1.0 / January 26, 2016
(4.1/5) (39)


For years, the art educator Rafael Sun ranitsproposals for toys in various newspapers. Always focusing onreuseand sustainability, games and objects were created usinghouseholdwaste such as plastic bottles, paper cartons and otherrubbish.This project came from a collection of toys, dolls,alternativemusical instruments, models, aim games, board games,recreationalobjects and even accessories like bracelets andnecklaces usingnewspaper. This work did not enter origami, but inthe future wewill make an application to this issue.

This app is a compilation of the Eco Toys. Collectionofapplications that bring També games retro style to makethefunniest joke. In this volume only bring revenue teach howtoinvent fantastic things using reusable materials.

If you're a teacher, this is one of the best apps foryou.Several tricks to make their less massante classes. Kids lovetodiscover the world, and give meanings. With this app you canlearnto make soundscapes with whistles, rattles and other toys thatmakesounds. If you like puppet shows, you learn to make severalpuppetsusing a wide range of materials. You will even learn how tomakehomes and buildings using milk cartons or juice.

If you are a parent, with this app your child will have dozensofdevices to choose from, and you create together. From toysinventedby the author, to antique toys, surveyed in the populartradition.There DIY designed for older children, others designedfor youngchildren. Learn what is the rhythm of your child and gettowork.

Inside the highlights of the collection have rockets,actionfigures, plus a host of percussion instruments that can beworkedmusic to children. Even those who do not like to recycle,starts tocome on this tour. All steps are illustrated by promotingeasyreading of the steps to be created. This also makes it themostuniversal application. Covering the entire globalcommunityconnected via smartphone.

Share this fashion and Enjoy the Fun our Recycling.

App Information Fun Recycling

  • App Name
    Fun Recycling
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 26, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
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  • Google Play Link

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Green Submarine 1.0 APK
Face enemies on land and sea, driveyoursubmarine by seas dominated by enemies.Arcade game inspired by the retro style games, withclassicalmechanics of the 80s until today's games Atari wasfascinated byits simplicity and fun.You are the commander of a defense unit and its mission istoclear the territory infested with patrols that seek to destroyyourregion.Eliminate towers that can destroy you with long-rangeshots.Kamikazes helicopters will try to shoot you. Dodge allenemies,especially the yellow boats.Stay tuned to fuel as it can end up if you do not pass onanaircraft carrier. The more points you have, the more chancetheenemy double in amount.There is a special weapon in the game: the triple shot. Butusesparingly because it subtracts 7 points each time you use.We inspire in the classic River Raid but invent our wayoftelling that old story. In our gameplay shooting is constantyoubasically controls dodges the path that narrows withappropriatefrequency to the amount of enemies that appear along theway.Good game.
Eco Toys 1 5 APK
In this volume, we present 10 recipeslearninghow to build puppets, and toys.This app is part of Fun Recycling Project - Eco Toys.Acollection of 9 volumes with recipes learning how to make toyswithreusable materials. Today we must learn to playwithoutconsumerism. Invent, create is much more fun.1- clown yogurt bottle caps of PET bottles.2- puppet of wine corks and wire having an old spongeassupport3- cardboard dedoche, finishing only uses ink if you prefer.4- puppet created with two bottles of yogurt5- doll created with yogurt cups6- miniature doll made of cork (wine opener) and toothpicks7- animal made with cork and toothpicks as the model 68-bird also created with sticks and caps to complete thecollectionof this series9- faces created with matchboxes and popsicle sticks10- doll created with barbecue sticks and wine corksThis volume 1 opens the series that also includesalternativemusical instruments,The first is a clown bottle of yogurt as head, and the bodywascreated using caps of plastic bottles. You can use elastictobecome more fun and can stretch and pull, but if you can not,youcan use a string. Toy very popular as it is created byartisansworking with reuse and recycling.The second is a dummy wine corks. Its