Top 17 Apps Similar to X-ray Scanner Prank

X-Ray Scanner: Augmented Prank 1.5.14
This is the perfect app to make a prank toyourfriends. It is designed to trick your friends that you havex-rayscanner in your phone! The rules of this app are quitesimple: Ituses Augmented Reality technique. The app combines theview of thecamera and enlarged photo of x-rayed hand or foot. Youcan scrollthe picture in any direction by tilting your phone. Tellyour friendto put hand on the table (left or right), then put thephone withthis app running above. When you synchronize moving andtilting ofthe phone you will make an illusion that you see theirbones!
Optical visual illusions 1.2
Optical visual illusions - this is the gameforoptical cheating your vision and brain! Images hypnotize youandchange the perception of reality. The game has severalpulsatingillusions, it may seem that they are moving, but in factthey aremotionless. Do not stare into optical illusions for a longtime - itmay cause dizziness. Install the application on your ownrisk. Allpictures are in the game are static, but can cause avariety ofvisual effects - motion, undulation, pulsation, andmore. The wholeimage is very high quality and can enter into atrance. Show thesevisual illusions to your friends, they will beshocked!
Illusion 6.6.6
> You will not believe your eyes. Best illusion here
Xray Scanner Prank 1.0
Xray scanner Prank can stimulate theeffectsofthe X-ray machine. You can use it to prank your friends inorderforthem to think that your mobile phone has the capabilitytoprovidean image. By providing the right set up of the scanner,youareprovided with a good illusion that looks like the realimageofbones in your body parts.XRay scanner prank application will display some fakeimageofx-ray skeleton of the left hand. Once you downloadtheapplication,you can scan your leg, hand or even your chest.Youwill just needto point the camera few inches away from the partofthe body thenwait for scanning process to be completed. Aftertheprocess iscompletely done, you will now see the result ofyourscanner X. Youcan tilt your mobile phone to scroll the imageofyour bodypart.The prank application is a very amusing prank. However,youneedto do it the right way.For you to gain more knowledge about these application, herearethebest features that this application can offer you.•You can scan different parts of your body looking likearealx-ray image•This application uses sound, vibrator and flashlight•It is very easy to use and learn•You can do some live scanning of your body parts•This prank app uses the camera and not the G-Sensor for youtohavea much better resultThis is how great and cool this app is because it willprovideyoutotal entertainment.•This prank was created to make fun with your friendsorotherfamily members.•It was intended to provide great entertainment without doingarealscanning process.•It is only prank application in order to trick friends•It is a fun game to play with your good friendsHere are the simple instructions on how to use thex-rayscannerapplication.•You need to hover your camera over your friend’s bodypartthatyou wanted to scan•Now, start by tapping on the top of your friend’s body parts•Move your finger down until your scanning process is over•You can tap anywhere to make a new scan or you can clickthebackbutton if you want to scan the other parts of yourfriend’sbody tocontinue the fun.However, you should always remember that it isjustpurelyentertainment and not for any other purpose. Usingthisapplicationwill provide you real entertainment, fun andgreattricks for yourfriends. Now, this app can scan the followingbodyparts:•Skull•Chest•Left foot•Right foot•Left hand•Right handIt is compatible with smartphones, android and anytabletsthatyou wanted to use. Most of the users of this applicationaretrulyenjoying themselves in making pranks with their friends.Mostofthem have rated this xray scanner prank with five starsbecauseitis fun to play with. Here are some of the greatcustomerreviewssaid about this application.The application is a free app for android that canbedownloadedin your phone or tablet. It the best way to trickpeoplearound youif you want to make fun of them. So if you wanttoexperience thegreat things about this app, try to download it.Forsure, this appwill be your most favorite app among theotherapplications thatyou have in your phone
Optical Illusions 3.3
Funny optical illusions. It will get in your mind. Get it nowforfree
Optical Illusions - Illusion 2.8
A wonderful collection of amazing illusions.
