1.0 / August 13, 2016
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Welcome to Get Happy Thoughts. Theapplicationcontains mobile app version of the Get Happy Thoughtsmobilewebsite. The application takes you to the bookmarked mobilesitewww.gethappythoughts.org

In application we do not save any usernames or passwords.

Get Happy Thoughts is a site where you can read, listen,watchand also shop products authored by Sirshree in English,Hindi,Marathi and Polish.

Sirshree is a spiritual maestro whose key teaching is that allpathsthat lead to truth begin differently but end in the sameway—withunderstanding. Listening to this understanding is enough.Sirshreehas delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenover fortybooks on spirituality and self-help. He is the founderof the TejGyan Foundation which disseminates a unique system ofwisdom fromself -help to self-realization.

App Information Get Happy Thoughts

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Sweekar Ka Jadu - Turant... 2.0 APK
स्वीकार का जादू - तुरंत ख़ुशी कैसे पायेंहर इंसान असली खुशी की तलाश में भटक रहा है। असली खुशी न पाकर, वहउसे धन-दौलत मान-सम्मान पद प्रतिष्ठा, नाम-शोहरत, सुख-सुविधा, मनोरंजनइत्यादि में ढूँढ़ता रहता है। तो क्या इंसान को उपरोक्त बातों से खुशीमिल पाती है? नहीं ! असली खुशी तो वास्तव में इंसान से कोसों दूर है।उसे पता ही नहीं है कि असली खुशी किसे कहा गया है। प्रस्तुत एप्लीकेशनमें सरश्री हमारा हाथ थामकर, हमें असली खुशी की यात्रा पर ले चलते हैंतथा इस विषय पर मार्गदशन देते हैं। वे बाते हैंकि स्वीकार सुख है औरअस्वीकार दुःख का कारण बनता है इसलिए पहले जो जैसा है उसे वैसास्वीकार करना है। स्वीकार करने के बाद ही इंसान नकली खुशी के बजायअसली आनंद प्राप्त करने के लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर सकता है।इस एप्लीकेशन में सात प्रकार की खुशियों के बारे में बताया गयाहै।- पहली प्रकार की खुशी यानी झूठी खुशी है उदा. कोई इंसान बस सेकहीं जा रहा है और टिकट खरीदने से पहले ही उसका स्टॉप आने पर वह उतरजाता है। उसके टिकट के पैसे बच गए वह यह सोचकर खुश हो रहा है। हालॉंकिउस वक्त उसे इस बात का आनंद आ रहा है। मगर उसे नहीं पता कि इस तरह केझूठे आनंद की वजह से जो पैसे उसके पास बच गए उससे उस इंसान के पास आगेआनेवाले हजारों, लाखों रुपए रुक सकते हैं|- दूसरे प्रकार की खुशी सेकण्ड हॅन्ड खुशी इसमें इंसान सामनेवालेको चिढ़ाकर सताकर आनंद लेता है। किसी का मजाक उड़ाकर मन में गुदगुदीहोती है तो अच्छा लगता है।- तीसरे प्रकार की खुशी उत्तेजनावाली खुशी है, जो उत्तेजना सेप्राप्त होती है।जैसे नए साल की पार्टी में जाना, शोर-शराबेवाला रॉकसंगीत सुनना। वह इस तरह उत्तेजनावाला आनंद प्राप्त करना।- चौथे प्रकार की खुशी यानी फॉर्मूलावाली खुशी जैसे संडे + टी.वीया छुट्टी का दिन+पिकनिक = आनंद- पॉंचवीं प्रकार की खुशी है सेवा से मिलनेवाली खुशी। कुछ लोग अपनेकार्यों से समय निकालकर बूढ़ों की, बीमारों, महिलाओं, बच्चों की सेवाका कार्य करते हैं।- छटे प्रकार की खुशी है ईश्वर की दिव्य भक्ति करने के बादमिलनेवाली खुशी।- सातवें प्रकार की खुशी यानी आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद प्राप्तहोनेवाली खुशी। इंसान के पृथ्वी लक्ष्य (इंसान ने जिस कारण इस पृथ्वीपर जन्म लिया तथा अपना लक्ष्य प्राप्त किया) को पा लेने के बाद उच्चतमआनंद प्राप्त होता है।About AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree’s spiritual quest, which began during his childhood, ledhim on a journey through various schools of thought and meditationpractices. The overpowering desire to attain the truth made himrelinquish his teaching job. After a long period of contemplation,his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of the ultimatetruth. Sirshree says, “All paths that lead to the truth begindifferently, but end in the same way—with understanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to this understandingis enough to attain the truth.”To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan—aunique system for wisdom—that helps one to progress from self-helpto self-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenover fifty books. His books have been translated in more than tenlanguages and published by leading publishers such as PenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree’s retreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachings haveinspired various social initiatives for raising globalconsciousness.Accept the Magic - How toGet Instant HappinessEvery human being is wandering in search of true happiness. Notfind true happiness, he mammon values ​​- respect, prestige rank,name - fame, amenity, recreation, etc. have kept looking. So whatdoes a person get pleasure from the above? No! The man is so farfrom true happiness. She never knew what real happiness was called.Applications submitted in Srsri holding our hands, we go on ajourney to true happiness and give Margdsn on this subject. Theywill accept and reject Hanki things causes sorrow to accept what isas it is the first. After admitting the person instead of fakehappiness can achieve the goal of achieving real pleasure. The application has been informed about the joys of seven.