Top 21 Games Similar to 마구마구2014 for afreecaTV

마구마구2015 for Kakao 4.2.1
스마트폰 국민 야구게임 마구마구!!8년 전통의 온라인 야구게임이 스마트폰으로!■ 게임소개 ■그대 언제까지 달리기만 할텐가?직접 치고 던지며 프로야구 시즌을 진행하는정통 액션 야구게임 마구마구2015를 즐겨라!최강의 선수진을 구성하여 친구와의 1:1 대전에서 승리하자!■ 게임특징 ■혼자하는 야구는 가라! 이제는 친구와의 1:1배틀 플레이다!한 타석으로 경기결과를 뒤집을 수 있는 액션개입 멀티플레이!국민 야구게임 마구마구의 8년 노하우가 집약된 선수데이터!친구와 경쟁은 기본, 이제 전체 유저와 경쟁한다!■ 모드소개 ■마구마구2015에서 야구를 즐기는 5가지 방법을 소개 합니다.1. 실제 프로야구 시즌을 진행하는 "싱글모드"2. 타격만은 내가 최고! "홈런모드“3. 랜덤 카드쟁탈의 "대결모드"4. 친구와의 짜릿한 1:1 대전, "배틀모드"5. 매일! 8인 토너먼트의 우승자는 누구? "토너먼트 리그"6. 나만의 선수를 육성하고 최고의 선수로 만들자! "유망주 육성"* 마구마구 2015 공식 커뮤니티- 공식카페 :※ 유료 아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■- 공급자 : 넷마블게임즈(주) 대표이사 권영식- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB----개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호SmartphonespeopleMaguMagu baseball game!8 years tradition of baseball games online with your smartphone!■ ■ About the gameWhen you run up only haltenga?Direct throw hit to progress the pro baseball seasonEnjoy the authentic baseball action game MaguMagu 2015!Configure the seonsujin one of the strongest and Friends:Let'sfirst victory in war!■ ■ Game FeaturesBaseball go it alone! Now, one of the friends: 1 Battle play!Intervention multiplayer action game that allows you to fliptheresult as a bat!National Baseball game player data intensive eight years ofknow-howMaguMagu!Friends and competition is the basic, now it competes withfulluser!■ Introduction ■ modeMaguMagu in 2015 to introduce five ways to enjoy a baseball.1. to proceed with the actual baseball season,"singlemode"2. I will strike only the best! "Home Run Mode"3. The term "battle mode" Random Cards contend1 of 4. exhilarating and Friends: 1 War, "Battle Mode"5. every day! 8 Who is the winner of the tournament?"TournamentLeague"6. Create and develop your own players as the bestplayer!"Nurturing talent."* MaguMagu 2015 Official Community- Official Cafe:※ paid at the time of purchase items will bechargedseparately.■ Product information and guidance ■ Terms of Use- Provider: Netmarble Games Ltd CEO gwonyoungsik- Conditions and duration of use: Follow the game on myseparateinformation notices(If the expiration date is not displayed, to be considered theendof the service period)- The amount and payment methods: according toproduct-specificnotices separate payments, and payment method(Foreign currency exchange rates and fee payments may differfromthe actual charges due, etc.)- Products of payment: immediate payment to purchase in-gameID(character)- Net Marble Contact: 1588-3995 (weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to6:00p.m. counseling available)- Minimum specifications: CPU dual-core 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB
마구마구M 리마스터 3.1.0
★★ 스마트한 매니저 마구마구 M 리마스터 ★★ 자신의 마구마구 로스터, 보유 카드, 보유 카드의 성장 등을확인할수있으며, 카드의 조합, 카드뽑기 등 다양한 기능을 즐길 수 있는 마구마구M 리마스터를 설치하세요 ■■ 마구마구M기능소개 ■■ 1. 내 정보를 한 눈에 살펴보고 성장시키자! 내 로스터, 내 보유 카드, 그리고 거니,래더점수,엘리트포인트, 보유 카드의 성장까지 내 로스터를 모바일로 간편하게 확인하고 성장 시키세요 2.마구마구M리마스터로접속하여 출석 보상을 받고 내 로스터를 성장 시키세요! 간편하게 접속하고 출석 체크를 통해 받은 성장아이템으로내로스터를 성장 시켜 보세요. 3. 선수카드 뽑기, 선수카드 조합도 마구마구M으로 간편하게~ Big5 선수뽑기를 통해내로스터를 강하게 만들어 줄 선수를 획득해 보세요. 4. 이제 마구마구M 리마스터에서 간편하게 거래하자!거래채널에등록된 카드 검색부터 구매, 판매가 가능합니다. 원하는 카드를 즉시 구매하여 로스터를 강화 시키세요~!5.잠재력,레벨업, 베테랑을 마구마구M 리마스터에서! 마구마구M 리마스터에서 선수카드 강화로 내 선수를 더욱강하게성장시켜보세요.6. 