Top 24 Apps Similar to Flower Arrangement Ideas

Name Card Designs 1.0
Card is a card that conveys informationaboutacompany or individual who presented only as a reminder inaformalintroductions. In general, the card contains the name ofthecompany(including the company logo) and postal address,telephonenumber,fax number and e-mail, web sites. Traditionallymany cardsthat useblack text on a white background, but the cardsare nowmany modelsthat use and implement aspects of strikingvisualdesign. Businesscards are a must for a professional.for some people have been deemed less useful, because itwasalreadyrepresented by their mobile phones. Moreover, thetendencynow withtheir smartphones more affordable and popular inthecommunity, soin exchange phone numbers, email addresses, eventhelocation of thebusiness.The function cards can also be one effective means of promotionforacompany or individual services business, to recall theserviceandthe messages we convey to potential customers.For you are planning to make a business card, thisapplicationmayhelp you in finding a suitable design for you,becausethisapplication has provided 150 pictures business carddesignwithunique and attractive design.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Bracelet Design Ideas 1.0
Bracelet is a jewelry that is wornaroundhiswrist. Bracelet basically made with ingredients chain orrubbercanalso be accompanied with beads. Bracelets can alsobemadevariously of stone, diamonds, pearls, crystals, shells,wood,withdifferent shapes and sizes.Bracelets can serve as jewelry or as a marker of status ofthepersonwearing it. Bracelets have been used throughout historybymen andwomen. Used either as jewelry or to mark differencesinmanycultures. In some cultures, bracelets can signify itsstatusandsocial class. The nobility, the royal family orwealthypeopleusually use fancy bracelets of precious metals likegold andsilverand jeweled. In the ancient Middle Eastern culturesand theancientRoman, bracelet or necklace special collar worn bytheslaves tomark their status.Now in modern times bracelet can also be attached to a label,tag,orpieces written identity of the person wearing it. Thisusageeghospital patient wristbands or bracelets tag at acluborconcert-goers. The use of more contemporary exampleoffriendshipbracelets, bangles worn the same pair or groupoffriends, orrubber bands colorful show of solidarity specifictheme,such asHIV-AIDS solidarity, nationalism, or othersolidaritytheme.For those of you who want to look nice, have a bracelet maybetheright solution. This application presents 150imagesbraceletdesign that may be able to make as a reference.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
3D Wall Pattern 1.0
Design is usually translated asappliedart,architecture, and many other creative achievement. Inasentence,the word "design" can be used both as a noun and averb.As a verb,"design" means "to make the process and create anewobject". As anoun, "design" is used to describe the end resultof acreativeprocess, be it tangible plan, proposal, or the shape ofarealobject.Graphic design or graphic design is a process ofcommunicationusingvisual elements, such as text, forms, and imagesthat areintendedto create the perception of a message delivered.Thisfield involvesa process of visual communication.Graphic design was originally applied to static media, suchasbooks,magazines, and brochures. In addition, in line withthetimes,graphic design is also applied in electronic media, whichisoftenreferred to as interactive design, ormultimediadesign.Three-dimensional or 3D or commonly abbreviated called space,istheshape of the object that has length, width, and height.Theterm isusually used in the fields of art, animation,computerandmathematics.This application is made to provide 3D designs on the wallsofthehouse, if you feel difficulty in finding how to design3Dwallinteresting and amusing, then the application is theanswer,whereyou can find a variety of attractive designs that adanlookingfor,so you do not need repot- bother looking fro toaskotherpeople.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Motorcycle Modifications 1.0
Talking about motor modification isnotendless.Two wheel enthusiasts are very large, of course itiscomparableproportional to motor modification request to lookmorecool andunsightly. Modification of the motor itself depending on the needsoftheowners are more inclined towards where specialmodification.Thereis an owner who prefers the bike slightly revisedto becomethestandard drag race so that more funds in gelontorkanintotheengine, combustion and other support for the motorspeeding.Unisexmotorcycle owners who like the look of the bike isokaywithouthaving to brain - with the machine. The most numerousarethe typeof motorcycle owners who like to raise the engine worktomake itmore powerful but not until mempermak exhausted. Nottoforget thebody and the motor is enhanced in many ways "For agooduse, butstill charming in the way.For you lovers of motorcycles, modify it probably isyaninterestingto you, this app presents 150 imagesmodifiedmotorcycles.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Stage Decoration Ideas 1.0
