Top 8 Apps Similar to Pomba Gira

Pomba Gira 1.6
Eiye Ifã
A pomba-gira é, sem dúvida, umadasentidadesmais atraentes, misteriosas e poderosas das religiõescujaorigemmescla crenças afro-ameríndias e européias. Suagrandeforçavibratória destina-se, sobretudo, à resoluçãodeproblemasamorosos, incluindo aí todas as revelações com osexoaposto e, agosto do cliente, ela pode fazer tantotrabalhosbenéficos quantomaléficos.Neste livro, selecionamos alguns trabalhos que, semdúvida,irãofacilitar a vida das pessoas que procuram os caminhos damagiaparasolucionar sua vida amorosa e tambem encontraráinformaçõessobre ahistória das Pombas Giras, asdiferenças,características,simpatias, mitologia, oferendas, e muitomais!Thedove-turnisundoubtedly one of the most attractive bodies,mysteriousandpowerful of religions whose origin blendsafrican-AmerindianandEuropean beliefs. His great vibratory force isintended mainlytosolve love problems there, including all therevelations withsexand bet the customer's taste, it can do bothbeneficial asevilworks.In this book, we selected some works that willundoubtedlymakelife easier for people looking for the magic ways tosolveyourlove life and also find information on the history ofDovesGirasthe differences, features, sympathies, mythology,offerings,andmuch more!
Pomba Gira Sete Saias 1.2
Eiye Ifã
Esta é uma das entidades maisconhecidasequeridas dentro da Umbanda e Povo do Oriente, é aciganaSeteSaias.Muitos médiuns e chefes de terreiros por falta deinformaçãonãocostumam apresentar esta maravilhosa entidade com asuaverdadeiraorigem cigana, fazendo desta linda gira umapomba-giradeencruzilhada.É a esta entidade poderosa que as mais serias mandingasdeamorsão realizadas… e há quem diga que o que a Cigana SeteSaiasUne…Ninguém separa!Nas suas oferendas não pode faltar perfume de floresougardênia…sua velas são coloridas quase sempre vermelhas, brancaseRosas… quesão as cores que simbolizam o sexo, o amor eatranqüilidade nasrelações.“Há quem diga que ela vem dos cruzeiros… há quem diga queelavemdo luar… me diga oh meu Deus de onde vem Pomba-Gira SeteSaiaseonde ela quer trabalhar!?”This is one ofthemostknown and beloved entities within the Umbanda and peopleoftheEast, is the Roma Seven Skirts.Many mediums and terraces leaders for lack of informationdoesnotusually present this wonderful entity with its truegypsyorigin,making this beautiful spins a dove-turncrossroads.It is this powerful entity that the most serious Mandingoofloveare made ... and some say that what the Gypsy Seven SkirtsUne...Nobody separates!In its offerings can not miss perfume or flowers gardenia...yourcandles are almost always colored red, white and roses...which arethe colors that symbolize sex, love and peaceinrelationships."Some say it comes from the cruise ... some say it comesfromthemoonlight ... tell me oh my God where it comes fromDove-TurnSevenSkirts and where she wants to work !?"
Dama da Noite 1.2
Eiye Ifã
Quem nunca ouviu falar da Pomba GiraDamadaNoite?É uma entidade bem conhecida e prestigiada.Muitaspessoaserroneamente dizem que a Rainha da Noite é uma unidadedeMariaPadilha, que na verdade não é! Ao longo de nosso estudoarespeitodessas entidades maravilhosas, descobrimos que Gira damadanoitefoi um dos amantes de Pedro I, no átrio do Brasil.A história diz que esta entidade em seu tempo aqui na terraeraumamulher muito bonita e rica, que era uma das madamesmaisprocuradosda época. Por causa de sua beleza e mistério, quecausouumverdadeiro alvoroço nos corações e desejos do tribunal..homensque vieram de oferecer esta mulher fortunas para passarumanoiteem seus braços. E foi através deste sedução de magia quefezestamulher bonita afortunar e despertar a curiosidadenopríncipeherdeiro do Brasil, Dom Pedro I. Na história do Brasilseunome nãoé mencionado, foi chamado Helena, mais em livros erevistastempoesta participação tem vindo a gerar um certoescândalo. Foiatravésde escrita automática Fabio Freitas descobriua verdadeirahistóriadesta entidade bonito quando se trata do mundo,trazconsigo a suamagia e sensualidade.Adora ganha rosas vermelhas e perfumes na encruzilhada,sempreemcima de um pano vermelho é chita ou cetim, fumandocharutoslongose leva champgne Cider.Neste livro, selecionamos alguns trabalhos que, semdúvida,irãofacilitar a vida das pessoas que procuram os caminhos damagiaparasolucionar sua vida amorosa e também encontraráinformaçõessobre ahistória da Pomba Gira Dama da Noite,características,simpatias,mitologia, oferendas, e muito mais!Who ever heard ofDoveGiraLady of the Night?It is a well known and prestigious entity. Many peoplemistakenlysaythe Queen of the Night is a unit of Maria Padilha,whichactually isnot! Throughout our study about thesewonderfulentities, we foundthat Gira lady of the night was one ofPeter Iof lovers in the lobbyof Brazil.The story goes that this organization in his time here on earthwasavery beautiful and rich, it was one of the most popular madamsofthetime. Because of its beauty and mystery, which caused arealstir inthe hearts and desires of the court .. men who cametooffer thiswoman fortunes to spend one night in his arms. Anditwas throughthis seductive magic that made this afortunarbeautifulwoman andarouse curiosity in the Crown Prince of Brazil,Dom PedroI. In thehistory of Brazil his name is not mentioned, wascalledHelena, morebooks and magazines while this participation hasbeengenerating acertain scandal. It was through automaticwritingFabio Freitasdiscovered the true history of this beautifulentitywhen it comes tothe world, brings its magic andsensuality.He loves winning red roses and perfumes at the crossroads,alwaysontop of a red cloth is calico or satin, smoking long cigarsandtakeschampgne Cider.In this book, we selected some works that willundoubtedlymakelife easier for people looking for the magic ways tosolveyourlove life and also find information on the history ofDoveGiraLady of the Night, features, sympathies, mythology,offerings,andmuch more!