더욱 풍성해질 마구마구M 리마스터를 기대해주세요! * 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ※ 유료아이템구매 시 별도의요금이 부과됩니다. - 공급자 : 넷마블㈜ 각자 대표집행임원 : 권영식, 이승원 - 이용조건 및 기간:게임 내 별도고지된 내용에 따름 (사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주) -결제금액및 방법 :상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름 (외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제청구금액과다를 수있음) - 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(우편함)로 즉시 지급 * 태블릿 모드를 지원 *최소사양 :CPU쿼드코어 1.5Ghz RAM 3GB * 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시상담가능)*사업자 이메일 : [email protected] * 주소: 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 26길 38*사업자번호 : 105-87-64746 * 통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호 *이용약관:*개인정보취급방침:개발자연락처 : Netmarble 고객센터 연락처: 02-1588-3995 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로26길38,G-Tower넷마블 사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746 통신판매업 번호 : 제2014-서울구로-1028호
마구매니저 [No.1 야구게임] 3.3.5
No.1 스마트폰 야구게임, 마구매니저!지금 마구매니저 다운받고, KBO의 감독이 되어보세요!◆ 게임 특징1. KBO의 실제 구단, 실제 선수 데이터를 기반으로 실감나는 야구 매니징!2. 마구마구의 마구돌이의 역동적인 움직임이 살아있는 경기 중계!3. 팀 작전과 특성을 통한 개성 넘치는 나만의 구단!4. 선수 트레이닝으로 더욱 더 강해지는 구단!5. 웹에서도 즐길 수 있는 야구 매니징 게임! 마구매니저!!◆ 마구매니저 공식 카페에서 다른 감독님들과 함께 하세요!※ 유료 아이템 구매 시, 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■- 공급자 : 넷마블게임즈(주) 대표이사 권영식- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB- 개인정보 취급방침: 서비스 운영 정책:개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호----개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호No.1 smartphonebaseballgame, saddlery manager!Now getting down furiously manager Become a director of the KBO!◆ Game Features1. Based on a real team, real players and realistic data on theKBOBaseball Jing Manny!2. The live game on dynamic movement of the harness harnessharnessloop!3. own personality overflowing with nine teams andoperationalcharacteristics!4. Training athletes more and more stronger with nine!5. Managing the Web in a baseball game to enjoy! Harnessmanager!!◆ Please spree at the official cafe manager, along withotherGoggles!※ Items paid at the time of purchase, it will bechargedseparately.■ ■ Product Information and Terms andConditionsInformation- Provider: Net Marble Games Inc. CEO gwonyoungsik- Terms and conditions and duration: Follow the game on myseparateinformation notices the(If the period is not displayed, it is from the end of theserviceperiod)- Payment amount and method: according to product-specificnoticesseparate payments and payment method(Due to foreign currency exchange rates and fee payments maydifferfrom the actual charges)- Products of payment: immediate payment with my purchase IDgame(character)- Net Marble Customer Service: 1588-3995 (weekdays from 9:00 amto6:00 pm counseling available)- Minimum specifications: CPU dual-core 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB-Privacy: Service operationalpolicies: Contact:02-1588-3995Guro-gu, Seoul Digital 300Business Number: 105-87-64746Communications vendors No.: 2014- -1028 Lake Guro, Seoul
컴투스프로야구2023 9.0.7
Korean Legend Baseball Game! Com2uS Pro Baseball 2023
Baseball Superstars® 2012 1.3.1
Baseball Superstars® 2012, Ultimate Smart Baseball Experience
9 Innings: 2016 Pro Baseball 6.0.7
Com2uS USA
9 Innings: 2016 Pro Baseball willbeterminating service as of Dec. 29th. We thank everybody thatplayedthe game.We hope to meet you again at the new MLB 9 Innings 16,fullybacked with the officially license of MLB.Download MLB 9 Innings 16:★ June Roster Updated★ The trades that happened in real life have been updated tothein-game lineup and pitcher rotation of each team!