The stage is the venue for a showwheretheinteraction between work scriptwriter, director and actorisshownin front of an audience. On top of all this stageplaypresentedbehavior with the intention that the audience capturesthestoriesare displayed. To convey this intention theater workerstoprocessand sets the stage so as to achieve the desired purpose.Asalreadymentioned above that many types stage, but today onlythreetypesof stage are often used. All three are stageproscenium,thruststage, and the stage arena. By understanding thisform ofeachstage, stage manager can devise his work based on theplaythatwill be presented.But you know, in modern times is not only used tostagedramaperformance ancara course, the stage is now also usedonspecialoccasions birthdays weddings and other events.For those of you who want to decorate the stage foryourprivateevents, this app presents 150 images stage decorationwhichyou canuse as reference material.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Cat Cute Pictures 1.0
No pets or pet is an animal kept as afriendofeveryday people. Pet is different fromlivestock,laboratoryanimals, working animal, or riding animals thatare keptforeconomic purposes or to perform certain tasks. Popularpetusuallyare animals that have a character loyal to theiremployersor havean attractive appearance, or the ability ofparticularinterest asa sound wonderful. Although it istheoretically one canmaintainany animals as pets, in practice onlycertain species areoftenencountered, especially small animals(dogs, cats, andrabbits),birds, and fish.Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat(scientificname:Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a typeofcarnivorousmammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat"generallyrefers to a"cat" that has been tamed, but can also referto the"big cats"such as lions and tigers.Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC,fromtheframework of the cat on the island of Cyprus. TheancientEgyptiansof 3500 BC has used cats to keep the rats or otherrodentsfrom thebarn to save the crops.Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in theworld.Catsthat his line of officially recorded as a cat breeds orpurelines(pure breed), like Persian, Siamese, Manx, and thesphinx.Cats likethis are usually bred in captivity official animal.Thenumber ofpurebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world,therest is a catwith mixed ancestry such as wild cats ordomesticcats.Cats are carnivores, but jucing including pet being enjoydoinginthe world. Her face was very unique (funny, cute, adorable)isthemain attraction. Long time ago someone cats are usuallyusedtocatch mice, but over the times cats are becoming morediverseandadorable, because now many new types yaang cat is ahybridbetweentwo types of cats and cat resulting in a new kindofdifferent fromits parent.For those of you who wanted to keep the cat, theseapplicationsmaybe able to assist you in finding what kind of catare roughlylike,this application provides 150 pictures of kittensthat may beableto use as a reference material before you buy acat.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
T-Shirt Design Ideas 1.0
T-shirts or also known as the T-shirt iskindofclothes that cover most of the arm, across the chest,shouldersandstomach. A T-shirt typically do not have buttons,collar, orpocket.In general, short-sleeved T-shirt (past theshoulders andalong theelbow) and a round neck. Common materialused to make theT-shirt iscotton or polyester (or both).Fashion T-shirts include fashion for women and men, and canbewornall age groups, including infants, adolescents, oradults.AT-shirt was originally used as underwear. Now T-shirtsarenolonger only used as underwear but also as everyday wear.T-shirt T-shirt alias is popularized as worn by MarlonBrandoin1947, when he played a character Stanley Kowalsky inthetheaterwith the play "A Street Named Desire" by WilliamTenesseonBroadway, US. T-shirt gray wears so fit and attached inthebodyBrando, and in accordance with the character of hercharacter.andthe film Rebel Without A Cause (1995), starring JamesDean. Atthattime the live audience amazed and stunned. However,there isalsoan audience who protest, who thought that the use oftheT-shirtare included brash and rebellion. Inevitably, therewasdebateabout the T-shirts.T-shirt has now become a trend, be it among adolescentsandadults.In this application, we present an image 150 T-shirtdesignsthatmay make you interested to have it.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Curtain Design Ideas 1.0
