Top 19 Apps Similar to 9d+ (Nono Dígito)

Embratel 9º Dígito 1.9.2
Automatically include the digit 9 in front of the numbers ofhisagenda.
Novo Dígito BR 4.0.0
Quickly add the digit 9 to your contacts from any DDD
Nono Dígito Oficial 1.24
Atualização da sua lista de contatos para o novo padrão denúmerosdetelefonia celular. O nono dígito será implementado emtodo oBrasilaté o fim de 2016. Adicionando o nono digito "9" quevaivaler paratodos os números celulares em todo território doBrasil.- Compatívelcom todas operadoras. - Realiza backup daagenda antesdaatualização. - Opção de restaurar backup.
Oi 9º Dígito 1.5.0
*Informamos que o Serviço Oi 9º Dígitoserádescontinuado a partir do dia 31/03/2017, sem previsãoderetorno.Agradecemos pela compreensão.Descrição:Ficou muito mais rápido e fácil atualizar a sua agenda! Comoaplicativo gratuito Oi 9º Dígito você formata seus contatosparaefetuar ligações quando estiver viajando para fora de suacidade oufora do Brasil, organiza sua agenda e insere o nono digitoem todosos contatos das regiões que adotaram este novo formatodenumeração.Você ainda pode padronizar os números da sua agenda com o códigodelonga distância da Oi.A Oi completa você.Até 2016, todos os números de celular do Brasil, exceto Rádios,irãoganhar o nono dígito. Essa mudança está sendo feita deformagradual, conforme cronograma determinado pela Anatel.Os contatos gravados no Sim Card não são atualizáveis poresteaplicativo. Caso queira atualizar, recomendamos que importeoscontatos armazenados no Chip para a memória do seu aparelhoantesde atualizar os contatos.Para sua maior segurança recomendamos que faça um backup dasuaagenda antes de efetuar as alterações.É necessário estar conectado à Internet quando utilizar oaplicativopara que a atualização do arquivo de regras do 9º dígitosejarealizada a cada vez que uma nova região receber o nonodígito. Odownload do arquivo de regras (aproximadamente 7kB) e éisento decobrança de tráfego na rede de dados celular da Oi.Novidades:Agora o usuário poderá programar a inclusão do +55 nos contatosdaagenda para efetuar chamadas quando estiver em viagem noexterior.Para isso basta indicar nas configurações do próprioaplicativo adata provável de fim da viagem. Nesta data o aplicativoirá emitiruma notificação lembrando o usuário de voltar a agenda decontatosao padrão original, sem o +55.A tela de configurações iniciais (tela de configuração queapareceapós a instalação do aplicativo) agora identifica o DDD deorigemdo cliente automaticamente.Possibilidade do usuário escolher qual será o DDD que oaplicativoirá acrescentar nos contatos da agenda que estão salvossem o DDD.Por exemplo, uma pessoa do Rio de Janeiro (DDD 21), quemoratemporariamente em outra região, São Paulo, poderá optarporincluir DDD 11 nos telefones de sua agenda que estão semoDDD.* Please be advisedthatthe Service Hi 9 digit will be discontinued from theday03.31.2017, no return forecast.Thank you for understanding.Description:It was much faster and easier to update your schedule! With thefreeapp Hi 9 Digit you format your contacts to make calls when youaretraveling out of your city or outside Brazil, organizes hisscheduleand enters the ninth digit in all contacts of the regionsthat haveadopted this new numbering format.You can also standardize the numbers of your schedule withthelong-distance code Hi.The Hi complete you.By 2016, all mobile numbers in Brazil, except radios will wintheninth digit. This change is being made gradually, asdeterminedschedule by Anatel.The contacts saved in the Sim Card are not updatable bythisapplication. If you want to upgrade, we recommend that youimportthe contacts stored on the chip to the memory of your devicebeforeupdating contacts.For your safety we recommend that you make a backup of yourschedulebefore making the changes.It must be connected to the Internet when using the applicationforthe update of the 9th digit rules file is performed every timeanew area receive the ninth digit. Downloading rulesfile(approximately 7kB) and is free of charge traffic in cellulardatanetwork Hi.News:Now the user can program the inclusion of the 55 phone bookentriesto place calls when traveling abroad. For this please selecttheproper application settings the probable end of the trip. Onthatdate the application will issue a notification reminding theuserto return the address book to the original standardwithout+55.The screen initial settings (configuration screen that appearsafterinstalling the application) now identifies the client sourceDDDautomatically.User chance to choose what the DDD that the application will addthephonebook entries that are saved without the DDD. For example,oneof Rio de Janeiro (area code 21), who lives temporarily inanotherregion, São Paulo, you can choose to include DDD phones in11 of itsagenda that are without the DDD.