Super XRay Camera
This app use video camera. Super XRayCamerashows xray scanning in real time video. With this app you canseethe skeleton of the hand.Instructions- Open Xray scanner application.- Point the camera at the person's hand. The fingers need tokeepapart!- You will see the bones of the hand, palm and fingers.- You can move your hand and fingers.Using the top button you can change the mode of thebackground(actual or black). Using the lower buttons you can saveor viewsaved image.Scanner works better if the hand is on a uniform background withacolor much different from the color of the hand and thelightingevenly. It also works better if the hand lies on thesurface.This app for fun and simulates effect of X-Ray scanning. This isforprank.
Mobile X-ray Scanner 1.0
Mobile application is becoming trendytoday.Itallows you to make the best out of your mobile phone. Itwillenableyou to have more fun and sometimes, play tricks thatwillmake yourfriends and family be fooled with it. There are lotsofmobileapplications you can choose from in the AndroidMarket.However,among all of these different apps, there is one appthatyou willsurely like and that is the X-ray Scanner prank. It isanappthatwasdesigned for real entertainment purposes.It is one of the new apps that were introduced in the marketthatissimilar with x-ray scanning. Itis not used for anyotherpurposesbut for fun only. It was created to shock and prankthefriendsaround you as well as to amaze them. It is consideredasone of thetop apps that were chosen by most of the peoplewholoveto have fun.It is a free application that you candownloadwith your mobilephone or your tablet. So if you want totryscanning your feet oryour hands, try downloading this appandexperience what this app iscapable of offering you. Throughtheuse of this app, you will beprovided with real images thatotherpeople would think that it’s areal x-ray. This kind of app isthebest app inmaking a prank toyour friends.So for you to become more knowledge about thisx-rayscannerapplication, it has the capability to make an amusingprankbydisplaying the fake image of an x-ray result throughyourphone.You can scan different parts of your body such as theskull,legs,hands and chest. However,you need to have the correctset upsothat you will get a great illusion of this appandbeprovidedwithan amazing image of the body parts that youhavescanned. Once youare done scanning already, tilt your mobilephoneor tablet toscroll down the x-ray result. In addition, youwillalso have thechance to change the speed, color and size oritssettings to makeyour jokes with your friends become morerealistic.This type ofapp is very fun to play with and of course,easy touse.Here are the great features of x-ray scanner applicationthatwillsurely catch your attention instantly. Using this app,itwillprovide you live scanning of different body parts suchasfeet,chest, legs and your skull. It uses flashlight,sound,vibrator andcamera that would generate a good result lookinglike areal x-rayimage. This application provides innovation when itcomesto addingnew body parts to be scanned by the app. They willallowyou to getupdates about the app. Because of theseexcellentfeatures, youwill now have a good application in yourphone thatyou could useto prank your friend.Since everyone keeps on searching for a good applicationinthemarket, this X-ray scanner is best option for everybody.Herearesome of the proofs that will help you be encouragedtodownloadtheapp.It could truly capture your heart.• Some people find it amusing, short and easy to use.Eventhoughthere is not much challenge in using this unlikeinotherapplications, it is still a good chance to make apracticaljoke toyour friends.• Provides more fun. If your friend doesn’t knowthisapplicationyet, they would not notice that it is just afakeimageresult.• Provides a pleasant image and result. The image providedbythisapp looks like a real x-ray result with a greatquality.• A clever piece of software. Although this is a littlebitstrangeto others,it will be lovedby them once they startedusingit. Itwill cover your screen with a fake x-ray but it willlooklike areal one.
