Top 12 Apps Similar to TransportsOP

Operations Research LP Solver 1.3
Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical modelling techniqueusefulfor allocation of limited resources such as material,machines etcto several competing activities such as projects,services etc. Atypical linear programming problem consists of alinear objectivefunction which is to be maximized or minimizedsubject to a finitenumber of linear constraints. (Wiki) Theapplication will do thefollowing for now: • v1.0 - 1.2 • Simplex(2 phase and Dual SimplexIncluded) 1. Minimization 2. Maximization• More to come: • IP(integer problems) Branch and bound •Sensitivity Analysis •Graphical Solution • = Sign restrictionsSign Restriction supportedat the moment: <= and >=Potentially unlimited number ofconstraints to add! The applicationworks as follows, each LPequations is represented by either 2 keywords "min" & "max"(min for minimization and max formaximization). Followed by theobjective function variables witheach of the variables separated by1 space, at the end of eachequation no need to add any spaces justa return is enough: max 4 3<- Obj 1 2 <= 40 <- Constraint1 2 1 <= 60 <-Constraint 2 Another example with decimals. min15 10 20 0.10 0.200.67 >= 30 0.45 0.25 0.30 >= 40 Creditsto: For providing free icons!
Or Commented 11.3.1
OR Commented is an expert level solver for the operationalresearchfield. ORC is a mathematical engine verified by professorsof KyivPolytechnic Institute (Ukraine). For over 7 years it hashelpedover 60,000 users across the globe. * Simplex algorithm(includingtwo-phase) * Assignment problem * Transportation problem*Sequencing problem * Solution commenting Unique features:*Two-phase simplex method * Ability to find dual LP(linearproblems) * Sensitivity and Post-Optimal Analysis of the LP*Assignment problem-solving using Hungarian algorithm *Solvingtransportation problems using Least-Cost Method, North-WestCornerMethod, Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM) * Johnson'salgorithmfor job sequencing problem (2, 3 or N machines) * MODIMethod – UVMethod for optimal solution improvement * Multipleavailablelanguages (comments are translated by human translators) *Graphsfor LP with 2 variables * Does not require internetconnection
Operations Research (OR) 7
The app is a complete free handbook of OperationsResearchwhichcovers important topics, notes, materials & newson thecourse.Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookforMechanical engineering programs & Mathematicsdegreecourses.This useful App lists 80 topics with detailednotes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly just beforeanexams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottestinternationalengineering &technology news on your app poweredby Google newsfeeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regularupdates onsubject frominternational/national colleges,universities,research, industry,applications, engineering, tech,articles &innovation. This isthe best application to remainupdated on yourfav. subject. Usethis useful engineering app as youreducationtool, utility,tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus andexplore studycourse material, aptitude tests &project work.Track yourlearning, set reminders, edit, add favouritetopics,share thetopics on social media. Some of topics Covered inthisapplicationare: 1. OPERATION RESEARCH HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT2.DECISIONMAKING AND SOME ASPECTS OF DECISION MAKING 3.OBJECTIVEOFOPERATION RESEARCH 4. DEFINITION OF OPERATIONRESEARCH5.CHARACTERISTICS OF OPERATION RESEARCH 6. SCOPEOFOPERATIONRESEARCH 7. PHASES IN SOLVING OPERATION RESEARCHPROBLEMS8.MEANING AND NECESSITY OF OPERATION RESEARCH MODELS 9.TYPESOFOPERATION RESEARCH MODELS 10. ADVANTAGES OFOPERATIONRESEARCHMODELS 11. CHARACTERISTICS OF OPERATION RESEARCHMODELS12.OPERATION RESERCH MODELS PROBLEMS SOLVING METHODS13.OPERATIONRESEARCH MODELS 14. MAXIMIZATION CASE OF SIMPLEXMETHOD15.MINIMIZATION CASE OF SIMPLEX METHOD 16. ARTIFICIALVARIABLEMETHODOR TWO PHASE METHOD 17. DEGENERACY IN LINEARPROGRAMMING18.UNRESTRICTED VARIABLE PROBLEMS 19. DUAL SIMPLEXMETHOD20.TRANSPORTATION MODEL 21. MAXIMIZATION CASE OFTRANSPORTATIONMODEL22. DEGENERACY IN TRANSPORTATION MODEL 23. LEASTTIME MODELORSCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION MODEL 24. PURCHASE AND SELLPROBLEMINLINEAR PROGRAMMING 25. TRANSHIPMENT PROBLEM INTRANSPORTATIONMODEL26. SCHEDULING PROBLEM IN ASSIGNMENTMODEL 27.SENSITIVITYANALYSISIN TRANSPORTATION MODEL 28. ASSIGNMENT MODEL INLINEARPROGRAMMING29. TRAVELLING AND SALESMAN PROBLEMS IN ASSIGNMENTMODEL30.COMPARISION BETWEEN TRANSPORTATION AND LINEAR PROGRAMMINGMODEL31.GRAPHICAL METHODS OF UNBOUNDED SOLUTION IN LINEARPROGRAMMINGMODEL32. DUALITY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 33. DUAL ANDPRIMAL34.SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IN ASSIGNMENT MODEL 35.NON-LINEARPROGRAMMING36. SEQUENCING MODEL INTRODUCTION 37.ASSUMPTION INSEQUENCINGMODEL 38. SOLUTION FOR SEQUENCING PROBLEMS39. TYPES OFSEQUENCINGPROBLEMS 40. TRAVELLING AND SALESMAN PROBLEMINSEQUENCING MODEL41. REPLACEMENT MODEL 42. FAILURE MECHANISMINREPLACEMENT MODEL43. BATH TUB CURVE 44. COST ASSOCIATESMANTINENCE45. TYPES OFREPLACEMENT PROBLEMS 46. REPLACEMENT OF ITEMSWHOSEEFFICIENCYREDUCES 47. REPALCEMENT OF ITEMS WHOSE MAINTINENCECOSTINCREASEWITH TIME 48. COMPARING OF REPLACEMENT ALTERNATIVES49.MORTALITYTABLES 50. GROUP REPLACEMENT OF ITEMS 51. STAFFINGPROBLEMEachtopic is complete with diagrams, equations and otherformsofgraphical representations for better learningandquickunderstanding. Operations Research is part ofComputingandinformation technologies, Financialengineering,Manufacturing,service sciences, and SCM, Marketing,Policymodeling, Revenuemanagement & engineering educationcourses andtechnologydegree programs of various universities.
