寶群科技 Apps

理周二代健保試算 1.0
倫元投顧 1.2
倫元證券投資顧問股份有限公司1.經營理念對自己忠誠、對客戶忠誠、對公司忠誠,服務自己、服務客戶、為公司服務,自身正派行事、正派處理客戶事務、正派執行公司業務,永續規劃自己的工作、以永續心態服務客戶、以永續心態在公司發展。團隊向心力=責任心+榮譽心+同理心2.我們的優勢:投顧界的金字招牌(牌子老信用好)健全的財務結構完整的公司架構Lun Yuan SecuritiesInvestment Consulting Co., Ltd.1 business ideasFor their loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to the company, service theircustomer service for the company's services, its decent acting,decent handling customer transactions, decent execute the company'sbusiness, sustainable plan their work to sustainable mindsetcustomer service, mentality to sustainable development of thecompany.Team cohesion = heart + responsibility + honor empathy2 Our advantages:Investment consulting industry flagship (credit good oldbrand)Sound financial structureComplete corporate structure
理周投顧 1.0
為客戶創造財富、讓員工發揮長才、讓公司在投資理財的專業領域中大展鴻圖,同時為國家、為社會盡一己之力,期望藉由投資理財的方式,達到讓台灣的每個人民都能夠享有財富自由、理財島的偉大理想!For customers to createwealth, so that employees play long before, so that's great successin the areas of expertise in finance and investment,At the same time the state and the community to do their part,expect by way of finance and investment,Reach the people of Taiwan so that each can enjoy the great idealfinancial freedom, financial Island!
華信投顧 1.1
成立於民國七十九年,成立初期之股東為中央投資公司、光華投資公司與景德投資公司三家法人機構,八十年起因應國際化趨勢,為民間企業與一般投資大眾提供海外投資管理與投資顧問服務,八十六年起因應國內理財市場需求,增加國內投資諮詢業務,期以發展成為國際性資產投資諮詢公司為目標。華信投顧目前提供國內與國外共同基金投資諮詢服務,並提供客戶全權委託投資管理,並定期出版國內外各市場狀況評析,以提供投資人決策參考。本公司投資建議的產生,除由本公司研究人員自行研究提供外,國內投資市場部份,本公司尚與國內相關金融投資機構密切配合,隨時掌握市場動態,確保投資最高收益。國外市場部份,則分別與國際知名的摩根史坦利資產管理公司、德盛集團、KGI凱基投信、國泰投信、新光投信、兆豐國際投信、寶富期信合作,獲取海外市場訊息與評析,對本公司投資建議形成頗具貢獻。Founded in 1990, theestablishment of the initial shareholders of the central investmentcompanies, investment companies and Jingde Guanghua three legalinstitutions and investment companies, eight years should cause theinternational trend, providing overseas investment management andinvestment for private companies and the general public investmentadvisory services, 86 years should cause the domestic financialmarket demand and increase domestic investment advisory business,period to develop into an international asset investment advisoryfirm as the goal.Watson investment adviser currently offers domestic and foreignmutual fund investment advisory services, and to providediscretionary investment management clients, and regularlypublishes Comment various market conditions at home and abroad, toprovide investor decision-making. The company generated investmentadvice, in addition to researchers from the company to provide itsown research, the domestic part of the investment market, thecompany is still associated with the domestic financial andinvestment institutions cooperate closely, keep abreast of markettrends, to ensure the highest investment returns. Most foreignmarkets, respectively, Allianz Group, KGI KGI Securities InvestmentTrust, Cathay Securities Investment Trust, Shin Kong InvestmentTrust, Mega International Investment Trust, rich treasure of trustand cooperation with the internationally renowned Morgan StanleyAsset Management Company, to obtain overseas market information andAnalysis of the Company's investment proposal to form aconsiderable contribution.
