Top 4 Apps Similar to GROW

My Action Plan
My Action Plan™ let's you easily organizeyourlife using simple Action Item and Shopping Item checklists.Forbigger projects, organize the details using Goals and Projects!Using the check lists is very easy; just click the plus buttontoadd a new item. Check the item off when you are done, viewthecompleted items, open items or all items. The Action ItemandShopping Item lists work exactly the same way.If you need a more structured or thorough approach, thencreateGoals and Projects. Each Goal can have any number ofProjects. EachProject in turn can have any number of Action Itemsand ShoppingItems. Use My Projects to view all of your Projectsacross allGoals. Use the check lists to see all items in priorityorderacross all Projects and Goals!My Action Plan comes with built in preferences for determiningifyou want to use simple check lists, or view priority, status,anddescriptions. Select any of these to be displayed with youritems,or choose to display none of them.Start simple and then add Projects or Goals later. You caneasilymove items between Projects whenever needed. You can evenmoveProjects between Goals.My Action Plan does not include any ads or third partycommercialcontent.
Daily Checklist 23.09.01
Blue Logo
A remarkably effective daily recurring checklist app
Time Management Secrets 1.3
*** Same great content, brand newuserinterface - far easier to read on all devices - nointernetconnection required to read the content! ***Have you ever wondered where you time went? Sure you have…weallhave at one point in our lifetime. We all sit around lookingbackat a series of wasted time we invested and wonder where thetimewent. If we would have planned, organized, worked hard, andsetgoals, we would be looking back wondering how we can movebeyondour already achieved goals.Understanding how to manage your time is essential inbusinessrelationships, school, home, and everyday life. Butunderstandingwhere to get started in managing your time and gettinga handle onthe chaos that is your life can be hard to do when youcan't evenfind two socks that match in the mornings!Managing stress and time is a rewarding achievement that allmustmaintain in order to reach success. Each day we wake up, westressto meet deadlines, demands, and finding time to spend withourfamily, selves and friends. Once time is gone, there is noturningback. Friends, family, self, school, work, activities,andentertainment, as well as other tasks, duties, chores, funtime,etcetera play a role in managing time. The trick is to findasolution to do all the things you want to do without wastingtoomuch time doing it.While these are challenges we all must face, there are toolsandtechniques that can help you to meet them in a better balancedwaywithout feeling as though you are at the end of yourtether.Everything you need to know about time management isincluded inthis app:• The Advantages of Time Management• How to Develop an Action Plan in Time Management• Controlling Time Management• Essentials in Time Management• Goal Setting...and more...49 pages of useful information...for free inthiseBook style app!
Get one of the most comprehensive TaskandAction Managers available. From the simplest of tasks togainingcontrol of your broader problem solving processes involvingteamsof people, PROFIFOX will save you time, resources andultimatelymoney.PROFIFOX is based on the experience of its creators withinthefast paced Automotive Industry. Addressing the issues ofbusinesscontrol and continuous improvement of processes andproducts, itallows you to categorise all tasks (actions) intospecific “ActionPlans”. You can then organise these in order thatall members of ateam are constantly aware of their required actionsand the timeexpectations for these.Using the repeatable 4 step management P-D-C-A(Plan-Do-Check-Actor Adjust) cycle all designated members of yourteam can trackchanges and be updated on the progress of eachindividual action innear real-time.Equally useful for organising your own individual tasks,PROFIFOXwill ensure that you never miss a deadline as you willalways beaware of task priorities.This app is Free for general users with minorlimitations.Advanced features can be purchased within theapplication.Features in brief:• Master Plan brings together and organises all tasks intooneprioritised list, so that you are constantly aware of yournextresponsibility.• Facility to export to PDF or Excel.• The P-D-C-A planning feature is one of the most powerfulinlong term tracking of tasks and actions.• All Action Plans can be shared with other people innearreal-time.• Ability to login using Office 365 or Active directoryaccount(to enable for your domain, please contact support)