★ 28 New Players Including Nomar Mazara and Zach Davies★ New Legend and Monster Players★ 9 Innings will keep on going!The updates will keep coming for the 20 million fans of the9Innings series!Get ready for the No. 1 baseball game on mobile! It’s backandbetter than ever- 9 Innings: 2016 Pro Baseball!Officially licensed with the Major League BaseballPlayersAssociation (MLBPA)!9 Innings: 2016 Pro Baseball is the hottest, mostrealisticbaseball simulation game that uses the names, photos,data, andleague schedules of real baseball players!Com2uS’s very own player card system uses the photos and statsofover 1,400 baseball players across 30 teams! Enjoy dynamicgraphicsthat will blow you away, and amazingly optimized controlsthat makeit easy for everyone to play!Batter up for the greatest baseball simulation game evercreatedTODAY!This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor extra items.You can play 9 innings 2016 in English, 한국어, 日本語, 中文简体,中文繁體.USER REVIEWS:5/5- “This is probably the best baseball game I’ve played onaphone.” –Ji5/5- “Real life players, easy controls and lots of fun.Baseballfans, what are you waiting for? Download it now!”–Karan5/5- “This game has just the right amount of interaction and alotof options for more control. It is very addicting. I loveit!”-TimFEATURES:Official licensing contract with Major League BaseballPlayersAssociation (MLBPA)!- Uses real data, photos, and stats of 1,400 players on different30teams- Provides latest player data and constant roster updates!- Standard player and Monster Season players!Unique card development system!- More varieties in player/cheerleader/equipment cards and anewdraw/combination system!- Trade baseball cards with players from all over the worldtocomplete your card collection!- Exchange cards and points with friends through thein-gameinbox.Easy, fast, and realistic!- Real graphics, smooth motions and an outstandinggameengine!- Quick gameplay through autoplay (Supports offense anddefenseonly)- Play against 16 teams through Friendly, League, Home Run DerbyandSpecial modes!- Carry out over 100 challenges and go for card andpointrewards!- Rookie players can learn the game in a cinch withtheeasy-to-follow tutorial!For questions or customer support, please contact ourCustomerSupport by visiting Com2uS Mobile Game Terms of Service,
Get our Google Play Year-End Deal:Special Edition Package 70% OffAce Package 70% OffGet 2X the contents in Pro Package!Get 2X the contents in All-Star Package!Get 2X the contents in Legend Package!2X Bonus Gold!2X Bonus Stars!Welcome to MLB PERFECT INNING 16! Just in time for thebaseballseason, MLB PERFECT INNING is back with brand newfeatures,improved gameplay and graphics! Select fromintricately-modeled MLBplayers to build your all-star team worthyof World Series win!Minimum req. - 1.3 GHZ or faster AND 1GB RAM or more.Please make sure you have at least 1.2 GB of free space onyourdevice.MLB Perfect Inning 16 requires network connection to play.Features:· Season Mode: Dominate the season and win the World Series.· MLB Today: Play the 2016 season's daily matchups withMLBToday!· Team & Player Management: Build a team with yourfavoriteMLB players.New in MLB PERFECT INNING 16:· Black Edition: The ultimate Black Edition players arenowavailable· Enhanced Graphics: New night-time stadiums withspectacularlighting and charming scenery added· Coach & Manager: Take your team to the next levelwithbrand new Coach & Manager system· Career Event: Complete surprise missions to build upplayers’careerNever let the fear of striking out keep you from playingthegame!Facebook:© 2016 MLB Advanced Media, L.P. Major League Baseballtrademarksand copyrights are used with permission of MLB AdvancedMedia, L.P.All rights reserved.OFFICIALLY LICENSED PRODUCT OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLPLAYERSASSOCIATION-MLBPA trademarks and copyrighted works,including theMLBPA logo, and other intellectual property rights areowned and/orheld by MLBPA and may not be used without MLBPA’swritten consent.Visit, the Players Choice on theweb.* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support :