Обман зрения 3.0.2
Обманом зрения называюттакиеэффектызрительного восприятия, которые возникаютнепроизвольноилисознательно у человека наблюдающего определенныеизображения.Такие эффекты называют также оптическими иллюзиями–ошибкамизрительного восприятия, причиной которыхявляютсянеточность или женеадекватность процессов, происходящихпринеосознаваемой коррекциизрительных образов. Кроме того, впроцессевозникновения оптическихиллюзий также принимаютучастиефизиологические особенности органовзрения и психологическиеаспектывизуального восприятия.Обман зрения, представленный в этом приложении,заключаетсявискажении восприятия путем неправильной оценкидлиныотрезков,величины углов, цветов видимого объекта и др.Егонаиболеепопулярными типами являются иллюзиивосприятияглубины,перевертыши, стереопары и иллюзии движения.К иллюзиям восприятия глубины относитсянеадекватноеотражениеизображенного предмета. Наиболее известнымипримерамитаких иллюзийявляются двухмерные контурные картинки – приихнаблюдении, онибессознательно воспринимаются мозгомкакодновыпуклые. Кроме того,искажения при восприятии глубиныспособныпривести к неправильнойоценке геометрических размеров (внекоторыхслучаях ошибкадостигает 25%).Обман зрения перевертыш заключается в изображениитакойкартинки,восприятие которой зависит от направлениявзгляда.Стереопары позволяют наблюдать стереоскопическоеизображениепутемналожения их на периодические структуры.Фокусировка взглядазакартинкой приводит к наблюдениюстереоскопического эффекта.Движущиеся иллюзии представляют собойпериодическиеизображения,продолжительный взгляд на которые приводитквизуальному восприятиюперемещения из отдельных частей.Виды обмана зрения:-обман зрения на основе восприятия цвета;-обман зрения на основе контраста;-искривляющие иллюзии;-оптический обман восприятия глубины;-оптический обман восприятия размера;-контурный обман зрения;-обман зрения «перевертыши»;-комната Эймса;-движущиеся оптические иллюзии.-стерео-иллюзии, или, как их еще называют:«3dкартинки»,стереокартинки.В приложении собраны, как классические иллюзии, так исамыеновые,выложенные в свободный доступ, от известных художниковипсихологов.Задачей проекта является познакомить читателейсразличными видамииллюзий, их авторами, дать общее представлениеопонятии "оптическаяиллюзия". Коллекция далеко не полна, носовременем, возможно,благодаря совместными усилиями автораипользователей, будетпополняться.Преимущества:Быстрая загрузка картинокЕжедневное обновление базы картинокПоддержка планшетов (HD),Можно поделиться с друзьямиПриложение предназначено для русскоязычных пользователей.Все материалы используемые в приложении взяты изгруппыВКонтакте effects of visual perception that arisespontaneouslyorconsciously in humans there is a certain image.Such effects are also called optical illusions - errorsofvisualperception, which are due to the inaccuracy or inadequacyoftheprocesses occurring during unconscious correction ofvisualimages.In addition, during the occurrence of opticalillusions arealsoinvolved physiological characteristics of theorgans of visionandpsychological aspects of visual perception.Optical illusion presented in this app lies in thedistortionofperception by an incorrect assessment of the lengthofthesegments, the angles, colors of the visible object, andothers.Hismost popular types are the illusion of depthperception,shifters,the stereo pair and an illusion ofmovement.To the illusion of depth perception relatesinadequatereflectionof the object depicted. The best-known examplesof suchillusionsare two-dimensional contour pictures - whenobserved,theyunconsciously perceived by the brain as odnovypuklye.Inaddition,the distortion in the perception of depth can lead toanincorrectevaluation of the geometric dimensions (in somecases,the error is25%).Optical illusion Changeling is a picture image, theperceptionofwhich depends on the direction of gaze.Stereopairs possible to observe a stereoscopicimagebysuperimposing them on a periodic structure. Focus viewofthepicture leads to the observation of the stereoscopiceffect.Moving illusions are recurrent images, long look at thatleadstovisual perception of moving parts.Types of fraud:-obman view on the basis of color perception;-obman view on the basis of the contrast;-iskrivlyayuschie illusion;-Optical deception depth perception;-Optical deception of perception size;-konturny illusion;-obman of "turncoats";-Room Ames;-dvizhuschiesya optical illusions.-Stereo-illusion, or, as they are called: «3dimage"stereoimage.In the appendix are collected, both classic illusions,andthenewest, laid out in free access to the famousartistsandpsychologists. The aim of the project is to acquaintreaderswithdifferent kinds of illusions, the authors give anoverview oftheconcept of "optical illusion." The collection is notcomplete,butwith time, probably due to the joint efforts of theauthor andtheuser will be updated.Benefits:Fast loading imagesDaily updated database of imagesSupport Tablet (HD),You can share with your friendsThe application is designed for English-speaking users.All materials used in the application are taken fromthegroupVKontakte
