Top 48 Apps Similar to Custom Formulas

Mapit Spatial - GIS Data Colle
Measure distance and area using map or GPS - share surveyresultswith a team.
Nautical Calculator 9.7.0
The most complete application that solves thenavigationcalculations
UTM Measure 1.6.2
Y2 Tech
Tools for Simple GIS, Mapping and Surveying tasks.
Nautical Calculator Pro 9.7.0
The most complete application that solves thenavigationcalculations
Handy GPS (subscription) 40.5
A hiking and bushwalking GPS for the real world. No accountcreationrequired.
Sight reduction 4.3
Celestial navigation - Astronavigation Sight reduction: -MarcqSaint Hilaire Line of Position, intercept method (p=Ho-Hc, Zn)-Input for observed altitude Ho or instrumental Hs (NauticalAlmanacdata needed for the Sun and the Moon) - Calculator: altitudeHc andazimuth Zn - Running fix - Plots up to 3 Marcq Saint HilaireLinesof Position on Google maps - Local hour angle (LHA) Sightreductionis the process of deriving from a sight the informationneeded forestablishing a line of position. This app is a calculatorto getthe intercept from the assumed position of theobserverAP(latitude, longitude), the geographical position of thecelestialbody observed, GP(Dec, GHA), and its corrected altitudeHo. Manualand examples in the developer's website.Ref: User interface:-Zoom buttons +/- - Map types: standard, terrain, and satellite-GPS location. ("Location" App permission must be allowed. Switchonyou GPS, and then automatic location detection is possible)
Marine Navigation 8.4.25
Offline GPS tracker for boat navigation. GPS ChartplotterforSailing & boating
Gpstrip 2.401
GpsTrip is a odometer used in competition classic car and 4X4
GPS Waypoints 3.10
Surveying and navigation using Points, Paths and Areas (KML,GPX,CSV exports)
Survey and Coordinate 2.9.0
Measurement and Coordinate
Marine Surveyor Calculator Pro 5.0.8
A. Sulaiman
App designed for draft survey and another calculationrelationshipwith surveyor
ITF Global 1.0.2
All the news from the International Transport Workers’ Federation
Accurate Altimeter PRO 2.3.14
AR Labs
Turn your phone into an altimeter! Get elevation even offline.
ETA Calculator Pro 1.6
Making ETA Marine Navigation calculations easy
Y2 Tech
Offline GPS with MSL Altitude for Surveyors, Military&Orienteering.
Navigation Calculator 0.0.70
DBG Nautical
Navigation calculator for chart plotting, rhumb line andgreatcircle problems
Handy Surveying 9.6
A comprehensive and easy to use tool for land surveying
Map of Crete offline 2.1
Map Apps
Map of Crete Offline is detailed map of Crete.
Geometry Calculator 2.8
Expects the majority of geometric shapes on the given parameters
Speed Distance Time Calculator 1.7.2
Danny Connell
Calculate speed, distance or time by entering the othertwomeasurements
Marinus - Boating rules 4.2.7
Marinus ColRegs is not one more app ofthenavigation rules… is the APP of the navigation rules!Designed by and for the maritime and nautical people, thatresolveyour doubts in any moment and anywhere. Is the appindispensableonboard of your sail or power boat!Include the next sections:• Flags: with every letter and significant.• Meteo: Beaufort and Douglas scale, and clouds.• Sonuds• Lights: with a detail view of every vessel in every angle.• Day shapes• Maneuvers• Morse• Buoys IALA• Radio• ColRegs: all the International Regulation for PreventingCollsionsat Sea (IRPCS, Rules of the road, Collision rules) intext.• Quiz• MapDownload the app that miles of people use very day intheiriPhone. No matter if you are an experienced sailor or anovice,this is your app!Any question feel you free to ask to [email protected]
Rotating Sphere Inclinometer 1.11
This inclinometer measures roll and pitch, lateral andlongitudinalinclination.
Cmate for Seafarers 1.3.5
C mate
Marine certificates and seaman's book records.Shift plannerandexpiry reminder.
