1.0.1 / July 17, 2012
(4.2/5) ()


A learning app for the parts of the ear.Whilea traditional match and memory type game, its true purpose istoteach the parts of the ear by matching tiles with the sameearpart. Read through and see our note at the bottom of this page.

Level One – Easy.
- Touch tiles to find paired picture tiles
- The tiles disappear when matched. When all tiles are gone,levelis done
- Each tile has name of the ear part on the tile
- A learning illustration is revealed behind the tiles as theyarematched
- The instruction screen before the level starts shows alltilespossible and their names

Level Two – Medium.
- Works like level one, but has 15 tiles to match and the scoreisharder to achieve

Level Three – Hard.
- Yes! This level is hard! Eighteen picture tiles match toeighteenname only tiles.
- The picture tiles have no names on them, the name tiles havenopictures on them.
- You will have to study the tiles and their names ontheinstruction screen for sure!

A word on this game; its focus is to teach ear anatomy in afunand challenging way. As such, the score that shows atthecompletion of each game level resets each time a new levelisstarted or restarted and there is no high score board. This isanindividual challenge. Get as many points as you can in shortastime as possible, but learn the parts of the ear too! You can gotoany level at any time, but we suggest a little practice isinorder! Completing level three really depends on learning thenamesof each part. Or knowing them already…

The iEducate Ear Match app makes learning the parts of theearfun, but not necessarily easy! Best experience will be on alargerscreen device, such as a tablet

App Information Ear Match

Blue Tree Publishing, Inc. Show More...