Blinds or curtains are pieces offabricortextiles used to block out the light. Curtains are oftenhungonthe inside of the window of a building to prevent theentryoflight, for example at night to help you sleep, or to keepthelightout of the building (preventing people outside to be abletoseethe inside of the curtain also provide visual separationinothersituations such as in a stage show in which the actorsdidtheirfinal preparations for the show behind the curtainwhiletheaudience waited in front of the curtain. If used foraparticularshow, usually when the show begins, the curtainopenedand closedduring the intermission.In terms of function, the curtains are curtains orpartitions.Toprotect from light or a view that does not penetratetheroombehind it. Therefore curtain mounted on a window ordoor.Unlikethe shutters or doors, curtains are not permanent, evenif inaclosed state, people will get the hint that in the roombehindthecurtain there are still people who maintained or that theroomwasmonitored. Differences with shutters or doors, when itclosed,itwill give the impression that in it people are going tobed ortheroom may not be inhabited. Because the vast field ofcurtainsingeneral area of ​​the window or door, then thefirstconsiderationin choosing curtains is the color.For those of you who want his house looks beautiful,theinstallationof the curtain may require some adjustments suchaswindows and colorof the walls in order to produceattractivecolors. This applicationmay help you in finding anattractivecurtain design, thisapplication provides 150 designdrawingcurtains of various tigerdesign.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Wedding Bouquet Ideas 1.0
Wedding bouquet is a bouquet or a wreathatthewedding ceremony. Flower has a million meaningsandsignificance,too many people who use flowers to expresshisfeelings when hecould not say in words.Flower itself is also used as an ornamental garden, home,andotherplaces that functioned to enhance the appearance or thebeautyofthese places.Not to forget also, at every wedding is an importanteventandteromantis of two people who love each other, of course,therearealways plenty of flowers scattered and decorate and usedduringtheevent.Wedding bouquet itself can consist of several kinds suchashandbouquet or a bouquet of hand diperuntungkan for thebrideandboutonniere is a small bouquet of flowers pinned tosuitgrooms.For Western-style wedding, usually the bridemaidsandbridegroomsor called as the bridesmaids will also bringhandbouquet andboutonniere, but with the shape or color of flowersismore modestthan the bride and groom.For those of you who are in need of wedding bouquetideasthisapplication has provided 150 pictures wedding bouquet thatyoucanuse as a reference.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Ornamental Trees 1.0
Ornamental plants turned out tohavemorebenefits than just being ornamental plants to enjoy itsbeauty.Inaddition to its benefits as home decoration, it turns outtherearevarious types of ornamental plants have more benefits,suchascleaner air. Ornamental plants air purifiers is very usefulforanyperson whose home was filled with the area of​​urbanpollution.Pollution aka certainly reduce the quality ofcleanlinessof theoxygen around the region, while we all know thatwedesperatelyneed oxygen for survival that is instrumental intheprocess ofrespiration.There are several types of ornamental plants, whether itcomesfromthe type of leaves of ornamental plants or ornamentalplantsofinterest to clean up air pollution, this is basedonresearchconducted by the National Aeronautics andSpaceAdministration(NASA) and the Associated Landscape ContractorsofAmerica (ALCA).As for some of the air purifier ornamentalplantsare ornamentalindoor plants that can absorb pollutants andharmfulgases such asbenzene, xylene, formaldehyde, xylene, nitrogenoxidesand variousother chemicals in the air. So for those who plantorcare for thistype of ornamental plants within or outside yourhome,the indoorair can be cleaner and certainly very healthy tobreathefor theresidents.For those of you who might be interested in takingcareofhouseplants air purifier in your home so that the airaroundyourhouse into a cool and healthy to breathe, this app mighthelpyouto find the plants you want. This application presents150imagesornamental plants.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Storage Design Ideas 1.0
