Top 13 Games Similar to Team Belgium - Rio 2016

Paralympic Games Rio 2016
Rio 2016
Now with more features, and a lotfaster!Download the official app for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.As well as the opening and closing ceremonies, you will alsobeable to access links to official broadcasts of live sports suchasjudo, athletics, swimming, goalball, wheelchair basketball andmanymore.The full schedule and results for all of the competitionsareconstantly updated. You can also set the app to sendnotificationsfor your favourite sports and athletes, and eveninclude yourpreferred events in your personal agenda.For those in Rio, the app will provide a detailed guide withtipsfor events that do not require a ticket to watch(marathon,triathlon, road cycling etc.), details of the Fest Rio2016 fansites, as well as being the first place for news andincrediblephotos from the competitions. Enjoy!
Olympics: Live Sports & News 7.14.0
Stories, Highlights, Live Events & Olympic Qualifiers
CBC Rio 2016 1.1.1
CBC Mobile
Get ready for the Rio Olympic Games!Watch live video, on-demand highlights, and get thelatestresults with the new CBC Rio 2016 app for Android. FollowTeamCanada’s quest for the podium from Aug. 5-21, and watch live asthebiggest international stars such as Usain Bolt and MichaelPhelpscontinue their historic journey.Additional features:Customize your app for medals and breaking news alertsGet the up-to-date event and broadcast schedule to planyourdayMeet Team Canada's athletes through profiles, interviewsandhighlightsShare the Rio 2016 experience with your friends onsocialmediaAs the games approach on Aug. 5, the app will be updatedwithspecial Games-time features for results, live video anddetailedschedules
Brazil Games 2016 - My Country 1.1
"Brazil 2016 - My Country" is an application where you canfollowthe 2016 Summer Olympics live. However , this applicationfills thevoid which no other application provides - You can filterthe wholeapplication to only follow athletes from your country! ,whichessentially means * Application customized to your countries'live, past and future events. * Follow live event results andscheduleon your phone. * Players and Medals filtered to yourcountry. Yes -this is 'that' missing app you were looking for. Letthe 'app'begin!
Juegos Olímpicos Río 2016 1.1.1
Juegos Olímpicos Río 2016 es laaplicaciónoficial de para seguir las competiciones de losJuegos endirecto y en diferido.Las noticias de la cita olímpica, el medallero completo, todalaprogramación de los JJ.OO. y los resultados de las pruebas.- Hasta 19 canales para seguir en directo la programacióncompletade los JJ.OO.- Canales con locución en español, con sonido ambiente y enHD- Calendario de programación con información de los directos queseproducen en ese momento y también de las competiciones pasadasyfuturas.- Medallero actualizado en tiempo real.- Las competiciones emitidas en directo se pueden volver a ver enAla Carta tras finalizar la prueba.- La calidad de los vídeos se adapta al ancho de bandadisponibledel usuario, en tiempo real y sin que tenga queconfigurarnada.- Se pueden compartir los eventos en redes sociales.**** RTVE ofrece los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 solo enEspaña,aplicando la normativa del Comité Olímpico Internacionalsobrerestricción de acceso territorial ****Rio 2016 Olympic Gamesisthe official implementation of to follow thecompetitionsof the Games live and delayed.The news of the Olympics, the complete medal tally, allprogrammingof the Olympics and the test results.- Up to 19 channels for live full schedule of the Olympics- Channels with speech in Spanish, with ambient sound and HD- Calendar programming information direct that occur at the timeandalso of past and future competitions.- Medal updated in real time.- The competitions will be broadcast live to see in A la Carteaftercompleting the test.- The quality of the videos adapts to the available bandwidth oftheuser, in real time and without having to configureanything.- You can share events on social networks. **** RTVE offers the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in Spain onlypursuantto the regulations of the International Olympic Committeeonterritorial access restriction ****
SporTV Rio 2016 2.0
O SporTV leva até você o melhor aplicativoparaacompanhar os Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016:- SporTV 2 ao vivo com os eventos paralímpicos;- Eventuais transmissões no SporTV, SporTV 3 e SporTV 4;- Íntegras e compactos das competições para ver e reverquandoquiser (aberto para todos);- Programação completa dos 4 canais SporTV;- Notificações para criar sua agenda de eventos e nãoperdernada;- Quadro de medalhas.The SporTV brings youthebest application to follow the Paralympic Games Rio 2016: - SporTV 2 live with the Paralympic events;- Any transmissions in SporTV, SporTV and SporTV 3 4;- Righteous and compact competitions to see and review when youwant(open to all);- Complete schedule of 4 SporTV channels;- Notifications to create your event schedule and notmissanything;- Medal board.
Globo Rio 2016 14.0
Globo Rio 2016 é um aplicativo paravocêficarpor dentro de toda a programação dos Jogos Olímpicos, alémdeserum guia de localização do Rio de Janeiro e seusserviços(Pontosturísticos, Bicicletas, Acessos do BRT e dometrô,Delegacias depolícia, Hospitais e postos de saúde) em trêsidiomas:português,inglês e espanhol.Já imaginou apontar para um local de competição e saber oqueestáacontecendo ali naquele exato momento? A tecnologiadaRealidadeAumentada traz isso para você!A TV Globo também leva até você curiosidades esportivaseumquadro de medalha sempre atualizado.E mais! É gratuito!Globe 2016isanapplication for you to stay on top of all the programmingoftheOlympic Games, besides being a location guide of Rio deJaneiroandits services (Attractions, Bicycles, BRT Getting thesubway,Policestations, hospitals and health centers) inthreelanguages:Portuguese, English and Spanish.Have you ever imagined point to a competition site andknowwhatis happening there at that very moment? The technologyofAugmentedReality brings it for you!TV Globo also brings you sports trivia and medalpicturetodate.And more! It is free!