차구차구 2017 for Kakao 87.0
어려운 축구 게임은 이제 그만!엄마도 할 수 있는 쉬운 축구게임! 차구차구 for Kakao!■■■17년 2월 업데이트 내용■■■- 국가.클럽 팀 밸런스 조정-- 싱글리그 보상 밸런스 조정 -- 실시간 컨트롤 대전 랭킹 추가-- 블랙카드 분해 기능 추가 -- 미니게임 모드 추가 -■■■ 게임 특징 ■■■▶이제 내가 원하는 대로 조작한다!“패드 조작”, “터치 조작”, “자동 진행” 까지!!내 손 끝에서 느껴지는 슈팅 쾌감! 짜릿한 '골 맛'을 느껴보세요!▶3,000여명의 선수카드!내가 좋아하는 선수를 수집하는 재미!내가 좋아하는 클럽을 수집하는 재미!이 모든 재미가 차구차구에 있습니다!■■■ 게임 모드 ■■■▶실제 축구 시즌을 진행하는 "싱글리그"▶실시간 전략으로 친구와 승부하는 "실시간전술배틀리그"▶다양한 캐릭터와 대결하는 스테이지 형식의 "스페셜리그"▶월드컵 우승의 꿈을 실현 하는 "토너먼트 모드"* 차구차구 공식 커뮤니티- 공식카페: 본 게임은 카카오톡 계정으로 이용할 수 있습니다.(내 카카오계정 확인 방법 : 카카오톡 > 더보기 > 카카오계정)※ 게임 이용 중 카카오톡을 탈퇴하지 마세요.차구차구 for Kakao는 게임 내 별도의 계정이 존재하지 않으며,카카오톡 계정을 연동하여 게임 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.따라서 차구차구가 연동된 카카오톡 계정을 탈퇴하시면 게임 데이터가 모두 초기화 될 수 있습니다. 카카오톡 탈퇴는신중하게선택해주세요.※ 유료 아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■- 공급자 : 넷마블게임즈㈜ 대표이사 권영식- 이용조건 및 기간: 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB- 개인정보 취급방침: 서비스 운영 정책:개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호Football gamesaredifficult enough!Mom and easy football game that you can! Chagu chaguforKakao!■■■ ■■■ 17 years 2 Mon updates- National Club Team Balance Adjustment -- Single-League reward balance adjustment -- Add real-time control Rankings War -- Black Card decomposition feature added -- Added mini-game mode -Game Features ■■■ ■■■▶ Now Operating as I want!   "Pad operations", "touch operation" to"Autocontinue"!  Shooting pleasure felt in my fingertips! Enjoytheexhilarating 'goal taste!▶ 3,000 people card players!  I am fun to collect your favorite players!  I am fun to collect favorite club!  All the fun is in the chagu chagu!■■■ ■■■ game modes▶ "single League" to proceed with the actual football season▶ "real-time tactical battle league" to a friend with areal-timestrategy game▶ stage of confrontation with the various types ofcharacter,"Special League."▶ "Tournament Mode" to realize the dream of winning theWorldCup* Chagu chagu official community- Official Cafe: The game is available as KakaoTalk account.(Check my account cacao method: KakaoTalk> More>cacaoaccount)※ Do not leave the game use of KakaoTalk.Chagu chagu for Kakao separate account does not exist inthegame,By interlocking the game KakaoTalk account andprovideservices.So you can leave your KakaoTalk account the chagu chaguperistalticgame data is initialized. KakaoTalk withdrawal, pleasechoosecarefully.※ Paid items will be charged separately at the timeofpurchase.■ ■ Product Information and Terms and Conditions Information- Provider: Net Marble Games CEO ㈜ gwonyoungsik- Terms and conditions and duration: Follow the game on myseparateinformation notices the(If the period is not displayed, it is from the end of theserviceperiod)- Payment amount and method: according to product-specificnoticesseparate payments and payment method(Due to foreign currency exchange rates and fee payments maydifferfrom the actual charges)- Products of payment: immediate payment with my purchase IDgame(character)- Net Marble Customer Service: 1588-3995 (weekdays from 9:00 amto6:00 pm counseling available)- Minimum specifications: CPU dual-core 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB-Privacy: Service operationalpolicies:
컴투스프로야구매니저 LIVE 2023 11.3.0
Enjoy the KBO 2023 season comp match! Don't miss out ontheopportunity to receive opening support gifts and win 100players!