Everyone must have secrets, as well asthehome.The design concept of the 'secret' can you apply thestorageof goodsin the house that is not too broad to make it lookneaterwithout theslightest blemish. Average price of new housingonlyhas a buildingarea of ​​less than 150 square meters. Thatmeans,you have to bemore creative to utilize the remaining spaceforstoring goods.The price of land, especially in urban increasingly soared.Canhavea small house is already a beautiful gift. Butunfortunatelythesmall house has limited to storing familybelongings.For example a pity to throw away toys and clothes the childinthehope it can be used later his brother. As well as itemsthatwillremind the wonderful momentum in the family must haveaffectionfordisposal.Actually it would be better if you actually sort out whichitemswillstill be kept and which items should be discarded. Toomuchstoreunused items are also not good.However, if there is still a lot of stuff pity if discarded,itcouldnot hurt you to modify the storage room in thehouse.Modification ofstorage space is required so that the housedoesnot seem stuffy andcluttered.For those of you who are still confused to put your stuffandyouneed a suitable storage for your goods, this applicationmayhelpyou in finding the design of storage of goods.Thisapplicationprovides 150 design drawings storage of goods thatyoucan make asa reference.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Princess Bedroom Designs 1.0
Spoil the child by meeting therequirementisevery right of parents to please them, especiallyforthemedbedroom a little luxury. However, a luxurious bedroomdidnotalways use fees or expensive property. With multiple designandadifferent layout will be able to give the impression ofacharmingand elegant in a room.Princess theme much-loved daughter today as therapidentertainmentindustry that includes such figures. The childrenwhoare usuallyhappy with the princess figures that pleasedtypicallywant allprincess themed merchandise, including stationery,apparel,up tohis bedroom. Designing a child's bedroom women doindeed haveitsown characteristics with the impression that the morefeminineandgiven a touch of pictures he liked.For those of you who have daughters, spoil her withmadeherprincess-style room is a good idea. In this applicationwehaveprovided 150 pictures princess room design.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Workspace Design Ideas 1.0
Having a personal workspace is one ofthethingsthat is very enjoyable. Especially for those of you whohavejobsthat require quite a lot of extra time to do all the workathome. Byhaving a private work space at home, you can freely doallyour workwithout fear of being bothered by anyone. To thatend,your workspace must be in order as comfortable as possibleandable to meetall the things you need to work. Has acomfortableworking space willcertainly make you more relaxed indoingeverything.Figure-image design work space at home is addressed to youwhoareplanning to create a workspace at home with aspaciouslivingconditions of diverse and different interiorconditions alsowitheach other.Creating a work space should be designed in order tofeelloose,comfortable and not boring people who are in it. To thatend,thewide variety of arrangements are envisaged than 150designswhichwe present in this application can be isnprirasiforyou.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Ceiling Bedroom Designs 1.0
When you want to change your home byusinganattractive design, you can take advantage of every aspectofthehome. You can use your wall to provide attractive paintcolorsorchoose wallpaper with a pattern that is unique for thewall, donotlook monotonous. You also can put a comfortable sofawith acolorthat matches the color of the wall paint or the theme ofthehouseyou want. You can also buy some painting ordecoration,furniturethat is unique and different from the others.Then ifthat's all?Of course not! Most people may think ceiling onlyservesas abuffer roof or wall as a liaison with the roof of thehouse.Yesindeed it is the main function of the ceiling, but if youareacreative, home ceiling can also add beauty to your home.Ceiling with attractive design not only in spacekeluara,interestingceiling design also you can apply in your room,inaddition to addingbeauty, interesting ceiling design in theroomyou can providecomfort.Nowadays, a lot of home ceiling with gypsum materialmainlyavailablein stores with an attractive design in accordancewiththe design ofyour home. By using the ceiling of the house, youcanturn your houseinto a roof wall looks elegant and cool. Youcanchoose anappropriate ceiling, like if your house has aminimalistand elegantdesign, you can choose a ceiling with asimple design.If the conceptof your home is a luxury you can alsochoose adesign ceiling thathas a lot of decoration or carving sothat yourhome will lookluxurious.In addition to design, today many ceiling withdiversematerials,such as gypsum ceiling or ceiling of the timber.Forthose of youwho want to design your room ceiling, this app canhelpyou find adesign like what roughly fit for you. Thisapplicationpresents 150drawings bedroom ceiling design which youcan use asareference.