0.9.6 / January 9, 2015
(4.3/5) (136)


With PhoneBooth you can call absolutely freeto banks, taxis, restaurants, food delivery services, pharmaciesand other popular bisinesses in your city anytime anywhere via theapp. That is true - you can even call from another country forfree! No need to pay for the roaming service anymore, searchrequired phone’s numbers in Internet, no more phone books andyellow pages!

Call for free directly from the application (SIMPLY TAPCLICK-TO-CALL)
If you are interested in any business or org, just click on thelisting, and you will be connected. You do not need to save thenumber on your phone, just copy it to a page, and keep on rolling.All necessary phone numbers are at your fingertips.

Visual text menu instead of voice
Follow our handy tips text menu, instead of listening several timesto a readout of which numbers can be dialed.

All the organizations that you need
The Quick Search in the directory will help you find all thepopular services and businesses in your city, anything you needfrom banks to a corner shoemaker: banks, hotels, taxis,transportation (planes, trains, buses, rental cars), pharmacies,doctors, phone stores, wifi hotspots, government agencies,embassies, restaurants, entertainment, food delivery, onlinestores, spas, beauty salons, etc.

Selecting Favorites
Create your own list by just marking them as "favorites", so youcan call back quickly and easily.

Evaluate the quality of service
Evaluate the quality of service provided after the call, or make areminder to do it later... to help other users: how fast was yourpizza delivered?

Working Numbers Only
Our Directory is regularly updated and refreshed. Or you can addyour business to the application with a request.

Available cities: Kazakhstan: Almaty, Astana, Almaty, Astana,Aktau, Aktobe, Atyrau, Karaganda, Kokshetau, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar,Petropavlovsk, Taldykorgan, Taraz, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent;Singapore.

WARNING: you must have an internet connection to call. Otherwiseyou can always use the app as a handy guide to whatever you need.If the Internet is down, you can use the GSM services in compliancewith your provider’s charge rate.

We are always glad to hear from you! Please forward all yourquestions and suggestions to http://phonebooth2.com

App Information Phonebooth Free Calls

Open Technologies Group Show More...

