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덕성여자대학교 부속유치원은 1984년에 설립되었습니다. 덕성여자대학교 부속유치원은
유아의 교육과 함께 유치원 교원 양성을 위한 교육실습 기관으로의 역할을 하며
선진 유아교육기관으로서 상호작용 이론에 기초한 유아교육과정을 구현하는 구체적인
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모든 발달의 기초가 형성되는 시기에 있는 만 3,4,5세 유아를 위해 최적의 학습환경을 제공합니다.

두번째, 실증된 학습방법으로 최대의 교육효과를 달성합니다.
유아교육학자들에 의해 그 효과가 실증된 교수-학습방법을 적용하여 최대의 유아교육을 합니다.

세번째, 실증에 맞는 이상적 유아교육의 실현을 목표로 합니다.
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네번째, 유아교육 전문가 양성을 위한 교육 및 환경을 제공합니다.
분석적이며 종합적으로 사고하고, 다문화적 가치를 이해하고 포용하며, 조화롭고 건강한 가치관과
인격을 지닌 유아교육 전문가 양성을 위한 교육 및 보육 실습 환경을 제공하고자 합니다.

덕성여자대학교 부속유치원은 아름다운 교육의 장입니다.
덕성여자대학교 부속유치원은 신나게 놀이하는 유아들의 뜰입니다.
덕성여자대학교 부속유치원은 즐겁게 교육하는 유치원 선생님의 마당입니다.
덕성여자대학교 부속유치원은 믿음직하고 다정한 학부모님들의 울타리입니다.

본 유치원은 모든 발달의 기초가 형성되는 시기의 유아를 위하여 최적의 학습 환경을 제공하며,
사회의 실정에 맞는 이상적인 유아교육을 실현하여 유아의 전인적 성장을 돕고 민주 시민으로서의
자질을 길러주는 것을 목표로 덕성여자대학교 부속유치원 교직원은 최선을 다하여 교육에 임하고

기관명 : 덕성여대부속유치원
주소 : 서울특별시 도봉구 삼양로144길 33 덕성여자대학교 부속유치원
홈페이지 : http://dskinder.or.kr/
전화번호 : 02-995-0611

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사진 업로드의 경우 단말기의 종류에 따라 업로드가 되지 않는 단말기도 있습니다.

키드팍 앱 고객지원실 : 1661-9106
홈페이지 : http://www.kid-park.com


Parts Woman's University virtues kindergarten was established in1984. National University virtuous woman Kindergarten
And the role of educational institutions for the practice of earlychildhood education and kindergarten teacher trainingtogether
As a leading early childhood education institutions to implementspecific early childhood curriculum based on interactiontheory
Dissemination practices and audacity came to contribute greatly tothe development of early childhood education in Korea.

First, to provide an optimal learning environment.
Only in the period that formed the basis for the development of all3, 4 and 5 year olds provides an optimal learning environment.

Second, to achieve the maximum effect of education demonstratehow learning.
The effect was demonstrated early childhood education scholarProfessor by - learning how to apply the maximum of early childhoodeducation.

Third, aim the realization of an ideal early childhood educationfor your demonstration.
Through research and observation, aiming to meet the situationsilpyeon ideal early childhood education in Korea.

Fourth, to provide early childhood education and environmentaleducation for professional development.
Is a comprehensive and analytical thinking, and understanding andthe cultural values ​​and embracing, harmonious and healthy values​​and
For early childhood education experts with a person you want toprovide education and care practice environment.

Parts Woman's University virtues preschool education is part ofthe beautiful.
National University virtuous woman is a garden of children tokindergarten is exciting play.
Kindergarten is a fun accessory Womans University virtues yard ofkindergarten teacher education.
National University virtuous woman is a kindergarten fencetrustworthy and loving parents.

The kindergarten provides an optimal learning environment forthe child's development when the basic form of all,
To realize the ideal situation of early childhood educationcommunity to help meet the holistic growth of children asdemocratic citizens
Virtuous woman that aims to raise the quality kindergarten NationalUniversity faculty as best work on education

Organization: University virtues attached kindergarten
Address: 144 Road, Seoul National University Dobong Samyang 33virtues girl kindergarten
Homepage: http://dskinder.or.kr/
Phone Number: 02-995-0611

Site Map
1. Introduction to Kindergarten
Greetings / kindergarten History / Status kindergarten / teacher Us/ kindergarten yeongumul / Location / English
2. The preschool environment
Indoor environmental / outdoor environment
3. Course
Educational Programs / day / training activities / featuredactivities / Events
4. Our anti-news
Chick half / half-rabbit / half-giraffe / elephant / half sarangban/ Kindergarten photo albums
5. Leader News
Notice / Visitor / kindergarten committee / education links
6. Parents space
Parent Education Resources / Training Instruction / lunchonly
7. Admission
Admissions / Admissions / educational guidance

* 100% linked apps: You are registered on the website content,posts, images, and photo content from your app in conjunction withthe 100% available through the app in real time.
* Push notification messages sent automatically: Home to postphotos, videos, you can receive automatic notifications when a newregistration. You can receive only board you want to select, andthe entire notice can also be sent.
* Broadcasting: you can watch the video in the app, and, in thecase of downloadable videos can be downloaded and watched in theWiFi area without a network connection. (Data can be generated ifthe license fee is not a WiFi area when watching movies.)
* Posts, Photos Registration: In a writing board and possibleregistration and photo album by taking articles directly from theapp to be registered immediately.
* SNS works: post content can be shared by logging in to Twitter,Facebook account.

Please note that data charges may be levied on operators and thecontract if the plan is not a WiFi area of ​​the video data.
Video content can be speed difference depending on the region andnetwork environment (WiFi, 3G, 4G).
There are also devices that are not in accordance with the type ofthe mobile terminal when the upload of the upload pictures.

Kidd Park app Customer Support: 1661-9106
Homepage: http://www.kid-park.com