- The first example of the joy that is false happiness. Thanjust being a human being and stop it when purchasing tickets beforeit goes off. Rejoice that his ticket is money saved. Halonki enjoythe fact that time is coming. But she's not sure what caused such afalse sense saved him her money to the person coming forward,thousands, millions of rupees can stay |- The happiness of another person in love Samnewale the secondHॅnd enjoys taunting troubling. If flying is fun to tickle anyone'smind feels good.- The third type Uttejanawali joy is the joy, the excitementcomes from. Known as New Year's party noise - Srabewala listen torock music. Such joy he Uttejanawala.- Fourth Sunday of joy like the joy? Formulawali TV or enjoy aday off? Picnic =- Poncvin destined to the service of the pleasure is pleasure.Some people took time off from work for the old, the sick, women,children operate the service.- The sixth is the joy of the love of God destined for thedivine devotion.- The seventh of the happy realization that the happinessderived. Target earth human being (man ever born on this earth as aresult of which achieved the target) having attained the highestjoy.About AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree's spiritual quest, which began during his childhood,led him on a journey through various schools of thought andmeditation practices. The overpowering desire to attain the truthmade him relinquish his teaching job. After a long period ofcontemplation, his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of theultimate truth. Sirshree says, "All paths that lead to the truthbegin differently, but end in the same way-with understanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to this understandingis enough to attain the truth. "To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan-aunique system for wisdom-that helps one to progress from self-helpto self-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenover fifty books. His books have been translated in more than tenlanguages ​​and published by leading publishers such as PenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree's retreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachings haveinspired various social initiatives for raising globalconsciousness.
आमतौर पर ध्यान को एक जटिल विषय माना जाता हैलेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। यह सोच हमारे अज्ञानता की उपज है। प्राय: यह हमारीआदत होती है कि हम देखते हुए भी अंधे हो जाते हैं। यही ध्यान का एकमुख्य व्यवधान है। अनुभव के स्तर पर जाकर ध्यान के प्रयोग और उसके लाभके बारे में स्वअनुभूति प्राप्त की जा सकती है। यह एप्लीकेशन ध्यानजैसे जटिल विषय को सुगम बनाने की एक कालजयी रचना है।एप्लीकेशन का मूल उद्देश्य पाठकों को ध्यान की संपूर्णता से परिचितकराकर उनका सर्वांगीण विकास कराना है। जिससे उन्हें सुख, शांति, वैभवऔर आरोग्य प्राप्त हो सके। पुस्तक सरल, सहज और रोचक भाषा में पाठकोंको प्रभावित करनेवाली है।ध्यान की अनुभूति अत्यंत आनंददायक होती है। आपने आज के लिए अपना ध्यानसंपूर्ण कर लिया तथा इसके बारे में सोचकर प्रसन्न भी हैं,लेकिन क्या आपने संपूर्ण ध्यान अथवा कंप्लीट मेडिटेशन किया?क्या आप जानते हैं कि यह क्या है और इसे कैसे किया जाता है?इस ​एप्लीकेशन में आध्यात्मिक गुरु सरश्री ध्यान के इसी पहलू के बारेमें मार्गदर्शन करते हैं। इस ​एप्लीकेशन में निम्न बिंदुओं का समावेशहै:संपूर्ण ध्यान क्या है और इसे कैसे किया जाता है?संपूर्ण ध्यान क्यों करना चाहिए?सेल्फ ध्यान कैसे किया जाता है?ध्यान के अभ्यास के लिए पर्याप्त प्रशिक्षण कैसे प्राप्त करें?निद्रा और समाधि में क्या अंतर है?अपनी आँखों, कानों और जीभ को कैसे प्रशिक्षित करें?प्रार्थना से पहले प्रार्थना कैसे करें?Following versions of U R Meditation app available:1. Full Hindi and English –https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditation2. Light only English -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationenglishAbout AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree’s spiritual quest, which began during his childhood, ledhim on a journey through various schools of thought and meditationpractices. The overpowering desire to attain the truth made himrelinquish his teaching job. After a long period of contemplation,his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of the ultimatetruth. Sirshree says, “All paths that lead to the truth begindifferently, but end in the same way—with understanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to this understandingis enough to attain the truth.”To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan—aunique system for wisdom—that helps one to progress from self-helpto self-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and written overfifty books. His books have been translated in more than tenlanguages and published by leading publishers such as PenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree’s retreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachings haveinspired various social initiatives for raising globalconsciousness.The focus is usuallyconsidered to be a complex subject, but it is not. The thinking isthe result of our ignorance. Often, it is our habit, given that weare also blind. This focus is a major disruption. Level ofexperience and the benefits of using visiting Swanubhuti attentioncan be obtained. This application note