棒球殿堂:CPBL 2016 新世代 2.5.0
立即加入殿堂級棒球手遊《棒球殿堂:CPBL 2016 新世代》遊戲畫面精緻細膩,史上最強寫實風格!打破選手登錄限制,40人名單全員到齊!-------------------------------------------------------【系統建議】最低需求:處理器1.5 GHZ、或記憶體 2GB RAM以上。為了確保能安裝遊戲,請至少保留1.2 GB以上儲存空間。要執行《棒球殿堂:CPBL 2016 新世代》需連接網路,因電信業者經營大小、連線品質有相關影響,建議在訊號接收、網路穩定的環境下進行遊戲!-------------------------------------------------------例行維護時間:伺服器例行性維護時間為每週四10:00~14:00進行,屆時將無法登入,造成您的不便敬請見諒。官方網站:官方粉絲團:聯絡客服:【最精緻寫實風格】畫面直逼次世代遊戲主機,全3D場景從草皮到看板,重現全台6大球場原景,讓你在家就像置身棒球場!【最完整球員資料】打破傳統數據極限,全隊40人資料完整收錄,打造屬於你的最強戰力,燃燒你的熱血棒球魂!【最擬真聲光效果】主播常富寧、球評曾文誠黃金搭檔,即時轉播球場上的每個招牌美技,享受投打對決的爽快臨場感!※風靡全球,突破千萬下載,球迷最愛棒球手遊,正式進軍中華職棒大聯盟!最血脈賁張的中職賽事,都在《棒球殿堂:CPBL 2016 新世代》!Join ChanticleerbaseballTour "baseball hall: CPBL 2016 New Generation"Game screen delicate, realistic style history ofthestrongest!Login restrictions player to break 40-man squad gigs!-------------------------------------------------- -----[System RecommendationsMinimum requirements: Processor 1.5 GHZ, 2GB RAM memoryormore.In order to ensure that the game is installed, leave at least 1.2GBor more storage space.To perform a "baseball hall: CPBL 2016 New Generation" tobeconnected to the web,Because carriers operating size, the connection quality isrelatedimpacts,Recommended games in signal reception, networkstableenvironment!-------------------------------------------------- -----Routine maintenance time:Routine server maintenance time is every Thursday 10:00 ~ 14:00,will be unable to sign in, I apologize for theinconvenience.Official website: http: // fan group: https: // Customer Service: -----[] The most exquisite realistic styleEncroaching upon the next-generation game console screen, full3Dscene from turf to billboards, Taiwan 6 reproduce the originalKingKong Stadium, so you like being at home baseball field![] The most complete player profileBreak the traditional limits of the data, the team included40people with complete data, create your strongest fightingforce,burn your blood baseball soul!The most realistic shot in []Anchor Chang Fu Ning, Zeng Cheng ball commentary gold partner,eachsign US technology for real time broadcast on the pitch andenjoyplaying showdown vote refreshing presence!※ swept the world, breaks through ten million downloads,tourfans favorite baseball player, entered the Chinese MajorLeagueBaseball!The most Xuemaibizhang vocational competitions, are inthe"temple of baseball: CPBL 2016 New Generation"!
Baseball Players Fight 2016
Bambo Studio
Baseball players fight 2016 is anaggressivefighter in the field of Baseball. Fight to the end bykicking andpunching without penalty. Feel the action in the fieldwithoutreferee. Choose any of the players most of the murdererbaseballworld to win the tournament in story mode. The excitementat itsbest when you fight with your classic rival. The ball, batandgloves are not required, only your kit, spiked shoes andcuffs.Many players are in the bank ready to fight for theirequipment andkeep going until the end of the cup !. There are noinjuries andfailures will never be punished by the referee becausethis is agame of street fight knockout style.+ Babi sports legend Ruth and baseball for his career by BostonandNew York. He mastered all martial arts since he was achild.+ Micki Fantle baseball, high power switch hitter and one ofthemost popular players in the history of the big leagues.+ Simmi Soso home run leader of all time among players bornoutsidethe United States.+ Vonds Bari is a retired player, holds the record for home runsina single season and holds the absolute record for home runsbatted762 for life.+ Trince Tielder is an old glory of the fight. He knows allthetechniques of street gangs and knows all aboutstreetfighting.+ Jose Lauer is considered one of the best receiversinmajors.Remember that this is just fiction. Do not try to fight inthestreet and even in the base ball field. Play on your mobilewhenyou try to fight enemies. Baseball players who fight 3rounds,striker, pitcher, catch, batter, home run, base!Multiple combos to defeat your enemy, vital waves, martialarts,karate, kick boxing, thousands of tricks and combinations ofkicks,punch, air strikes, multiple kicks, infinity punch knockoutsairstrikes and many more to discover.Three game modes, World, Flying Start and Training.Realisticscenario, the Tier encourages public and encourages youwith theirwhistles and applause on the side of the diamond.Choose your favorite team player, everyone has skills, movementsanddifferent tricks, plus a different way to fight in thefield.The gameplay Cup Baseball season is a tie between the best teamsinthe world, you have to beat your rivals, but will beeliminatedfrom the World Cup.The training mode will help you learn tricks and martial arts,youcan see this by pressing the buttons and checking the effectofyour shots.Actual combat in this fighting game of baseball where playersengagein a fight, one of the best hitters in the world ofinternationalteams.