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Backyard Design Ideas 1.0
Yard is usually adjacent land area andbecomeanintegral part of a building or related to the ownership ofaparcel.This land can be plastered, used for gardening,plantingflowers, orsometimes have a pool.Courtyard can be at the front, rear or side of abuilding,dependingon how the rest of the available land once usedfor itsmainbuilding.The house is gorgeous and also cool indeed a house in thedesirebymany people. Have a beautiful home with atbeautifyingthebeautiful garden is indeed the most pleasant thing.The homepagewill look nicer if given a beautiful garden and wellorganized,itis why many housewives who juggle his yard into abeautifulgardensetting and also eye in view. To create a beautifulyardandbeautiful can be done in various ways and can also be doneinalarge yard or a narrow courtyard.In the hands of creative people all that can be transformedintoagarden of dreams is very beautiful and also meyejukkanheart.forwomen is keindah a home must be on guard, so that's also alotofhomes that have pages and also a beautiful garden. Havingagardenis one factor that can support the beauty of a home ifitwasviewed from the front, then from that there is nothing wrongifyoutry to create a beautiful garden and also beautifulbytryingmenyulapnyaBut did you know, the home page does not always have to beinfrontof the house, in this application we provide 150imagesbackyardidea that maybe you can make it as a reference to setthehome pageyou want.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Color Paint Interior 1.0
In building a house, in additiontodeterminingthe concept and design of house paint colorschemeselection is alsoimportant, because the paint color isveryinfluential on the beautyof the exterior and interior of ahouse.Especially for the interiorof the house there are two thingsthataffect the visual beauty of aRuma, namely betuk (home design)andcolor (paint color isused).To wararna paint the walls of the house, you can use one colororacombination. If you choose to use one color, you canchoosewhiteor cream. However, if you choose to do a mix of colorsofpaint, donot let more than three colors if you do not wantyourhouse tolook strange. Choose two or three colors blend thepaintwith onecolor dominance (main color), for example acombination ofwhiteand red, white and red as the main color onlyasaccentsonly.If you are still confused to decide what paint colorsareroughlymatched to the interior of your home, this applicationmayhelp youin finding a suitable color. This application presents150imageshome interior paint color ideas.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Birthday Cake Ideas 1.0
The birthday is the day of one'sbirth,marksthe start of a life outside the womb. In somecultures,theanniversary of a person is usually celebrated with abirthdaypartywith family and / or friends. Gifts are often given topeoplewhowere celebrating a birthday. By the time someone'sbirthday,hasbecome a habit to treat someone special on hisbirthday.The birthday cake is a cake that was served to someoneonhisbirthday. The birthday cake is usually decorated withaperson'sname and carrying the message survived. Candles equaltothe numberof years a person has lived also placed on thecake.There is alsoa tradition to put one extra candle to bringgoodluck. Thebirthday cake is usually a sponge, and the mostpopularflavor inthe cake was chocolate.This application is made to provide ideas about how thebirthdaycakeattractive and tasty to eat, and not just from thelooksalone, butthe materials used to make cakes to be beneficialbothfor the body,therefore we provide ideas always sought afterbymany people andpackaged in the form of applications, so usersdonot need to bedifficult to find in any place or asked back onthepeople aroundhim.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Office Interior Designs 1.0
