Top 4 Apps Similar to Burn Headphone เบิร์น หูฟัง

Burn Fix 1.2
In variable situations, displaying a certain image or part of anappfor long periods of time might cause a screen burn-in (alsoknown asa Ghost Image). If the screen burn-in is noticed at anearly stagethere are good chances that it could be repaired.Burn Fix is an application written to repair thesescreenburn-in's using a unique feature.Best results are achieved on AMOLED screens (should help LCDscreenstoo).While other apps on the market use Red Green and Bluescreencycling - this app has two added values:- White and Black are also used during the repair cycle- The app lets you choose a previously captured screenshot oftheapp that caused the burn-in, invert it's colors and usetheinverted image during the repair cycle - optimizing therepairprocess!This app is good for prevention and repair.Prevention:Run the app once a week during the night for about 5-6 hours.Noneed to use the "Custom Screenshot" option seeing this is justforprevention purposes.Repair:Run the app for 6-8 hours a night for at least 4-5 days, ifpossible- also using the "Custom Screenshot" option foroptimalrepairing.This app does not guarantee 100% repair but it should helprepairmost of the burn-in (depending on the severity of theproblem).**Please note!**This app is not meant to be used by Tablets.If you have any questions, comments or feedback - pleasedon'thesitate to contact me via the application.Thank you for trying this app!
Headphone Connect
VERSION 2.0.0 IS OUT! AWWW YEAH!!!PLEASE NOTE: Updating to 2.0.0 will clear the database. I triedtoavoid this but there was no other way that I knew of. Pleaseopenthe app and select the apps to add to the dialog again :(DOUBLE PLEASE NOTE: If you purchased the Disconnect optionpleaseemail me for a refund. It's now free for everyone.==================================================================================Easily assign apps to launch as soon as you connect/disconnectyourheadphones!Start the app once and assign your apps. From there aminimalservice will run that launches a dialog with yourpre-selected appswhen headphones are connected or disconnect.• Pick different apps to add to each dialog• Launch the same app every time• Customize how the dialogs look• Start the service when your phone bootsPerforms different actions when headphonesareconnected/disconnect!• Show the volume panel• Adjust the media volumeAdd apps to a blacklist! The blacklist will prevent showingthedialogs or performing actions when specific apps are in thecurrentforeground.Advertisement is shown when configuring the dialog and actionsbutwill never be shown in the dialog itself.Developed with Material Design and supports Android N!TRIPLE PLEASE NOTE: On most Android devices a notification willrunin the background informing you that Headphone Connect isrunning,to disable this notification look under Headphone Connecton theapp manager screen. ^^ Android lets you "listen" for different broadcasteventsand "wake your app up" when they are fired off. For somereasonunknown to me headphones being attached to or detached fromthedevice is not something that will "wake an app up". The app hastoalready be awake in order to actually "hear" that headphoneshavebeen connected or disconnect. Naturally this is prettypointless atleast in this app's context. To get around it a serviceis launchedwhich ONLY listens for that one event so minimal powerfrom thebattery is used.======================================================================================Email: [email protected]: www.skytrait.comHearing from users is great! I'll make every attempt to respondtocomments on the Google Play page, but for a faster andmorepersonal approach feel free to email meIf you have any questions about this app, please first seetheSettings -> FAQ page in the app. If you still cannot findtheanswer to your question, go ahead and send me an email.=====================================================================================GooglePlay: - Allows the app to start the service assoonas the device finishes rebooting. This feature is off bydefault.It can be enabled in Settings -> General.INTERNET - Required by Google Play Services. More informationonGoogle Play Service can be foundat - Determines if the device iscurrentlyconnected to a mobile data or WiFi source. Helpsconservedata.BILLING - Allows for a one time purchase to remove all formsofadvertisement. Also used to collect donations.BLUETOOTH - Listens for when Bluetooth headphones are connectedordisconnected.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS - Determines what app is currently intheforeground. Used in the blacklist feature.GET_TASKS - Same as the above ^^ (Deprecated only used onpreLollipop devices)
Screen Burn Repair 1.1.3
Does your Android device have visiblescreenburn (Screen burn-in)? Screen Burn Repair can help testscreens andrepair screen burn. Simply choose a test pattern, speed,set thetimer and let it run.This app is compatible with devices that haveon-screennavigation (including Nexus devices).Please ensure your brightness is at the highest settingformaximum effectiveness.
Volume Booster GOODEV 7.6
Simple and small app to boost your speaker or headphonesoundvolume.