Investigacion De Operaciones 2.0
Aplicacion para el uso de la IO enlaingenieríaen sistemas computacionalesMétodos disponibles son-Método gráfico--Método simplex--Método noroeste-En un futuro agregaremos mas métodosApplication for theuseofIO in computer systems engineeringAvailable methods aregraphic--method-method simplex--method northwest-In the future we will add more methods
Operations Research 1.6
Operations Research: Instead of giving us a lower rating,pleasemail us your queries, issues or suggestions. I will be happytosolve them for you. The App is designed for quicklearning,revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews.This appcover most of related topics and Detailed explanation withall thebasics topics. Be a professional with this app. Updates willbegoing on Features : * Chapter wise complete Topics * Rich UILayout* Comfortable Read Mode * Important Exam Topics * Very simpleUserInterface * Cover Most Of Topics * One click get related AllBook *Mobile Optimized Content * Mobile Optimized Images This appwilluseful for quick reference. The revision of all concepts canbefinished within Several hour using this app. If u Want anymoretopic information please tell us.and give us valuable RatingAndSuggestion So we can consider it for Future Updates.
Operativa: Queuing Theory
Take time to calculate the odds and indicators or verifiedfindings.
IOapp 1.4
Any research project operations.
SolveItEasy 3.4.0
Solve It Easy:An app for your study tosolvederivative,equations,LPP and other.
ebitt Simplexo Free 1.0
O aplicativo para o Método Simplexo, ebittSimplexo, calculaeanalisa os resultados dos problemas de pesquisaoperacional.Desenvolvido para a plataforma Android ele fornece aresolução dosmodelos de programação linear usando o método simplexo(simplex).Além do cálculo de cada iteração (cada tableau) oaplicativofornece os resultados otimizados, análise desensibilidade doscoeficientes da função objetivo, análise desensibilidade daquantidade de recursos e preços sombras de cadarecurso. A entradade dados é feita da seguinte maneira: [Variáveis]- número devariáveis, até 29 [Objetivo] - coeficientes da funçãoobjetivo e adefinição do objetivo, maximizar ou minimizar.[Restrições] -restrições do modelo, até 29 restrições, informandocoeficientes darestrição, o sinal da restrição e o valor dacondição. Paravisualizar os dados pode-ser variar o zoon com [+] e[-]. [Enter] =aceita o valor em edição; na tela principal: [Enter]= resolve omodelo; na resolução: [Enter] = apresenta o próximotableau;seleção da restrição + [Restrições] = edita a restrição;seleção darestrição + [Clear] = deleta restrição;[Clear]+[Clear]+[Clear] =começa novo problema. Obs.1: Aplicativo dedemonstração. Conferiros cálculos antes de usar! Obs.2: Na versãoFree a resolução vaisomente até a quinta iteração. Para problemasmaiores usar a versãoFull.
Transport problem solver 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Simple transportetionproblemsolverapplication.
Pline 1.0
Raul Alarcón
Pline es una aplicación orientada alasoluciónde problemas de programación lineal basándose enlossiguientesmétodos:*Gráfico*Simplex*Esquina Superior*HúngaroCada uno cumple con su objetivo, simplificar el trabajo.*Nota: El método húngaro esta aun en etapa dedesarrollo,pero¡pronto recibirás noticias nuestras!Mantente al pendiente, próximamenteagregaremosmejoressoluciones.Pline isorientedproblemsolving linear programming application based onthefollowingmethods:*Graphic* Simplex* Top Corner*HungarianEach fulfills its goal to simplify the work.* Note: The Hungarian method is still under development, butyouwillsoon receive news from us!Stay tuned, soon we will add better solutions.
PAU Matemàtiques Catalunya 1.0.8
Aquesta aplicació ja no s'actualitzarà mésihaestat substituïda per MAT2CCSS. Instal·la MAT2CCSS.Tots els exàmens de selectivitat de Matemàtiquesd'HumanitatsiCiències Socials a Catalunya. La aplicació permetcercarproblemesper tema i veure el resultat, també es pot cercarperparaulesclau. A diferència d'altres aplicacions similars espodencercartots els problemes d'un tema concret comoptimització,funcions,programació lineal, sistemes, percentatges,etc.This applicationisnolonger updated and has been replaced by moreMAT2CCSS.InstallMAT2CCSS.All examinations selectivity of Mathematics HumanitiesandSocialSciences in Catalonia. The application allows you tosearchby topicand problems see the results, you can also searchbykeyword. Unlikeother similar applications can search for alltheproblems of aparticular topic and optimization functions,linearprogramming,systems, rates, etc.