members were madeofshielded wire, widely used by trade to seal rolls. To fix thedollon a shelf, we think of support in a used sponge. He is awarriorwho has a sword, but matchstick.The third is a classic dedoche or finger puppet. Cardboardandink used basically. You can create a cast of actors and stageapiece of puppet theater.In this volume we present rod puppets, glove, besides thefingerpuppets.The fourth proposal is to make a doll bottle ofyogurt.Especially the nose that brings a special mold. Hair is madeofwool but we can use other things like crumpled paper or scrapsoffabric.All these proposals can be used by teachers, parents,children,librarians, social workers and interested inrecycling.The fifth is a dummy model using two yogurt cups, formingashell, or better buccal cavity. We use adhesive tape on the necktosecure the two parties. Then just make the finish. Decoratetheface creating eyes, nose and mouth. The articulation of themouthmakes the most realistic dialogue.The sixth is a toy soldier sticks and corks basically theeighth(horse) and tenth (bird) also use this same technique, whichusethe tip of the toothpick to penetrate the soft flesh ofwinestopper. We can create a collection of characters. In the caseofthe horse, if the neck is large, would become a giraffe, shortlegsmay be a wolf or dog, creativity is who controls the game.The sixth toy are faces or frowns. Creatures madewithmatchboxes. The drawer is opened in order to look like theopenmouth. We fixed sticks back to be the support element.Createmultiple characters, invent a story and invite friends.The ninth project is a stick doll. With it we can turn the cordofarms accompany her movement, doing their dance. Again weusestopper which is longer present in this volume element.Handsbecause they were made with delicate shirt buttons.These proposal are a cheap joke, aimed at not consumerism. Itispossible to play and have fun without being tied to consumergoodssuch as expensive toys and manufactured.The toy element is a cultural as well as food and literature.Whatare the toys invented in your country? In your city? Inyourneighborhood? In your street? Take these ideas to your school and do these activities withyourcolleagues. Planet Earth thanks. Garbage turns toy isfunconscientiously.Enjoy the other volumes of Eco Toys!Key words related with this appupcycle, upcycling, ecofriendly, retrogaming, educationalapp,kidsapp, app for kids, apps 4 kids, apps for teachers, appsforparents, sustainable app, green app, sustainable apps, appforschool, teacher apps, learn toys, creating toys,reusablematerials, retro games, school apps, edtech
Fun Recycling 1.0 APK
For years, the art educator Rafael Sun ranitsproposals for toys in various newspapers. Always focusing onreuseand sustainability, games and objects were created usinghouseholdwaste such as plastic bottles, paper cartons and otherrubbish.This project came from a collection of toys, dolls,alternativemusical instruments, models, aim games, board games,recreationalobjects and even accessories like bracelets andnecklaces usingnewspaper. This work did not enter origami, but inthe future wewill make an application to this issue.This app is a compilation of the Eco Toys. Collectionofapplications that bring També games retro style to makethefunniest joke. In this volume only bring revenue teach howtoinvent fantastic things using reusable materials.If you're a teacher, this is one of the best apps foryou.Several tricks to make their less massante classes. Kids lovetodiscover the world, and give meanings. With this app you canlearnto make soundscapes with whistles, rattles and other toys thatmakesounds. If you like puppet shows, you learn to make severalpuppetsusing a wide range of materials. You will even learn how tomakehomes and buildings using milk cartons or juice.If you are a parent, with this app your child will have dozensofdevices to choose from, and you create together. From toysinventedby the author, to antique toys, surveyed in the populartradition.There DIY designed for older children, others designedfor youngchildren. Learn what is the rhythm of your child and gettowork.Inside the highlights of the collection have rockets,actionfigures, plus a host of percussion instruments that can beworkedmusic to children. Even those who do not like to recycle,starts tocome on this tour. All steps are illustrated by promotingeasyreading of the steps to be created. This also makes it themostuniversal application. Covering the entire globalcommunityconnected via smartphone.Share this fashion and Enjoy the Fun our Recycling.