If the office is etymologically thetermcomesfrom Dutch office is Kantoor which means the room wheretowork,where institutions and others. And if in the Englishlanguagecomesfrom the word Office, which means a place toprovideservices,where work space or position. The notion of theoffice isdividedinto two parts of which the meaning isdynamicallyandstatically.Meaning dynamically office that is the processes intheorganizationof activities such as collection,recording,processing, storage anddistribution of data. So if in thenarrowsense imerupakan place tohold the activities of theadministrationor administration. Whilethe meaning of static officeis aworkplace, work room, work space,bureau, headquarters,agencies,entities, companies as well as aplace to hold theactivities ofcollecting, recording, processing,storage anddistributiondata.From the explanations above it, so the office can beinterpretedaspart of the organization that became a centerfortheadministration and control of data processingactivitiesorinformation. Office purpose is to provide servicessuchascommunications systems and data storage as well asagatheringplace for people who are doing something to achievethetarget orgoal that has been set before. While the function oftheOffice ofthem is to receive the information, recordinformation,organizeinformation, give information and to protectassetsorproperty.So that office workers can work comfortably, officeinteriorsshouldbe designed as well as possible, so that workers donot feelboreddespite lingering in the office. For those of you whowant todesignthe interior of your office, this application may helpyouinfinding the design to your liking. This applicationpresents150images office interior design that you can use asareferencematerial for designing the office you want.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Shalwar Kameez Designs 1.0
Shalwar kameez (spelled and readshalwarkhamisor shalwar qomiz), also known as the clothes Pakistanisatraditional dress worn by men and women in the SouthAsianRegionof northern and central Asia, including countriessuchasAfghanistan, Pakistan, and India North. Clothingwasoriginallyworn in Afghanistan and Punjabi (Pakistan andNorthIndia).In the past century, women in North India use thisoutfittocomplement the sari. For users of males, which issynonymouswiththis outfit which is a long dress down to theequivalent oftheknee and are baggy pants and long.This outfit is very distinctive and synonymouswiththecharacteristics of a person from Afghanistan andPakistanweregenerally wearer is male.Because the origin of clothing is a custom nativecountryofAfghanistan and Pakistan, it is also very well knownclothingusedby mujahideen groups and the Taliban as everydayclothingorgarments in battles. However, society in general andPakistaninparticular Afghan men use clothing as everyday clothingandalsoused for work clothes and on special purposes are alsousedasformal wear.But this time shalwar is not only used on the men, butalsoforwomen, and for you who need them this application hasprovided150technical drawings shalwar kameez.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Wedding Cake Ideas 1.0
Wedding cake is the traditional cakeservedatthe wedding reception after dinner. The presence of aweddingcakeat a party is not to decorate the party, but alsoasasymbol.In fact, each country has a tradition of each inpreparingweddingcake at a party. Marriage in America is verytypical with atieredcake designs and beautiful ornaments. However,in Greece andJapan.The country uses candied almonds and Herring roeas a symbolofmarriage.Sponge or sponge cake (English: cake) is a pastry madeofflour(usually wheat flour), sugar, and eggs. Sponge cake andthecake isgenerally cured with roasted in the oven, although thereisalso asteamed sponge, for example: steamed cakes orbrownies.Cakedecorated with layers (icing) of creambutter(buttercream),fondant or marzipan called tart (tart).Cake sized with a rectangular or circular shape is meant tobecutwhen it is sold or served. Rolled sponge cake and buttercreamorbutter contains so-called rolls. A wide variety ofpuddingsalsouse pieces of sponge cake base material that is placedinthebottom of the pan before doused with agar-agar.This application was created to meet the needs of users whoseekarange of wedding cakes, if someone is having difficultyinfindingideas for wedding cake shape, then this app is therightanswer forhim. This application is also made with bothforconvenience inuse, so that users feel more comfortable andusersfeel delightedafter finding the idea of ​​a wedding cake thathewas lookingfor.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Dollhouse Designs 1.0