Vocal Folds ID 1.5 APK
The Vocal Folds ID app helps studentsandpatients learn and professionals teach vocal fold anatomy.Clearfull color image and animation show the vocal folds, vocalfoldsmuscles, cut larynx view and zoom vocal folds views. Includesanormal vocal fold video.• Structure ID for the vocal folds, vocal folds muscles,cutlarynx view and zoom vocal folds views. As each part istouched,the part highlights and the part name and description textchanges.Description text shows or hides on demand.◦ Vocal Folds - 13 parts◦ Vocal Folds Muscles - 10 parts◦ Zoom Vocal Folds - 6 parts◦ Vocal Folds - Cut Larynx View - 16 parts• Animations for the vocal folds, vocal folds muscles, cutlarynxview and zoom vocal folds views.• Video: a stroboscope of a 29 year female vocal fold withfullsound.• Two finger zoom and pan of all animations and StructureIDpages.• Drawing Whiteboard feature:◦ Drawing: freeform lines in red, blue, green or black hue.◦ Draw and place text directly on active animation and video.◦ Text: 36pt, auto wrap, non-movable in red, blue, green orblackhue.◦ Screenshot whiteboard direct to Photos App for easy emailandprinting.• Best viewed on a tablet size screenThe Vocal Folds ID app makes learning the inner ear easy andfun.See example screen shots below. Get the app today!
Aspiration APK
The Aspiration app helps students and patientslearn and professionals teach aspiration swallowing disorders. Theapp features normal, aspiration, silent and penetration/coughviews. Animated anatomical illustrations, key disorder highlightand a video for each view help patients and students learn.•Key disorder highlights for aspiration, silent and penetrationviews.• Normal Structure ID view: 23 parts.• Animations for aspiration, silent and penetration and normalviews.•MBS and FEES video for each disorder and for normal swallowing.Start and stop button for each video.•Two finger zoom and pan of all animations and keyhighlights/structure ID pages.• Drawing Whiteboard feature ◦ Drawing: freeform lines in red,blue, green or black hue.◦Draw and place text directly on active animation and video.◦Text: 36pt, auto wrap, non-movable in red, blue, green or blackhue.◦Eraser: touch and rub lines and text on whiteboard to erase.◦Trash: one tap deletes all whiteboard lines and text.◦Screenshot whiteboard direct to default photos viewing app foreasy email and printing.The Aspiration app makes learning swallowing disorders easy. Seeexample screen shots. Get the app today!
Swallowing Residue 1.2 APK
The Swallowing Residue app helps studentsandpatients learn and professionals teach residueswallowingdisorders. The app features normal, vallecular,pyriform,pharyngeal and delay views. Animated anatomicalillustrations, keydisorder highlight and a video for each view helppatients andstudents learn. This app is designed for tablet sizedscreens andwill only load to devices with screens 5" and larger.- Key disorder highlight, animation and video foreachvallecular, pyriform, pharyngeal and delay views.- Structure ID, animation, MBS and FEES video fornormalview.- MBS and FEES video for each disorder.- Zoom and pan all animations and highlights.- All zoom and pan views include an easy reset button.The Swallowing Residue app makes learning swallowing disorderseasy.See example screen shots below. Get the app today!
Pathway Tract ID 1.1 APK
The Pathway Tract ID app covers normal brainpathway and tracts through animations and structure id. StructureID is designed to teach anatomy structure in two ways; touch theparts and see the names highlight or touch the name to see the parthighlight. The detailed text is hidden or viewed at the touch of abutton. All views include a drawing whiteboard feature for easyanointment, screen prints direct to photo app to save and email outor printing.Pathway: structure ID - cortices, brainstem, cerebellum,thalamus and thalamus interrelation views. Animations - auditionlisten and balance, speech communication and corticobulbar,vision,sensation and movement views..Tracts: structure ID - audition listen and balance, speechcommunication and corticobulbar, vision, sensation trigeminal,dorsal column and spinothalamic, movement rubrospinal,reticulopinal, tectospinal and corticospinal views. Animations -audition environment, speech and balance, speech communication andcorticobulbar, vision, sensation trigeminal, fasciculus cuneatus,fasciculus gracilis, spinothalamic lateral and anterior, movementrubrospinal, reticulospinal, tectospinal, corticospinal lateral andventral views.Two finger pan, zoom and rotation of all views, with easy resetbutton.Drawing Whiteboard feature: Drawing: freeform lines in red,blue, green or black hue. Draw and place text directly on allviews. Screenshot whiteboard direct to photo app for easy email outand printing.
Cerebrum ID APK
The Cerebrum ID app covers normal cerebrum id.The app includes lateral, inferior and superior aspects in bothexternal and internal views, as applicable. External: landmarks,structures, cortices, Brodmann’s, lobes and blood views. Internal:landmarks, structures, cortices, Brodmann’s, limbic and ventriclesviews. Coronal: section view. Designed to teach cerebrum structurein two ways; touch the parts and see the names highlight or touchthe name to see the part highlight. The detailed text is hidden orviewed at the touch of a button. All views include a drawingwhiteboard feature for easy anointment, screen prints direct tophoto app to save and email out or printing.• External ID: landmarks, structures, cortices, Brodmann’s,lobes and blood views.• Internal ID: landmarks, structures, cortices, Brodmann’s,limbic and ventricles views.• Coronal ID: section view.• Two finger pan and zoom of all views, with easy resetbutton.• Drawing Whiteboard feature: Drawing: freeform lines in red,blue, green or black hue.• Draw and place text directly on all views.• Text: 36pt, auto wrap, non-movable in red, blue, green orblack hue.• Eraser: touch and rub lines and text on whiteboard toerase.• Trash: one tap deletes all whiteboard lines and text.• Screenshot whiteboard direct to photo app for easy email outand printing.• Android minimum 2.2, designed for 4.1+. Best viewingexperience on tablet devices.The Cerebrum ID app makes learning the cerebrum easy. Seeexample screen shots. Get the app today!
Ear Match 1.0.1 APK
A learning app for the parts of the ear.Whilea traditional match and memory type game, its true purpose istoteach the parts of the ear by matching tiles with the sameearpart. Read through and see our note at the bottom of this page.Level One – Easy.- Touch tiles to find paired picture tiles- The tiles disappear when matched. When all tiles are gone,levelis done- Each tile has name of the ear part on the tile- A learning illustration is revealed behind the tiles as theyarematched- The instruction screen before the level starts shows alltilespossible and their namesLevel Two – Medium.- Works like level one, but has 15 tiles to match and the scoreisharder to achieveLevel Three – Hard.- Yes! This level is hard! Eighteen picture tiles match toeighteenname only tiles.- The picture tiles have no names on them, the name tiles havenopictures on them.- You will have to study the tiles and their names ontheinstruction screen for sure!A word on this game; its focus is to teach ear anatomy in afunand challenging way. As such, the score that shows atthecompletion of each game level resets each time a new levelisstarted or restarted and there is no high score board. This isanindividual challenge. Get as many points as you can in shortastime as possible, but learn the parts of the ear too! You can gotoany level at any time, but we suggest a little practice isinorder! Completing level three really depends on learning thenamesof each part. Or knowing them already…The iEducate Ear Match app makes learning the parts of theearfun, but not necessarily easy! Best experience will be on alargerscreen device, such as a tablet
Inner Ear ID 1.4 APK
The Inner Ear ID app helps students andpatients learn and professionals teach ear anatomy. Clear fullcolor images and animations show the labyrinth and traveling wave,cochlea section and sliced view and organ of corti one turn anddetailed view.• Structure ID for the labyrinth and traveling wave, cochleaangled and sliced view and organ of corti one turn and detailedview. As each part is touched, the part highlights and the partname and description text changes. Description text shows or hideson demand.- Labyrinth - 10 parts- Traveling wave - 10 parts- Cochlea angled view - 5 parts- Cochlea sliced view - 5 parts- Organ of corti one turn view - 7 parts- Organ of corti detailed view - 19 parts• Animations for the labyrinth and traveling wave, cochleaangled and sliced view and organ of corti one turn and detailedview.• Two finger zoom and pan of all animations and structure IDpages.• Drawing Whiteboard feature:- Drawing: freeform lines in red, blue, green or black hue.- Draw and text directly on active animation and video.- Text: 36pt, auto wrap, non-movable in red, blue, green orblack hue.- Eraser: touch and rub lines and text on whiteboard toerase.- Trash: one tap deletes all whiteboard lines and text.- Screenshot whiteboard direct to Photos App for easy email andprinting.• Best viewed on tablet devices
Sound ID 1.3 APK
The Sound ID app helps students andpatientslearn and professionals teach about the sound levels ofdailynoise. Taken from our best selling Daily Noise LP Poster, theappgraphically shows the different dB levels of the sounds heardineveryday life. Best experience will be on a larger screendevice,such as a tablet.•Drag and drop from a row of pictures on the left totheircorrect level on the sound thermometer.•To aid in placement, a row of X's on either side ofthethermometer help mark the proper spots.•As the pictures are touched, the title text changes to thetheirname and typical dB level.•Not sure where to place the parts? A hint button revealingmoretext is a touch away.•Once completed, the full text appears to complete thelearningaid. Click the reset button to start again.The Sound ID app makes learning the sound levels of dailynoiseeasy and fun.