Papiro Livro 1.0 APK
Livro digital de autoria do brasileiroRafaelSol. Uma aventura para estimular o gosto pela leitura nascrianças.Um aventura interativa para crianças de todas a idades.Recomendadopara pais lerem aos filhos, professores usarem em salade aula eescola recomendarem e trabalharem temas como gentileza,amizade,mediação de conflitos, generosidade, amor ao próximo, sendodecivilidade, princípio de cidadania, desapego e presençadeespírito.A história remete ao jogo Pedra, Papel e Tesoura, onde ascriançasmostram a mão aberta (papel), fechada (pedra) ou com doisdedos,indicador e anular (tesoura). Pela lógica pedra quebratesoura,tesoura corta papel, e papel embrulha pedra. É umabrincadeira quese popularizou no mundo todo, principalmente por serusada em jogoscom Alex Kidd, da Sega, para Master System.Inspirado neste mundo criamos uma narrativa onde cada objeto éumreino que povoam uma ilha e vivem em paz até que algo aconteceemuda os rumos das três nações. Não preciso dizer que o motivoestárelacionado à ganancia, falta de partlha ou generosidade,egoísmo,má distribuição, covardia, intolerância, característicasbem comunspara o surgimento de uma guerra ou conflito.O livro Papiro narra a história de um garoto, que busca a pazentreos povos onde ele habita. Três raças de povos vivem por muitoempaz, havendo respeito mútuo entre os mesmos. Até que algoacontecee balaça com a harmonia que existia em os três reis eseusreinos.Uma guerra é eminente, todos são chamados a pegarem nas armas.Noentando Papiro se arma com a espada do diálogo, cruzaterritóriosperigosos e inicia uma jornada na busca de restabelecera paz entreos povos Pedra, Papel e Tesoura. Ele que não passar deum merogaroto caderno do Reinos do Papéis, se coloca diante dedesafiosmuito perigosos para traz uma visão de mundo aparentementeclara,mas que os governantes não puderam enxergar em meio àtantaatividades, as vezes para um rei falta tempo parapensar.Palavras-chave que podemos associar à este aplicativo podemoscitar:aplicativo educativo, educacional, livro digital, livroinfantil,livro para crianças, livro para professores, livroescola, livrobrinquedo, brinquedo digital, leitura, app para ler,aplicativo paraler.Digital book authoredbyBrazilian Rafael Sol. An adventure to stimulate a love ofreadingin children. An interactive adventure for kids of allages.Recommended for parents to read to their children, teachersuse inthe classroom and recommend school and work issues suchaskindness, friendship, conflict mediation, generosity, loveforothers, and civility, citizenship principle, detachmentandpresence of mind.The story refers to the game Rock, Paper Scissors, wherechildrenshow an open hand (paper), closed (stone) or two fingers,index andring (scissors). Logically rock breaks scissors, scissorscutpaper, and paper wraps stone. It is a joke that becamepopularworldwide, mainly to be used in games with Alex Kidd, SegaMasterSystem.Inspired in this world we have created a narrative where eachobjectis a kingdom that populate an island and live in peaceuntilsomething happens and changes the course of the threenations.Needless to say that the reason is related to greed, lackofpartlha or generosity, selfishness, poor distribution,cowardice,intolerance and common features for the emergence of awar orconflict.The papyrus book tells the story of a boy who seeks peacebetweenpeoples where he dwells. Three races of people live for longinpeace, with mutual respect between them. Until somethinghappensand balaça with the harmony that existed in the three kingsandtheir kingdoms.A war is imminent, all are called to pick up the weapons. InentandoPapyrus is armed with the sword of dialogue, crossdangerousterritory and starts a journey in search of restoringpeace amongpeoples Rock, Paper, Scissors. He not spend a mere boyNotebookKingdoms papers, stands before very dangerous challengesto bring avision of seemingly clear world, but that the rulerscould not seethrough to such activities, sometimes for a kingmissing time tothink.Keywords that we can associate with this applicationinclude:education, educational software, digital book, children'sbook,children's book, book for teachers, book school, toy book,digitaltoy reading app to read application to read.