Dollhouse is a kind of house-shapedtoysaremade out to be miniaturized. Since the last century,thedollhouseis a toy for children, but the collection andamenitiesalso drawnmany adults. Most types of these toys havesimilarmodels, andchildren under 3 years of age have not beenallowed toplay due tobe harmful.Toy doll house is now estimated to come from about fourhundredyearsago when the "baby home" in Europe. Baby home is adisplaycabinetwhich is divided into several rooms. Cabinets werebuiltwithdetailed design and filled with miniature objects ordevicessmallhouse. Watch the model is intended only for adults.Dollhouseis notmade for children and not for harm, but because ofthis dollhouse isa trophy collection purchased the matron (nurse)is quitecapable inthe Netherlands, Britain and Germany.With the passage of time, dollhouse smaller as the Tatehouse,wasmade with a more realistic exterior appeared inEurope.Dollhouseterm common in the US, UK and Canada.For those of you who want to spoil your kids, bought her toysisoneway that is appropriate, as bought a dollhouse. But if youarestillconfused as to what to buy that, this applicationmaymembentu you,because this app provides 150 designdrawingsdollhouse.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Swimming Pool Designs 1.0
The pool at the house one of the thingsthatcancomplement the beauty of your home. You can find lots ofideasandinspiration picture minimalist swimming pool inthisapplication.Minimalist design of the pool is probably the mostyoulike, inaddition to relax with a soak in the pool, you canenjoythe coolgarden around the house.Look around the pool pictures in magazines and the Internet, canbeareference and a reference for you when it will make anewswimmingpool in your home. Typically, the pool is in thebackyardor on theside. But it all depends on taste homeowners.There iseven a builtin front of the house.If your house minimalist design then you can build aswimmingpoolminimalist also so harmonious. To be more beautifulagain, neartheswimming pool can also be made minimalist gardenoffering viewsofcool green color.To further help you in determining the design of thepoolmatches,before you buy building materials and really made thepool,itwould be better if you make pictures of the poolfirst.For those of you who want to have a pool, this applicationcanhelpyou in finding a model or design a pool that suitsyou.Thisapplication presents 150 images a pool design that you canuseas areference.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Puppy Cute Pictures 1.0
No pets or pet is an animal kept as afriendofeveryday people. Pet is different fromlivestock,laboratoryanimals, working animal, or riding animals thatare keptforeconomic purposes or to perform certain tasks. Popularpetusuallyare animals that have a character loyal to theiremployersor havean attractive appearance, or the ability ofparticularinterest asa sound wonderful. Although it istheoretically one canmaintainany animals as pets, in practice onlycertain species areoftenencountered, especially small animals(dogs, cats, andrabbits),birds, and fish.Most people maintain that one of his animals becausetheanimallooked so adorable, so keeping animals it also has itsownbenefitslike, can relieve stress. If you like animals suchasdogs,especially for very adorable puppies, theseapplicationsprovidevarious types of pups very adorable. Thisapplicationpresents 150images puppy might you use as a referencefor selectingthe type ofdog that you like.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Bed Linen Designs 1.0
The bed linen is a rectangular piece oflinenorcotton cloth used to cover the mattress. In many areas oftheworld,sheets laid on the mattress cover. The bed linen isusuallycombinedwith a blanket and bed cover in order to add afunctionother than asa mat cover mattress covers and bed coverserves towarm the bodywhen winter arrives.The bed linen comes in two main variants, namely price or apair.Aflat sheet is simply a rectangular piece of cloth, whilethesheetshad four corners, and sometimes two or four sides,fittedwithelastic, to be used only as a bottom sheet. Fitted sheetcanalsobe secured using the drawstring instead of elastic. The aimofthefitted bottom sheet is not to slip on the mattress while thebedisbeing used. A particular way of folding and tuckingwhilemakingthe bed, known as the "corner of the hospital," issometimesusedwhen the bottom sheet is flat is not installed.For those of you who want to buy or designing your ownbedlinen,these applications may be able to help you find abedsheetthat youwant, this application providing 150 gamabar bedlinendesigns witha variety of designs.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices