Top 6 Apps Similar to AESCULAP Neuro Main Catalog

3-D brain Atlas 1.0
This application is a simple learning toolforMedical Professional who get a tri-axial view of human brain.Thisoffers to provide the tap-to-scan a part of human brainandpresents 3-D view of that portion. One can even searchthedifferent portions of brain, as well; and can rotate about anyaxiswith 1 degree precision. This app will help MedicalProfessionalslike those who pursue Neurosurgery, Neurology,Radiology et al, notonly to get themselves acquainted about themajor parts of brainwithout having to go for dissection; also theypractice to read MRIreports. Acknowledgement: This application usesBrain database webservice from Harvard University, and needs anactive Internetconnection to work.
Survival Guide 3.1
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
NOTE!!! We are aware of frequent crash reports from themostrecentupdate. If you continuously experience a crash,pleaseuninstallthe app completely, reboot your phone, and downloadafresh installfrom Google Play. This should correcttheissue.---------------------------- Survival Guide is aquickreference,high-yield guide that encompasses the massivebreadth ofknowledgeand information necessary to care forneurosurgicalpatients. Thisis the ideal reference for allneurosurgicalresidents, interns,and medical students. It is highlyrelevant forall mid-levelpractitioners who will encounter and careforneurosurgicalpatients such as nurse practitioners,physicianassistants,neurosurgery nurses, and those workinginneuro-intensive careunits. There are hundreds of uniquetopicscovered in this guide.All content is kept up-to-date withthelatest in practicerecommendations, and will updateautomaticallyeach time theapplication is opened. New content isalways providedfree ofcharge. The NSG includes the completeneurologic exam,includingrapid reference to many protocols, a“what-to-do” guidewhenencountering many of the common neurosurgicalconditions,allaspects of neurocritical care, common neurosurgicalprocedures,apediatric section, and trauma. A learningsectionincludeshigh-yield neuroanatomy, cavernous sinus anatomy,spinalcord,functional neurosurgery, and neuroimaging. The guidealsoincludesdozens of updated graphics and professionalillustrations.TheNeurosurgery Survival Guide includes everythingyou need toknowwhen caring for neurosurgical patients. This isthedefinitiverapid reference guide—a “must have” on yourneurosurgeryrotation!
Helsinki Microneurosurgery 3.2.0
Book with basics and tricks about the "Hernesniemi schoolofneurosurgery"
Neurology Pocket Reference 1.0.6
• Neurological examination• Survey of dermatomes, cranial nerves, clinicallyrelevantmuscles, and cerebral vessels• SLUMS Mental State Exam• Glasgow Coma Scale• NEW: third card on cerebral vessels and territories, andnervesof the upper and lower extremities
NeuroXdiag 1.0.0
NeuroXdiag est une applicationd'aideaudiagnostic radiologique des urgencesneuroencéphaliquesàl’intention des professionnels, médecinsradiologues,neurologues,urgentistes, internes et étudiants enmédecine.L’imagerie médicale neuroradiologique estaujourd’huiindispensableau diagnostic des pathologies neurologiquesetneurochirurgicales.En situation d’urgence, cesaffectionsnécessitent un diagnosticrapide afin de guider la priseen chargethérapeutique de façonoptimale, améliorant ainsi lepronostic dupatient.L’application est organisée en trois rubriques:urgencesneuroradiologiques / aide au diagnostic/aspectsmédico-légaux.Les urgences neuroradiologiques rassemblent desfichesdétailléesrésumant les principales situationsd’urgencesneuroradiologiquesencéphaliques accompagnées d’unericheiconographie et deréférences. Pour une meilleure analyse,toutesles photosprésentées peuvent être agrandies en appuyant demanièreprolongéesur l’image et en la déplaçant sansrelâcherl’écran.Un logiciel d'aide au diagnostic interactif, didactiqueetsimpled’utilisation vous permettra d'affinervotrediagnosticradiologique face à des situations cliniquesetradiologiquesréelles.Enfin, un rappel des aspects médico-légaux relatifsàlaneuroradiologie vous est proposé.Cette application est destinée exclusivement auxprofessionnelsdesanté. Elle est destinée à fournir une aide audiagnostic, maisnesaurait se substituer à l’intégration del’ensemble desdonnéescliniques et paracliniques du patient, àl’expérience dumédecin,ni à la confrontation à l’ensemble desdonnéesactuellespertinentes validées de la science médicale.Son utilisation ne nécessite pas de connexion àInternetpermettantun accès en toutes circonstances.NeuroXdiag isahelperapplication to radiologicaldiagnosisneuroencéphaliquesemergencies for professionals,radiologists,neurologists,emergency physicians, interns andmedicalstudents.The neuroradiological imaging is now essential in thediagnosisofneurological and neurosurgical pathologies.Inemergencysituations, these conditions require a rapid diagnosistoguidetherapeutic management optimally, thus improvingthepatient'sprognosis.The application is organized into threesections:emergencyneuroradiological / diagnostic aid /medico-legalaspects.Neuroradiological emergencies gather detailed factsheetsonkeysituations encephalic neuroradiological emergenciesaccompaniedbya rich iconography and references. For betteranalysis,allPictures can be enlarged by pressing and holding on theimageanddragging without releasing the screen.Support software interactive diagnostic, educational and easytousewill allow you to refine your diagnostic radiologyfacerealclinical and radiological situations.Finally, a reminder of the forensic aspects ofneuroradiologyisproposed.This application is intended only for healthcare professionals.Itisintended to provide a diagnostic aid, but can not substitutefortheintegration of all clinical and laboratory data of thepatient,thephysician's experience or confrontation to all relevantcurrentdatavalidated medical science.Its use does not require internet connection toaccessallcircumstances.