Top 13 Apps Similar to Anti Mosquito 2.0 Prank

Anti Mosquito Sound Simulated 3.5
Anti Mosquito Sound app, antimosquitorepellent✖✖✖ Mosquitoes are small creatures but bring a lot of discomfortaswell as danger to the health of every human being. They clingtoyou wherever you are and whenever, when you go out, go out onapicnic and even when you are asleep to bite, burn and suckyourblood. People with mosquito bite light only red and itchy,severe,can suffer from dangerous diseases such as dengue fever,fever...➡ Because of the above reasons, most people hate mosquitoes andwantto get rid of them. Try to think that watching your friendswill besurprised to see you are using a mosquito repellantapplication butin fact only you know how this application works.Is not it great?We created Anti Mosquito Simulated with thedesire to helpyou make fun jokes with your friends. Use your greatimagination todispel boring and tedious air with the AntiMosquitoSimulated✨✨✨ The main features of the application:⚪ Not harmful to humans, pets in your family.⚪ Long range integration from 8Khz to 26Khz can becustomizedeasily⚪ The application has the ability to run in parallel withotherapplications, with notification bar, you can still use normalphonewith other features.⚪ Simulator application, serves as a joke on the phone⚪ The application does not consume battery power, it runs onbatterysaving - you can turn off the screen where the applicationis stillrunning.⚪ Free anti-mosquito app⚠⚠⚠ Note:⚪ Anti Mosquito Simulated is a simulator application, likeajoke on the phone.⚪ We do not guarantee that this application will removemosquitoesbecause in fact there is no scientific basis in the worldto findthe sound of banishing mosquitoes. This app is just a funjoke foryou and your friends. We recommend using mosquito nets ormosquitonets when using them as well as using other recommendedmosquitorepellents.⚪ The application allows you to customize the frequency toyourliking, but if you leave the frequency too low, it will makeyourears uncomfortable if heard in the long run.
Anti Mosquito Prank 1.1
WARNING, method used in Anti MosquitoPrankisnot confirmed by scientist, so use it like a prank!Usethismosquito repellent app to tests only, experiments or funanddoesnot guarantee effective repel mosquitoes.This is simple to use:Install and start emission the high-frequency sounds.You can use this app in background.The application does not guarantee mosquitoes protect, butalotof users are satisfied of this app. You can test thesoundsofdifferent frequencies to deter mosquitoes.This app emitting high frequency ultrasound from yourphonethatrepels insects away. Some form high frequency sounds arebeyondthehearing sense of human ears.Try to hit mosquito on the screen - check what will happen:)Enjoy without insects !!!
Anti Mosquito Repellent Prank 1.1
Download the free Anti MosquitoRepellentforAndroid and simulate a fight against biting mosquitoes.Youcanprank your fiends by telling them, the app generatesahighfrequency signal in the ultrasound range and scared offthosepeskybloodsuckers. Only you know, it is just a simulation andnot arealsonic sound.All advantages of this simulated mosquito repellent app:✔ sinusoidal oscillations for more prank-efficiency✔ tell your friends, it is effective against both maleandfemalemosquitoes✔ different frequency simulations in the ultrasonic range✔ fake sonor works even when the display is off✔ foolproof operation✔ chemical-free mosquito plug prank✔ free for all Android devicesEspecially in the summer time and near the swamps andinthetropics, mosquitoes are a real nuisance. The littlebloodsuckersrob not only sleep and cause unpleasant itching, theycanalsotransmit dangerous diseases, such as malaria.Mosquito repellent from the chemist should be the firstremedyinmalarial areas. But for the domestic gnats, theharmfulchemicalbomb is not recommended. For home use, manymanufacturersoffer amidge plug, which operate withultrasound.However, most of these devices are not really cheap. So whynotusethe mobile phone to play the high-frequency tone insonic-range?-Just for pranking your friends! Tell them you can dothis withyoursmartphone or tablet.There are different sound frequencies in 2000s steps.Avalueshould be chosen, which is no longer perceived by theuser.But alow noise will perfect the effect of prank. ;-)During operation, the app needs to stay open. To savebattery,thedisplay can be switched off.Note that this App is just a sound simulation. Onlyveryfewmobiles can play the high frequency soundcorrectly.TheEffectively of ultrasonic against mosquitoes isnotscientificallyproven. This app is just a simulator, a prank!Thereis noguarantee for function! Use it (in every way) at yourownrisk!Especially in malaria areas it is highly recommended touseaproper mosquito plug! This app is just for entertainmentandforpranking your friends!The application can be used in addition to themosquitorepellentas prank in school. Choose a soundfrequency thatcanstill beperceived by your classmates. These are feel disturbedbythe peak.But your old teacher can not hear it.Please rate five stars on Google Play, if you liketheAntiMosquito Sound-Simulation Prank. If you find an error,pleasesendme an email. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Anti Mosquito Repellent 1.0.2
Simple and easy to use anti mosquito repeller.Anti mosquito repellent generate ultrasonic(ultrasound)frequencies (17 kHz, 18 kHz, 19 kHz, 20 kHz, 21 kHz, 22kHz) thatscares mosquitos and insects.This application prevents you from being bitten bymosquitos.It's real anti mosquito ultrasonic whistle.It can be used also as a anti dog whistle (repellent) andanticat whistle.Just download, enjoy and repel mosquitos!