Rio 2016 à Radio-Canada 1.1.1
Vivez la fièvre des Jeux Olympiques Rio2016avec la nouvelle application de Radio-Canada, Rio 2016.Épreuves endirect, vidéo sur demande, résultats instantanés, tout yest.Fonctionnalités :- Regardez les épreuves en direct, les vidéos des meilleursmomentset les entrevues des athlètes- Soyez au fait des dernières nouvelles grâce au fil d'actualitésencontinu- Consultez l'horaire et les résultats complets de touteslesépreuves des Jeux- Restez branché sur les Jeux en tout temps grâce auxnotifications(début de vos épreuves préférées, résultats en direct,médailles,dernières nouvelles)- Découvrez les athletes d'Équipe Canada- Partagez l’expérience Rio 2016 avec vos amis sur Facebook,surTwitter et par courrielExperience theexcitementof the Rio 2016 Olympic Games with the new applicationofRadio-Canada, Rio 2016 Live Events, video on demand,instantresults, everything is there.features:- Watch live events, the video highlights and interviewsofathletes- Be aware of the latest news through the newswirecontinuously- Check the schedule and complete results of all Games trials- Stay tuned to the Games at any time through notifications(startof your favorite events, live results, medals, breakingnews)- Discover the athletes of Team Canada- Share the Rio 2016 experience with your friends onFacebook,Twitter and email
MARCA Claro 3.0.0
All sports information, live football scores and other sports.
Sporza Rio 2016
Download “Sporza Rio 2016” en volgdeOlympische Spelen in Rio alsof u er zelf bij bent. U kuntdeuitzendingen van Sporza live bekijken, maar ook wedstrijdendieniet op televisie uitgezonden worden.Je kan de app ook personaliseren: volg de Belgen op de voetenduid je favoriete sporten aan. Zo krijg je een melding wanneereenBelg in actie komt in Rio.Heeft u de nachtelijke actie in Rio gemist? Geen nood, indezeapp bekijk je wanneer je maar wil de samenvattingen vandebelangrijkste wedstrijden en reportages over de Belgen. Jevindtnatuurlijk ook alle uitslagen en het programma if you weretheredownload "Sporza Rio 2016" and follow the Olympics in Rio. Youcanview live broadcasts Sporza, but also games that are nottelevised.You can also personalize the app, follow the Belgians at thebaseand mark your favorite sports on. So you get a notificationwhen aBelgian into action in Rio.Did you miss the overnight action in Rio? Do not worry, inthisapp see you if you want the summaries of the mostimportantcompetitions and reports about the Belgians. You will ofcoursereturn all results and the program.
NBC Sports 9.2.0
Watch thousands of LIVE sporting events, replays and more withNBCSports App
FOX Sports MX 12.36.11
FOX Sports: LIVE sporting events,
Rai Rio2016
Benvenuto nell’applicazione ufficiale dellaRAIdedicata ai Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016 che si svolgono dal 5al 21agosto in Brasile.Questa app ti consente - solo su territorio italiano -diguardare in streaming live tutte le dirette delle sessioni digara,scegliendo la preferita o passando dall’una all’altraattraverso ilcalendario degli eventi olimpici.Immediatamente dopo le gare, queste saranno anchedisponibilinell’app come video on demand, sia nel formatohighlights che comeregistrazione integrale della sessione digare.Puoi configurare l’app per ricevere notifiche automatichequandosta per iniziare la diretta di una sessione di gare chehaiselezionato, o quella di un atleta o di uno sport che haiindicatocome di tuo interesse.Sulla Home Page, la redazione RaiSport potrà suggerirti icontenuti(live o registrati) più rilevanti e - se hai abilitatol’app -inviarti anche degli aggiornamenti e segnalazioni sulle gareincorso.In qualsiasi momento puoi consultare il calendario dellegare,‘prenotare’ la visione di una diretta, verificare i risultatie lestatistiche delle gare già disputate e guardarne i video ondemand,condividendone il link sui tuoi profili social.▶ CONTATTACIPer ogni informazione riguardo l’app visita il nostro sito.>> trovarci anche sui principali Social Network e seguirciconl’hashtag #RaiRio2016!Facebook: welcome intheapplication of the RAI dedicated to the Rio 2016 OlympicGameswhich take place August 5 to 21 in Brazil.This app will let you - only on Italian territory - watchlivestreaming all the live coverage of the race sessions, choosingthepreferred or passing from one to another through the calendarofthe Olympic events.Immediately after the race, this app will also be available asvideoon demand, both in the format that highlights how completerecordingof the session of races.You can configure the app to receive automatic notificationwhenit is about to start the live broadcast of a session of racesyouhave selected, or that of an athlete or a sport that youreferredto as your interest.On the Home Page, the RaiSport editors can suggest content (liveorrecorded) and most relevant - if you've enabled the app - evensendupdates and reports on current events.At any time you can consult the schedule of races, 'book' thevisionof a direct, verify the results and statistics of the racesalreadyand watch its video on demand, sharing the link to yoursocialprofiles.▶ CONTACTFor any information about the app visit our website.>> can also find us on the major social networks and follow uswiththe hashtag # RaiRio2016!Facebook: