Top 19 Apps Similar to PALS Sim 2012

ACLS Sim 2012 1.2
'Anesoft ACLS Sim 2012' is the third ofaseries of apps from Anesoft Corporation to improveyourresuscitation skills. This app enables you to rehearsemegacodemanagement - anytime, anywhere. With regular practice youwillalways be ready to run a full cardiac resuscitation.You must evaluate the patient and electrocardiogramrhythm,decide on the appropriate management, and guide twoassistantsthrough the resuscitation. The assistants are skilled,but willonly do what you tell them to do. You must serve as theteam leaderfor the resuscitation efforts.The 12 case scenarios included with this app were writtenbyHoward Schwid, MD. The first three cover ventricularfibrillation,the next two are for pulseless ventriculartachycardia, anothercovers asystole, and the remainder of the casescover thetachycardia algorithm.
ACLS Sim 2012 Lite 1.4
This is a demo version of ACLS Sim 2012.Tounlock all 12 cases download the full version here.'Anesoft ACLS Sim 2012' is the third of a series of appsfromAnesoft Corporation to improve your resuscitation skills. Thisappenables you to rehearse megacode management - anytime,anywhere.With regular practice you will always be ready to run afullcardiac resuscitation.You must evaluate the patient and electrocardiogramrhythm,decide on the appropriate management, and guide twoassistantsthrough the resuscitation. The assistants are skilled,but willonly do what you tell them to do. You must serve as theteam leaderfor the resuscitation efforts.The 12 case scenarios included with this app were writtenbyHoward Schwid, MD. The first three cover ventricularfibrillation,the next two are for pulseless ventriculartachycardia, anothercovers asystole, and the remainder of the casescover thetachycardia algorithm. The Lite version includes case 1only.
PALS Review 2.1.1
High-quality, realistic PALS practice exams based on the 2015AHAguidelines.
PALS MegaCodes Amer Heart 2015 1.15
MegaCodes Pediatric Advanced Life Support reflects themostrecentAmerican Hrt Guidelines needed by paramedics, EMTs,nurses,medicalstudents, and physicians. Participate in PALSMegaCodeswhere youare the team leader and you make the decisions tosave thelives ofchildren with acute illnesses and injuries. Pleaseviewthescreenshots before purchasing. Features: •RealisticPALSAmericanHrt code simulations. •Make the life-and-deathdecisions inPALSscenarios
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
Children Resuscitation Aid
All resuscitation data based on the weight of the patient(childrenand adult)
Real Time CPR Guide 3.01
Chen Gantz
There is no more frustrating feeling to seeaperson needing help and you cannot help him or are afraid tohelphim.With "Real Time CPR Guide" this is not going to happen.As a CPR course instructor, lots of students told me that"intimes of stress I would never be able to remember what to do,and Iwould probably prefer not to perform CPR"."Real Time CPR Guide" comes to resolve this fear, becausetheapplication displays the CPR flow in an easy and intuitiveway.Furthermore,with "Real Time CPR Guide" you can learn howtoperform CPR the correct way and also remember its steps.In time of need, the application will guide you throughthecorrect flow steps and will explain to you how to performeachstep."Real Time CPR Guide" displays videos without networkconnectionso you can take it with you whereever you go.NOTE - If you have comments, an idea how to improvethisapplication or if you find bug, I would really appreciate ifyoucontact me so I can make this application better.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
ICD 9 Lite 2012 2.2.0
Icd,icd9data,Medicalcodes,Doctor,icd9code,Diagnosis,Healthcare,9,ic,billing,icd9cm,icd9cmICD9-CM puts the complete, latest ICD9-CM on your mobile.Optimized for Honeycomb , now you can use same app onyourandroid phone and your honeycomb tablet .The 2012 ICD9-CM diagnosis codes are instantly searchableandalso browsable by their traditional categories. Search by codeordiagnosis, through the whole ICD9-CM or through just a categoryorselected nonspecific code. Images within the list indicatewhethera code is specific or nonspecific. Tap to view the diagnosisandthe full text of its standard ICD-9 long description and to additto your Favorites list for immediate access later.The same features are available for the ICD9-CM procedurecodes,too, used primarily for facility billing: search, browse,view longdescriptions, and add to your Favorites list.Features at a glance:1. Complete 2012 ICD9-CM diagnosis codes and 2008 ICD9-CMprocedurecodes, with all sub codes and all long descriptions: over21,000individual codes, instantly accessible?2. Search within any list of codes, by code number, bydiagnosis,and by full text of long descriptions?3. Browse diagnoses and ICD9-CM procedures by categoryandsubcategory; easily limit searches to particularcategories?4. Distinguish specific from non-specific codes at a glance; tapanon-specific code to view its specific children. Navigate toitsparent to quickly compare one specific diagnosis toanother,ensuring you code for maximum reimbursement everytime.?5 Keep a Favorites list of diagnoses and procedures, whichmayinclude specific and nonspecific codes.6 Support google quick search to allow search icd code withoutevenopen the application (you need to select ICD 9 CM as seachableitemin search menu inside android settings like inapplicationscreenshots).7 Show Mapping to ICD 10 and type of mapping directorapproximate8 Unlimited number of favorite icd codes can be set .
