Top 4 Apps Similar to Vital Tones Tremor Pro

Vital Tones Motivation Pro 1.5
Vital Tones Motivation is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for improving self-fulfillment andcompetitiveachievement motivation.Achievement motivation can be defined as the need for success ortheattainment of excellence. Individuals will satisfy theirneedsthrough different means, and are driven to succeed forvaryingreasons both internal and external.Achievement motivation significantly and negatively correlatedinthe orbitofrontal cortex and positively correlated in theputamen,insula, and precuneus.Studies consistently revealed also the involvement ofthehypothalamus, the striatum, the medial prefrontal cortex,thesuperior temporal sulcus and the posterior cingulatecortex.Vital Tones Motivation consist of 2 different sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Alignment 108 Pro 1.0
Vital Tones Alignment 108 isapowerfulbrainwave therapy to align your mind, body andsoulthroughmeditation.We have discovered the sacred number 108 hasanimportantsignificance in the design of the brain.Throughout history, the number 108 has heldamulti-dimensionalmeaning.The number 108 is considered sacred in many Easternreligionsandtraditions.108 is a number known to be referring to spiritualcompletion.Vital Tones Alignment 108 Pro activates the 7 major partsofthebrain and is 22 minutes long.This free version is a limited trial version.This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Self-Awareness Pro 1.5
Vital Tones Ltd
Vital Tones Awareness isagroundbreakingbrainwave therapy to enhance the ability toperceive,to feel, orto be conscious of events, objects, thoughts,emotions,or sensorypatterns.It will also intensify the capacity to exercise introspectionandthewillingness to learn more about the fundamental nature,purposeandessence.Awareness is a personal experience, which is only accessibletotherest of world through interpretation.A recent meta-analysis has shown precuneus, angulargyri,anteriorcingulate gyri, and adjacent structures to behighlymetabolicallyactive in support of resting consciousness.Thehypothesis is, thatthese regions constitute a functional networkofreflectiveself-awareness thought to be a corefunctionofconsciousness.Vital Tones Awareness consist of 2 different sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete enhancement!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Self-Awareness 1.5
Vital Tones Awareness isagroundbreakingbrainwave therapy to enhance the ability toperceive,to feel, orto be conscious of events, objects, thoughts,emotions,or sensorypatterns.It will also intensify the capacity to exerciseintrospectionandthe willingness to learn more about the fundamentalnature,purposeand essence.Awareness is a personal experience, which is onlyaccessibletothe rest of world through interpretation.A recent meta-analysis has shown precuneus, angulargyri,anteriorcingulate gyri, and adjacent structures to behighlymetabolicallyactive in support of resting consciousness.Thehypothesis is, thatthese regions constitute a functionalnetworkof reflectiveself-awareness thought to be a core functionofconsciousness.Vital Tones Awareness consist of 2 different sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete enhancement!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones orhighqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.