1.0.1 / October 13, 2014
(5.0/5) (3)


EPC Capture is a mobile application which cancapture EPC events by scanning GS1-128 barcodes and send them to anEPCIS repository following the EPCGlobal v1.0 specification.

The GS1-128 barcodes are scanned by the device's camera andconverted to the EPC format. The following AI (ApplicationIdentifiers) are supported :

- SSCC (00) : Serial Shipping Container Code
- GTIN + SERIAL (01 + 21) : Global Trade Item Number + SerialNumber
- GRAI (8003) : Global returnable asset identifier
- GIAI (8004) : Global individual asset identifier

The EPC event that is sent to the server is enriched by the GPScoordinates of the scanning device so the objects can be tracked ona map. This map can be seen on the web site http://epc-tracker.it-optics.com.

At the moment this application should be considered as ademonstrator.

To use this application you have to create an account on :http://epc-tracker.it-optics.com/epcis-loc/registration

App Information EPC Mobile Capture

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EPC Mobile Capture 1.0.1 APK
EPC Capture is a mobile application which cancapture EPC events by scanning GS1-128 barcodes and send them to anEPCIS repository following the EPCGlobal v1.0 specification.The GS1-128 barcodes are scanned by the device's camera andconverted to the EPC format. The following AI (ApplicationIdentifiers) are supported :- SSCC (00) : Serial Shipping Container Code- GTIN + SERIAL (01 + 21) : Global Trade Item Number + SerialNumber- GRAI (8003) : Global returnable asset identifier- GIAI (8004) : Global individual asset identifierThe EPC event that is sent to the server is enriched by the GPScoordinates of the scanning device so the objects can be tracked ona map. This map can be seen on the web site http://epc-tracker.it-optics.com.At the moment this application should be considered as ademonstrator.To use this application you have to create an account on :http://epc-tracker.it-optics.com/epcis-loc/registration
Easy Case EPC 2.1.84 APK
Identification - Track &Trace of your reusable transport units
Magellan Authenticator 1.0.4 APK
Application permettant d'utiliser certainesfonctionnalités TFA avancées (Two Factor Authentication)disponibles au sein de la solution extranet Magellan, développéepar la société IT-OPTICS S.A.Les OTP (One Time Passwords) sont générés sur base de secretspartagés, associés à diverses variables selon l'algorithme utilisé.L'application se base sur les algorithmes suivants :* OATH/TOTP (Secret partagé associé au facteur temps)* OATH/HOTP (Secret partagé associé à un compteur)* OATH/OCRA (Secret partagé associé un algorithmeChallenge-Response dont le challenge est proposé à l'utilisateur autravers d'un QrCode, un compteur et un code PIN)Notes d'utilisation et informations relatives à l'application:* Les secrets partagés sont provisionnés au moyen deQrCodes.* L'application embarque son propre lecteur de codes QR basé surZbar* L'application est entièrement autonome et ne nécessite aucuneconnexion de données ou WiFi pour fonctionner.* La désinstallation de l'application engendre la suppression dessecrets partagés* L'application est gratuite et sans publicités.* L'application ne collecte aucune donnée ou statistiques.Application to use someadvanced (Two Factor Authentication) TFA features available in theMagellan extranet solution, developed by the company IT-OPTICSSAThe OTP (One Time Passwords) are generated based on shared secretsassociated with different variables depending on the algorithmused.The application is based on the following algorithms:* OATH / TOTP (shared secret associated with the timefactor)* OATH / HOTP (Shared Secret associated with a counter)* OATH / OCRA (Shared Secret associated algorithmChallenge-Response whose challenge is offered to the user through aQrCode, a counter and a PIN code)Notes and useful information on the application:* Shared secrets are provisioned through QRCodes.* The application embeds its own QR code reader based on Zbar* The application is fully autonomous and does not require any dataconnection or WiFi to work.* Uninstalling the application generates the removal of sharedsecrets* The application is free and without ads.* The application does not collect any data or statistics.