Top 30 Apps Similar to Bloups! Intégral

Bloups! 0.0.7
Bloups makes learning to read fun ...
Corneille: reading in French 3.3.4
Fun educational phonics games and books in French for childrenaged3 to 8
Letter Puzzle: Learn To Read 2.0.3
learning 1st grade English free for kids writing gamepre-schoolmulti language
Imagerie des pourquoi 5
To learn and play with the book "The imagery of why" Fleurus.
Joy of Reading - learn to read 1.2
From phonics to confident reader: ABCs, phonics, CVCs,blending,reading
2nd Grade Learning Games Math 4.0
Learn math in the most entertaining way combining operationswithfunny pictures
Le Bonheur de Lire 1.3
Learn to read French with a fun and proven method!
Count to 10 1.21
Learn Numbers from 1 to 10 with Montessori!
EASY peasy: Spelling (EDU / Sc 2.1.1
** Academic Edition for Schools **
+ - × ÷ kids' practice & learn
Imagerie éveil interactive 5
To learn while having fun with the book "The imagery of awakening."
Imagerie des comment 7
Leisure education with "The imagery of how interactive".
ABC Dinos Full Version 23.08.004
Learn and write the alphabet letters! For preschoolers and kidsof1st Grade
Imagerie lecture interactive 5
To learn while having fun with the book "The imagery of reading."
Times Tables Game 4.06-pro
To learn the times tables by heart can be hard. This app makesiteasy&fun!
French Words - Learn spelling 1.4.8
Spelling tests for kids, learn to read words and movablealphabetwith phonics
Heston Hogs: The Way Home 1.1
Valorbyte Oy
A narrated story book and interactive game for toddlersandpreschoolers.
Special Stories 2.0.1
Award-winning app to create books and social stories for SEN&Early Years
LetraKid PRO: Cursive Writing 2.0.0
ParKel Soft
Educational learning game for kids. Learn to write AlphabetLetters,ABC & 123
Dire, lire, écrire 5.6
*** Compatible tablettes 7 pouces minimum *** Parce quelesdernièresrecherches sur le développement de l’enfant etsespremiersapprentissages montrent qu’il est nécessaired’apprendre àécrirependant que l’on apprend à lire, l’applicationDire, lire,écrire estconçue pour faire découvrir aux plus petitsles lettres,les syllabeset les sons des mots en les aidant à lesécrire et lescombiner.S’appuyant sur des techniques innovantes,Dire, lire,écrire est unoutil pédagogique unique. Grâce à lareconnaissancevocale etd’écriture, l’application familiarise lesenfants àl’identificationdes différents sons de la languefrançaise tandisqu’ils apprennent àécrire les lettres et lescombinaisons delettres qui les produisentafin de décoder etcomposer des motsentiers. Dire, lire, écrire lesinvite également àfréquenter lesmots dans le contexte de la phrasepour favoriser lacompréhensionet la mémorisation, enrichir leurvocabulaire et lesinitier auplaisir des mots. Dans toutes lesactivités proposées,troisniveaux permettent aux enfants de 2 à 7ans de découvrir desmotsde plus en plus compliqués, leursdifférentes écritures etleurdécoupage. Des jeux, des comptines etdes histoiresenrichissentleur univers pour les inciter à dire,lire, écrireencore et encore! • Un outil pédagogique unique,s’appuyant sur lareconnaissancevocale et d’écriture • Plus de 250mots illustrés etsonorisés misen situation d’usage • Une interfacedédiée poursuivre les progrèsde chaque enfant • Trois niveauxd’apprentissageet de jeu *Apprendre un nouveau mot * Après avoirnommé le mot,l’enfantdécouvre, reconnaît et reproduit ses lettreset sessyllabes avantde les combiner à l’aide d’un clavier de sonsinspiréde la méthodede Maria Montessori. Il l’écrit ensuite seul etestinvité àl’identifier dans une phrase, puis dans un court texte.*Voir tonrépertoire * Pour apprendre à maîtriserl’ordrealphabétique,l’enfant peut retrouver chaque mot étudié danssonrépertoire avecsa prononciation, sa définition et touslesexercices et textesassociés. * T’entraîner à écrire * Danscetatelier d’écriture,l’enfant peut s’entraîner à écrire leslettresen écrituremajuscule ou minuscule et script ou cursive. *Jouer *Avec lesjeux, l’enfant s’exerce à identifier les sonsprésents danslesmots, différencier des mots dont les sons seressemblent («poule »et « boule » par exemple), composer des motsou encore lesrangerdans des catégories.