X-ray Scanner Prank 1.0
Xray scanner Prank can stimulate theeffectsofthe X-ray machine. You can use it to prank your friends inorderforthem to think that your mobile phone has the capabilitytoprovidean image. By providing the right set up of the scanner,youareprovided with a good illusion that looks like the realimageofbones in your body parts.XRay scanner prank application will display some fakeimageofx-ray skeleton of the left hand. Once you downloadtheapplication,you can scan your leg, hand or even your chest.Youwill just needto point the camera few inches away from the partofthe body thenwait for scanning process to be completed. Aftertheprocess iscompletely done, you will now see the result ofyourscanner X. Youcan tilt your mobile phone to scroll the imageofyour bodypart.The prank application is a very amusing prank. However,youneedto do it the right way.For you to gain more knowledge about these application, herearethebest features that this application can offer you.•You can scan different parts of your body looking likearealx-ray image•This application uses sound, vibrator and flashlight•It is very easy to use and learn•You can do some live scanning of your body parts•This prank app uses the camera and not the G-Sensor for youtohavea much better resultThis is how great and cool this app is because it willprovideyoutotal entertainment.•This prank was created to make fun with your friendsorotherfamily members.•It was intended to provide great entertainment without doingarealscanning process.•It is only prank application in order to trick friends•It is a fun game to play with your good friendsHere are the simple instructions on how to use thex-rayscannerapplication.•You need to hover your camera over your friend’s bodypartthatyou wanted to scan•Now, start by tapping on the top of your friend’s body parts•Move your finger down until your scanning process is over•You can tap anywhere to make a new scan or you can clickthebackbutton if you want to scan the other parts of yourfriend’sbody tocontinue the fun.However, you should always remember that it isjustpurelyentertainment and not for any other purpose. Usingthisapplicationwill provide you real entertainment, fun andgreattricks for yourfriends. Now, this app can scan the followingbodyparts:•Skull•Chest•Left foot•Right foot•Left hand•Right handIt is compatible with smartphones, android and anytabletsthatyou wanted to use. Most of the users of this applicationaretrulyenjoying themselves in making pranks with their friends.Mostofthem have rated this xray scanner prank with five starsbecauseitis fun to play with. Here are some of the greatcustomerreviewssaid about this application.The application is a free app for android that canbedownloadedin your phone or tablet. It the best way to trickpeoplearound youif you want to make fun of them. So if you wanttoexperience thegreat things about this app, try to download it.Forsure, this appwill be your most favorite app among theotherapplications thatyou have in your phone
Xray Scanner Prank 1.0
Apps Trackr
Xray scanner Prank can stimulate theeffectsofthe X-ray machine. You can use it to prank your friends inorderforthem to think that your mobile phone has the capabilitytoprovidean image. By providing the right set up of the scanner,youareprovided with a good illusion that looks like the realimageofbones in your body parts.XRay scanner prank application will display some fake imageofx-rayskeleton of the left hand. Once you download theapplication,youcan scan your leg, hand or even your chest. You willjust needtopoint the camera few inches away from the part of thebody thenwaitfor scanning process to be completed. After theprocessiscompletely done, you will now see the result of yourscanner X.Youcan tilt your mobile phone to scroll the image of yourbodypart.The prank application is a very amusing prank. However,youneedto do it the right way.For you to gain more knowledge about these application, herearethebest features that this application can offer you.•You can scan different parts of your body looking likearealx-ray image•This application uses sound, vibrator and flashlight•It is very easy to use and learn•You can do some live scanning of your body parts•This prank app uses the camera and not the G-Sensor for youtohavea much better resultThis is how great and cool this app is because it willprovideyoutotal entertainment.•This prank was created to make fun with your friendsorotherfamily members.