to facilitate such a complexsubject is a classic composition. Readers familiar with the basic purpose of the application by thecompleteness of mind is to their overall development. Them joy,peace, prosperity and health to get. The book is simple, intuitiveand interesting language is affecting the readers.The sensation is very cheerful note. You now have all yourattention and are happy to think about it;But you have all the attention or Complete Meditation?Do you know what it is and how it is used?This aspect of the application of spiritual guide Srsri attention.The application consists of the following points:What is meditation and how it is perfect?Why should all the attention?How does self-care?How to get adequate training for the practice of meditation?What is the difference in sleep and meditation?Your eyes, ears and tongue how to train?How to pray the prayer before?Following versions of UR Meditation app available:1. Full Hindi and English -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditation2. Light only English -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationenglishAbout AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree's spiritual quest, which began during his childhood, ledhim on a journey through various schools of thought and meditationpractices. The overpowering desire to attain the truth made himrelinquish his teaching job. After a long period of contemplation,his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of the ultimatetruth. Sirshree says, "All paths that lead to the truth begindifferently, but end in the same way-with understanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to this understandingis enough to attain the truth. "To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan-aunique system for wisdom-that helps one to progress from self-helpto self-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and written overfifty books. His books have been translated in more than tenlanguages ​​and published by leading publishers such as PenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree's retreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachings haveinspired various social initiatives for raising globalconsciousness.
U R MEDITATION is a free (no ads) meditationapp by Tejgyan Global Foundation that helps you learn and practiceComplete Meditation in Hindi or English as taught by Sirshree.Never let your meditation practice incomplete again.Designed for both beginners and advanced meditators, the app helpsyou understand and be benefited from what true mediation is.Sirsrhee says, 'You are not supposed to do meditation. Justunderstand you are meditation." Practice complete meditation astaught in this app so that you can access the happy natural statewithin you throughout the day.Through the UR Meditation App:-- Understand what exactly is meditation-- Learn what is complete meditation-- Practice complete mediation for a short 20 minutes-- Dive deep into complete meditation for 40 minutes-- Join thousands of others in a World Peace Prayer-- Exercise choice of Hindi or English explanation and audio-- Discover the benefits of meditation-- Share on facebook or via email-- Know more about Sirshree, Tejgyan Global Foundation and itsmeditation and spiritual retreatsComplete meditation has the following benefits over othermeditation forms:1. Beyond Mental Yoga: Complete Meditation helps you go beyondconcentration and awareness practices.2. Access the Self: Complete Meditation helps the mind drop so thatconsciousness can manifest.3. Effortless Practice: Once mastered, complete mediation helps youpractice meditation in the marketplace, spirituality in the stockexchange, contemplation in the classroom and tranquility in thetheatre, thus making meditation an easy effortless practice. AsSirshree says, master meditation in a way that you are not supposedto do meditation. It is your nature. It is who you are.Know Yourself. Be Yourself. See Yourself.Happy Thoughts.Following versions of U R Meditation app available:1. Full only Hindi –https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationhindi2. Light only English -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationenglish
Get Happy Thoughts 1.0 APK
Welcome to Get Happy Thoughts. Theapplicationcontains mobile app version of the Get Happy Thoughtsmobilewebsite. The application takes you to the bookmarked mobilesitewww.gethappythoughts.orgIn application we do not save any usernames or passwords.Get Happy Thoughts is a site where you can read, listen,watchand also shop products authored by Sirshree in English,Hindi,Marathi and Polish.Sirshree is a spiritual maestro whose key teaching is that allpathsthat lead to truth begin differently but end in the sameway—withunderstanding. Listening to this understanding is enough.Sirshreehas delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenover fortybooks on spirituality and self-help. He is the founderof the TejGyan Foundation which disseminates a unique system ofwisdom fromself -help to self-realization.