Conto Malazarte 1.0 APK
Pedro Malasartes ou Malazarte é umpersonagemtradicional da cultura portuguesa e da culturabrasileira.Segundo Câmara Cascudo "Pedro Malasartes é figura tradicionalnoscontos populares da Península Ibérica, como exemplo deburlãoinvencível, astucioso, cínico, inesgotável de expedientes edeenganos, sem escrúpulos e sem remorsos. A menção mais antigadopersonagem é na cantiga 9418 do Cancioneiro da Vaticana, datadodoséculo XIII e XIV.Na cultura popular[editar | editar código-fonte]Duas óperas brasileiras tem o personagem porprotagonista:Malazartes de Oscar Lorenzo Fernández e Graça Aranha,e PedroMalazarte, de Mozart Camargo Guarnieri e Mário deAndrade.O personagem chegou ao cinema em As Aventuras de PedroMalasartes,de 1960, com Mazzaropi no papel principal.O comediante brasileiro Renato Aragão honrou a influênciadopersonagem em seu trabalho encenando Didi Malasartes noprogramaRenato Aragão Especial em 1998.[3]A dupla caipíra Zé Tapera & Teodoro, criou uma cancçãochamadaPedro Malazarte.Pedro Malasartes também foi personagem da série infanto juvenilOSítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo, interpretado pelocomedianteCanarinho.A Cia. Circunstancia, grupos de circo-teatro de Belo Horizonte -MG,lançou em 2013 o espetáculo "De Mala às Artes - Um espetáculosobrePedro Malasartes " onde interpretam algumas histórias doPedroMalasartes, com direção do Rodrigo Robleño. Neste mesmo anoesteprojeto foi contemplado com o Prêmio Funarte Myriam Munizondepuderam excursionar pelo norte do Brasil.Roberto DaMatta, em seu livro Carnavais, malandros e heróis:parauma sociologia do dilema brasileiro, dedicou um capítulo(V),intitulado "Pedro Malasartes e os paradoxos da malandragem", aumaanálise a sua origem, a construção do mito e seu processocomomediador entre a honestidade e a vingança.Malandro, sábio e sedutor, Pedro Malasartes é um personagemfamosonos contos populares brasileiros. Chegou ao país na bagagemdehistórias trazidas pelos povos da península Ibérica (PortugaleEspanha). “Malasartes” vem do espanhol malas artes(literalmente,“artes más”), que significa “travessuras” ou, nolimite,“malandragens”.De origem humilde, o astuto herói popular é cheio deartimanhas.Consegue enganar todos os que cruzam o seu caminho.Sempre leva amelhor diante dos poderosos, avarentos, orgulhosos ouvaidosos. Emalguns contos, Malasartes aparece como um herói humildeque fazjustiça. Em outros, é só um malandro que tentasobreviver.Uma de suas peripécias conhecidas está no conto A sopa depedra.Várias versões diferentes existem dessa história. Numadelas,perambulando pelas cidades, Malasartes chega à casa de umavelhaavarenta que não queria dar o que comer ao rapaz faminto.Ele,então, prega uma peça na senhora avarenta, ao anunciar quesabepreparar uma sopa muito saborosa, feita só com uma pedra.Nos contos recolhidos pelos irmãos Grimm, há muitas peripéciasderapazes humildes, geralmente camponeses, que sabem tirarproveitode qualquer situação. Um alfaiate preguiçoso, por exemplo,consegueenganar uma princesa orgulhosa e acaba se casando com amoça. Emoutra história, um astuto camponês passa a perna aténodiabo.Esses malandros centenários continuam inspirando personagenscriadosnas últimas décadas. No Brasil, exemplo disso é o matutoJoão Grilo,que nasceu no Auto da compadecida (1955), uma históriaescrita peloparaibano Ariano Suassuna que virou uma interessanteminissérie natelevisão. Miserável, Grilo vive em Taperoá, nosertão da Paraíba, éinsubordinado e desafia todos aqueles queestão no poder.Malasartes, Nasrudin, João Grilo e outros são chamadosdeanti-heróis, repletos de falhas de caráter (preguiçosos,malandros,espertalhões). Eles são os protagonistas