Anti Mosquito Simulated 1.0
**** Free Anti Mosquito (Mosquitorepelling)Simulated App ****Let’s try a new Anti Mosquito App. Simple and easy to use.Have you ever faced the mosquito problem? Is it annoying ifthemosquitos were always around you and could bites you anytime?Thatis definitely not a nice experience. Terrible!!!NOW, with our Anti Mosquito app, you can transform yourAndroidsmartphone to a Mosquito repelling device.This Anti Mosquito app was created, based on thebiologicalcharacteristic of mosquito. Specifically, the mosquitosare alwaysin fear of the high frequency sound like the soundemitted from thebat and dragonfly… These species are the mosquito’snaturalpredators, so that they want to stay away from them.Anti Mosquito (Mosquito Repelling) App uses an algorithm togeneratethe sound wave at frequency from 16 kHz to 24 kHz, andthen thesound is emitted through the smartphone’s externalspeaker.The main features of the Anti Mosquito (MosquitoRepelling)App:- You can adjust the ultrasound frequency from the 16 kHz to24kHz.- The app runs in background. The notification is integratedtoinform to you when the app is running.- You can share the app with you friends.When using the Anti Mosquito (Mosquito Repelling) App, youshouldtry different frequencies to find the best frequency thatworks withthe mosquito species in your area. In the large area, donot forgetto turn the speaker to high volume.Note:This Anti Mosquito (Mosquito Repelling) App is not confirmedbyscience, so you should treat it like a prank (simulator). Wedon'tguarantee of the effects of this application towardsavoidingmosquitoes. Try it at your own wish. We hope it works foryou. TheAnti Mosquito app is just an additional method to repelthemosquito, you should use the safe and traditional method likeusingbed net. The developer is not responsible for any damage tothesmartphone, the user or other animals.Anti Mosquito (Mosquito Repelling) App Team.Hope you enjoy the app. Good luckIf you like this application, please give it a 5startrating.If you find any issues, please write to us @ [email protected].
Anti Mosquitos Prank
Anti Mosquitos Prank - an experimentalappthatyou can test the sounds of different frequencies todetermosquito.This app generates high frequency sounds, commandstotest deterringnasty insects. The application does notguaranteeprotection frominsects, but users are satisfied of theefficiencyof this app.This free mosquito repellent prank app is simple to use-justinstall it and start the emission of high-frequency sounds.Youcanuse this app in background.Have a fun without mosquitoes !!!Remember, use this app to tests only, experiments or fun anddoesnotguarantee effective repel mosquitoes. That antimosquitorepellentapp isn't confirm by science so this is like aprankapp.
Mosquito Sound 1.7
This is great application for MosquitoSound.Mosquito Sound is a fun app to surprise your friends! Gettheattention you deserve by using this app. With this applicationyoucan play several different sounds.
AntiMosquito Prank 1.2
Anti Mosquito Prank - appgenerateshighfrequency sounds to test deterring mosquitoes. Thisappdoesn'tguarantee protection from nasty insects, but usersaresatisfied ofthe efficiency of this app. Anti mosquito repellentappis notconfirm by science so use it like prank.This free test repellent prank app is very simple to use-justinstall it and play high-frequency sounds.Have a fun without nasty mosquitoes !!!WARNINGUse this app to tests only, experiments or fun and doesnotguaranteeeffective repel mosquitoes.