Coordinate Master 3.7
This powerful geodesy app allows you toconvertcoordinates between many of the world's coordinate systems,computegeoid offsets, and estimate the current or historicmagnetic fieldfor any location. It also includes surveying toolsto compute thepoint scale factor and grid convergence.The app uses the PROJ4 library and a lookup filecontainingprojection and datum parameters to support over 1700coordinatesystems. Lat/lon, UTM, US State Plane, and many, manyothers aresupported. You can also create your own coordinatesystems if youknow the parameters.The app also supports affinetransformations toallow you to set up local grid systems.See app either takes manual coordinate input or uses yourcurrentGPS location. The computed location can be displayed inGoogle Mapsvia your web browser with a single button press. It alsosupportsMGRS grid references.You can export any lat/lon, UTM or transverse Mercatorcoordinatesystems to a HandyGPS datum (.hgd) file for use as acustom datumin HandyGPS.The magnetic field calculator page computes the Earth's currentorhistorical magnetic field at a given location. Themagneticdeclination computed is useful for compass navigation sinceitrepresents the difference between true north and magneticnorth.Field inclination and total intensity are also computed. Thistooluses the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model(IGRF-12).See for fulldetails.Years from 1900 through to 2020 are supported.The app can also compute the geoid height offset for agivenlocation, using the EGM96 model. Geoid offset can besubtractedfrom the height reported by GPS to give your actualheight abovesea level.Online help for the app is availableat A version of this app is now also available foriPhones.Permissions required: (1) GPS - to determine your location, (2)SDcard access - to read and write user projections file.
Triangle Calculator 2.2
Kevin Böhmer
With Triangle Calculator you can calculate triangles withoutanyknowlegde.
Mapit GIS - Map Data Collector
GPS and Map based field's surveys - Mobile GIS, Data CollectionandMeasurements
Degree Calculator 1.0
Algebraic operations with degrees and numbers.
CartoDruid - GIS offline tool 0.60.16
CartoDruid is a GIS application developed by InstitutoTecnológicoAgrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL) thought as a tool tosupportthe fieldwork aiming to solve the problem of disconnectededitingof georeferenced information. In many field areas, mobilecoverageis insufficient to work in a reliable way. CartoDruidprovides asolution to this problem allowing the visualization onraster andvectorial layers stored on the device and allowing thecreation ofnew geometries (entities), drawing them directly on thescreen orusing embeded or external GPS. CartoDruid doesn't requierepreviousGIS (Geographic Information Systems) knowledge and it'seasy toconfigure and use. This allows any person to use it tomanagefieldwork information and then export generated data to usethem inexternal applications. What can CartoDruid do?: - VisualizeonlineGoogle Maps. - Use vectorial cartography loaded on aSpatiaLitedatabase. - USe rasterimaginery loaded on a RasterLitedatabase. -Consume online WMS services. - Create new layers on thedevice. -Configure filtering on vectorial layers to determinevisiblegeometries based on their attributes. - Configuresymbologies andlabels based on SQL expressions (easily). -Configure searches onlayers using SQL queries. - Configureidentification forms based onSQL queries. - Edit the attributes ofa geometry. - Manually drawgeometries: points, lines and polygons.- Draw and edit geometriesbased on GPS data. - Edit geometriesusing several useful tools:split using polyline, circular split,merge geometries, multipartexplosion. Graphically move existingvertices of geometries. -Create new geometries intersecting layers.- Automatically savegeorreferenced data: creating and update datesand others. -Associate pictures to entities. - SIGPAC search basedon existingdownloaded data. - Length and area measurement tools,defining themeasurement units. - Guided and line based navigationto help theuser reach her destination. - Manage bookmarks. - Importvectorialdata using CSV files. - Import SpatiaLite databases. -Exportseveral formats: SQLite, KML and CSV. - TOC (Table ofContents)management: sorting, symbologies, hierarchical sorting(folders). -Works with SHP (ESRI ShapeFile) as an exprimentalfeature. -Controlling the operations that can be performed on alayer viaconfiguration (overlaps. move vertices. deleteentities,identification and edition, ...) Go to seethe complete list, download examples andlearn how to start!