Tumhe Jo Lage Achha, Wahi... 2.1 APK
तुम्हें जो लगे अच्छा, वही मेरी इच्छा - भक्तिनियामत* ‘तुम्हें जो लगे अच्छा, वही मेरी इच्छा’ केवल ये ७ शब्द आपकाजीवन बदल सकते हैं|* इन सात शब्दों में भक्ति का सार छिपा है| ये सात शब्द केवल शब्दनहीं बल्कि ऐसी प्रार्थना है, जिसे दोहराकर आप ईश्‍वर के करीब पहुँचसकते हैं|* इन सात शब्दों की प्रार्थना पर यदि आप विश्‍वास कर लें तो वह आपकेजीवन की हर समस्या को विलीन कर सकती है|* इन ७ शब्दों में बहुत शक्ति है| इनकी गहराई आपको यह एप्लिकेशनपढ़ते-पढ़ते समझ में आएगी|* इस एप्लिकेशन द्वारा ‘भक्ति’ इस विषय के अनूठे पहलुओं को आपके सामनेउजागर किया गया है|* इसमें आप भक्ति से जुड़े कई सवालों के जवाब प्राप्त कर सकतेहैं|* इस एप्लिकेशन में आप ‘भक्ति के सात स्तर’ यह प्रवचन भी सुन सकतेहैं|About AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree’s spiritual quest, which began during his childhood, ledhim on a journey through various schools of thought and meditationpractices. The overpowering desire to attain the truth made himrelinquish his teaching job. After a long period of contemplation,his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of the ultimatetruth. Sirshree says, “All paths that lead to the truth begindifferently, but end in the same way—with understanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to this understandingis enough to attain the truth.”To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan—aunique system for wisdom—that helps one to progress from self-helpto self-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenover fifty books. His books have been translated in more than tenlanguages and published by leading publishers such as PenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree’s retreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachings haveinspired various social initiatives for raising globalconsciousness.Whatever you feel good,that's my wish - a gift from Devotion* 'You were the best, that's my wish,' Only the 7 words canchange your life |* These seven words have hidden the essence of devotion | The SevenWords are only words, not a prayer, repeating that you can getcloser to God |* Prayer of these seven words, if you're confident it can dissolveevery problem in your life |* These 7 has a lot of power in words | The depth reading theapplication - it will read |* The app "devotion" of the unique aspects of this topic has beenrevealed to you |* There you can find answers to many questions involving devotional|* In this application you the seven levels of Devotion "can hearthis sermon |About AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree's spiritual quest, which began during his childhood,led him on a journey through various schools of thought andmeditation practices. The overpowering desire to attain the truthmade him relinquish his teaching job. After a long period ofcontemplation, his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of theultimate truth. Sirshree says, "All paths that lead to the truthbegin differently, but end in the same way-with understanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to this understandingis enough to attain the truth. "To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan-aunique system for wisdom-that helps one to progress from self-helpto self-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenover fifty books. His books have been translated in more than tenlanguages ​​and published by leading publishers such as PenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree's retreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachings haveinspired various social initiatives for raising globalconsciousness.
'U R MEDITATION - English' is a free (no ads)meditation app in English by Tejgyan Global Foundation that helpsyou learn and practice True Meditation as taught by Sirshree. Bringcompleteness to the practice of meditation throughunderstanding.Whether uninitiated or deep into the practice of Meditation, thisapp will assist both of you. Root Understanding is given on what istrue meditation. Sirshree says, "You do not have to meditate. Firstunderstand that you are meditation." Meditation is the means tostay in touch with your true nature throughout the day.In this module you will:-- Get clarity on what is true meditation-- Learn what is the practice of true meditation-- A 20 minute practice session-- A 40 minute practice session for a deeper dive-- Join thousands of others in the world peace prayer at the sametimeBenefits of Meditation:1. Beyond the Mind: True Meditation takes you beyond the mind tothe place where you are.2. Establish in the Self: True Meditation helps the mind drop itsfalse identity so that the Self can manifest.3. Practice without 'doing':On stabilised understanding, these things happen effortlessly -peace in the marketplace, poise in adversity, clarity in chaos,concentration in the classroom, inner stillness in pressuresituations, ease and spontaneity in work. Sirshree says, "Practicemeditation to reach and stabilise in your true nature."See, Know, Be Yourself.Happy Thoughts.Following versions of U R Meditation app available:1. Full Hindi and English –https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditation2. Light only Hindi -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationhindi
Voice of Happy Thoughts 1.5 APK
This application contains Dhyan , Pravachans, Tejgyan bhajans andYoga videos.
Wisdom Solutions 3.8 APK
Awaken to the fullness of your being through deeply transformativeexperiences.