Anti Cockroach Repellent Prank 1.1
Many people are disgusted by cockroaches and can't closeeyesatnight, when they were visited on the day of thecrawlinginsects.With the anti cockroaches sound simulation you cantaketheirfears. Tell them, the app would beat cockroaches awaywiththeirhigh-pitched tone, similar to an ultrasonic mosquitoplug.Ofcourse you should be clear, that your smartphone can notplayareal ultrasonic sound! Also, there is no scientificevidencethatcockroaches feel repelled by ultrasonic waves and goeaway.Usethis app to fool your friends and if necessary to takethemalsothe fear. Note that these Android-Simulation does notreplaceareal exterminator! Call always the professional, if therearemanyof them. How does the cockroaches protection work?Theanticockroaches app is quite simple: Choose between sixfrequenciesandstart playback of the simulated ultrasonic soundswith asimpleclick. The frequency selection you should be sent to atonethat isbarely no longer perceived by your ear. Your friendswillthinkyour smartphone or tablet would play a right ultrasonictone.Thisillusion is even more realistic by theirsinusoidaloscillationsduring playback. During the simulatedcockroaches thedevicedisplay must not be switched on. This savesthe battery. Ifyoulike the anti cockroaches Prank Sound, then writea review intheGoogle Play Store. But especially if you could prankyourfriends.Just write an e-mail, if you find an bug in this freeAppforAndroid. I will try to fix it as soon as possible.Alsofeaturerequests shall be communicated in this way.
Pitido anti mosquitos Broma 2.0.0
***ATENCION*** Esto es una broma.ADVERTENCIA:Lee atentamente el siguiente texto.Si no oyes nada , no te preocupes los ultrasonidos no todoelmundolos puede oir al emitirse a una frecuencia superior.No siempre funciona , toma medidas alternativas .¿Qué son los ultrasonidos?Señales acústicas emitidas a una frecuencia superior a la queeloídohumano puede percibir.Debido a la mayor capacidad auditiva y sensitiva delosmosquitos,los ultrasonidos son ondas de alta frecuencia quepuedenserpercibidas por ellos pero no por las personas, perturbandoasísóloa los mosquitos molestos y obligándolos a abandonar laáreaaccióndel repelente.Los ultrasonidos se emiten por el móvil en todaslasdirecciones,como la luz emitida por un fluorescente. Losmaterialesduros(paredes, techos, mobiliario, vidrio,etc.) permitenmejorelesparcimiento de las ondas mediante su rebote enellos,mientrasque los materiales blandos (cartón,cortinas,moquetas,etc.) lasabsorben.¿Cómo funciona?.Está científicamente probado que sólo las hembras delosmosquitospican, durante su período de gestación, paraalimentarse.En esteestado las hembras rehuyen a los machos quelocalizan porelzumbido que emitenProtección de 2 metros. te protegerá 2 metros alrededordetodotucuerpo.¡Los mosquitos no se van!Puede ocurrir que observe mosquitos a su alrededor, perodebesaberque se trata de mosquitos macho. Los mosquitos machonosealimentan de sangre.Aunque su eficacia esta probada con la mayoria deespeciesdemosquitos, no podemos garantizar su efectividad contodaslasespecies de mosquitos,aunque su uso puede ayudar adisminuirsusmolestias, desde menor incidencia a la desaparición delmismo.Antimosquitos ahuyentador no puede certificar el usoparaahuyentaralguna especie en concreto.!Advertencia!Aunque la emisión de sonidos es real no utilizamos unsistemaprobadocientíficamente, ni esta garantizada su eficacia ,portanto,aconsejamos siempre un utilizar unmétodoalternativoconjuntamente.Rogamos lea atentamente la explicación sobreelfuncionamiento.¡¡ PRUEBALO !!¡¡¡ DESCARGA YA, ES GRATIS!!!*** WARNING *** Thisisajoke.WARNING:Read the following carefully.If you hear nothing, do not worry about ultrasounds noteveryonecanlisten to the broadcast at a higher frequency.It does not always work, take alternative measures.What is ultrasound?Acoustic signals to a higher frequency that the humanearcanperceive.Given the greater auditory and sensory abilityofmosquitoes,ultrasounds are high frequency waves that canbeperceived by thembut not for the people, thereby affectingonlyannoying mosquitoesand forcing them to leave the area of​​therepellent action.Ultrasounds are emitted by mobile in all directions, asthelightemitted by a fluorescent. Hard materials(walls,ceilings,furniture, glass, etc.) Allow better spreading ofSoundwavesbounce on them, while soft materials (cardboard,curtains,carpets,etc.) Absorb them.How does it work ?.It is scientifically proven that only female mosquitoesbiteduringthe period of gestation, to feed. In this state thefemalesavoidthe males who locate for the buzz they emitProtection of 2 meters. will protect 2 meters around all yourbody.Mosquitoes do not go!It can happen to notice mosquitoes around you, but youshouldknowthat it is male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes do notfeedonblood.Although its effectiveness is proven with most mosquitospecies,wecan not guarantee its effectiveness in all speciesofmosquitoes,but their use can help reduce your discomfort,lowerincidence fromthe disappearance of the same. Anti mosquitorepellercan notcertify the use to scare any particularspecies.! Warning!Although the emission of sounds is real not useascientificallyproven, nor is it guaranteed itseffectiveness,therefore alwaysrecommend a method to use analternative systemtogether.Please read carefully the explanation of the operation.TRY !!DOWNLOAD NOW, IT'S FREE !!!