AndMeasure (Area & Distance) 2.0.7
The AndMeasure tool allows you tomeasuredistances and calculate area between points on a map.The tool has virtually unlimited applications. Use itPROFESSIONALLYfor measuring distances and areas in landscaping,lawn care, waterline measuring, paving and fencing. Use it infarming, agricultureand forestry to measure your fields andforests. Realtor's can useit for showing clients distances tocertain landmarks.For RECREATIONAL use, it can be used in measuring off-roadroutes,plotting running courses, water trips, range estimation attheshooting/driving range. Use it in Golf for gettingreal-timedistance to the green.★★★ Featured on powered by Farm Journal ★★★"This app could be an easy way for farmers to measure newfields."March 2012Features:● Use it as a ruler on a map to calculate the distancebetweenmultiple points● Calculate areas in acres, sq miles, sq feet, m2, km2,Hectare,Ares● Measure the distance to your location from multiple pointsinreal-time using the "continuous mode" feature● Switch between Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain and normalmapmode● Find your current location via GPS or Network● Share measurement and screenshot via email and Google Drive● Add markers to the map either via tap or by dragging from the"addbutton" to get super accuracy● Move markers around to get precise measurementKeywords: map, maps, area, distance, length, ruler, gps, golf,areacalculator, range finder, map measure, area measure,distancemeasure, field area measure, surface measurement, realestate,realtor, GPS measure, solar, landscape, areacalculation,planimeter, efarmer, perimeter, landscaping, garden,fencing,acreage, terrain, geographical, property, geo,agricultural,calculator, forest, farm, field measure, location,roof area,solar, solar panel roof area, outdoor, snow removal,farmlogs, landcalculatorLanguages: English (write an email if you want to help withothertranslations)Get it at: Policy:AndMeasure does not store any personal information at all.HoweverGoogle Analytics is used in the app to better understand howtheapp is used and performs.The Google Privacy Policy can be found here:
Locus GIS - offline geodata collecting, SHP edits 1.10.1
Professional GIS application for offline fieldwork with geodata.Itprovides data collection, viewing, and updating. All itsfeaturesare available above a wide selection of online, offline,and WMSmaps. Fieldwork • offline collecting and updating of fielddata •saving points with current or arbitrary position • creatinglinesand polygons by motion recording • settings of attributes •photos,video/audio or drawings as attachments • guidance topointsImport/Export • importing and editing ESRI SHP files •exportingdata to ESRI SHP or CSV files • exporting whole projectsto QGISMaps • wide range of maps both for online use and fordownload •support of WMS sources • support of offline maps inMBTiles,SQLite, MapsForge, TAR, GEMF, RMAP formats, andcustomOpenStreetMap data or map themes Tools and features •measuringdistances and areas • searching and filtering of data intheattribute table • style editing and text labels • organizingdatainto layers and projects Locus GIS is successfully used in awiderange of industries: • collection of environmental data(ecologicalscanning, tree surveys ...) • forestry management andplanning, •agriculture and soil management • gas and energydistribution •planning and construction of wind farms • explorationof miningfields and location of wells • survey and management ofurbanfacilities • road constructions and maintenance
GCC - GeoCache Calculator 1.7.5
The GeoCache Calculator is a comprehensive tool foreveryactivecacher! It contains over 250 different functionstocalculatevalues and checksums, as well as tables andoverviewsforsupporting your outdoor geocaching search. A tool whichnocachershould miss! GCC was in many reviews, podcasts andtestsondifferent geocaching sites. The feedback was allwaysreallygood.The ratings at the market emphasize this. So, give GCC atry!:)You will find the full feature list andchangelogon: Functions: ADFG(V)X(en-/decrypt)AffineAlpha Numeric ASCII Converter Astro - Sun/MoonRise/Set -EasterDate - Easter Years - Seasons - Shadow CalculatorAtbashBacon(en-/decode) Base16, 32, 64, 85 (en-/decode)Brainf***/OokCaesar(en-/decrypt) Colors: - CMY, CMYK, HEX, HSL,HSV, RGB, YIQ,YUV,YCBCR Coordinates - Bearing - Converter -Distance - Geohash-Intersection Bearing - IntersectionDistance/Radius (two)-Intersection