das histórias,mas nãocomo aqueles heróis bonzinhos que agem corretamente,esbanjandovirtudes como bondade e lealdade.Pedro MalasartesorMalazarte is a traditional character of Portuguese cultureandBrazilian culture.According Cascudo "Peter Malasartes is traditional figure infolktales of the Iberian Peninsula, as an example ofinvincibleswindler, cunning, cynical, endless ploys anddeception,unscrupulous and remorseless. The earliest mention of thecharacteris the song 9418 of songbook of the Vatican, dating fromthecentury XIII and XIV.In popular culture [edit | edit source]Two Brazilian operas has the character of protagonist:MalazartesOscar Lorenzo Fernandez and Graça Aranha and PedroMalazarte,Mozart Camargo Guarnieri and Mario de Andrade.The character came to the cinema in The Peter MalasartesAdventures,1960, with Mazzaropi in the lead role.The Brazilian comedian Renato Aragão honored the influenceofcharacter on his work in staging Didi Malasartes RenatoAragãoSpecial program in 1998. [3]The duo hick Zé Tapera & Teodoro, created a cancção calledPedroMalazarte.Pedro Malasartes was also character of Children and Youth seriesTheYellow Woodpecker Site, played by comedian Canarinho.Cia. CIRCUMSTANCES, of Belo Horizonte circus-theater groups -MG,launched in 2013 the show "Suitcase the Arts - A show aboutPeterMalasartes" which some interpret stories of PedroMalasartes,directed by Rodrigo Robleño. In the same year thisproject wasawarded the Prize Funarte Myriam Muniz where they wereable to tourthe north of Brazil.Roberto Da Matta, in his book Carnivals, rogues and heroes: forasociology of Brazilian dilemma, devoted a chapter (V),entitled"Peter Malasartes and the paradoxes of trickery," ananalysis oftheir origin, the construction of the myth and itsprocess as amediator between honesty and revenge.Trickster, wise and seductive, Peter Malasartes is afamouscharacter in Brazilian folk tales. We arrived in the countryin thebaggage stories brought by the peoples of the IberianPeninsula(Portugal and Spain). "Malasartes" comes from the Spanishbags arts(literally "poor art"), meaning "mischief" or, atleast,"foibles".From humble beginnings, the crafty folk hero is full of wiles.Youcan fool all who cross your path. It always takes the best onthepowerful, covetous, proud or conceited. In some tales,Malasartesappears as a humble hero who does justice. In others,it's just arascal who tries to survive.One of its known exploits is the story soup stone. Severaldifferentversions exist of this story. In one of them, roaming thecities,Malasartes comes to the house of an old miser who did notwant togive to the hungry boy. He then preaches a part in miserlylady,announcing that knows how to prepare a very tasty soup, onlymadewith one stone.In the tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, there aremanyadventures of humble guys, usually farmers, who can takeadvantageof any situation. A lazy tailor, for example, can fool aproudprincess and ends up marrying the girl. In another story, awilypeasant passes the leg to the devil.These centenarians rascals continue inspiring characters createdinrecent decades. In Brazil, example is the backwoodsman JohnGrilo,who was born in the Auto compassionately (1955), a storywritten byAriano Suassuna paraibano turned an interestingminiseries ontelevision. Miserable, Cricket lives in Taperoá, inthe backlandsof Paraiba, is insubordinate and challenges all thosewho are inpower.Malasartes, Nasrudin, John Cricket and others arecalledanti-heroes, full of character flaws (lazy rogues, rascals).Theyare the protagonists of the stories, but not like those goodguysheroes who act properly, lavishing virtues like kindnessandloyalty.
