1.0.2 / September 5, 2014
(3.7/5) (163)


Download Ninja Invaders, mostaddictiveRetro 8-bit game on Google Play!

Tap the red button, throw Shurikens and kill bad coloredninjasthat want to invade the earth. Will you be able to save theworldfrom the pixel invasion? It won't be easy... Are you arealninja?

Ninja Invaders brings the best of the games of the 90s:freneticaction a tons of fun!

Shoot at the very moment and do not fail. If you run outofshurikens: you lose. Black, Yellow, Blue, Red and Purpleninjas.Kill them all to progress levels in the game.

Pixel graphics and sounds that will make you revive great8-bitgames of the 90s.

Tap the red button to throw shurikens. As simple as that!

Each killed ninja will give you points. Do combos to increaseyourscore to the maximum. The more and higher combos, betterscore!

Play with friends and reach all achievements. Until now, no onehasdone it... ;)

Share your best score and records with family and friendsonTwitter. Show who's the best!

No Shuriken left? Buy 10 shurikens, go on playing and beatyourrecord!

Are you the best shuriken thrower? Kill all bad ninjas onNinjaInvaders!

Ninja Invaders works perfectly on Android smartphones&tablets.

Music of the game composed in 1997 by Carlos del Álamo.

Have problems with the app? Have a suggestion? Contact usat[email protected].Yourfeedback helps us developing better games.

Download Ninja Invaders now, the more addictive Retro8-Bitgame!

App Information Ninja Invaders - Retro 8 Bit

  • App Name
    Ninja Invaders - Retro 8 Bit
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 5, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    origin 22 Mobile
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

origin 22 Mobile Show More...

