Top 10 Apps Similar to Macmillan Digital

MEE2 - Mac Ed Everywhere 5.2.1
Easy to use, Responsive, On Line / Off line,
Sapling Learning 1.0
The free Sapling App makes it easyforstudentsto manage (but not do) their assignments.• Receive calendar notifications for all assignment duedatesbyautomatically syncing with your Google Calendar.• View a prioritized list of upcoming assignments andduedate.• Check your grades.(Note: This app is NOT for doing HOMEWORK, just formanagingyourcalendar.)Simply download the app and login with yourexistingSaplingLearning username and password. Please note that tocompleteyourSapling Learning homework, you must access your accountfromyourdesktop or laptop as you cannot yet complete your homeworkfromtheapp. The capability of the app will continue to grow andevolveaswe listen to your feedback and craft the bestmobileexperiencethat saves you time and drives your success.
Bebop Band 1 1.5.2
Bebop Band 1, children explore and have fun learning theEnglishlanguage
Practice Pronunciation 1.5
Eight Blocks
Practice Pronunciation is your shortcut toaperfect pronunciation in English.- Hear how a word is pronounced- Practice saying the word and get points for gettingitright!- Listen to how you pronounce the word and compare it with theapppronunciation.- See the phonetic transcription of a word- Visually identify where a word is stressed- Get the different definitions of a word- Use the share button to get the pronunciation of any word fromanyapp.With this app anyone learning English can have a virtualteacherin his pocket. Know how to say any word and hear themspelled (evenwithout having an Internet connection!). You can alsomake lists ofthe words you are learning and practice them. Practicesaying theword and the app will tell you if he got thepronunciation right,wrong or perfect and give you pointsaccordingly.Furthermore searching for a word will show you the spellingusingthe International Phonetic Alphabet (which you don't have tobe anexpert to find it useful), show you where the stress is in awordand it's different definitions. Finally the app blends intothesystem providing the user the ability to highlight words onanyother app and using the share function to look up the word andhowto pronounce it."Practice makes perfect"Powered By Macmillan English Dictionary and Thesaurus
Youtabbie 4 1.0.002
YouTabbie – Livro digital interativoBrazilian Portuguese (Default)You can only add new languages if your app version is inaneditable state. To add new languages, you must submit a newappversion from the App Summary module or reject thisversion.App Name YouTabbieDescription: YouTabbie é um aplicativo que traz o conteúdodovolume 1 da coleção YouTabbie com interatividade. Oaplicativopossui diversos recursos, tais como:• Atividades interativas com feedback de acerto ou erro ejogosvariados (jogos de tabuleiro, cruzadinhas,caça-palavras,etc.)• Áudios de diálogos e músicas.• Índice dinâmico.• Ferramentas de colorir, sublinhar, circular e desenhar.A coleção YouTabbie inclui:• textos interessantes que fazem parte do universo dosalunos,ensinam o idioma no contexto e evoluem ao longo dacoleção;• músicas autenticas escritas especialmente para a coleçãoeregravações de sucesso;• caderno de atividades com páginas destacáveis;• Projetos e infográficos;• Jogos que testam a compreensão do aprendizado;O aplicativo pode ser utilizado dentro ou fora da sala de aula,sema necessidade do acompanhamento do livro impresso ou CDdeáudio.Para ter acesso ao conteúdo do aplicativo, baixe-o gratuitamenteefaça a instalação utilizando a senha que acompanha o livro.YouTabbie © Texto: Adriana Beatriz Saporito e Sueli ValentedaSilva Caparroz, 2014YouTabbie © Ilustração: Macmillan do Brasil, 2014.Aplicativo desenvolvido por Editora Globaltec.What's New in this Version this version provides bug fixes.YouTabbie -InteractiveDigital BookEnglish English (Default)You can only add new languages ​​if your version is inaneditable state app. To add new languages, you must submit thenewversion app from the App Summary module or rejectthisversion.App Name YouTabbieDescription: YouTabbie is an application that brings thevolumeof the contents of 1 YouTabbie collection with interactivity.Theapplication has several features such as:• Interactive activities with feedback of right or wrongandvaried games (board games, crosswords, word searches,etc.)• Audios dialogues and songs.• Dynamic Index.• Tools to color, underline, circle and draw.The YouTabbie collection includes:• interesting texts that are part of the students'universe,teach the language in context and evolve over thecollection;• authentic music written especially for the collectionandsuccessful remakes;• Activity notebook with detachable pages;• Projects and infographics;• Games to test understanding of learning;The application can be used inside or outside the classroomwithoutthe need for monitoring of the printed book or audioCD.To access the application content, download it free and dotheinstallation using the password that accompanies the book.YouTabbie © Text: Beatriz Adriana Saporito and Sueli ValentedaSilva Caparroz, 2014YouTabbie © Illustration: Macmillan of Brazil, in 2014.Application developed by Publisher Globaltec.What's New in this Version Provides bug fixes this version.