Índio Calendário 1.0 APK
O estilo de vida dos índios é bem diferentedoshomens urbanos. Neste aplicativo apresentamos um breve panoramadoque seria uma vida numa aldeira indígena. Há uma relaçãomuitoestreita com a natureza, com os animais e com o clima.Um convite à vermos o homem como parte e parcela do meio ambiente.Ohomem civilizado tem o poder de compra e acessa os serviços quebemdeseja. A carne está no açougue, o pão na padaria, a roupa naloja eo remédio na farmácia. Você tem o dinheiro, você tem oacesso.Numa vida na aldeia, você tem uma visão mais sutil do entorno etemque ter sabedoria para lidar com recursos à sua volta. Afarmáciaestá ao redor, na mata. A carne está em movimento, há queser caçarou pescar. O plantio de legumes e verduras garantem aalimentação,que varia de acordo com o tempo, a chuva determina afartura.Enquanto temos primavera, verão, outono e inverno. Nestecalendáriosocioambiental temos: tempo da brisa leve, tempo da voltaàs aulas,tempo das águas no Céu e na Terra, tempo de volta às aulase tempoda seca, do frio e do vento.Esta forma de pensar as estações do ano, mostra uma relaçãointima,onde por vezes a natureza se revela generosa, amiga, emoutrosmomentos se revela àspera, dura. E de acordo com a realidade,háuma adaptação para uma vida com mais fartura, ou maiorausteridade.Há hora certa para olhar para céu, e contar históriapara os maisjovens. Hora de fazer artesanato, hora de plantar ecolher. Hora decaçar e hora de espera os animais engordarem. Horade ficar maisquieto, juntos, pois o frio é grande. É há horas ondeo calor égrande e todos voltam às aulas onde contam coisas novasque viverame aprenderam.Uma vida onde se faz a farinha, o peixe é pescado, o certo é feitoàmão para guardar diversas coisas. Há muito respeito pelo quenarramos mais velhos. Na memória dos anciôes mora o que deve serpassadoàs gerações vindouras. Os mais jovens aprender sentados nabeira dafogueira, observando as estrelas, escutando histórias detemposimemriáveis.Há como saber o que se passa no mar, só pelo cheiro quechegatrazido pelo vento. Ou pelo desenho das constelações. Há horaparaproduzir artesanato para vender e ganhar algum caiambá, horadedivertir e jogar os jogos típicos.Este app traz uma nova versão do cotidiano, libertodoscondicionamentos de mercado, orientação ao consumo,materialismo,entre outras tendência do capitalismo. Uma vida secompartilha.Hoje eu pesco muitos peixes, logo eu dou um pouco aomeu vizinho.Amanhã é ele quem me dá uma parcela do seu comer. Umavida pautadano compartilhamento de excedentes, uma vida com amor,fraternidade,generosidade, onde a ganância e o egoísmo nãoencontramassento.Um exemplo a ser seguido. Algumas tribos dizem que o mundoacaboucom a chegada dos colonizadores portugueses, se o mundoacabou eeles ainda estão ai, eles são sobreviventes do fim domundo, issosignifica que os índios são os maiores exemplos quetemos sequisermos sobreviver ao fim do mundo que nos aguarda. Hojeháexcessão de poluição, de lixo, falta água, quando tem estásempeixe pois a água não está limpa.Devemos nos espelhar nos bons exemplos e o homem civilizadoestálonge de ser um bom modelo a ser seguido. Esta aplicação móveltemcomo objetivo sensibilizar as novas gerações sobre como sevivenuma aldeia, e como pode ser uma vida mais sustentável,menosorientada ao consumismo, mas sim em um consumoconsiente.Palavras-chave que podem ser associadas à este aplicativo são:indio, escola, vida, aldeia, estilo de vida, indígena, vidanocampo, vida na aldeia, tribo, aplicativo educativo,educacional,kidsapp, educational, app, ancestral, ambiental,natureza, natural,cacique, pajé, contos. lendas, mitos, histórias,poramduba, pataxó,xingú, tupi, guarani, tupiniquim, vilas boas,krenak, oca, curumim,tapuia, botocudos, pescaria, paulo freire,brincadeira, antiga,mata, floresta, mandioca, sementes, fazer,criar, selva, animais,meninos, meninas, famíliaThe lifestyle oftheIndians is quite different from urban men. In this applicationwepresent a brief overview of