Vintage Pocket Baseball 1.11
"Vintage style baseball table game"this was very popular game machine when starts at 1980Vintage Style game machine for table, with familiesorfriends,yelling when trigger switch to led blinking on HOMERUNorbefrustrated by outnow you can play them in your smart phoneplay with Computer or your friend on your enjoy them with fun memories
Homerun Battle 2
Homerun Battle it out against sluggers from all over the world!
넥슨 프로야구마스터 1.0
NEXON Company
손 놓고 바라보는 야구는 가라!내 손으로 제패하는 야구가 왔다![이 게임은 뭐가 달라요?]▶ KBO 현역부터 레전드 선수들까지 다양한 선수 카드를 모으는 재미!▶ 선수 훈련 및 강화로 육성의 기쁨을 느낄 수 있는 진짜 매니지먼트!▶ 내가 육성한 카드들로 라인업을 구성하여 출전!▶ 생생한 라이브 관전으로 느끼는 팽팽한 긴장감! 그리고 실시간 작전 개입의 쾌감![입맛 따라 선택 가능한 게임 모드]하나! 리그 모드다른 구단주와 포스트시즌 우승을 노리는 정규 리그!게다가 월드리그 승급을 목표로 승강제가 적용된 총 9개의 리그까지!둘! 싱글 모드테마별 스테이지를 클리어하며 내 구단을 성장시키는 은밀한 재미!셋! 전국 제패과거의 영광의 구단들을 상대로 승리하면 엄청난 보상의 행운이!* 원활한 게임 진행을 위해 매주 월요일 새벽 02:30~06:00에 점검이 진행됩니다. *◆ 고객센터 바로가기 :전용 고객센터를 통해 결제 오류, 실행 오류 등에 대해서 빠르고 정확한 답변을 받으실 수 있습니다.◆ 게임 FAQ 바로가기 :많은 구단주님께서 궁금해하시는 일반적인 게임 문의사항은 FAQ에서 확인할 수 있습니다.◆ 공식카페 바로가기 :더욱 다양한 구단주님과 함께 게임을 즐기고 싶다면 게임 공식 카페를 방문 해주세요!----개발자 연락처 :(주)넥슨코리아경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 256번길 7전화: 1588-7701사업자등록번호: 220-87-17483통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2013-경기성남-1659 호통신판매업 신고기관: 성남시Place hands lookingatbaseball and go!It has come to dominate baseball in my hand![This game is what's different?]▶ KBO from active fun collecting a wide variety of cards totheplayers Legends Player!▶ players training and management that you can really feel thejoyof nurturing to enhance!▶ I play with a lineup composed of a development card!▶ feels taut suspense live-watching! And the pleasure ofreal-timeoperational intervention![Taste to choose the game mode in accordance with]one! League modeRegular season and post-season win aiming for anothernineweeks!In addition to a total of nine league goals in the WorldLeaguepromotion and relegation is applied upgrades!couple! Single-modeSecret Fun Stationary clear the stage and grow my team!Three! National supremacyIf you win against nine of the past glory of the greatrewardlucky!* Every Monday morning for a smooth gameplay 02:30 to 06:00willbe checked in progress. *◆ Contact Shortcuts: a dedicated customer center, you can get fast,accurateanswers for such billing errors, execution errors.◆ Game FAQ Shortcuts: shares many common game has you wondering contact's detailscanbe found in the FAQ.◆ Official Cafe shortcuts: you want to enjoy the game more diverse with nine weeks,pleasevisit the game's official cafe!
Crazy Pitcher
hap Inc.
Avoid the ball!
