Top 15 Apps Similar to La Citadelle Du Musulman

La citadelle du musulman 2.4
This now famous book is a classification
Hisnul Al Muslim - Hisn Invoca 2.4.0
Fortress of the Muslim, Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah
حصن المسلم - أذكار 4.0
Fortress of the Muslim book
La Citadelle du Musulman 1.3
The Fortress of the Muslim, Islamic invocations, French and Arabic.
40 Rabbanas (Quranic duas) 2.3
Abdullah apps
40 Rabbanas (Quranic supplication) contains 40 supplications(Duas)of Quran
Hisn AlMuslim DuAa 5.0
Hisn AlMuslim "Fortress of the Muslim"
La citadelle du musulman Pro 3.3
La Citadelle Du Musulman, Version Pro.Arabe-Français-Translittération (phonétique)Rappels et Invocations selon Le Coran et La Sunnah.Caractéristiques:- 132 chapitres.- 265 pistes audio pour l'écoute et la prononciation.- Lecteur Audio(Play, Pause, Stop)- Curseur de sélection rapide des chapitres.Cette application se veut être un recueil d'invocations pourchaquesituation et moment de la vie du musulman." Ceux qui croient, et dont les coeurs se tranquilisent au rappeldeDieu,N'est-ce pas que les coeurs se tranquillisent au rappel deDieu? "le Tonnerre (Sourate 13) - Verset 28.Fréquence de Mise à Jour: 1 par mois.From the CitadelMuslimPro version.Arabic-French-Transliteration (phonetic)Reminders and Invocations by the Qur'an and the Sunnah.Features:- 132 chapters.- 265 audio tracks for listening and pronunciation.- Audio Player (Play, Pause, Stop)- Quick Selection Cursor chapters.This application is meant to be a collection of invocations foreachsituation and moment in the life of a Muslim."Those who believe, and whose hearts tranquilisent to recall God,Isit not that the hearts find satisfaction in the remembranceofAllah?"Thunder (Sura 13) - Verse 28.Update frequency: 1 per month.
Hisnul Muslim | حصن المسلم 6.5
NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if uhavesuggestions/corrections! This app consists ofauthenticdu'as/ssupplications, remembrance/azkaar from the Quranand sunnah.Most of this app is adapted from the popular book ofauthenticsupplications, "Hisnul-Muslim" compiled by the Shaykh,Sa'eed IbnWahf Al-Qahtaanee. The rest of the supplications consistof Duasfrom the Qur'an and some other authentic duas from thesunnah,compiled from various mentioned sources. Features-------------- -Translation languages: ENGLISH, FRENCH, URDU, ROMANURDU -Transliterations to help those who are still learning arabic(Note:it is NOT recommended to rely on this and abandon learningarabic).- Audio for each dua, listen & repeat (formemorization) - DuaTEXT and AUDIO SHARING - Search for any dua -search using title,translation or phonetic! - References for eachdua - Mark yourfavorites for easy access - Umrah section - umrahduas compiled ina simple step-by-step guide form. - 99 Names ofAllaah - Extrareading
Time 4 Dhikr 8.5
Time 4 Dhikr
40 Rabbanas (duaas of Quran)
This application is a collection of 40Duas(Duʿā' - invocations) of the Qur'an that begin with theword"rabbana - رَبَّنَا"(Our Lord).Each rabbana is displayed in Arabic with its translation (inseverallanguages) and transcription.The audio is available too!
Doa & Zikr (Hisnul Muslim) 3.1.4
Live your daily life with authentic doa' and zikr.
Hisnii: Dua & daily Reminders 2.0.6
Fahed Mahidi
The best Islamic app for authentic supplications (dua) anddailyreminders !
Supplications of Islam - Duas 2.3.1
When it comes to Supplications of Islamthereare so many ways one can earn countless blessings. Did youknowthere is an invocation for almost everything we do!From the time when we perform Ablution (Wudu), going totheMosque, to beginning your Prayer, there are supplications forjustabout everything. There are Supplications related to Manners soyouknow the invocation for visiting the sick, sneezing, Anger,gettingdressed, going to the restroom, for enemies, and even forsettlinga debt. With Supplications of Islam you can always be sureto findthe right invocation for you.Search and Read Islamic Supplications along with IslamicDuasright from your Android Device!Supplication Categories include:• Mosque and Prayers (going to the mosque, entering themosqueetc.)• General (protection of children, worry and grief etc.)• Manners Related (anger, sneezing etc.)• Daily Usage (getting dressed, completing ablution etc.)Users are free to share invocations with friends & familyviasocial sharing or they can add them to their favourites.The World of Islam is filled with so many ways Muslims can getsomany blessings and move on to being a better human being.ThisIslamic App can serve as the perfect Islamic companion App withourother Islamic Apps.Don’t forget to visit our website at formoreinformation.