what would be a life in anindigenousAldeira. There is a very close relationship with nature,withanimals and the weather.An invitation to seeing man as part and parcel of theenvironment.Civilized man has the power to purchase and access theservices andwant. The flesh is in the butchers, bread at thebakery, clothingstore and in the medicine at the pharmacy. You havethe money, youhave access.In village life, you have a more nuanced view of thesurroundingsand have to have the wisdom to deal with resourcesaround them. Thepharmacy is around in the woods. The meat is inmotion, there is tobe hunting or fishing. The planting vegetablesensure power, whichvaries with time, rain determining theabundance.While we have spring, summer, autumn and winter. Inthisenvironmental calendar are: time light breeze, whiletheback-to-school time of the waters in heaven and on earth, timebackto class and time of drought, cold and wind.This way of thinking the seasons, shows a close relationship,whichsometimes nature is revealed generous, friendly, at othertimes isrevealed harshly, hard. And according to the reality, thereis anadaptation to a life with more wealth, or greater austerity.Thereis right time to look at the sky, and storytelling for theyoungerones. Time to make crafts, time to plant and harvest. Timeto huntand waiting time to fatten animals. Time to get quietertogetherbecause the cold is great. It's hours where the heat isgreat andall return to classes where they have new things thatlived andlearned.A life where it makes the flour, the fish is caught, the rightishandmade to keep several things. There are a lot of respectforwhat narrate older. In memory of the Ancients lives which mustbepassed to future generations. Younger learn sitting on the edgeofthe fire, watching the stars, listening to storiesimemriáveis​​times.No way of knowing what is happening at sea, only the smell thatgetsbrought by the wind. Or the design of the constellations.There istime to make handicrafts to sell and earn some caiambá,time to havefun and play typical games.This app brings a new version of daily life, free ofmarketconstraints, guidance consumption, materialism, among othersincapitalism. A life is shared. Today I fish a lot of fish, so Igivesome to my neighbor. Tomorrow he gives me a portion of youreating.A life based on sharing surpluses, a life of love,brotherhood,generosity, where greed and selfishness are notsitting.An example to be followed. Some tribes say the world ended withthearrival of Portuguese settlers, the world over and they arestillthere, they are survivors of the end of the world, this meansthatthe Indians are the greatest examples we have if we are tosurvivethe end of the world that awaits us. Today there areexception ofpollution, waste, lack water, when there is no fishbecause thewater is not clean.We must reflect on the good examples and civilized man is farfrombeing a good role model. This mobile application aims toraiseawareness of new generations about living in a village, andhow itcan be a more sustainable, less oriented to consumerism, butin aconsiente consumption.Keywords that can be associated with this application are:indio,school, life, village, lifestyle, indigenous, country life,life inthe village, tribe, educational, educational application,kidsapp,educational, app, ancestral, environmental , nature,natural,cacique, shaman, tales. legends, myths, stories, poramduba,pataxó,Xingu Tupi Guarani, hick, good villas, Krenak, hollow,curumim,tapuia, botocudos, fishing, Paulo Freire, joke, old, woods,forest,yucca, seeds, do, create, jungle, animals, boys,girls,family
Lendas da Amazônia 1.0 APK