Sercomtel 9º Dígito 1.3
Add 9 digit mobile numbers registered in the phone book.
9Digito 1.9.1
The best application for inclusion of the 9th digit is back.
9º Dígito Leucotron
Automates the insertion of the ninth digit to mobile numbersinBrazil
Minha Claro Móvel 15.28.1
Claro S/A
O aplicativo Minha Claro Móvel é uma novaexperiênciaemautoatendimento para os clientes ClaroPré, ControleePós(excetoplano corporativo). A forma mais prática e diretadegerenciar seuplano com diversas funcionalidades criadasparafacilitar o seu diaa dia sem gastar sua franquia de internet*.-Controle o seu pacotede dados e detalhes de uso semprequeprecisar. - Visualizedetalhes do seu plano, saldo, formadepagamento, carência, entreoutros benefícios. - Baixe ecompartilhesua fatura detalhada eacesse o código de barras. -Aproveite aoportunidade habilitando asua Fatura Digital e recebavia e-mail. -Ative a opção de débitoautomático e obtenha maispraticidade. -Cliente com fatura emaberto parcelar o seu pagamento.- Controletodos os seus númeroscom um único acesso. - Confira umalista deopções de pacotes epromoções disponíveis para você.Lembre-se:navegar na Minha Claroé grátis. Você usa à vontade semgastar nadada sua franquia deinternet!* *Isenção válida na redeClaro"
Aplicativo Dígito 9 1.4
Atualize sua lista de contatos com o 9ºdígitoautomaticamente! Adicione o nono dígito nos seus contatos comoaplicativo Dígito 9 Brasil. São apenas 3 passos simples e emmenosde 60 segundos o seus contatos estarão atualizados!Todo o processo de atualização da sua agenda (colocar 9noscontatos) leva menos de 60 segundos, e é totalmente seguro! Esevocê quiser, você pode desfazer a operação quando quiser!Funciona com todas as operadoras, o aplicatico inclui o digito 9emnúmeros da oi, tim, vivo, claro, entre outras.Atenção: ATUALIZA NÚMEROS DO PARANÁ, SANTA CATARINA e RIO GRANDEDOSUL. Nesses estados o nono dígito passa a valer a partir do dia6de Novembro de 2016. Outros estados com dígito 9 tambémsuportados,veja lista abaixo.Lista de estados que o 9 Dígitos Brasil suporta:AC, RO, BA, SE,AL, AP, CE, PB, PE, PI, RN,AM, AP, MA, PA, RR,PR,SC, RS, SP, RJ, ES, MG, DF, GO, TO, MT, MS.Para atualizar o número dos seus contatos com o 9º digito émuitosimples, basta:1º Passo: Informar o seu DDD.2º Passo: Visualizar todos os telefones que precisam seratualizadoscom o digito 9 (e como eles ficarão depois daatualização!).3º Passo: Atualizar os contatos com o digito 9! Simples nãoé?Isso mesmo! 3 Passos e você já atualizou todos os seus contatossemperder nenhuma informação no processo!Baixe agora mesmo e confira!Lista de DDDs suportados:11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 414243 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 53 54 55 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7173 7475 77 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9899O 9 Dìgitos Brasil é o melhor aplicativo Android para adicionarodigito 9 nos numeros de celular dos seus contatos da agenda edoWhatsApp!Sim, ele atualiza os contatos do WhatsApp com o digito 9!Se você estava procurando um aplicativo para incluir o digito 9nocontatos, você encontrou!Qualquer dúvida, sugestão ou reclamação, por favor entre emcontatoatravés dos canais abaixo:Site: [email protected] your contactlistwith the 9 digit automatically! Add the ninth digit intheircontacts with the application Digit 9 Brazil. Are just 3simplesteps and in less than 60 seconds your contacts willbeupdated!The entire process of updating your calendar (put the contacts9)takes less than 60 seconds and is totally safe! And if youwant,you can undo the operation when you want!Works with all operators, the aplicatico includes the digit 9 inhinumbers, Tim, live, of course, among others.Attention: UPDATES NUMBERS PARANA, SANTA CATARINA and RIO GRANDEDOSUL. In these states the ninth digit will take effect from6November 2016. Other states with digit 9 also supported,seebelow.List of states that 9 digits Brazil supports:AC, RO, BA, SE, AL, AP, CE, PB, PE, PI, RN, AM, PA, MA, PA, RR,PR,SC, RS, SP, RJ, ES, MG, DF, GO, TO, MT, MS.To update the number of their contacts with the 9th digit isverysimple, just:Step 1: Tell your DDD.Step 2: Other phones that need to be updated with the digit 9(andhow they will be after the upgrade!).Step 3: Update your contacts with the digit 9! Simple isnotit?That's right! 3 Steps and you've updated all your contactswithoutlosing any information in the process!Download now and see!DDDs list of supported:11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 414243 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 53 54 55 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7173 7475 77 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9899The 9 digits Brazil is the best Android application to add thedigit9 in the mobile phone numbers of your contacts, calendarandWhatsApp!Yes, it updates the contacts WhatsApp with the digit 9!If you were looking for an application to include the digit 9 inthecontacts, you found it!Any questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact usthroughthe channels below:Site: [email protected]
AVG Cleaner, Booster & Battery Saver for Android 23.17.0
AVG Mobile
Download AVG Cleaner, Booster&Battery Saver for Android™ phones NOW to clean preciousmemoryand space, save battery power and help boostperformancespeed!✔ Get more space - clean junk, cache files, memory,unwantedapps and bad & similar photos✔ Get more power & boost - optimize and extendbatterylife✔ Reduce data usage - remove apps that guzzle upmobiledata✔ Set & forget - receive customizable reminders tocleanyour deviceUse AVG Cleaner, Booster & Battery Saver for Android phonestomonitor, erase, clear and clean junk files, bad &similarphotos and unwanted apps from your device’s internal and SDcard tohelp boost speed and make space for the apps, music &photosyou really love.Cache:► RAM cache processes - identify and clean upunnecessarycached RAM (random-access memory) running in thebackgroundSmart Photo Clean-up: clean your photo collection andmakeroom for more important memories in 2 easy steps:1. Automatically identify bad & similar photos -AVGCleaner, Booster & Battery Saver for Android phones find allofyour photos that are near-duplicates, dark, blurry or poorquality– all in one tap2. Review the photos you want to keep - you decidewhichphotos to clean. Swipe left to delete or right to keepHistory:► Browsing history - clear out the things you just don'tneedlike browser, clipboard, app store and email histories* Browser history cleaning is applicable only to Android'sdefaultbrowser and Android versions older than 6.0► Large files - view and easily clean media filesanddocuments larger than 5 MB► Phone calls log - let AVG Cleaner, Booster &BatterySaver for Android phones clear out long forgottenincoming,outgoing and missed callsApp Manager:► View and remove apps by storage, RAM(random-accessmemory) , battery or mobiledataconsumption► Receive alerts from our weekly adviser about rarelyusedapps by time of last use. You can then choose which appsyoustill want to keep and which you want to remove► Use AVG Cleaner, Booster & Battery Saver for Android phonestoboost up speed by force stopping RAM consuming Running Appstocompletely pause their activity, including background processesandnotifications, until you actively restart themBattery Saver and Optimizer:► Battery Saver - helps you see what's eating up yourbatterylife and lets you easily switch them off to save power forwhen youneed it most► Battery Profiles - choose between “Low Battery”,“Home”,“Work” and “Car” profiles to get your phone running the wayyouwant (30 day FREE trial)Set & forget - auto reminders will do the rest:► Just turn on Auto Reminders, and AVG Cleaner, Booster&Battery Saver for Android phones will automatically find thejunkand clutter for you and let you clean it from a simple reminderinthe notification panel of your device, it’s that easy. Tapthenotification to clean up your device and boost up speedGet your phone tidied up, clear up storage space to help itrunsmoother & quicker and help boost speed andperformance.Eliminate junk, unwanted RAM cache memory data, cleanold browserhistory, bad, similar and duplicate photos and call logsto makemore storage space available for the apps, photos and stuffyouwant.Download AVG Cleaner, Booster & Battery Saver forAndroidphones for FREE now!By installing/updating this app, you agree that your use of itisgoverned by these terms:™ is a trademark of Google, Inc., registered in the USAandin other countries
Google Calendar
Google LLC
Get the official Google Calendar app foryourAndroid phone and tablet to save time and make the most ofeveryday.• Different ways to view your calendar - Quickly switchbetweenmonth, week and day view.• Events from Gmail - Flight, hotel, concert,restaurantreservations and more are added to yourcalendarautomatically.• To-dos - Use Reminders to create and view to-dos alongsideyourevents.• Goals - Add personal goals—like “run 3 times a week”—andCalendarwill schedule time for them automatically.• Quick event creation - Smart suggestions for event titles,placesand people save you time when creating events.• All your calendars in one place - Google Calendar works withallcalendars on your phone, including Exchange.
Cloud Print
Google Inc.
Download the latest release of theofficialGoogle Cloud Print app. With Cloud Print for Android youcan:- Print from any compatible Android device to any Google CloudPrintconnected printer- Share a picture or a document from apps like Gallery directlytoCloud Print- Track the status of your print jobs- Process printer invitations. Open invitation links from emailinCloud Print- Find and register new Cloud Ready printers on thelocalnetwork*Printing from Android has never been easier.The Google Cloud Print app is a print plugin on Android KitKat,anda standalone app on earlier versions of Android. If you updateyourdevice to KitKat, you may need to remove the iconmanually.*Not all models support local discovery - check the setup manualofyour printer for details
Super-Bright LED Flashlight
Surpax Inc.
Super-Bright LED Flashlight instantlyturnsyour device into a bright flashlight. The ultimate lightingtooltakes full advantage of the LED light. Strobe/Blinking Mode isalsosupported as on a $100 tactical flashlight. and it'sFREE!Flashlight features:- Super Bright Flashlight - Guaranteed!- Convenient - Switch On/Off the light just like using arealflashlight- Strobe/Blinking Mode supported - Blinking frequencyadjustableflashlight- Stunning graphics - This is the most beautiful flashlight youcanget in hand!
Microsoft OneDrive 6.81
Do more wherever you go withMicrosoftOneDrive. Get to and share your documents, photos, andother filesfrom your Android device, computer (PC or Mac), and anyotherdevices you use. Use the Office mobile apps to stay productiveandwork together, no matter where you are. The OneDrive appforAndroid lets you easily work with your personal and work fileswhenyou’re on the go.• Quickly open and save OneDrive files in Office apps likeWord,Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.• Easily find photos thanks to automatic tagging.• Get notifications when a shared document is edited.• Share albums of your favorite photos and videos.• Access your most important files offline.Notes:For you to sign in to OneDrive for Business, your organizationneedsto have a qualifying SharePoint Online or Office 365businesssubscription plan. You cannot sign in with an account fromanon-premises directory. Camera upload, search, sort, and theabilityto add OneDrive for Business accounts are available only ondevicesrunning Android 4.0 or later.