萬通國際投顧 0.0.1
先買再賣 先賣再買多方空方 皆是贏方萬通國際 為您把關創造財富 遠離風險專業服務為客戶創造價值Professional service and create value for clients.萬通國際 創造財富的達人最新的台股盤勢頂尖線上分析師教學投資經驗分享建議與理財諮詢等...First buy and then selltobuy to sellThe short side are all multi-party winWantong international checks for youThe creation of wealth away from riskProfessional services to create value for customersProfessional service and create value for clients.Wantong international wealth creation DarenThe latest TAIEX plate potentialAnalysts top online teachingInvestment Experience SharingAdvice and financial management consulting ...
贏家日報 1.0
『贏家日報』是理周集團旗下的最新股市投資商品。為因應更多變更快速的年代,2012年《理周集團》網羅各多財經高手及證券分析師,研發更精準更即時獲利的日報,為讀者提供第一手專業財經報導。2012年10月1日正式上架年度新品【贏家日報】,週一至週五(股市開盤日)每晚7點提供,內容涵蓋:1.全球財經解析。2.產業解析。3.今日盤勢分析。4.股市動向。5.贏家財報與風險爆爆。6.分析師專欄。7.名家產業專欄。8.火線強股9.新股快報 等等精彩內容。所謂「投資賺錢,何須花大錢入會員。」,贏家日報隨時為您提供『快速』『精準』『專業』的投資資訊;在不斷變化的世事中,不變的是我們對於專業財經報導的堅持。
理財周刊 1.0.1
華信投顧 1.0.1
新APP上線華信證券投資顧問股份有限公司成立於民國七十九年,成立初期之股東為中央投資公司、光華投資公司與景德投資公司三家法人機構,八十年起因應國際化趨勢,為民間企業與一般投資大眾提供海外投資管理與投資顧問服務,八十六年起因應國內理財市場需求,增加國內投資諮詢業務,期以發展成為國際性資產投資諮詢公司為目標。華信投顧目前提供國內與國外共同基金投資諮詢服務,並提供客戶全權委託投資管理,並定期出版國內外各市場狀況評析,以提供投資人決策參考。本公司投資建議的產生,除由本公司研究人員自行研究提供外,國內投資市場部份,本公司尚與國內相關金融投資機構密切配合,隨時掌握市場動態,確保投資最高收益。國外市場部份,則分別與國際知名的摩根史坦利資產管理公司、德盛集團、KGI凱基投信、國泰投信、新光投信、兆豐國際投信、寶富期信合作,獲取海外市場訊息與評析,對本公司投資建議形成頗具貢獻。The new on-line APPHua Securities Investment Advisory Co., Ltd.Founded In 1990, the establishment of the initial shareholdersofthe central investment company, investment company Guanghuathreeinvestment companies and corporate bodies Jingde 80 yearsshouldcause the international trend, to provide investmentmanagement andforeign private sector investment and the generalpublic investmentadvisory services, should be the cause of 86years of domesticfinancial market demand, increased domesticinvestment advisorybusiness, to develop into an internationalassets of investmentconsulting companies in goal.Watson investment adviser currently offers domestic andforeignmutual fund investment advisory services, and toprovidediscretionary investment management clients, and theregularpublication of all domestic and international marketsituationassessment, to provide investor decision-making. TheCompany'sinvestment recommendations produced by the company inaddition toits own research to provide researchers, the majority ofdomesticinvestment market, the company is still associated withdomesticfinancial and investment institutions cooperate closely,keepabreast of market trends, to ensure the highest investmentreturns.Most foreign markets, respectively, Dresdner Group, KGIKGISecurities Investment Trust, Cathay Securities InvestmentTrust,Shinkong Investment Trust, Mega International InvestmentTrust, therich treasure of trust and cooperation with theinternationallyrenowned Morgan Stanley Asset Management, obtainoverseas marketinformation and Comments on the company'sconsiderable contributionto the formation of investment advice.
驫風報 1.0