Monster Numbers Full Version: Math games for kids 09.01.001
Math games for kids: Addition, subtraction,mentalarithmetic,division, times tables. Learning games ofcountingnumbers andsequence for preschoolers. Perfect for theyoungchildren too!Monster Numbers is an excellent educational gameforlearningmathematics for kids: addition and subtraction,timestables,multiplication, sequences and division,mental-mathcalculationsand problem solving for k-12 school. A funedutainmentapplication.Run, jump, count, add, substract, multiplyand divideto win. It'san actual game! Highly adaptable edutainmentdesign! Itis suitablefor all ages! AGE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT: - Ages:4-5(Preschool):Children from ages 4 and 5 (kindergarten) will findageappropriategames to match their maturing level inmathematics:counting coins,logical sequence, number recognition,associationquantity andnumbers, sums of sets of coins (easyaddition). - Ages:6-7 (1stand 2nd graders): Children ages 6 and 7(first grade andsecondgrade of elementary school) practice mathactivities:logicalsequences, additions without regrouping,subtractions withcoinsand subsequently subtraction withoutregrouping. -Ages 8-9yearsold (3rd and 4th graders): From age 8 to9 (third grade andfourthgrade of elementary school) the math gameconsists of:mentalarithmetic sums of two-digit numbers, mentalmathsubtractions,times tables (learn to multiply), multiplication,andsequences.-Ages: 10- 16 years old (5th and 6th graders): Fromage10 (fifthand sixth grade of elementary school and MiddleSchool)the mathgame consists of: mental arithmetic additions,mentalmathsubtractions, times tables, multiplication, division,andmorecomplex logical sequences. - From ages 16 to 100:))(SecundarySchool and adults) : the game will be a greatchallengefor thisage range as well, increasing the difficulty ofthemathematicaloperations and the rest of the levels.METHODOLOGYMonster Numbersaims to mix fun with learning, therefore,if you useit in schoolwe recommend to let the child play freelythrough thedifferentlevels. The difficulty in the math facts, sums,additionandsubtraction, multiplication, division, times tables,sequenceandcounting of coins, is adjusted automatically and dependsontheirmistakes and successes. So: don't help! Let them learn mathinanautonomous way!! Many teachers of k12 school and parentsuseoureducational app as a reward for well-done tasks fortheirstudentsor children. If they have correctly completedmandatorywork inschool then they are allowed to play our App.REASONS TOPLAY Thebest part is children will engage in learningmathwithoutrealizing, due to the great adventure they areexperiencingwithTob the squirrel. Our squirrel is lost in the worldofMonsterNumbers and the children: WILL HAVE TO COME TOTHERESCUE!!!! To dothis they must overcome countless obstacles andtryto recoverTob’s spacecraft pieces. They can jump, run, slide,fly,shoot, allwhile doing fun math facts (addition,subtraction,multiply, learnto divide…) that can always be adaptedto yourlevel. They’ll livean exciting adventure all while learning.Ourvideogame can beplayed by boys and girls ages 4 and up(Preschool,1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 6th graders). Designed byDIDACTOONS,specialists ineducational VideoGames, fashioned bypsychologistsandprofessionals with extensive experience in theeducationalfield.With Monster Numbers your child will learn mathwithoutrealizingit. You won’t be disappointed!!