App para crianças e professores reúneumacoleção de histórias sobre as Lendas da Amazônia. A florestadoAmazonas, além de sua riqueza natural. Traz uma infinidadedecontos indigenas que remetem à um Brasil criança.Este Brasil garoto é recheado de histórias fantásticas e é istoquetrazemos para o público neste aplicativo. Um brinque àsvelhashistórias narradas pelos pajés, guerreiros, caciques, epelosfolcloristas, pesquisadores e antropólofos que entraramBrasiladentro.Hoje temos muita informação rasteira quando o assuntoéfolclore.Logo pensamos no Saci ou na Mula sem Cabeça, no entanto temosmuitospersonagens que merecem destaque.Quando se busca combater hoje o Dia das Bruxas, ou HalloweennoBrasil, logo se fala: Hoje não é o Dia das Bruxas, mas sim o DiadoSaci.Demonstrando o falta de conhecimento do povo brasileiro comnossasraizes culturais. Falar do Saci é facil. É personagem deMonteiroLobato no famoso Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo.O Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo foi um marco na dramaturgia infantildosanos 70 e 80, popularizando personagens como Saci, a Cuca, abonecade pano Emília e o Visconde de Sabugosa, feito de espigademilho.Sempre demos muita visibilidade ao que é de fora como produçõesdefilmes estrangeiros, e nossa produção literária fica nasestantesdas bibliotecas. Este app é um grito de resistência paraincentivara nova produção a se levantar para uma artegenuinamentebrasileira.Temos uma das maiores e melhores culturas do mundo. Tanto namúsicacomo na literatura oral, na cerâmica entre outras facetascomonossos folguedos e improvisos.Compartilhe este recorte de nossa cultura popular.Nesta coleção trazemos os seguintes contos:Lenda do Açaí,Bicho Papão,Boitatá,Boto,Caipora,Capelobo,Cobra Grande,Curupira,Lenda do Guaraná,Iara,Lobisomem,Mapinguari,Matinta Pereira,Muiraquitã,Lenda da Mandioca,Mula sem Cabeça,Onça Maneta,Peixe Boi,Pirarucu,Saci Pererê,Vitória-Régia,Lenda do SolAlgumas palavras-chave que podemos associar ao aplicativopoderiasem:aplicativo, educativo, app, educacional, folclore, cultura,popular,para crianças, para profedores, educação, escolas, lendas,tribos,indigenas, mitos, rio, cachoeira, deusa, mato, índia,pajé,guerreiro, bicho, fantástico, educational, educacional.App for kids andteachersbrings together a collection of stories about the AmazonLegends.The Amazon forest, and its natural wealth. It brings amyriad ofindigenous stories that refer to a child Brazil.This kid Brazil is full of fantastic stories and this is whatwebring to the public on this application. A play to old storiestoldby shamans, warriors, chiefs, and the folklorists, researchersandantropólofos who entered into the Brazil.Today we have a lot of undergrowth information when it comestofolklore.Soon we think of Saci or Mula Headless, however we havemanycharacters that are worth mentioning.When seeking today to combat Halloween or Halloween in Brazil,soonspeaks: Today is not Halloween, but the Day of Saci.Demonstrating the lack of knowledge of the Brazilian people withourcultural roots. Speaking Saci is easy. It is characterMonteiroLobato in the famous Yellow Woodpecker Ranch.The Yellow Woodpecker Ranch was a milestone in children's dramaofthe 70s and 80s, popularizing characters such as Saci, Cuca,Emiliarag doll and Sabugosa Viscount, made from corn cob.Always got a lot of visibility to what is outside and foreignfilmproductions, and our literary production is on the shelvesoflibraries. This app is a resistance cry to encourage newproductionto rise to a genuinely Brazilian art.We have one of the biggest and best world cultures. Both inmusicand in oral literature, ceramics and other facets as our mirthandimprovisations.Share this cut of our popular culture.In this collection we bring the following stories:Legend of Acai,Boggart,Boitatá,Boto,Caipora,Capelobo,Big Snake,Curupira,Legend of Guarana,Iara,Werewolf,Mapinguari,Matinta Pereira,Muiraquitã,Legend of Cassava,Headless mule,Ounce Maneta,Peixe Boi,arapaima,Saci Pererê,Victoria Regia,Sun LegendSome keywords that we can associate with the applicationcouldnot:application, educational, app, educational, folklore,culture,popular, for children, for profedores, education, schools,legends,tribes, indigenous, myths, river, waterfall, goddess, bush,India,shaman, warrior, creature, fantastic,educational,educational.