Top 3 Apps Similar to Blips! Integral

Learn to read music notes
Music Buddy - learn music notes, keysignatures(circle of fifths) and intervals, practice sight readingsheet musicusing flash cards.Read sheet music quickly and effortlessly like a pro. Learntorecognize key signatures, notes, and intervals in the blink ofaneye. Three independent learning modules in one app. Set asidefiveminutes a day for this app, and you will be reading sheetmusiclike a professional musician in no time.The app uses an ingenious approach to memorizing informationthroughrepetition and visual patterns with a focus onhard-to-rememberpieces of information.The simple, elegant, and intuitive interface allows you toswitchbetween the different note-naming systems used in majorcountriesaround the world:• CDEFGAB (major + minor, 大调 + 小调, 大調 + 小調)• CDEFGAH (dur + moll)• Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si (mayor + menor, maior + menor, majeur+mineur, maggiore + minore)• Дo Рe Ми Фа Coль Ля Си (мажор + минор)• ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト イ ロ (長調 + 短調)• 도 레 미 파 솔 라 시 (장조 + 단조)Key Signatures module: Learn key signatures – this module willhelpyou memorize a circle of fifths – a must for every musician.Youwill learn to recognize keys based on the number of sharps orflatsin a key signature at the beginning of a staff.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn key signatures for major keys only – left button• Learn key signatures for minor keys only – middle button• Learn key signatures for both major and minor keys –rightbuttonNotes module: Learn music notes – this module will teach youtoquickly recognize notes without thinking – you’ll look at it,andyou’ll simply know it.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn notes from the treble clef only – left button• Learn notes from the bass clef only – middle button• Learn notes from both treble and bass clef – right buttonIntervals module: Learn intervals – this module isespeciallyhelpful for pianists. Skilled pianists don't need toidentify everynote in a sheet. They recognize patterns based on thedistancebetween notes (intervals) and automatically stretch theirfingersaccordingly.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn harmonic intervals only – left button• Learn melodic intervals only – middle button• Learn both harmonic and melodic intervals – right button
String Quartet sight read
Learn to read musical notes and learntheirposition on your instrument's fingerboard ! Easy !• Violin (Fiddle)• Cello• Viola• Double bassSmart flash card staff training game, with efficientnotelearning system.Includes a chromatic tuner, for Violin, Fiddle, Cello,Violaor Double Bass.Use the on-screen fingerboard, or play your realinstrumentthrough the device's microphone. (Violin, Fiddle,Cello, Viola,Double Bass)Improve your skills even when you are away from yourinstrument!Details :• Choice of notes to practice : strings and positions.• Choice of notation systems : Solfège-Latin,English,German, Korean, Byzantine, Japanese, Indian (Hindusthani),Indian(Carnatic).• Real instruments sounds. (Violin, Cello, Viola,DoubleBass)• Translated interface : English, French, Spanish,Korean(depending on device's langage). Need another translation ?Contactme.• 5 modes :→ Sight Read Quiz (touch) : Read the staff note, thentouchthe right spot on the screen's fingerboard.→ Live Sight Read (Live) : Read the staff note, then playitusing your real instrument. (This mode uses yourdevice'smicrophone)→ Ear Training (touch) : Listen to the note, then touchtheright spot on the screen's fingerboard. (tip : click stafftoreplay note)→ Free-Play (touch) : Play on the screen fingerboard.Listento the note sound and see it on the staff.→ Instrument Tuner (Live) : Play a note on yourrealinstrument, the note is displayed on the staff. (This modeusesdevice's microphone)• Nice help system :→ Fingerboard with all note names→ Staff with note nameKid friendly ! NO ADSHave fun at play !
Bloups! 0.0.7
Bloups makes learning to read fun ...