AIDS 2012 1
The mobile app for the XIXInternationalAIDSConference in Washington DC, USA from 22 to 27July 2012.The International AIDS Conference is the premiergatheringforthose working in the field of HIV, as well aspolicymakers,persons living with HIV and other individualscommitted toendingthe pandemic. It is a chance to assess where weare,evaluaterecent scientific developments and lessons learnt,andcollectivelychart a course forward.The mobile app allows you to:- Browse the complete scientific programme by days andtopics.- Create your own personal programme.- Locate rooms and exhibitor stands on the floor plan.- Search the entire programme.- Share content with colleagues via email,FacebookandTwitter.- Take notes, create To Do lists and much more!Have you created a conference profile at Ifso,youcan synchronize your online itinerary with “MyItinerary”within theapp. All you need to do is log into the appwith yourconferenceprofile. You don’t have a profile yet? Sign!This application collects anonymous usage data.
EMGuidance - Medicines Info 5.5.33
Clinical Medicines Information & Drug Education forHealthcareWorkers
BMJ Best Practice 2.4
Diagnose. Treat. Manage. Learn.BMJ Best Practice is a trusted, authoritative clinicaldecisionsupport tool that provides quick, easy-to-use answers toclinicalquestions.The BMJ Best Practice app provides clinicians, medicalstudents,nurses, and other healthcare professionals, with quick,convenientand relevant access to:- All content is available offline (once downloaded)- Clinical guidelines and research evidence- Expert opinion to back up your clinical decisions- Topics structured in digestible sections, includingprevention,diagnosis and treatment- Over 1000 diagnoses and diagnostic tests- Over 3500 medical images- Fully referenced evidence-based guidelinesThis app is available for android devices operating OS4andabove. It includes 20 free SAMPLE topics.New in this version:- Increased app speed - find all of your clinical questionsfaster,even when offline- Red flag conditions now displayed in Diagnosis >Differentialdiagnosis- Easy navigation with page numbers now displayed withineachtopic- Improved app interface & font- Improved search to give more accurate resultsAnnual subscriptions for additional content across a rangeofspecialties are available to purchase, depending on yourspecificinformation needs. Content bundles range in price from£4.99 to£59.99 for All topics. All purchased content can beaccessed onmultiple devices by signing into your account.If your institution subscribes to BMJ Best Practice, you willbeable to download 'All topics' for FREE via an access codeorthrough your institutions wi-fi/network. To find out more,eitherask your institutional administrator, or read: US: Please email our customer service team ([email protected]) if youhavequestions or experience problems purchasing oraccessingcontent.
PT Pal 1.1-standard
PT PAL is a personalized physical therapytoolthat tracks, stores and schedules your personal exercises,whilecounting your seconds, sets and rep during your exercises. Useitat work, hotel or anywhere you want! Images, videos,audioincluded.Stores, schedules and tracks physical therapy exercises.Itoffers pictures, diagrams, and audio/video and recordsexerciseseconds, reps, sets and rest seconds. It is deliberatelysimple,intuitive and portable, which makes it an easy fit withusers andtheir lifestyles.For physical therapists:What is PT Pal?PT PAL is the first clinical mobile app used to manageinteractionbetween a clinician and patient.- Improve outcomes- Engaging patients in their therapy- Visibility into patient adherence- Monitor and modify therapy prescriptions remotely- Lowers costs by helping them heal faster and better- Get reimbursed
AHA eBook Reader 7.4.0
Access your American Heart Association (AHA) eBooks online,offlineor anytime.
101 Last Min Study Tips (EMT) 2.1.1
101 study cards with fast facts and critical thinking questions.
AED Locator UK 1.3
If someone suffers a cardiac arrest, gettinganAutomatic External Defibrillator (AED) to them as quicklyaspossible can greatly improve their chance of survival.Fortunately,publicly accessible AEDs are now widely available.This app has one main purpose, to tell you where thenearestpublicly accessible AEDs are located.It uses your current location and a list of knownpubliclyaccessible AEDs to find the AEDs that are nearest to you.Each AEDis marked on the map and, when selected, details of theAED'slocation are displayed.The app also contains a graphic supplied by theEuropeanResuscitation Council that illustrates the Basic LifeSupport (BLS)actions that should be carried out when someone hassuffered acardiac arrest.Notes:• The AED location data is collected by the SouthCentralAmbulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. At this time, onlyAEDslocated within their operational area are listed. Hopefully, inthefuture, AEDs from other areas in the UK will be included.• A menu action is provided to download the current versionofthe AED list so you can keep your device up to date with thelatestadditions and corrections.• The distances displayed by the app are "as the crow flies"andthey do not take into account the actual route you would havetotake to reach a given AED.• To display the map, your Android device must have agoodquality internet connection (WiFi or 3G).• To display the BLS graphic, your Android device must haveanimage display app installed.• SCAS and the app developer make every effort to ensurethequality of the information available in this app and updatetheinformation regularly. However, before relying on theinformationsupplied by this app, users should carefully evaluateits accuracy,currency, completeness and relevance for theirpurposes. SCAS andthe app developer cannot guarantee and assume nolegal liability orresponsibility for the accuracy, currency,completeness orinterpretation of the information or the fitness forpurpose of theapp.
MedRett-compact-light 2.3
Default values ​​in the rescue service - fast & clear
Learn CPR! 2.1.0
Learn CPR! is designed to help you learn CPR or brush up on yourCPRskills.
Advanced Trauma Life Support 1.10
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to testyourdecision-makingskills in simulated trauma cases. TraumaLifeSupport Features:Primary Survey and ResuscitationAirwayMaintenance Secondary Surveyand Management Airway andVentilatoryManagement OropharyngealAirway Insertion NasopharyngealAirwayInsertion Adult OrotrachealIntubation Laryngeal MaskAirwayInsertion Laryngeal Tube AirwayInsertion InfantEndotrachealIntubation Needle CricothyroidotomySurgicalCricothyroidotomyShock Femoral Venipuncture: SeldingerSubclavianVenipunctureInternal Jugular VenipunctureIntraosseousPuncture/Infusion VenousCutdown Thoracic Trauma PrimarySurveySecondary Survey NeedleThoracentesis Chest TubeInsertionPericardiocentesis Chest X-RayReview Abdominal and PelvicTraumaFocused Assessment SonographyTrauma DiagnosticPeritonealLavage—Open Diagnostic PeritonealLavage—ClosedApplication of aPelvic Binder Techniques to ReducePelvic FracturesHead TraumaMinor Brain Injury Moderate BrainInjury Severe BrainInjury HelmetRemoval Evaluation of Head CTScans Spine and SpinalCord TraumaScreening for Cervical SpineInjury SuspectedThoracolumbar SpineInjury Cervical Spine X-RayAssessmentAtlanto-Occipital JointAssessment Assessing SpineInjuries Thoracicand Lumbar X-RayAssessment MusculoskeletalTrauma AssessmentExtremityImmobilization Realignment of DeformedExtremities TractionSplintApplication Compartment SyndromeIdentification of ArterialInjuryBurn Injuries Pediatric TraumaTrauma During Pregnancy Pleasereviewthe screen images beforedownloading.