•It was intended to provide great entertainment without doingarealscanning process.•It is only prank application in order to trick friends•It is a fun game to play with your good friendsHere are the simple instructions on how to use thex-rayscannerapplication.•You need to hover your camera over your friend’s bodypartthatyou wanted to scan•Now, start by tapping on the top of your friend’s body parts•Move your finger down until your scanning process is over•You can tap anywhere to make a new scan or you can clickthebackbutton if you want to scan the other parts of yourfriend’sbody tocontinue the fun.However, you should always remember that it isjustpurelyentertainment and not for any other purpose. Usingthisapplicationwill provide you real entertainment, fun andgreattricks for yourfriends. Now, this app can scan the followingbodyparts:•Skull•Chest•Left foot•Right foot•Left hand•Right handIt is compatible with smartphones, android and anytabletsthatyou wanted to use. Most of the users of this applicationaretrulyenjoying themselves in making pranks with their friends.Mostofthem have rated this xray scanner prank with five starsbecauseitis fun to play with. Here are some of the greatcustomerreviewssaid about this application.The application is a free app for android that canbedownloadedin your phone or tablet. It the best way to trickpeoplearound youif you want to make fun of them. So if you wanttoexperience thegreat things about this app, try to download it.Forsure, this appwill be your most favorite app among theotherapplications thatyou have in your phone
Lie Detector Prank 1.0
Lie detector is funny app to fool yourfriendsor family.True or False?Find out lies with LIE DETECTOR!This app is the ultimate spy tool for get fun withyourfriends.As a joke, check who is telling you the truth and who islying!Nobody will dare to lie to you anymore!Do you want to fool your friends and have fun? You will get a lotoffun with Lie Detector!HOW TO USE:- Place your finger on the scanner panel- Hold the finger while Lie Detector scans your fingerprint.- Xray laser beam will scan your finger x-ray- After scan, Lie detector will detect lie or truth.WARNING:This is a fake app for fun, it really can not detect the truth.
Xray Scanner Prank 1.0
Xray scanner Prank can stimulate theeffectsofthe X-ray cam machine. You can use it to prank yourfriends inorderfor them to think that your mobile phone has thecapabilitytoprovide an image. By providing the right set up of thescanner,youare provided with a good illusion that looks like therealimage ofbones in your body parts.XRay scanner prank application will display some fakeimageofx-ray skeleton of the left hand. Once you downloadtheapplication,you can scan your leg, hand or even your chest.Youwill just needto point the camera few inches away from the partofthe body thenwait for scanning process to be completed. Aftertheprocess iscompletely done, you will now see the result ofyourscanner X. Youcan tilt your mobile phone to scroll the imageofyour bodypart.The prank application is a very amusing prank. However,youneedto do it the right way.For you to gain more knowledge about these application, herearethebest features that this application can offer you.•You can scan different parts of your body looking likearealx-ray image•This application uses sound, vibrator and flashlight•It is very easy to use and learn•You can do some live scanning of your body parts•This prank app uses the camera and not the G-Sensor for youtohavea much better resultThis is how great and cool this app is because it willprovideyoutotal entertainment.•This prank was created to make fun with your friendsorotherfamily members.•It was intended to provide great entertainment without doingarealscanning process.•It is only prank application in order to trick friends•It is a fun game to play with your good friendsHere are the simple instructions on how to use thex-raycamscanner application.•You need to hover your camera over your friend’s bodypartthatyou wanted to scan•Now, start by tapping on the top of your friend’s body parts•Move your finger down until your scanning process is over•You can tap anywhere to make a new scan or you can clickthebackbutton if you want to scan the other parts of yourfriend’sbody tocontinue the fun.However, you should always remember that it isjustpurelyentertainment and not for any other purpose. Usingthisapplicationwill provide you real entertainment, fun andgreattricks for yourfriends. Now, this app can scan the followingbodyparts:•Skull•Chest•Left foot•Right foot•Left hand•Right handIt is compatible with smartphones, android and anytabletsthatyou wanted to use. Most of the users of this applicationaretrulyenjoying themselves in making pranks with their friends.Mostofthem have rated this xray scanner prank with five starsbecauseitis fun to play with. Here are some of the greatcustomerreviewssaid about this application.The application is a free app for android that canbedownloadedin your phone or tablet. It the best way to trickpeoplearound youif you want to make fun of them. So if you wanttoexperience thegreat things about this app, try to download it.Forsure, this appwill be your most favorite app among theotherapplications thatyou have in your phone