mosquito repellent prank 4.0.0
*** WARNING *** This is a joke.CAVEAT:Read the following carefully.If you hear nothing, do not worry ultrasound not everyone canlistento the broadcast at a higher frequency.Does not always work, take alternative measures.What is ultrasound?Acoustic signals to a higher frequency that the human earcanperceive.Due to the higher auditory and sensory ability ofmosquitoes,ultrasounds are high frequency waves that can beperceived by thembut not for the people, thereby affecting onlyannoying mosquitoesand forcing them to leave the area of therepellent action.Ultrasounds are emitted by mobile in all directions, as thelightemitted by a fluorescent. Hard materials (walls,ceilings,furniture, glass, etc.) Better allow recreation of Soundwavesbounce in them, while soft materials (cardboard, curtains,carpets,etc.) Absorb them.How does it work ?.It is scientifically proven that only female mosquitoes biteduringthe period of gestation, to feed. In this state the femalesavoidthe males to locate for the buzz that emitProtection of 2 meters. 2 meters will protect you fromallyourbody.Mosquitoes do not go!It may be that observe mosquitoes around you, but you shouldknowthat it is male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes do not feedonblood.Although its effectiveness is proven with most mosquito species,wecan not guarantee its effectiveness in all species ofmosquitoes,although its use can help reduce your discomfort fromlowerincidence to the disappearance of the same. Anti mosquitorepellercan not certify the use to scare any particularspecies.! Caveat!Although the emission of sounds is real not use ascientificallyproven, nor is guaranteed its effectiveness,therefore alwaysadvisable to use an alternative method using asystemtogether.Please carefully read the explanation of the operation.TRY !!DOWNLOAD NOW, IT'S FREE !!!
Best repellent 1.0
Ever wanted to sit outside and not beannoyedbyvarious insects?Now we are introducing you the BEST REPELLENT EVER MADE,choosetheinsect or animal youwish to avoid and enjoy your time outside or scare the animalsoutofyour home!This must have repellent offers you protectionagainstthefollowing animals and insects:- mosquito- marten- wasp- dog- fly- rat- racoon- skunk- bear- mouse- ant- cat- bat- roebuck- wolfGraphics/images are copyright by Maja Žnidarič.
Anti-mosquito prak 5.0.0
CAVEAT:Read the following carefully.If you hear nothing, do not worry ultrasound not everyone canlistento the broadcast at a higher frequency.Does not always work, take alternative measures.What is ultrasound?Acoustic signals to a higher frequency that the human earcanperceive.Due to the higher auditory and sensory ability ofmosquitoes,ultrasounds are high frequency waves that can beperceived by thembut not for the people, thereby affecting onlyannoying mosquitoesand forcing them to leave the area of therepellent action.Ultrasounds are emitted by mobile in all directions, as thelightemitted by a fluorescent. Hard materials (walls,ceilings,furniture, glass, etc.) Better allow recreation of Soundwavesbounce in them, while soft materials (cardboard, curtains,carpets,etc.) Absorb them.How does it work ?.It is scientifically proven that only female mosquitoes biteduringthe period of gestation, to feed. In this state the femalesavoidthe males to locate for the buzz that emitProtection of 2 meters. 2 meters will protect you fromallyourbody.Mosquitoes do not go!It may be that observe mosquitoes around, but you should knowthatit is male mosquitoes. The male mosquitoes do not feedonblood.Although its effectiveness is proven with most mosquito species,wecan not guarantee its effectiveness in all species ofmosquitoes,although its use can help reduce your discomfort fromlowerincidence to the disappearance of the same. Anti JokeMosquitoescan not certify the use to scare any particularspecies.! Caveat!Although the emission of sounds is real not use ascientificallyproven, nor is guaranteed its effectiveness,therefore alwaysadvisable to use an alternative method using asystemtogether.Please carefully read the explanation of the operation.TRY !!DOWNLOAD NOW, IT'S FREE !!!