Share Apps: APK Share & Backup 1.5.6
Backup, uninstall and Share Apps. Send APK anywhere, transferdata,copy data
File Manager File Explorer 1.22.1(428)
Maple Media
File Manager for Android Files - ☁️ cloud file browser 🔄filetransfer app 📂
LOCX Applock Lock Apps & Photo 2.3.9
★★★ Congratulations! LOCX Applock ishighlypraised and recommended by authority media includingAndroidCommunity, Android Headlines, and DGtle!★★★LOCX is the best app lock and photo vault for Android, whichwillhelp you to lock apps, private photos, secret videos, messagesandmore with the safest and most customized and fun way. Gettheperfect guard for your phone and snoopers won't disturbyourprivacy.HIGHLIGHTS OF LOCX APPLOCK:☆ Protect private apps: Lock apps you use every day!Hideyour chat in WhatsApp or Facebook, personal accounts in TwitterorInstagram! With perfect applock LOCX is easy and 100% safe!☆ Hide pictures: With Applocker LOCX you can hideprivatephotos in the safest photo vault and keep them invisible forthesnoopers!☆ Hide private videos: Keep all your private videosinvisiblefrom any intruders! Perfect applock LOCX will safe allyoursecrets!☆ Lock all phone privacy: Using applocker you canlockcontacts, messages, email, gallery or phone settings! And youneverworry about snoopers may stole your private info or your kidsmaybuy unwanted apps.☆ Put more features into less space: LOCX App lock isnowfaster and lighter than ever, taking up half as much phonememoryas others. We significantly reduce the size of APK file aslow as1.8 MB.☆ Material design, an all-new design: Wecompletelyredesigned the new version of LOCX Applock and globallylead toapply material design of Google with innovation. Everylittledetail is attractive and exquisite.FEATURES OF LOCX APP LOCK:► Applications Locker: Secure your Android and protectallyour privacy with application lock protection feature. You canhidesecret app instead of the entire phone. Customized lock screenandwallpapers bring you more choices to choose the passcode youlikebetween pattern and PIN code.► Photo Safe Vault: Hide and encrypt your photos andkeepyour pics locked behind your pattern or PIN pad in the safestphotovault. Don’t worry about your private photos may be viewedbyothers.► Video Vault: You can hide your secret videos aswell!Intruders will never find it!► Email Lock: Lock email and keep it safe and privateunderthe passcode;► Pattern or PIN code: choose your own way to lock appsbychoosing the lock screen style between pattern or PIN code.► Themes: We have proudly announced large quantitiesofattractive lock screen wallpapers designed by the world’stopdesigners. They are so amazing and fantastic. You may applynewthemes and lock screen wallpaper in “LOCX App lock” > “Sidenav"> “Themes”.► Chameleon - App fake cover: Disguise your apps lockscreento prevent from breaking into your password. Fingerprintscannerand fake force close dialog will hide the real lock screen.Andmore covers are coming soon!► Invisible Lock: Protect your secrete lock screenpasswordfrom the snoopers, make it invisible!► Delay to lock: Re-lock is not required when returningfroma brief exit, avoiding to frequently unlock and smoothing theappswitches.► Quick lock / unlock: Awesome and convenient. Addingnewapplications locker widget to your screen, you can take theapplockenabled or disabled with just one tap.Get the best applocker LOCX to lock your secret apps andstaytuned:Google+: looking for the best applock for Android to lock apps orphotovault to hide pics and secret videos? Try chameleon LOCX andprotectyour privacy with the safest and most customizableway!
