.0
Educa Reality
Android Application for the Official Augmented Reality Book ARBI
OOPArts Augmented Reality 1.08
OOPArts Augmented Reality its anapplicationinwhich you will find a brief description as well asaaugmentedreality model of some known OOPArts.
Dino 3D Realidad Aumentada 1.2
Samuel Pinzon
*Esta aplicación solo funciona con el Rompecabezas DINO3DRompecabezas Interactivo* Para adquirir el Rompecabezasvisita, puedes comprarlo en línea(TodaLatinoamérica). ¡Compra tu Rompecabezas y observaincreíblesanimaciones en 3D de los Dinosaurios! Si necesitassoporte aplicaestosconsejos: Smartphones y Tablets. ** *IMPORTANTE* **CARACTERÍSTICAS:-Disfruta de una experiencia interactiva con elRompecabezas.-Observa las ilustraciones cobrar vida en 3D en lapantalla de tudispositivo. -Mira la animación 3D desde cualquierángulo. -Laúltima tecnología en realidad aumentada. -Efectosespeciales.-Reproduce distintas animaciones. -Música y efectos desonidosdiferentes en cada ilustración.
Realidad aumentada 1.0
Obaya Studios facebook sale la imagen que tienes que enfocar con lacámaradeesta app para que se reproduzca el efecto realidadaumentadaREALIDAD AUMENTADAejemplo de realidad aumentada con el logotipo de Moran3DEsta app esta desarrollada con Vuforia. facebook leaves the image you have to point yourcameraforthis app to reproduce the effect augmented realityAUGMENTED REALITYexample of augmented reality with the logo of Moran3DThis app is developed with Vuforia.
ANDI Realidad Aumentada 1.0
Es una aplicación gratuita parapromover,apoyary divulgar información sobre la agenda detransformacióndigital dela Asociación Nacional de Empresarios deColombia(ANDI), facilitarla apropiación tecnológica y cambiarlamentalidad de los empresariosy el sector público conlautilización de las tecnologías emergentesque permitenundesarrollo sostenible del país. Ofrece informaciónpracticasobrelos avances tecnológicos, ejemplos para aprovecharladisrupcióndigital y cifras respecto a la realidad dedigitaldeColombia.It is a freeapplicationtopromote, support and disseminate information on theagenda ofdigitaltransformation of the National BusinessAssociation ofColombia(ANDI), facilitate technology appropriationand change thementalityof entrepreneurs and the public sector withthe use oftechnologiesemerging that enable sustainabledevelopment. Providespracticalinformation on technologicaladvances, examples to takeadvantage ofdigital disruption andfigures about the reality ofdigital ofColombia.
Deustodia Realidad Aumentada 1.0
Presentamos 6 demostraciones sobrerealidadaumentada.Se requiere nuestra tarjeta de presentación para poder probarelapp.La primera vez que se use debe estar conectado a internet.We present six showsonaugmented reality.Our calling card is required to test the app.The first time you use must be connected to the internet.
ARBI 2 - Augmented Reality 9.0
Educa Reality
ARBI 2 is an Augmented Reality APP to use with the AugmentedRealityBook ARBI 2
Realidad Aumentada LG 4.0
App oficial LGLG Official App