Distance/Radius (three) -Intersection Circle-Intersection Lines - Midpoint - ProjectionCross Total - A=1/Z=26-A=26/Z=1 - interated - alternating - sum -productDeadfish(en-/decrypt) DNA e (Eulers number) - Position -Range -SearchEnigma Formula Solver - own formulas and values -manymathematicalfunctions Gade GC Base 31 (en-/decode) Hashes -BKDR -DEK - DJB -ELF - FNV - MD2 - MD4 - MD5 - PJW - RIPEMD-128-RIPEMD-160 - SDBM- SHA-1 - SHA 160, 254, 384, 512 - SHA-3 224,254,384, 512 - Tiger- Whirlpool - ... Heatindex Hint(en-/decode)Kamasutra(en-/decrypt) Kenny's Code (en-/decrypt) MorseCodeTranslatormyGEOtools - Alchemical Symbols - AncientEgyptianNumbers -Antiker - Arcadian - Atbash / Caesar - ATH-Code -Bacon'scipher -Baudot - Blox - Brahmi - Chappe-Code (opticalTelegraph) -Cherokee- Cirth - Code-Sun (mRNA) - Colorhoney -ColorTokki -Daedric -Dagger - Decabit - Dragon Runes - Color Codes- FingerAlphabet -Flag Alphabet - Fonic - Freemasons Code -Futurama -Glagolitic -Glagolitic Numerals - Gargish - Genreich -GreekNumerals - LuckyNumbers - Gnommish - Hexahue - HieraticNumbers -HVD - Hylian -Hymmnos - Intergalactic Code - IndianNumerals -Japanese Numerals- Klingon Language - Krypton Language -Magicode -Marain - Matoran- Mathematics and Physics Constants -Maya - Maze -Modern Hylian -Moonalphabet - Musical Notation System- Ogam -Periodic System -Punisch - Pipeline 3D - Pixel Code -PolybiosCipher - POSTNET andPLANET - Puzzle Code - Reality -Romulan -Sarati - SegmentDisplays - Sexagesimal System - SpintypeAlphabet -Sunúz -Tenctonese - Tom Tom - Ulog - Utopian Code -Visitor -Semaphore -Yán-Koryáni - Gypsy Signs - Babylonian Numbers- BarbierAlphabeth- 8-Point Braille - Deafblind - Fakoo - SignWriting -GreekAlphabet - Lorm Alphabet - Nießen Alphabet - Quadoo -ROT5-Cyrillic - Shutter Telegraph - Enochian Alphabet - SpaceInvaders-Dancing Man Code - Templar - DTMF/MFV Signals NumericSystems-Converter - Base - Table - Negate Bases - FloatingPointNumbersOne Time Pad Periodic System of Elements PermutationsPhoneKeys -Phone Number - Vanity Code - Input Keys Phi (GoldenRatio)-Position - Range - Search Pi (Π) - Position - Range-SearchPlayfair (en-/decrypt) Polybios (en-/decrypt) PrimeNumbers-Number - Nearest - Position - Is Prim - PrimeFactorsProjectileRail Fence (en-/decrypt) Resistor ColorCodeCalculator(4-Ring/5-Ring) Reverse Roman Numeral - Translator-ChronogramROT5, 13, 18, 47 Rotation RSA - En-/Decrypt - 'E' Check-'D', 'N','φ' Calculator - Prime Number Check Skytale(en-/decrypt)Solitaire(en-/decrypt) Substitution Tap Code(en-/decrypt)Tapir(en-/decrypt) Vigenère (en-/decrypt) WindchillZuseZ22/CCIT2(en-/decrypt) Features: - Four Themes - Three FontSizes -SixCharsets - Dynamic User-Interface - English andgermantranslation- Fully integration of myGEOtools - Completeofflineusage - Nopermissions on the device needed - App 2 SD -TabletReady - TwoWidgets - Function Search
Know MARPOL 1.3
Your companion to keep you updated with MARPOL knowledgeandimplementation.
SeaProof - your Sailing & Boating App
Light and sound Signals, NATO Alphabet, Way Rules, Maneuver
Mapit GIS - NTRIP Client 1.2.1
Simple tool to get RTK corrected coordinates into Mapit and logRAWGNSS data.
SailDroid Pro 3.3.9-pro
Pro version of Saildroid. Basic instruments for small boats,backupfor yachts.
Topography APP 1.0.11
The Topography APP is an excellent application for georeferencingorland surveying, design of electrical networks, avenues,streets,subdivisions and studies in general.Export your surveys to DXF (Autocad), KML (Google Earth), CSV(MSExcel) without the slightest difficulty and the possibilityoftransmission by email of their withdrawals directly from thefieldto the office.In the Professional version you can mark up to 5000 pointsforsurveys.
Meteo Calculator 0.0.70
DBG Nautical
Meteo calculator for temperature, humidity, dew point, heatindexand wind chill
TopoDroid 5.1.40
Cave surveying on Android
GPS Fields Areas Measures 3.14.3
Measure plot, land,field area, perimeter, road distance, markpoi,attach photo
WinGPS™ Marine 4.56
Your tablet or smartphone as a personal navigation system on board.
GPS Waypoints Navigator | MAPS 9.29
Offline mapping and GPS for hiking, trails, offroad &marinenavigation.
Tank volume
Will Maze
Capacity calculations of tanks, vessel volume and liquid volume
Field Topography UTM free 2.8.1
Topographical calculations. UTM-Grid on Map. Measurement pathlengthon Map.
World Topo Map 6.1.1
World topographic map with *no* limitations!