Microsoft Word 16.0.13328.20160
The familiar Word app lets you create,edit,view and share your files with others quickly and easily. Italsolets you view and edit Office doc attached to email messages.Workwith anyone, anywhere with confidence. With Word, your Officemoveswith you everywhere supporting you whether you are a blogger,awriter, a journalist, a columnist, a student working onassignmentsor a project manager working on documentation, it willbe as handyas you want it to be. Word introduces pdf reader andmakes readinga pdf easier for you. It enables you to read your pdfsand e-bookswhile traveling, before bedtime or wherever youwant.Make impactful text documents, scripts, blogs, write-ups,orresumes. Customize your document, letter, resume, or yournotesyour way with robust tools that enable you to accomplish yourbestwriting with the best format options. Word gives youthecapabilities to customize your writing and design your documenttomeet your specific needs with respect to your differentprojectsand assignmentsCreate with confidenceJump-start your project, assignments, letter, blogs, scripts,note,write-ups or resume with beautifully designed moderntemplates.  Inyour assignments, letters, notes, scripts, resume andprojectdocumentation: use rich formatting and layout options tonote downyour ideas and express it in writing. Document format andlayoutstay pristine and look great — no matter what deviceyouuse. Reading, writing and editing ComfortablyWith Word’s pdf reader feature, now go through your pdf documentsatyour own ease on any device. Reading view lets you read longtextdocs, pdfs, letters, scripts, write-ups, blogs or notes andreviewfiles on your device with ease. Writing down insights fromthe webright into your Word docs helps you review the insightslater. Edityour pdf by converting it into word document file andmake changesin your docs as you want. Convert your doc into pdfafter editingand share your pdf file with a click of button.Collaborate with anyone, anywhereAs you and your team make changes to your text documents, youcanrevert to view earlier drafts of the files with theimprovedversion history in Word.Keep everyone on the same pageShare your thoughts by commenting in your doc right next to thetextyou’re discussing. Everyone can add to the conversation andstay ontop of changes to the text, layout and formatting indocs.Sharing is simplifiedShare your pdfs and document files with a click of a buttontoquickly invite others to edit or view your text documents.Easilymanage access permissions and see who’s working in adocument. Copythe content of your word files directly in the bodyof an emailmessage with its format intact or attach your pdfs anddocs to anemail and make sharing easier.REQUIREMENTS• OS version: KitKat (4.4.X) or above• 1 GB RAM or aboveTo create or edit documents, sign in with a free Microsoftaccounton devices with a screen size of 10.1 inches orsmaller.Unlock the full Microsoft Office experience with a qualifyingOffice365 subscription (see yourphone, tablet, PC and Mac.Office 365 subscriptions purchased from the app will be chargedtoyour Play Store account and will automatically renew within24hours prior to the end of the current subscription period,unlessauto-renewal is disabled beforehand. You can manageyoursubscriptions in your Play Store account settings. Asubscriptioncannot be cancelled during the active subscriptionperiod.Please refer to Microsoft’s EULA for Terms of Service for OfficeonAndroid. By installing the app, you agree to these termsandconditions:
SwiftKey Keyboard
NEW: All themes are now completely free!Upgrade your phone’s keyboard to SwiftKey Keyboard for free-and get more done without fussing over typos. Join over 250millionpeople worldwide who use SwiftKey Keyboard forhassle-freetyping.SwiftKey Keyboard uses Artificial Intelligence toautomaticallylearn your writing style, including the emoji you loveto use (ifyou use emoji), the words that matter to you and how youlike totype. That means autocorrect and predictive text thatactuallyworks because it adapts to you.SwiftKey Keyboard caters for all typing tastes - all colors,designsand themes. Support for 150+ languages. Tapping orswipe-to-type.Tons of emoji (smileys, emoticons). No emoji. Oremoji keyboardpredictions learned from how you’ve used emojibefore.- Kills your typos- Type faster with A.I.-powered predictions- Simply swipe-to-type with SwiftKey Flow- Autocorrect that actually works- Always learning your slang, nicknames and phrases- 80+ colors, designs and themes- Emoji keyboard - learns and predicts your favoriteemoticons- Bilingual autocorrect across 150+ languages- Teach the autocorrect your quirks from your online accountsFind out more about SwiftKey’s keyfeatures: 150+ languages, including:English (US, UK, AU, CA)Spanish (ES, LA, US)Portuguese (PT, BR)GermanTurkishFrenchArabicRussianItalianPolishSee the full list of languageshere: Keyboard requests access to your SMS messages in ordertoimprove word predictions based on what you've typed before.Some features are only supported by certain versions ofAndroid.Emoji is supported on Android 4.1 and above. For moreinformationon emoji support and other FAQs, pleasesee© Copyright TouchType Ltd 2017