Animated GIF & Funny Pics 1.13 APK
Animated GIF & Funny Pics for Wasap -MEMEces is the first FREE Android (2.3+) app that allows you todiscover, view, save and share Funny pictures / Memes and AnimatedGIFs on Wasap and many other communication / social network appslike Facebook, Twitter and much more. We love Funny Pics and knowyou love them too! Right? ;)★Download NOW, enjoy the Memes and start having tons ofFun!!!★Features of Funny Pics for Wasap - MEMEces:● Added Animated GIF. Now you can browse hundreds of the funniestanimated GIF!● The largest collection of funny quotes, humorous images and MEMEsin the Google Play Store. Made for Wasap!● Save your favorite images and view them again anytime.● Enter the Trending section and discover the most viewed andshared pictures and memes.● MEMEces app updates everyday so... New funny pictures everyday!● Share Funny Pics with friends in Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp,Telegram, Line, etc.● 100% FREE app! No in-app purchases, we promise!● Use MEMEces in Android smartphones and tablets.● Easy and simple design. We Keep it simple... Simple thingswork!Get ready to have FUN with our amazing collection of funnypictures, GIFs and MEMEs!Browse through one of the biggest and best collections of funnypictures available! Whether you like memes, puns, games, or comics,there's something ROFL-worthy for everyone!Have problems with the app? Have a suggestion? Contact us [email protected] feedback helps us to create products and improve them to thelimit!Can you smile, please? Its free! :)Are you ready to discover Funny Pics and Animated GIF and sharethem in Wasap and more? Download NOW!
Happyday - La App de tu Boda 2.0.53 APK
Se acerca tu boda, el día más importante de tuvida, y, seguramente, estés pensando en cómo aglutinar todas lasvivencias, experiencias y anécdotas de ese gran día en un mismolugar y en cómo planificar, organizar y preparar todos los detallesprevios al gran evento. ¡Qué nervios!¿Quieres que tu boda sea diferente? Happyday para Android es la appque te ayuda a organizar y planificar, casi como un weddingplanner, el gran día y con la que puedes personalizar laexperiencia de tus invitados de la forma más original ysorprendente posible.¿Qué te espera en Happyday?ANTES DE LA BODAInformaciónAnuncia todos los detalles del día de tu boda; hora, localizaciónde la celebración (cómo llegar), información sobre el brindis,invitación, la fiesta, los posibles menús, envía la invitación porWhatsApp, etc. y comparte con tus invitados todos aquellos aspectosque consideres relevantes para que todo salga perfecto.Nos casamosPublica todo aquello que te emocione y quieras compartir con tusinvitados; una ficha para presentaros como futuro matrimonio, fotosde la pareja, un poema del novio a la novia, un video delcasamiento, las canciones de la playlist que sonará durante lafiesta, etc.PreguntasPregunta a tus invitados aquello que necesites saber y visualizalas respuestas: “¿Asistirás a la boda?” “¿Vendrás acompañado de tupareja?”RegalosHappyday proporciona una forma sencilla y elegante de comunicar alos invitados las vías que habéis habilitado para el regalo deboda. Añade el número de cuenta corriente y una lista de aquellosregalos de boda que os puedan interesar.EL GRAN DIAChatEnvía mensajes con información relevante a todos los invitados quetengan la app descargada. Los novios podréis notificar cuestionesimportantes y los invitados responder al momento.MuroMuro 100% privado donde se comparten fotos, vídeos y mensajes y serecopilan los momentos más especiales de la boda. Los invitados (ylos novios) pueden publicar todo tipo de contenido relacionado conel evento, antes, durante y después de que éste finalice. ¡Qué bienle queda el vestido de novia!PARA EL RECUERDOPaper LoverSelecciona los mejores momentos de la gran fiesta (la noviallegando con el vestido y el novio con su traje, el matrimoniocortando el pastel, etc.), imprímelos y revívelos en cualquiermomento.CréditosMenciona y cita a todos los proveedores que han participado en laorganización de tu boda y han hecho posible que tu casamiento seaespecial (floristería, catering, etc)Descarga Happyday para Android y haz que tu boda sea diferente.Sorprende a los invitados con una app que te ayudará a convertir tugran día en un banco de recuerdos, tanto para el matrimonio derecién casados, como también para los invitados delcasamiento.**En Happyday somos expertos en bodas y wedding planning y nospreocupamos mucho por la privacidad, la calidad del producto y quenada falle. Happyday es un equipo humano que hará todo lo posiblepara que vuestro día sea espectacular.