ISS Transit Prediction Pro 2.2.2
Ed Morana
This application generates InternationalSpaceStation (ISS) Transit Predictions for the Sun, MoonandPlanets.The user specifies a location, which includes latitude,longitudeand elevation. The application downloads the latestorbitalinformation (Two Line Elements or TLEs). The applicationgeneratesa transit prediction map which contains prediction pathsfor eachtransit within a specified alert radius.*** Please try the ad-supported ISS Transit Prediction Freebeforepurchasing to make sure you like the app ***USER INTERFACEThe main screen provides 4 buttons:•Location - Press this button to add or select thepredictiongeneration location•Two Line Elements (TLE) - Press this button to download TLEs•Generate Prediction - Press this button to start thepredictiongeneration•View Prediction - Press this button to view the prediction maportext fileThe options menu provides the following:•Locations - Press to add, select, edit or deletesavedlocations•Predictions - Press to view, share or delete savedpredictionmaps•Settings - Press to set user preferences•DEM Files - Press to list or delete the downloaded DEM Data•Help - Press to display this help page•About - Press to display application version, creditsandlinksLOCATIONSAdd a named observing location by clicking the "Add Location"buttonaccessible from the locations screen.The location coordinates can be entered in any ofthreemethods:•Manually - Enter latitude, longitude and elevation in thetextboxes. Positive values represent North and East, negativevaluesSouth and West. Elevation can be entered in meters or feetabovesea level depending on the current prediction units setting.As thecoordinates are typed, the map pans to the location. Pressthesearch button to search for a location.•Map Input - Use the map to zoom and pan to a location. PressingtheSet button sets the location name, coordinates and elevation inthetext boxes. The elevation of the current coordinates isretrievedusing the specified elevation data source setting. Switchbetweenmap and satellite modes by toggling the Map/Satbutton.•GPS - By pressing the GPS button, the application uses GPStoobtain location coordinates and elevation.Use the locations page accessible from the options menu to editanddelete saved locations.GENERATING PREDICTIONSOnce a location has been entered and TLE have been downloaded,pressthe "Generate Prediction" button to begin predictiongeneration. Theprogress bar gives an indication of how long itwill take tocomplete the process. Depending on your CPU speed, itcan take a fewminutes to generate the predictions. Pressing thecancel button willcancel the prediction.VIEWING PREDICTIONSOnce the prediction generation is complete, the prediction maportext file can be viewed. Pressing the View Prediction buttonbringsup the previously generated prediction map. The text buttonwithinthe map view displays the prediction text. The Map/Satbuttonswitches between Map mode and Satellite mode.Within the map view press the Google Earth button to view the mapinGoogle Earth. Press the save button to save the prediction forlaterviewing.Within the transit information window, press the add tocalendarbutton to create a calendar event (Android 4.0 orbetter).Use the predictions page accessible from the options menu toview,share and delete previously saved prediction maps.PERMISSIONSStorage: To store/delete elevation data needed forpredictiongeneration, saved predictions & locations asrequested byuserSystem Tools: To prevent device from sleeping duringpredictiongenerationNetwork Communications: To download ISS orbital elements fromtheinternetYour Location: Fine (GPS) location. To obtain your currentlocationif requested by userYour Accounts: Read Google service configuration. Todisplaypredictions using Google Maps (Required by Google)
QField for QGIS - EXPERIMENTAL 1.9.3
QField focuses on efficiently getting GISfieldwork done.The mobile GIS app from combines a minimal designwithsophisticated technology to get data from the field to theofficein a comfortable and easy way.QField unleashes the full power of the QGIS styling engine tobringyour customized maps to the field, collect attributes forfeatureswith configured edit widgets like value lists, checkboxes,freetext or pictures taken with the device camera.QField is an open source project, the documentation, muchmoreinformation, the source code and possibilities to to supporttheproject can be found at (preferred) or by buyingtheQField for QGIS Karma editionapp( is built from ground up to be touch oriented and easy touseoutside.It is based on a few paradigms● GPS centric● QGIS desktop compatible● Fully working when offline● Synchronization capabilities● Project preparation on desktop● Few and large buttons● Mode based work (Display, Digitizing,Measuring,Inspection,...)QField is built using Qt5, QtQuick 2 (both are supportedandsuggested by Qt) and OpenGL so it is future proof and itspearheadsQGIS towards is happy to help you with the implementation ofmissingfeatures. Contact us at bug reports please file an issueat
A-EFIS black & white 3.57
A fully featured EFIS display that uses your smartphone'sinternalsensors.