Baseball Kings 2015 1.5
★ Paid version = Free version + Infinite stamina ($5 worth) ★Baseball Kings is a Real 3D game you've ever seen before !“Fun in Your Pocket” - 9.7)“Amazing 3D baseball game” -“Taking the Action off the Ballpark diamond”“Excellent game for die hard MLB baseball fans” -ZaheerShaikh“Perfect example of how a baseball game shouldbe”“Best sports game ever!”-Freddy Rivera“Very Engaging and Fun!”-Andy Wu“Perfect baseball game for mobile”-“Fun mechanics I dig the feel of pitching”- Ian Jones♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Try Real 3D Baseball Simulation Game TODAY! ♦ ♦♦♦Baseball Kings | Real Baseball Simulator Game features:• Easy, fun and realistic• Uses real data, photos, and stats• Real Baseball Strategies• Different game modes and difficulty levels• Individual player statistics▶ SIMPLE and EASY yet FUN !Simple controls and short game play sessions let youplayanywhere, anytime!High-End 3D quality performance with low capacity storage(under50MB).▶ REAL BASEBALL OUTCOMES / STRATEGYStrikeouts, Double Plays,Slugger, Perfect Inning,Homerun derby/Flies and more happen exactly as much as fans would expect!Inshort, a super-realistic 3D baseball simulator▶ PROGRESSIONRookie - Single A- Double A – Triple A – Major LeagueRegular Season – Division – Champion Ship Series –WorldSeriesCompile lots of wins and qualify for intense Playoff Games in3Dbaseball stadium.▶ STATSMore SAVE / Blown SAVE,Loss, ERA,RBI,IP and IndividualPlayerStats than any other game!Even K per 9 inning,CYP point as a MVP allstar pitcher!▶ UPGRADE YOUR TEAMGet your players in shape so that they can play at theirmaximumperformance.You can also raise batting average and improve the pitchingball’sspeed up to 110MPH !Work hard and build yourself an unbeatable team. Lead your teamtoWorld Series Champion !16 USA Major team included : Newyork,Chicago,LosAngeles,Pittsburgh,Philadelphia,Sanfransisco,ST.Lous,Baltimore,Boston,Detroit,Minnesota,Oakland,Texas,Atlanta,CincinnatiandToronto.Baseball Kings | Real Baseball Simulator Game it is a greatandrealistic game for you to play in your spare short time due toitsshort gameplay sessions.HOW TO PLAY :Pitching/Batting guide for pitcher/batter- Put your finger on the ball and flick forward.- Throw the ball following the pitching guideline and in adirectionwhere the catcher is leading to.- If you flick your finger a shorter, the ball is thrown low.- The gauge of the arrow shows ball's amount of spin.- The ball curves toward the direction of the arrow, so throw ittothe opposite direction to fix it.- The larger the amount of spin on the ball, throw it bytiltingyour finger at a proper angle .- Press the fireball button you can pitch an extremelypowerfulball.◈ google + will be a great help to the developer. ◈
Freestyle Baseball 1.5.68
DAERISOFT OPEN!!★ Freestyle Baseball’s News Updete (1.5.0) ★1. Add New Pitching Form (Left-Hand Pitching)2. Add new costume items3. Add Tapjoy (Free Charging Function)☆ Freestyle Baseball has surpassed 1.2 million downloads. ☆1 vs. 1 Online Gameplay! Unique Matches & ThousandsofRivals! Personalize your Baseball Player to Throw Harder,HitHarder and Play Harder!Brace yourself for an unforgettable baseballbattlefield.Freestyle Baseball pits street smart pitchers againstmean-streetbatters in a 3D freestyle score-a-thon. Set in adetailed,realistic 3D urban environment, player customizecharacters faceoff against NPCs or one another in real-time. Withevery successfulpitch and run scored, players build up skill pointsand otherrewards, gaining the ability to learn new skills inbatting andpitching. Players can personalize their characters witha hugevariety of customizations including clothing, hair styles,andequipment, expressing themselves and enhancingtheirperformance.Single player campaigns, custom one-on-ones againstdefeatedNPCs, and real-time multiplayer mode make FreestyleBaseball abaseball battle that never strikes out! Gear up, get somegold,accumulate battle points, and dominate your opponents inthehottest new sports game of the season!::::::::::::::::::::::FEATURES::::::::::::::::::::::▶ MULTI-PLAYER MODE:Show off your skills by battling real-life opponents inreal-time,wagering your skills against their battle points to boostyourreputation and buy new bling in the shop.▶ SINGLE PLAYER MODE:Face off against Freestyle Baseball’s own star NPCs, defeatingeachone to gain skill points, advance levels, and unlock specialitemsin the shop. As each NPC is defeated, their characterbecomesunlocked in the custom game mode.▶ CUSTOM GAME MODE:Hone your skills against NPCs in custom game mode. As eachisunlocked, you’ll gain valuable practice time and have aperfectpick-up-and-play option available anytime the mood to strikeout abatter strikes you!▶ FLAWLESS GAME DESIGN & RESPONSIVE MECHANICS:Switch off batting and pitching every other inning, and refineyourskills at both. Simple game mechanics make learningFreestyleBaseball easy, but it’s going to take talent to rulethestreet!▶ SPECIAL SKILLS:Use your skill points to improve your swings and pitches,andacquire new specialized moves to stump your opponents. Asyouprogress, special Deadly Skills will become availablewhenadrenaline runs high and the rage gauge fills. As a pitcher,addnew pitches to your arsenal: fourseam, curve, fork, changeup,andslider. Combine them with deadly moves like twister, illusion,andarrow to become unstoppable. When batting, activate yourpowerswing to up your chances of a well-placed hit becomingagame-changing home run!★ Freestyle Baseball Review ★148 Apps Review: Review:★ Facebook ★