Yoruba English Translator 23.5
GK Apps
Free translator from english to yoruba, and from yoruba to english
UmbandaT7 16.0
Umbanda na palma da sua mão. SitedoProf.Adérito Simões, WebAulas, Apostilas, áudios. Tudo oquevocêprecisa para seus estudos de Umbanda.Umbanda in the palmofyourhand. Prof. site Adérito Simões, WebAulas, handouts,audios.All youneed for your studies of Umbanda.
E-Vorschriften 2.6.0
Eine App mit Informationen zufundamentalenRegelungen und Vorschriften für Elektrohandwerker. WasSie alsFachhandwerker bei der Elektroinstallation wissen undbeachtenmüssen.Die Gira Aktiv Partner E-Vorschriften-App isteineSpecial-Interest-App speziell für Elektrofachkräfte. Sie dientalsschnelles Nachschlagewerk auf der Baustelle oder beim KundenvorOrt. Der Inhalt ist Allgemeinwissen für Elektrohandwerker unddecktalle wichtigen Bereiche ab, in denen ElektroinstallationenzumTragen kommen.Der Content ist übersichtlich sortiert und lässt sich vonderBautopologie her in die feiner strukturierten Bereiche abrufen.DieVorschriften-App überzeugt mit klaren Strukturen,leichtverständlichen Beschreibungen undübersichtlichenIllustrationen.Gira Aktiv Partner werden via Push-NachrichtenüberOnline-Seminare und weiterführende Informationenbenachrichtigt.Die Freischaltung der strukturierten Inhalte erfolgtnachSeminarteilnahme. Über den Callback-Button können GiraAktivPartner den Sachverständigen für dasElektrotechniker-Handwerk,Marcel Aulenbach, kontaktieren. EinWeiterleiten-Button erlaubt es,angezeigte Inhalte per Mail zuversenden.Entwickler: Marcel Aulenbach, Lutz Eymers, Thomas Kaiser,Dr.Ing. Sylvia-Kathrin TannebergerAn app withinformationabout fundamental rules and regulations forelectricians. What youneed to know as a skilled craftsman in theelectrical installationand note.The Gira active partners E-rules-App is a special interestappspecifically for qualified electricians. It serves as aquickreference on the construction site or at the customer site.Thecontent is general knowledge for electricians and covers allmajorareas in which electrical installations come to fruition.The content is clearly sorted and can be download fromtheBautopologie forth in the finer textured areas. The provisionsAppconvinced with clear structures, easy to understanddescriptionsand clear illustrations.Gira active partners are notified via push messagesthroughonline seminars and further information. The activation ofthestructured content is based on seminar participation. Aboutthecallback button can Gira active partner to the experts fortheelectrical engineer-craft, Marcel Aulenbach, contact. ASharebutton allows you to send content displayed by email.Developer: Marcel Aulenbach, Lutz Eymers, Thomas Kaiser, Dr.IngSylvia-Kathrin Tannenberger.
Pambu Panchnagam 2014-2015 1.0
Pambu Panchnagam is the name given by theusersto a Tamil almanac published by Manonmani Vilasam PressinChennai.The publisher's title for the almanac for the Tamil year2013-2014is Asal No. 28, Nandana Varsha Sudhha VakyaPanchangam.The almanac is popularly referred to as the Pambu Panchangambecausethe cover page of the almanac carries a prominent image ofasnake("Pambu" in Tamil means a "snake".)This snake is referred to as the Rahu Phani Chakram inthePanchangam.The image of the snake contains 27 small circles embeddedwithit.These circles represent the 27 nakshatras of Indian astrology.Pambu Panchangam is the most popular Tamil almanac amongTamilspeaking people all over the world
eAarti 1.3
eAarti App is a collection of various Aarti's of Hindu religionatyour finger tips. A modern day digital contribution from oursidekeeping in mind the needs of Digital India. An Aarti is referedtosongs sung in praise of the deity for worshipping.Worshippingconsists of performing a detailed puja, lighting thelamp,enchanting of Aarti, offering flowers and food before thedeities,reciting prayers and singing bhajans (devotional songs).Enchantingof an Aarti in a proper manner is considered the best wayto praygod and is of utmost importance. Hindu religion believes ina lotof Gods and Saints. Be it Ganesha, Laxmi, Shiv or MahaveerJain.Each deity has a different methodology of worship but thecommonthing across being enchanting of an Aarti. - Aarti are theversesor poems sung in the praise of God with light from wickssoaked inghee or camphor. - Aarti is a ritual of worship and aintegral partof puja. - This application is a collection of Aartisin hindilanguage with attractive images of God. - eAarti containvariousAartis of Shri Ganesha, Shiv, Shri Hanuman, Laxmi Mata,Durga Mata,Lord Vishnu and many more. - Users suggestions arealways welcomedat eAarti to enhance our application. DownloadeAarti to ensureproper enchanting of Aarti's daily and on religiousfestivals !!!