iD Phone 0.9.3 APK
iD Phone (idphone) is a SIP client for aservice by “Kazakhtelecom” JSC of the same name (http://telecom.kz/service/single/id_phone,idphone.kz).With this client you can make calls or conference calls.This project is a free SIP client for Android, optimized to workwith iDPhone service by “Kazakhtelecom” JSC based oncsipsimple.Project homepage (with sourcecode): http://code.google.com/p/idphone/
Гравител Коммуникатор 0.7 APK
Гравител Коммуникатор - это простая удобнаяпрограмма, предназначенная для совершения звонков. Возможноиспользовать контакты из записной книжки телефона, ведется историязвонков.Доступные функции:- перевод вызова- удержание вызовов- история вызовов- выбор мелодии звонкаGravitel Communicator -is a simple easy to use program designed for making phone calls.Possible to use contacts from the phonebook, call history underway.Available features:- Call Transfer- Call Hold- Call History- Select a ringtone
BI Group 1.6.10 APK
Выбрать квартиру в BI Group стало намногопроще и удобнее благодаря мобильному приложению. Здесь Вы сможетеследить за новостной лентой компании, просмотреть актуальныепланировки и установить ценовой фильтр. Теперь вся самая полная иактуальная информация всегда у Вас под рукой!Ключевые возможности приложения BI Group всегда помогут Вам:1. Быть в курсе последних новостей и предложений компании;2. Просматривать планировки квартир;3. Видеть стоимость кв.м, выбранной Вами квартиры;4. Добавлять понравившиеся квартиры в «Избранное», что позволит вдальнейшем их быстро и легко найти;5. Связаться с сотрудниками компании прямо из приложения.Choose an apartment inthe BI Group has become much easier and more comfortable thanks tothe mobile application. Here you can keep track of the news reel,view current pricing plan and install the filter. Now all the mostcomplete and current information is always at your fingertips!Key features of the application BI Group will always helpyou:1 Keep abreast of the latest news and offers of the company;2 view apartment layouts;3 To see the value of m, the chosen apartment;4 Add your favorite apartment in the "Favorites", which willcontinue their fast and easy to find;5 Contact with employees directly from the application.
Phonebooth Free Calls 0.9.6 APK
With PhoneBooth you can call absolutely freeto banks, taxis, restaurants, food delivery services, pharmaciesand other popular bisinesses in your city anytime anywhere via theapp. That is true - you can even call from another country forfree! No need to pay for the roaming service anymore, searchrequired phone’s numbers in Internet, no more phone books andyellow pages!***Call for free directly from the application (SIMPLY TAPCLICK-TO-CALL)If you are interested in any business or org, just click on thelisting, and you will be connected. You do not need to save thenumber on your phone, just copy it to a page, and keep on rolling.All necessary phone numbers are at your fingertips.***Visual text menu instead of voiceFollow our handy tips text menu, instead of listening several timesto a readout of which numbers can be dialed.***All the organizations that you needThe Quick Search in the directory will help you find all thepopular services and businesses in your city, anything you needfrom banks to a corner shoemaker: banks, hotels, taxis,transportation (planes, trains, buses, rental cars), pharmacies,doctors, phone stores, wifi hotspots, government agencies,embassies, restaurants, entertainment, food delivery, onlinestores, spas, beauty salons, etc.***Selecting FavoritesCreate your own list by just marking them as "favorites", so youcan call back quickly and easily.***Evaluate the quality of serviceEvaluate the quality of service provided after the call, or make areminder to do it later... to help other users: how fast was yourpizza delivered?***Working Numbers OnlyOur Directory is regularly updated and refreshed. Or you can addyour business to the application with a request.Available cities: Kazakhstan: Almaty, Astana, Almaty, Astana,Aktau, Aktobe, Atyrau, Karaganda, Kokshetau, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar,Petropavlovsk, Taldykorgan, Taraz, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent;Singapore.WARNING: you must have an internet connection to call. Otherwiseyou can always use the app as a handy guide to whatever you need.If the Internet is down, you can use the GSM services in compliancewith your provider’s charge rate.We are always glad to hear from you! Please forward all yourquestions and suggestions to http://phonebooth2.com
OpenHC 1.0.0 APK
Настоящее приложение является частью системыунифицированных гибридных коммуникаций OpenHC (Open HybridCommunications).Функции, доступные в данном приложении: звонки через интернет сВаших корпоративных номеров, корпоративный чат.Необходимые предварительные условия использованияприложения:-развернутое в Вашей организации решение OpenHC-наличие корпоративной IP телефонии-в зависимости от выбранного Вами решения, звонки могут бытьограничены в пределах Wi-Fi сети Вашей организацииThis Annex is part of theUnified Communications hybrid OpenHC (Open HybridCommunications).Features available in this application: calls over the Internetfrom your corporate numbers, corporate chat.Prerequisite using the application:-razvernutoe your organization's decision OpenHC-availability corporate IP telephony-to depending on the chosen solution, calls can be restrictedwithin a Wi-Fi network of your organization
Astana Bus Free 4.0.14 APK
Current information about the prognosis of Astana city bus routes.Predictive data is based on information received from devices GPS /GLONASS installed directly on the bus. Information requested fromthe Central Dispatch Server. Data used for the prediction of thelocation of the bus and data on actual flights. If the bus for along time does not move or moves not along the route, it isautomatically removed from the flight and will not be published.Add a widget on your desktop for quick access to frequently usedroutes. Choose several routes in the sidebar if your placefollowing several different buses going to do this, press and holdon one of the routes. To work correctly, the card requires GooglePlay Services The application interface is available in Kazakh,Russian and English languages. To change the language, you mustchange the system language in your phone settings. In upcomingversions: - Displays a list of stops on routes - Display thenearest bus stop near - Search by Address - Find the optimal routebased on forecasts and congestion - Ability to edit data (locationof stops, extending the list of routes, etc.) - The forecast willbe based on "traffic jams"
Карта доступности соц объектов 1.0 APK
В рамках партийного проекта «Кедергісізкелешек - Будущее без барьеров» разработано мобильное приложение«Карта доступности социальных объектов». Проект призван помочьлюдям с инвалидностью, предоставить им информацию о доступныхобъектах городской инфраструктуры. Особенность мобильногоприложения «Карта доступности» в том, что оно будет составлено наоснове информации, поступившей от жителей из разных городовреспублики по принципу Так, с помощью iOS и Android каждый желающийсможет сфотографироватьобъект, поставить свою оценку, оставить комментарий и отправитьданные на «Карту доступности».Категории объектов представленные на «Карте доступности» самыеразличные – это и госучреждения, объекты здравоохранения,образования, социальные, спортивные, досуговые и другие. Вместе стем, ресурс позволяет узнать о последних новостях проекта«Кедергісіз келешек - Будущее без барьеров», здесь же размещеныфотографии объектов, видео и полезные ресурсы для лиц сограниченными возможностями по здоровью.Информация, полученная на основе данных «Карты доступности», будетнаправлена в соответствующие госорганы для работы.ключевые слова: пандус, инвалид, Нуротан, nurotan, Нур отанWithin the party project"Kedergіsіz Keleshek - Future without barriers" developed a mobileapplication "Map of access to social facilities." The project aimsto help people with disabilities and provide them with informationabout the available urban infrastructure. Especially mobileapplication "Accessibility Map" that it will be compiled on thebasis of information received from residents of different cities ofthe republic on the principle of example, using iOS and Androideveryone can take picturesobject, put his assessment, leave a comment and send the data to"map is available."Categories of objects presented on "Accessibility Map" verydifferent - and this government institutions, health facilities,education, social, sporting, recreational and others. However, theresource allows you to learn about the latest news of the project"Kedergіsіz Keleshek - Future without barriers", here postedpictures of objects, videos, and useful resources for persons withdisabilities to health.Information obtained on the basis of "Maps are available", will bedirected to the appropriate state agencies to work with.Keywords: ramp, disabled NurOtan, nurotan, Nur Otan
SIP Нұр Oтан 0.1.2 APK
Мобильное приложение сотрудника партии "НұрОтан".Функции:-Замена настольного телефона;-Отображение задач из документооборота;-Отображение новостей и документации.Mobile app employee party"Nur Otan".Functions:-Replacing the desk phone;-Show tasks from document;-Showing news and documentation.