New Feature! Gift your friends by invitingthemto play via text/email.Choose your major league players, set your pro lineupandchallenge your friends in Tap Sports Baseball 2015! Step up totheplate for a complete pro baseball experience featuringsimplecontrols, amazing graphics, and real stats.DRAFT YOUR TEAM FROM REAL PLAYERSChoose from your real-life favorite major league players, signthemto your pro team and climb the standings!EASY ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSTap to swing and watch home runs fly out of the park! Avoidbadpitches, perfect your timing to make contact and run thebases.Simple controls and short gameplay sessions let you playanywhere,anytime!MANAGE YOUR TEAMChoose when to bunt, steal bases, run, call in pinch hitters orsubin pitchers. Recognize balls and strikes and plan when torun.Master real pro game strategies to guide your major league teamtovictory.COMPETE IN TOURNAMENTS AND LEAGUESDominate players around the world to climb the pro standings.Ensureyour baseball team has the best major league lineup whengoinghead-to-head online in live Tournaments and Leagues!PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDSGet social and compete in multiple games simultaneously withplayersaround the world via email, username or even Facebook! Linkyouraccount then invite and see your friends in-game.High-end, immersive tablet gameplay!OFFICIALLY LICENSED PRODUCT OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLPLAYERSASSOCIATION-MLBPA trademarks and copyrighted works,including theMLBPA logo, BIG LEAGUE CHALLENGE®, and otherintellectual propertyrights are owned and/or held by MLBPA and maynot be used withoutMLBPA’s written consent., the PLAYERSCHOICE® on the web.PLEASE NOTE:- This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor some extra items, which will charge your Google account.Youcan disable in-app purchasing by adjusting yourdevicesettings.-This game is not intended for children.- Please buy carefully.- Advertising appears in this game.- This game may permit users to interact with one another(e.g.,chat rooms, player to player chat, messaging) depending ontheavailability of these features. Linking to social networkingsitesare not intended for persons in violation of the applicablerulesof such social networking sites.- A network connection is required to play.- For information about how Glu collects and uses your data,pleaseread our privacy policy at: If you have a problem with this game, please use the game’s“Help”feature.FOLLOW US atTwitter
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9 Innings Manager 1.4.2
Baseball comes to life in 9 Innings Manager!CREATE YOUR OWN ALL-STAR TEAM!- Over 5,000 registered MLB PA Players- Recruit your favorite players through TRADES and DRAFTS- Sign and renew contracts with the best players- Scout players through FA Market to keep your team strong!RECRUITMENT IS JUST THE BEGINNING!- Player stats are set according to real records as they willchangeand develop continuously to their maximum potential- Each player goes through unique Growth and Prime periods- It’s your duty as the GM to come up with the most efficientgamestrategy: manage your roster, pick fitting skills for yourplayers,and address the media and more!BASEBALL MANAGEMENT GAMEPLAY!- Strengthen your team and get rewards in LEAGUE matches andcompetearound the globe in LADDER mode- Observe your team perform through a sophisticatedsimulationbroadcast- Minute details such as the ball’s trajectory and speedarecalculated to be simulated- Speed up the gameplay simulation or skip to the endWORLDWIDE COMPETITION!- Compete against users around the world for a true fantasybaseballexperience!*Android Minimum Requirements- 9 Innngs Manager will run as long as you have 1GB memory onthedevice.*Network Requirements- Internet connection is required- Check your data network status before starting the game- About 55MB of game data will be downloaded upon first launch*License Info- 9 Innings Manager uses the official license of the MajorLeagueBaseball Players Association (MLB PA).- 9 Innings Manager is not supported by and is not affiliatedwiththe Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLB AM)*9 Innings Manager is free to play, but you can choose topayreal money for extra items.*9 Innings Manager supports English, 한글, 中文繁體 and 日本語.This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor extra items.Items are available for purchase in this game. Some paiditemsmay be refundable depending on the type of item.For Com2uS Mobile Game Terms of Service, visit questions or customer support, please contact ourCustomerSupport by visiting────────────────Play with Com2uS!────────────────Follow us! us on Facebook! and Updates