Estrada Digital 2.1
La enseñanza y el aprendizaje estánenunproceso de cambio. Las nuevas tecnologías nosofrecenherramientaspara potenciar estos procesos y hacerlosmássignificativos, contareas que motivan a nuestros alumnos paraqueaprendanmejor.Mediante esta aplicación de Estrada Digital podésdescargarcadamanual de texto bajo la forma de Libro digitaldocente.Losbeneficios de utilizar Estrada Digital son:· ¡Sin conexión! Desde Estrada Digital, podés accederanuestroslibros y otros recursos, aunque no tengas conexiónenelaula.· Con más recursos. De acuerdo a tus necesidades, loslibrosincluyenrecursos con conexión como videos, enlaces asitiosweb,simulaciones, programas específicos de cada área, yotrossinconexión como actividades complementarias, galeríasdeimágenes,audios, etc. para enriquecer tu propuesta declase.· En todos tus dispositivos. Podés acceder a losrecursosdesdecualquier computadora de escritorio o notebook,tabletaosmartphone.Teaching andlearningarein a process of change. New technologies offer us toolstoenhancethese processes and make them more meaningful, withtasksthatmotivate our students to learn better.With this application you can download each EstradaDigitalmanualtext in the form of teaching digital book. Thebenefits ofusingDigital Estrada are:· Without connection! From Digital Estrada, you can accessourbooksand other resources, even if you have connectionintheclassroom.· With more resources. According to your needs, withfreebooksinclude resources such as videos, web links,simulations,specificprograms in each area, and other offlineascomplementaryactivities, image galleries, audio, etc. proposaltoenrich yourclass.· In all your devices. You can access resources from anydesktoporlaptop, tablet or smartphone.
Laxmi Publications eReader Hig 1.6.3
Laxmi Publications Higher Education Books & Store.Buy/Rent& Read books
Connect Cambridge Dictionary X10
cemil sanli
It is not only english dictionary. More and more.
Dynamic Books Reader 1.0.0
Dynamic Books Reader is the companion appforthe Principles of Biology textbook that allows you to accessyoureTextbook offline.
Conectados 1 2
Metadata and Uploads EditBrazilian Portuguese (Default Language)ChooseAnotherLanguage:Brazilian Portuguese (Default)You can only add new languages if your app version isinaneditable state. To add new languages, you must submit anewappversion from the App Summary module or rejectthisversion.App Name Proyecto Conectados 1Description Proyecto Conectados 1 é um aplicativo queapresentaoconteúdo do volume 1 da coleção Proyecto Conectados 1.Oaplicativopossui diversos recursos, tais como:- Atividades interativas variadas com feedback deacertoouerro.- Campos de anotações.- Áudio de frases e diálogos.- Índice dinâmico.A coleção Proyecto Conectados:• prepara os alunos para a compreensão de textosdegênerosdiversificados que circulam em meios de fácil acesso,comojornais,revistas, internet etc.;• traz exemplos contextualizados de uso da língua espanholanomundodigital;• apresenta sugestões de como o aluno pode expandirseuconhecimentofora da sala de aula;• oferece inúmeras oportunidades de trabalhointerdisciplinar;• contém seções especiais que apoiam o aprendizado;• estimula o aluno a refletir sobre suas habilidadespessoaisevocacionais.O aplicativo pode ser utilizado dentro ou fora da saladeaula,sem a necessidade do acompanhamento do livro impresso ouCDdeáudio.Para ter acesso ao conteúdo do aplicativo,baixe-ogratuitamente,instale-o e solicite sua senha de acesso deumrepresentanteMacmillan.Proyecto Conectados© texto: Soraia Osman, NeideElias,PriscilaReis, 2013Proyecto Conectados© ilustração: Macmillan do Brasil, 2013.Aplicativo desenvolvido por Globaltec.What's New in this Version This version provides bug fixes.EditmetadataanduploadsBrazilian Portuguese (Default Language)ChooseAnotherLanguage:Brazilian Portuguese (Default)You can only add new languages ​​if your app version isinaneditable state. To add new languages, you must submit anewversionapp from the App Summary module or rejectthisversion.App Name Project Connected 1Description Connected Project 1 is an applicationthatdisplaysthe contents of volume 1 of the Project Connected1Collection Theapplication has several features, such as.:- Activities varied with interactive feedback ofhitormiss.- Fields of notes.- Audio phrases and dialogues.- Dynamic Index.The Proyecto Connected collection:• prepares students to understand texts ofdiversegenrescirculating means easy access, such asnewspapers,magazines,internet etc..;• brings contextualized examples of use of the Spanishlanguageinthe digital world;• makes suggestions for how students can expandtheirknowledgeoutside the classroom;• offers numerous opportunities for interdisciplinary work;• contains special sections that support learning;• encourages students to reflect on their personalandvocationalskills.The application can be used inside or outsidetheclassroomwithout the need for monitoring of the printed bookoraudioCD.To access the contents of the application, download itforfree,install it and ask for your password inaMacmillanrepresentative.© Proyecto Connected Text: Soraia Osman MetinElijah,PriscillaReis, 2013© Proyecto Connected illustration: Macmillan of Brazil, 2013.Developed by Globaltec application.What's New in this Version This version Provides bug fixes.