L'Exégèse du dernier Dixième 1.1
Tafseer Info
Sommaire du livrePremièrement : des versets coraniques et desparolesprophétiquesau sujet du mérite du Coran, de sa récitation etdufait de méditerdessus.Deuxièmement : les trois dernières parties du Noble Coranquelesmusulmans lisent et mémorisent le plus fréquemment.Troisièmement : l’explication (Tafsîr) de cestroisdernièresparties. En effet, on ne peut en tirer profitentièrement,lesméditer et appliquer ce qu’elles contiennent commerègles,qu’enprenant connaissance de leur signification.Quatrièmement : l’explication de la croyance du musulmandedeuxmanières :Sous forme de questions-réponses : des réponses concises etclairesà60 questions sur les points les plus importants delacroyance;Sous forme de dialogue et de récits édifiants rapportésdanslarubrique « Dialogue pacifique »Cinquièmement : les piliers de l’Islam en commençant parladoubleattestation de foi, puis les règles de la purification,laprière, laZakât, le jeûne et le Pèlerinage.Sixièmement : nous avons mentionné danslesquestions-réponsesayant trait à la croyance, l’interdictiondevisiter les sorcierset les devins. L’Islam recommande et permetparcontre l’exorcisme(en prononçant des versets coraniques etdesinvocationsprophétiques) afin que le musulman se réfugieauprèsd’Allah entoutes circonstances. Puis, nous avonsmentionnélescaractéristiques des sorciers et devins, et ladifférence qu’ily aentre eux et les personnes pieuses (quipratiquentl’exorcismepermis), car la plupart des charlatansrevêtent l’habitde lapersonne pieuse (pour mieux tromper lesgens).Septièmement : nous avons également mentionnédanslesquestions-réponses ayant trait à lacroyance,l’interdictiond’adresser les demandes et d’invoquer lesmorts etles walis, endehors d’Allah. Nous avons donc mentionné cequi estpermis dans cedomaine, c’est-à-dire invoquer Allah, de lamanièredont leProphète ε l’a fait ; de même, nous avons cité lescausesdel’exaucement des invocations et les choses quil’empêchent,etdonné des exemples d’invocations rapportées dans laSunna.Puis,nous avons abordé le rappel d’Allah, ses mérites etsonutilité, etdonné des exemples de formules de rappel rapportéesdanslaSunna.Huitièmement : De manière concise, nous avons rapporté plusde70moyens d‘accomplir des œuvres méritoires, puisés danslelivreRiyâdh as-Sâlihîn, présentés sous forme de tableau,avecl’œuvreméritoire et le hadith authentique qui mentionne leméritequi s’yrapporte ; également, vous trouverez en résumé 60œuvres quisontinterdites en Islam, avec la preuve pour chacuned’elle.Neuvièmement : En conclusion de cet ouvrage, voustrouverezladescription des ablutions et de la prière illustrée,ainsi quedeserreurs fréquentes commises dans ces deux rituelsBook SummaryFirst: Koranic verses and prophetic words about the meritsoftheQur'an, its recitation and Pondering over.Secondly, the last three parts of the Qur'an that Muslimsreadandmemorize the most frequently.Third, the explanation (Tafsir) of the last threegames.Indeed,one can not benefit fully, meditate and apply therules astheycontain, by taking knowledge of their meaning.Fourth: the explanation of the Muslim belief in two ways:Form of questions and answers: concise and clear 60 questionsonthemost important issues of belief responses;Form of dialogue and cautionary tales reportedin"peacefuldialogue"Fifth: the pillars of Islam, starting with the doubletestimonyoffaith and the rules of purification, prayer, zakat,fastingandpilgrimage.Sixth, we mentioned in the questions and answersrelatingtobelief, the ban on visiting sorcerers and soothsayers.Islamallowsand recommends against exorcism (pronouncing Qur'anicversesandprophetic invocations) to the Muslim seeks refuge withAllah inallcircumstances. Then we mentioned the characteristicsofsorcerersand soothsayers, and the difference between them andthepiouspeople (who practice exorcism permit), because mostofcharlatansare of the habit of the pious person (forbetterdeceivepeople).Seventh, we also mentioned in the questions andanswersrelatingto belief, the prohibition of address requests andinvokethe deadand Walis, besides Allah. We have mentioned what isallowedin thisarea, that is to say of Allaah, how the ε Prophetdid, well,wecited the causes of the fulfillment of invocations andthingsthatprevent this and gave examples of invocations reportedintheSunnah. Then we discussed the remembrance of Allah, itsmeritsandutility and gave examples of formulas return reportedintheSunnah.Eighth: In brief, we reported more than 70 waystoperformmeritorious works, taken from the book RiyadhdidSaaliheenpresented in tabular form, with the meritorious andtheauthentichadith which mentions the merit s 'thereto, also, youwillfind asummary of 60 works that are prohibited in Islam, withtheevidencefor each.Ninth: In conclusion of this book, you will find adescriptionofthe ablution and prayer illustrated, as well as commonmistakesinthese rituals
30 Duaas (Invocations)
In Islam, Dua (دعاء) which literallymeans"invocation" is an act of supplication.This application is a collection of 34 duaas with audio for eachDuawith translation and phonetic transcription.