Xray Scanner Prank 1.0
Mobile application is becoming trendytoday.Itallows you to make the best out of your mobile phone. Itwillenableyou to have more fun and sometimes, play tricks thatwillmake yourfriends and family be fooled with it. There are lotsofmobileapplications you can choose from in the AndroidMarket.However,among all of these different apps, there is one appthatyou willsurely like and that is the X-ray Scanner prank. It isanapp thatwas designed for real entertainment purposes.It is one of the new apps that were introduced in the marketthatissimilar with x-ray scanning. It is not used for anyotherpurposesbut for fun only. It was created to shock and prankthefriendsaround you as well as to amaze them. It is consideredasone of thetop apps that were chosen by most of the people wholoveto havefun. It is a free application that you can downloadwithyour mobilephone or your tablet. So if you want to tryscanningyour feet oryour hands, try downloading this app andexperiencewhat this app iscapable of offering you. Through the useof thisapp, you will beprovided with real images that other peoplewouldthink that it’s areal x-ray. This kind of app is the best appinmaking a prank toyour friends.
Scanner Bag X-Ray 2.0
Wendy Tech
this is a game application joke.You'veprobablyall seen Rengen phones and bags of things atairports orelsewhere?Now you have the opportunity to make fun ofyou if yourphone is thesame!Bring the application to the school and show your friendsthatyoucan see if what is in their bag. How to play - Runtheapplicationby clicking on the Play button you will be askedtobring the phoneto a bag or backpack, and click the oldscanning,thenautomatically connect the camera is on you will needto putthecamera on the bag and press start redevelopment. You'llsee howitgoes rengen rays bag and then the result will be!Attention!Thisis not a real scanner and so it can not cause harm tothehealth ofyou can use it as you want! The application is builtwiththepurpose of jokes and drawings, as well as a prankonfriends.Play your friends in the classroom or at home parents as wellasayounger brother or sister. Creative imagination and workoutbeforemaking a prank. Very easy to make fun withrelanymrengenimage.Download the app is completely free now and use anywherewithoutaninternet connection! Spisibo that play with us, leaveusyourfeedback and we will try to make our game betterandmoreinteresting for you!
X-Ray Scanner 1.0.3
Turn your mobile into a Pro X-RayScanner.Scanyour friend & know her secrets with full bodyscan.Caution ! - Keep safe distance to avoid Electromagnetic radiation.Note : - This is not a real scannner. Have fun !
Radiographie X-ray Scanner 1.0
Mobile application is becoming trendytoday.Itallows you to make the best out of your mobile phone. Itwillenableyou to have more fun and sometimes, play tricks thatwillmake yourfriends and family be fooled with it. There are lotsofmobileapplications you can choose from in the AndroidMarket.However,among all of these different apps, there is one appthatyou willsurely like and that is the Radiographie X-ray Scanner.Itis an appthat was designed for real entertainment purposes.It is one of the new apps that were introduced in the marketthatissimilar with x-ray scanning. It is not used for anyotherpurposesbut for fun only. It was created to shock and prankthefriendsaround you as well as to amaze them. It is consideredasone of thetop apps that were chosen by most of the people wholoveto havefun. It is a free application that you can downloadwithyour mobilephone or your tablet. So if you want to tryscanningyour feet oryour hands, try downloading this app andexperiencewhat this app iscapable of offering you. Through the useof thisapp, you will beprovided with real images that other peoplewouldthink that it’s areal x-ray. This kind of app is the best appinmaking a prank toyour friends.There are lots of mobile application out there that youcanchoosefrom. However, this one has the best features that youwilllovefor sure. Even though this app was designed only forhavingfun, itcould provide you a different kind of experience. Sonow,you willhave the opportunity to experience what otherpeopleexperiencedwhen they downloaded and installed it in theirmobilephones andwhen they made a practical joke to their friendsusingit. Thisx-ray scanner application will truly make your worldmorefun andexciting once you use it.