Times tables 1.0.23
Learn times tables (multiplication game for children)
Math games for kids : times tables training 3.9.6
Nicolas Lehovetzki
AB Math is a set of cool mental math games for kids from 5 to 10:-Math drills with the 4 basic operations(addition,subtraction,multiplication, division, times tables) - 4levels ofdifficulty,including an expert mode for grownups - Clean,simpleandattractive interface - Many game options that thechildrencanchoose by themselves - Various fun game modes, includingthebubblegame - Parents can follow the progress of theirchildren.Severalaccounts are provided. - Play with or without atimer Thisapp isdesigned for smartphones and tablets, HD graphicsareoptimised forthe latest generation tablets. This app is a funwayfor yourchildren to practice math worksheets. Kids playwithnumbers anddon’t feel like their are working at all. Thebubblegamestrengthens sequential abilities, mentalmanipulation,attentionand fine motor skills. These arithmeticexercises aresuitable forall k12 levels, primary and elementary.More fun thantraditionalmath flash cards, kids love it and enjoylearningmathematics.These cool math games will help your child befirst inmath ! Thesearithmetic exercises are suitable for thefollowinglevels : 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th grade, all k12 levels, primaryandelementary. Thisapplication is suitable for all ages, parentscantrain their brainin a effective way. We receive many feedbacksfromparents orgrandparents who enjoy to compete with theirchildrenovermultiplications. We receive many feedbacks fromparentsorgrandparents who enjoy to compete with theirchildrenovermultiplications. We design cool educational apps forchildren,witha focus on simplicity and fun. Check out our otherapplicationsinthe store. Our apps are also widely used at school.We are proudofour contribution to modern education. If you like theapp,pleaseleave a review, it helps us a lot. Your feedback isalsoverywelcome. Have fun !
Easy Music for kids 1.0
Easy Music - Give kids an ear for music. No theory required.
Capt'n Hippocampus' Spelling C 2.0.1
reading learning 1st grade English free for kids writinggamepre-school pirate
Learn French Vocabulary - Kids 3.0.4
Enes Aydın
Welcome to "Chick - Learn French", a learning app for kids,beginners and starters from 2 to 8 years of age, through whichtheywill learn french in a fun, playful way. Download the app andenjoyits content! Topics ★ Alphabet ★ Numbers ★ Colors ★ Animals★Fruits ★ Foods ★ School ★ Home ★ Jobs ★ Shapes ★ Body ★ Vehicles★Weather ★ Verbs ★ Tools ★ Countries Games ★ Listen sound andchoosepicture ★ Look picture and choose right text ★ Find samepicture ★Using memory ★ Look picture and write Contact ★ Make acommentabout our application. ★ If you have any problems, pleaseemail us.
iTooch Français CP 4.6.2
iTooch Français CP est une application de soutien scolaireludique,conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programmescolaireofficiel en français du CP avec des milliers d’exercices.Utiliséespar plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplicationsiTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, depédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents.L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offrir auxenfants unmerveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre etqui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel deleur classe. ♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖ • Une interface simple,claire etludique • La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfantsdans lalecture et la compréhension de texte • Une gestionmulti-joueurspermettant la sauvegarde des scores de plusieursenfants sur unmême smartphone ou tablette • Réglage de la tailledes textes •Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés • Modedéconnectédisponible pour profiter de nos applications même sansconnexionInternet • Synchronisation automatique des contenus • Desrésumésde cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître parles élèves • Des power ups spécialement conçus pourmotiver etdonner petit un coup de pouce ! ★ App sélectionnée dansles tops duguide Les meilleures applications pour enfants 2015 -par la SourisGrise ★ ☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀ ✓ Le programmeofficiel deFrançais CP ✓ 5 thèmes : Les sons, Vocabulaire,Orthographe,Lecture, Grammaire ✓ 49 chapitres par titre, avecrésumé de cours,exemples et illustrations ✓ 1 645 questions partitre avec indiceset réponses détaillées ➡ iTooch Français CPréunit de loin la plusgrande base d'exercices pour le primaire surGoogle Play Store.Pour plus de fun, connectez-vous avec notre appcompagnon d'iTooch,Monster Messenger, qui permet de partager vosprogrès avec vos amiset de leur demander de l'aide. MonsterMessenger est un réseausocial sécurisé pour les enfants et leurfamille, dans lequel lesparents contrôlent la liste des personnesqui peuvent discuter avecleurs enfants. Retrouvez également notreapplication iToochMathématiques CP sur Google Play Store. Lesapplications iToochoffrent une solution de soutien scolaire mobilepour les classes deCP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e, 4e et 3e enMathématiques,Français, Anglais et Physique-Chimie. ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣Facebook: ‣ Twitter : @iTooch ‣Site:
Writing Wizard - Handwriting 3.4.2
A fun app to learn handwriting - Learn to write letters, words,andnumbers
Math Land: Math Games for kids 23.11.001
Learn addition, subtraction & times tables with thecooleducational math game