**¿Tienes un amigo o familiar que tiene previsto casarse? ¿Tegustaría ayudarle a organizar, planificar y preparar su boda?Happyday es el mejor regalo que puedes hacerle. Ayuda al futuromatrimonio a tener una boda totalmente personalizada con un regaloque jamás olvidarán.Con Happyday, planificador y organizador de bodas, tu evento seráúnico, especial y customizado a tu manera (y a la de tu pareja,claro)¿Tienes dudas sobre el funcionamiento de la app? Escríbenos [email protected] y nos pondremos en contacto contigo para organizary planificar todo lo necesario.Más información en: http://www.happyday.io/It’s the wedding day….. ¡Viva los novios!IMPORTANTE:Happyday ayuda a gestionar todo lo relacionado con los invitados delas bodas pero no se trata de un wedding planner al uso.your wedding approaches,the most important day of your life, and probably thinking abouthow to bring together all the experiences, experiences andanecdotes of that great day in the same place and how to plan,organize and prepare all the previous details to big event. Whatnerve!Do you want your wedding to be different? Happyday for Android isthe app that helps you organize and plan, almost like a weddingplanner, the big day and with which you can customize theexperience of your guests in the most original and surprising aspossible.What do you expect in Happyday?BEFORE THE WEDDINGInformationAnnounced all the details of your wedding day; time, location ofthe celebration (how to arrive), information about the toast,invitation, party, possible menus, sends the invitation byWhatsApp, etc. and share with your guests all the aspects that youconsider important for everything to be perfect.We were marriedPost anything that excites you and want to share with your guests;a tab for present and future marriage, pictures of the couple, apoem by the groom to the bride, a video of the wedding, songs fromthe playlist that will play during the party, etc.QuestionsAsk your guests what you need to know and displays the answers:"Will you attend the wedding?" "Will you come accompanied by yourpartner"?GiftsHappyday provides a simple and elegant way to communicate to guestspathways that have enabled wedding gift. Add the account number anda list of those wedding gifts that may interest you.THE BIG DAYChatSend messages with information relevant to all the guests who havedownloaded the app. Grooms able to notify important issues andguests respond at the time.Wall100% private wall where photos, videos and messages are shared andthe most special moments of the wedding are collected. Guests (andgrooms) can publish all kinds of content related to the event,before, during and after it ends. How well fits the weddingdress!FOR REMEMBERINGPaper LoverSelect the best moments of the big party (bride arriving with thedress and the groom in a suit, cutting the cake marriage, etc.),print them and revívelos at any time.CreditsMentions and quotes all suppliers who have participated in theorganization of your wedding and have made it possible for yourwedding to be special (florist, catering, etc)Download Android Happyday and make your wedding to be different.Surprise guests with an app that will help you convert your big dayin a bank of memories, both for marriage newlyweds, as well as forthe guests of the wedding.** In Happyday We are specialists in weddings and wedding planningand we care a lot about privacy, product quality and that nothinggoes wrong. Happyday is a team that will do everything possible tomake your day spectacular.** Do you have a friend or family member who plans to marry? Wouldyou like to help you organize, plan and prepare for your wedding?Happyday is the best gift you can give. Future marriage helps tohave a completely personalized wedding with a gift they will neverforget.With Happyday, wedding planner and organizer, your event will beunique, special and customized your way (and that of your partner,of course)Any doubts about the functioning of the app? Write [email protected] and we will contact you to organize and planeverything you need.More information: http://www.happyday.io/It's the wedding day ... .. Long live the newlyweds!IMPORTANTES:Happyday helps manage everything related to the wedding guests butthere is a wedding planner to use.
Ninja Invaders - Retro 8 Bit 1.0.2 APK
Download Ninja Invaders, mostaddictiveRetro 8-bit game on Google Play!Tap the red button, throw Shurikens and kill bad coloredninjasthat want to invade the earth. Will you be able to save theworldfrom the pixel invasion? It won't be easy... Are you arealninja?Ninja Invaders brings the best of the games of the 90s:freneticaction a tons of fun!★LEVELS FULL OF CLEVER NINJAS★Shoot at the very moment and do not fail. If you run outofshurikens: you lose. Black, Yellow, Blue, Red and Purpleninjas.Kill them all to progress levels in the game.★AWESOME RETRO AUDIO & GRAPHICS★Pixel graphics and sounds that will make you revive great8-bitgames of the 90s.★SUPER EASY CONTROL★Tap the red button to throw shurikens. As simple as that!★SCORE & COMBOS★Each killed ninja will give you points. Do combos to increaseyourscore to the maximum. The more and higher combos, betterscore!★GAME CENTER SUPPORT★Play with friends and reach all achievements. Until now, no onehasdone it... ;)★SHARE YOUR RECORDS★Share your best score and records with family and friendsonTwitter. Show who's the best!★IN-APP PURCHASE★No Shuriken left? Buy 10 shurikens, go on playing and beatyourrecord!Are you the best shuriken thrower? Kill all bad ninjas onNinjaInvaders!Ninja Invaders works perfectly on Android smartphones&tablets.Music of the game composed in 1997 by Carlos del Álamo.Have problems with the app? Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected] helps us developing better games.Download Ninja Invaders now, the more addictive Retro8-Bitgame!
Runapp 1.0.0 APK
Runapp es una aplicación móvil diseñadaparaayudar a los runners nacionales e internacionales a descubriryplanificar su temporada de carreras, realizar la inscripción alasmismas y facilitar servicios adicionales como la compra dematerialdeportivo o la reserva de alojamientos. Todo esto con unfuertecomponente social.Runapp is amobileapplication designed to assist national and internationalrunnersto discover and plan your racing season, to register withthem andprovide additional services such as the purchase ofsportsequipment or booking of accommodation. All this with astrongsocial component.
Casar-se a Osona Fira 2015 1.0 APK
App oficial de Casar-se a Osona 2015, lafiramés interactiva!Més que una fira: Mira, toca, participa i deixa’t sorprender.L’únic espai a Osona on podreu trobar tota l’oferta en serveisiproductes per a la vostra celebració.NOVETATS I TRETS DISTINTIUS FIRA 2015- Apostem per ser la Fira de Nuvis de referència de laCatalunyaInterior.- Els visitants trobaran més de 5.000m2 d’exposició.- Ens obrim a més de 200 clients potencials.- L’entrada seguirà essent lliure i gratuïta.- Per nosaltres, els nostres expositors són el més important,peraixò dediquem un dia de la fira exclusivamentalsprofessionals.- Ampliem les zones d’impacte publicitari. Més mitjans ,méscomarques, més públic potencial.- Amb la revista Casar-se Avui , la fira es publicita a les firademés renom del sector.- Nous sectors presents a la fira. ( electrodomèstics,coreògrafs,pastissos,..)- Més moda, més models , més desfilades.- Menú de tastets, zona show cooking, espai tallers, demostracionsiludotecainfantil.- Espai weeding planners, xerrades master class,ponències,...- Sortejos i premis a traves d’un rasca entregat alesparelles.- Espai interactiu: la fira respon on els nuvis puguinplantejardubtes i la fira i elsexpositors respondre’ls.- Els visitants trobaran amb la nostra revista Casar-se a Osona,unaaltra manerade contactar amb nosaltres. ( es pot posar un link que vagi alarevista? )- No t’ oblidis d’ utilitzar el hashtag #casarseaosona2015 alesxarxes!Ens trobaràs al recinte firal del sucre a Vic, els dies 31deGener i 1 de Febrer!web: http://casarseaosona.com/fira/Tel: 93 851 20 71 | 608 292 920@: [email protected] AppMarried-2015is a Osona, interactive fira month!Month a fira: Look, touch, i deixa't participates surprise.Únic L'espai to Osona on podreu trobar offer serveis tota liproductes per the vostra it celebratory. NOVETATS I TRETS DISTINTIUS FIRA 2015 - Apostem per Fira Nuvis be the leading location ofInteriorCatalunya. - Els visitants trobaran month 5,000m2 d'exposició. - Ens Obrim to 200 clients potencials month. - L'lliure entry shall essent i gratuïta. - Per nosaltres, els nostres Important expositors arethemonth, per això dediquem one day of fira exclusivamentalsprofessionals. - Ampliem zones d'impact publicitari them. Mitjansmonth,month comarques, potential públic month. - Amb Casar-magazine is Avui, fira is advertised to themfiramonth renom the sector. - Nous presents the industries to fira.(Electrodomèstics,coreògrafs, pastissos, ..) - Mes fashion models month, month desfilades. - Menu tastets, show cooking area, espaitallers,demostracions i ludotecachild. - Espai weeding planners, xerrades master class,ponències... - Sortejos i premis through d'un entregat Parellesscratcheson them. - Espai interactiu: fira respon on nuvis puguin elsiplantejar Dubtes fira i elsrespondre'ls expositors. - Els visitants trobaran amb la nostra Casar-magazine istoOsona, a way altraamb nosaltres contact. (S pot posing a link vagi magazine?) - No t 'oblidis d' utilitzar the hashtag #casarseaosona2015to them Xarxes!Ens trobaràs to firal recinte the sucre to Vic, 31 Gener dieselsi 1 Febrers!web: http://casarseaosona.com/fira/Tel: 93 851 20 71 | 608 292 920@: [email protected]
LPS 2.0.52 APK
Planifica, organiza y gestiona tu evento ysobretodo a tu suegra. Compártelo con todos tus invitados.En LPS somos especialistas en organizar saraos y te ayudaremos aque sea una fiesta en toda regla.INFORMACIÓN:*Información del evento: fecha, hora, lugar,…*Interacción con todos los invitados*Chat que permite enviar mensajes a todos los invitados quetengan la app descargada*Muro privado para compartir fotos, videos y frases: publicatodo lo que quieras compartir con tus invitados o solamente con losorganizadores del sarao.*Autogestión del evento: número de invitados, regalos,información de proveedores, preguntas y dudas,…Plans, organizes andmanages your event and especially to your mother. Share it with allyour guests.In LPS are specialists in organizing soirees and help you to bea party in the making.INFORMATION:* Event information: date, time, place, ...* Interaction with all guests* Chat to send messages to all the guests who have downloadedthe app* Private Wall to share photos, videos and phrases: publicaanything you want to share with your guests or only with organizersof the soiree.* Self-management event: number of guests, gifts, vendorinformation, questions and doubts ...